HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-08-30, Page 3'Thursday, August Mb, 190 PA E TITRE
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Go After More Milk.
The •ShuroGain Way
For high milk Production, cows need plenty of protein, calcium and phosphor-
ous, They need a feed they enjoy eating so they won't go off their feed.
Instead of feeding them on roughages and grains alone, which do not provide
sufficient of the balancing ingredients, see that they get a feed that is properly
balanced, and will supply them with sufficient of these body-building, health
maintaining, and milk-producing proteins, minerals and vitamins that they need
in large quantities.
Feed them on SHUR-GAIN 16% Dairy Ration, and watch their health improve,
and their milk flow increase. You'll get that extra two or three thousand
pounds of milk per year that your cows are capable of producing, and you'll
keep health standards high into the bargain. Resolve today to change over to
this highiefficiency cattle feed, made fresh for highest palatability and feeding
Shur-Gain Dairy. Ration
Made and Sold by —
•••••••121•••••• I .•••••••
, 4
The shortage of food in liberated Europe is desperate. Meat is one of the
most critical needs.
As a great food-producing nation, Canada must, can—and will—help to
meet this emergency.
That is why slaughtering has been placed under strict control.
That is why ration coupons will soon be used again by Canadians to buy meat.
There is only one objective:—To reduce meat consumption in Canada in
order to provide direct aid for the hungry peoples of Europe.
Slaughter Control
Farmers who slaughter'meat for their own or
their farmer neighbor's use are required to sub-
mit monthly reports (Form RB-61) and to sur-
render coupons for the meat they use and sell.
Any excess of meat over the farmer's or his
neighbor's needs may be sold only to the holder
of a regular slaughter permit.
The minimum amount which a farmer may sell
to such a permit holder is one quarter of beef or
half a hog carcass. Sheep, lambs or calves
slaughtered by a farmer for his own or his
neighbor's use may not be sold into the meat
Locker Operators
Under the meat. rationing regulations, locker
operators are required to submit a list of their
patrons to the nearest Ration Branch Office.
A supply of Consumer Declaration forms is
being forwarded to each locker operator who
will, in turn, distribute them to his patrons. The
patron is responsible for completing the form
and filing it with the Ration Branch Office.
Consumers must surrender coupons for all
meat held in lockers over and above 4 lbs. for
each person in the household at a rate of 2 lbs.
per coupon. However, no more than 50% of
the "M" coupons in the ration books of the
consumer and his household need be surrendered.
Amount of Ration will be roughly 2 lbs.
(carcass weight) per person, per week.
Rationed Meats. All cooked, canned, fancy
and "red" meats.
Unrationed Meats—beef brain, head, tail,
blood, tripe; calf brain, head; pork brain,
head, tall, pigfeet, spare ribs; lamb brain,
head, tail, fries; poultry, game and fish
(canned or fresh).
Coupons--brown "M" coupons in Ration Book
No. 5. One coupon will become valid each
Coupon Values- Oroup "A", 1 lb. per
coupon;, Group "B", 1 Yz lbs. per coupon;
Group "C", 2 lbs. per coupon; Group "D",
VA lbs. per coupon; Group "E", 3 lbs. per
Tokens. Tokens, eight of which are equivalent
tootle coupon, will be used as coupon change.
Farmers must turn in to their Local Ration
Boards a coupon for each 4 lbs. of meat
(carcass weight) they use in their households
from their own slaughterings. So that they
may buy other meats from their butchers, no
more than one-half of the valid coupons in
the hands of the farmer and his household
need be surrendered. Farmers Who sell meat
to a neighbour farmer must collect coupons
at the rate of 4 lbs. (carcass weight) per
Is your assurance of a fair share;
Is a protection against -waste::: shortages ; :2 inflation:
That it why farmers are asked to continue to collect and turn ht coupons to their Local Ration
Boards—Once a month'--in the R13.61 envelope.
Ontario Crime Wave
Three robberies at New Dundee in
the Kitchener area and assault-rob-
beries in Toronto and .Sudbury were
reported in Ontario's current crime
wave while investigation continued of
three slayings which occurred within
10 days at Windsor, There were no
further developments in the search for
three hooded and armed men who on
Thursday staged a daring daylight
• robbery of the Bank of Montreal
branch at Blenheim, 12 miles south of
Chatham. Search concentrated in
Windsor following discovery there of
the automobile believed used by the
holdup men,
New Truck Rationing Order
Ottawa,—Munitions Minister Howe
announced a new truck rationing order
under which dealers in new trucks
will be allowed to distribute them on
the basis of priority certificates issued
by tire rationing officers. Effective
September, 1, the new order replaces
the system in effect since 1942 under
which purchasers were required to ap-
ply directly to the motor vehicle con-
troller here for permits to buy new
Russians Freed 1670 P. 0. W. .
London, — The, Red Army has
freed 1,670 Allied war prisoners, in-
cluding 28 generals, "in the area of
Mukden," and has extended its grip
on Korea, Manchuria and Sakhalin
Islands, the Moscow communique said.
Lt.-Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright,
hero. of Corregidor, has been held at
Sian, 100 miles northeast of Mukden,
Your best
Running water under pressure speeds farm production—the
need for running water in your home and farm building is
greater than ever today.
Your investment in a
you will never regret— saves Time and Labour
everywhere used.,
New Duro ?tulips are available in greater quantities today, but shortages.
of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce ,
enough to meet the demand. All Duro
Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to
purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B.
For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry.
Visit your Unica Dealer for available
Macharg Bros.
Strvico from nny branch
London Hamilton 'Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver
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Omemai lomaisas l l 1 . llll M!1. 1.011.1 l 11 l 11 1111119,ifiliccolif 1411.11111.1c111111011111111."
and an American plane is standing by
at Mukden to bring him to Chungking,'
Price Controls to Stay -
Ottawa, ,-- Premature removal of
price controls in. Canada would invite
chaos such as followed other wars,
Finance Minister Ilsley said in a joint
broadcast with Donald Gordon, Prices
Board chairman. Mr. Ilsley confirm-
ea that meat rationing will go into
effect "soon" and said sugar and butter
rationing will continue because there
is not enough to go round under un-
restricted .distribution. .
UNRRA Asks More Funds
London, — The council of the Unit-
ed Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration voted unanimously to
ask for a second levy of one per cent
of each member country's income for
the fiscal year ended June 30, 1943--
which would mean a United States
contribution of $1,320,000,000,
Liquor Boost in September Aim
Toronto, — W, G. Webster, Ontario
liquor commissioner, said "we are try-
ing our best to get an increase in the
liquor ration for September" and added
that an announcement will be made
soon. Speculation that the present 26-
ounce monthly, ration might be increas-
ed to two or three bottles a month is
"quite too optimistic," the commission-
er said.
War Wives Come in Large Numbers
Ottawa, — The statistical division
of the immigration branch issued its
semi-annual index showing a total of
1$,718 new residents, entered Canada
from all countries during the six
months ended June 30, a figure which.
eclipsed last year's entire entry of 9,-
040, and, an increase of 214 per cent
over the first .six months of 1944, A
good number were dependents of
Japs Prepare for MacArthur Entry
Manila, — Japan's vast armies were
disarming at home and abroad ahead
of occupation of the homeland, which
Gen. MacArthur disclosed would be-
gin with airborne landings 18 miles
from the heart of Tokyo.
101...•••••••• 41.111.
Britain Ratifies San Francisco Charter
London, ---?Great Britain ratified the
United Nations charter despite blunt
statements in Parliament that it was
not strong enough to maintain peace
while the atom bomb remained an
Anglo-American secret. Some speak-
ers urged that the secret be shared im-
mediately with Russia,
Bennett Says Empire Policy Needed
Saint John, N.B., — A united empire
calls for a common foreign policy and
Canada can remain a member of the
British Commonwealth of Nations
only as long as a common foreign
policy is maintained, Viscount Bennett
declared in an address at a Canadian
Club luncheon.
To Take Action in China Crisis
New York, The New York Times
in a Washington dispatch said that
the United States, Great Britain and
Russia would undertake joint political
action to halt an incipient civil war in
Soldier Labor Plan Dropped
Ottawa,—Defence headquarters an-
party through the trying years of the
post-war period. Hon. Angus Mac-
Donald is prominently mentioned for
this post.
Russians Landed On
Kurile Islands
London, — Russian airborne troops
landed in the Kurile Islands west of
the Aleutians in an unexpected sky-
jump, while other parachutists reoc-
cupied the historic Pacific ports of
Dairen and Port Arthur — 40 years
after Russia' lost'them to Japan.
Russians Capture Henry Pu-Yi
London, — Henry Puri, hapless
39-year-old puppet emperor of the
Japanese-created State of Manchukuo
(Manchuria) has been captured by
Russian armies and has been interned,
the Russian radio said.
Anti-freeze Restrictions Removed
Ottawa,—Munitions Minister Howe
announced the removal of all restric-
tions on the manufacture, distribution
and use of ethylene glycol and other
types of anti-freeze.
Allied Fleet in Sagami Bay
Manila, — A great Allied fleet of
more than 380 ships rode deep in Sag-
ami Bay, 30 miles south of Tokyo, and
planes patrolled Japan's skies prepar-
atory to Tuesday's first airborne land-
ings. Gen. MacArthur, ready to land
Thursday in the first wave of an oc-
cupation army expected to swell to
a half million men inside six mouths,
simultaneously announced that United
States troops would occupy the south-
ern half of Korea—long ruled by Jap-
anese overlords. Aboard the United
States cruiser Missiouri, the surrender
papers will be signed Sunday next.
Russian-Chinese Treaty
Chungking, — The Chinese Govern-
ment announced the terms of an his-
toric, 30-year Russian-Chinese friend-
ship treaty binding Russia to give aid
to China solely through the Chungking
Government — to the exclusion of the
Northern China Communist regime —
and providing for complete Russian
recognition of Chinese sovereignity in
Manchuria. The pact was viewed here
as likely to effect a peaceful settle-
ment of Chungking-Chinese Commun-
ist differences which had threatened
civil war.
A Column For Service People
By Williant Stephenson
A couple of weeks ago we put out
a list of terms which are used day
after day by rehabilitation officials, to
describe what is being dote for re-
turning veterans. The definitiOns of
these terms were as simple as we
could make them, Several readers
have written in asking that this series
be continued, so here goes;
Vocational Training
Although many veterans wilt be able
to get back on their feet in civil life
with only the knowledge and skill they
already possess many others will need
refresher courses to renew skills which
have become rusty. Others will need
training for new trades and vocations,
If the Veterans' Affairs officials de-
tide that a veteran's re-establishment
will be directly assisted by training,
and the veteran himself is adapted for
the proposed course, they will anther-
he training for hint either in a school
or "on the job", In the former case
any fees are paid and he receives an
pounced the practice of detailing sot-
,diers. to jobs in work of national im-
portance 'now has been suspended, a),
though soldier labor still will be avail-
able on a "strictly voluntary basis" for
essential industries suffering acute
manpower shortages.,
Britain. to Receive Hong Kong
London,--Prime Minister Atlee told
a cheering House of Commons that
"arrangements are being made for the
Japanese surrender in Hong Kong to.
be accepted by a British force com-
1,000,000 To Surrender to Chinese
Chungking, -- More than 1,000,000
Japanese troops are to be surrendered
to the forces of Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek, it was disclosed, 'coincident
with a report that the Communists in
North and Central 'China bad "gath-
ered their strength for an all-out of-
Canada Has Big Food Job
Ottawa, — Dr. G, S. H. Barton,
deputy minister of agriculture, in a
statement issued said that even if
farmers market their less desirable and
off-grade cattle earlier than usual
Canada will not be able to achieve her
current undertaking through the Com-
bined Food Board in supplying meat
to the United Kingdom and liberated
Nova Scotia Premier to Resign
Halifax, — Hon. A. S. MacMillan,
74-year-old premier of Nova Scotia
announced he will shortly resign from
leadership of the Nova Scotia Liberal
party, to be followed by his resigna-
tion as premier in favor of the selec-
tion of a younger leader to guide the
appropriate maintenance grant under
the Post Discharge Re-establishment
Order. If training is "on the job" he
is placed with a company working in
the field he has chosen and training
is carried on under contractual ar-
rangement. In this case he is treated
as a normal employee and receives a
salary direct from the employer, but
part of that salary is a grant from the
government. As his knowledge and
skill increases the employer pays a
greater portion of his salary until his
training is completed, at which time
he becomes a full fledged' employee.
Training is usually limited to a year
but can be extended if necessary.
University Training
If the veteran interrupted his edu-
cation to enlist or if university train-
ing will directly assist him to re-
establish himself, such training may
be authorized on the )basis of a month
in university for each month of serv-
ice, providing of course that he can
obtain admittance to university. In
exceptional cases where the veteran
shows outstanding ability an addition-
al period may be authorized beyond
the period covered by his service. All
fees for such training are paid and an
appropriate maintenance grant is
authorized for himself and his depend-
ents. Normally university training
must be taken in Canada.
Awaiting Return Benefitv--
Are available to veterans who, go
into business or farming on their own
account, during the initial period while
they are awaiting returns from their
enterprises. The grants are up to $50
per month for a single person and up
to $70 for a man and his wife with
allowances for dependents, It is really'
a living allowance to enable the vet-
eran to support his family while wait:-
ing for crops to mature or a business
to establish itself.
(If you have a problem, drop us a
line at Wartime Information Board,
For the distinction and modern note
employed by Dominion Stores Limited
in the preparation of its 1944 Annual
Report, this company was given a
"Highest Merit Award" citation in this%
year's annual survey of stockho?d'er.
annual reports, by the "Financial!
World" of New York.
This citation appeared in a recent
issue of the "Financial World" certi,
Lying that the Company's 1944 finarr..w
cial statement was judged as "among•
the most modern from the standpoint
of content, typography and format of
the annual reports examined during;