The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-08-30, Page 1BLOOD DONOR CLINIC ORANGE DECORATION
gloat bbauroc"
111111 single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and. Wroxeter News.
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th„ 1945 $osgdoonv pm Per Yale
We Extend A Hearty Welcome To 3264 Donations of Blood Were Sent Address Was Given By Rev. J. N. H. 'LABOR DAY FROLIC Firemen Made Quick Run To Save 139 Attended the 23rd and Last. Clinic Mr. and M rs. Ralph .Seddon 59 yeaxs, These Returning Veterans From Here to Headquarters Norton Barn Married Friday, But Will Celebrate
Midnight Dance - Expert Softball .
Wingham's.„23rd and last. Red Cross The Event Saturday The number from this community The story of Wingham and District Wingham Loyal Orange Lodge No.
Amateur Contest - Floor Show A prompt call to the Wingham Fire Stood Donor Clinic was held on Wed-
*rriving home from overseas during Red Cross Mobile Blood Donor Clinic '794, held their annual decoration serv- Bands - Games Will' Be Out- Brigade 4out 1 p,m„ Tuesday after- nesday morning last week with 139 On behalf of the people of this cot-la- the past week 'was not as great as is of an achievement as the.local clinic ice at Wingham Cemetery Sunday standing Features noon paid big dividends for Mrs. John attending. Many donors received but- munity we extend congratulations to the
during the past few weeks. To those had a splendid record, a record to afternoon. The members met at the Hunter, 2nd concession of Morris, as tons for third, sixth and tenth dona- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seddon, Mc-
who did come back we extend a which the district can be justly proud. lodge room and proceeded from there Plans for the best Lions Frolic the firemen were out there in time to tions. Frank Johnston of Wingham Dermid street, who will on Saturday sincere welcome. There were 23 clinics held here and to the cemetery, ever held here are now complete andp the fire before much damage was was presented with a pin and certifi- this week, celebrate their Golden Wed-,
Bdr. Franklin D. Pickell Wingham had the honour of being the Wor. Bro. Wm. Magee conducted large crowds should be on hand Labor sdtoone. cate for twenty donations. . ding anniversary. Their wedding day first place in this district to establish the service and the address was given
Mrs. T. W, Pickell was in Toronto Day to enjoy the great program which Ligtning hit the barn on the south- Nine married couples were in at actually falls on Friday, August 31st,,
last 'week to meet her son, Bdr. a Mobile Blood Donor Clinic. The by Rev. J. N. H. Norton; pastor of has been arranged, . west corner and it was noticed by tendance: Mr. and Mrs. James Seli, but in order that all the family may
Franklin D. Pickell, who arrived at Leonard James who lives on the high- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Welsh, Mr. and first clinic was held here on Novem- Wingham Baptist Church. The scrip- TheNew Floor at the, arena will pro- be home for the celebration the event
'the Exhibition grounds Friday morn- ber 24th, 1942, and it was sponsored ture lesson was read by Bro. Mark vide smooth dancing. It is the largest way close by. He ran over to the Mrs. Alwyn French, Mr, and Mrs. will be marked the day following.
ing having returned from overseas on by the local Red Cross and the Wing- Gardner. and most modern floor in this district, Hunter farm and informed them that Harry Gerrie, all of Wingharn; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Seddon were married
-the hospital ship Lady Nelson. Frank- ham . Lions Club. Sixty-four men at- The service was held at the Orange in fact as good as you will find any- the barn was afire and a call was and Mrs. Harold Procter, Mr. and, at Leigh, Lancashire, England, and
lin ' was taken ill on February 14th tended this clinic. . Women were not mound and four bouquets of flowers where. Two dances will be held, the placed at once for the firemen. The Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mr. and Mrs. twenty-five years ago they came to,
with phlebitis and has been a patient accepted until the fourth clinic, June were deposited in memory of the Midnight dance and then again Labor booster tank was put into operation Fred Crump, all of Belgrave; Mr. and Canada making Wingham their home..
in hospital since that time. He is 9th, 1943, but at the third clinic, Mrs. Young Britons, members who were Day evening. ' CKNX Ambassadors with success, Mrs. Harry Elliott of Bluevale, Mr. Until five years ago when he retired,
-now a patient at Chorley Park, To- J. W. McKibbon,.then president of the laid to rest in other cemeteries, for will play for the midnight dance, and There was nothing in the barn at and Mrs. Stanley Snell of Lucknow. Mr. Seddon was employed by the
local Red Cross Society, and Mrs. Iris those who were buried locally and for Western Foundry Company. Tonto. So far he has not been allowed rankie Banks will furnish the music the place where it was it, but the other The clinic was in charge of Mrs.
Morrey, superintendent of Wingham the Lady True Blues. side' of the barn was filled with hay. Wilma Cooper of Toronto and the Mr. Seddon prior to coming to Can- to use his limbs but he is hopeful of General Hospital, gave donations. The
for the evening dancing4,
ada was for thirty-five years employed getting home on a leave in the near first men to donate were Dr, G. H. Purchased House on Diagonal Road Simpson's team, Canadian Ladies
Outstanding Afternoon Program
Redmond of Wingham; McCallum of in the coal mines, He is 73 years of
doctors present were: Connell and
is so, -
future. Friends here hope that this Ross, Wm. G. Hamilton, Archie Mr, A. Garrett has purchased the Softball champions, With their star Friends of Dr. John S. Chisholm of
Former Resident Ill
Teeswater; Hodd of Blyth. Donors• age and enjoys a good measure of
Peebles. Simpson house on Diagonal Road and were present from Wingham 63, Bine- health. Mrs. Seddon is 75 years of Franklin enlisted for a service - it is of interest to note that at the will get possession the first of .Sep- pitcher, Ivy Capsey, a former London Prince Albert ,Sask., and formerly, of vale 10, Blyth 11, Brussels 9, Belgrave age and we are sorry to say has not when the 99th Battery w aiveace in final clinic held last week eleven of tember.
girl, will play a Toronto Major League Patrick St., Wingham, will regret to
10, Auburn 6, 'Wroxeter 5, White- enjoyed good health for the past six 'September 1941. He did not go over- the donors at the first clinic were pies-
team at 3.15 at the park. This game learn that he is not enjoying good
church 5, Lucknow 4, Teeswater 3, years, not being able to walk down
-next month, September 1943, and then
seas with the unit but followed the eat. They are Garnet Farrier, Thos. Engagement Announcement with many outstanding players will be health. Following a serious operation
Gorrie 3, Belmore 2, Mildmay 2, Clif- town during this time, She does man- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Smith an- a thriller, in April, at the Mayo Clinic, Roches-
Currie, James Seli, W. H. French, H. ford 2. age to go about the home with the rejoined the battery. He went with nounce the engagement of their The afternoon program gets under ter, Minn., U.S.A., he is not progres-
V. Pym, George H. Scott, Orville Mr. Howard L. Sherbondy kindly aid of a cane however. About a year 'them to Normandy on D-Day and con- daughter, Alma Leone, to Mr. Ross A. way with a Soap Box Derby at 1,30 sing as his friends would wish.
Welsh, George Hetherington, Alf ,ago she fell in the house and fractured A p.m. The derby will start at the donated orangeade for this clinic, tinued with them through France, Be!- Jamieson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Principal at Claremont Lockridge, J. Harley Crawford and Standpipe and the kiddies are all ex- LIST OF DONORS a bone in her shoulder arid on June glum, Holland and into Germany and Dr. W. M. Connell. Jamieson of Whitechurch. The mar- Mr. A. J. H. MacDonald, former 24th this year she fell and broke her cited about it. Prizes are 1st, $5.00; First Donations: --then in February went to hospital. The establishment of a Mobile riage to take place in September. wrist. The cast was removed two 2nd, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00; 4th, $1.00. Sergeant in the R.C,A,F., has accepted Wingham - Mrs. Elizabeth Camp- Blood Clinic here has proved to be a
weeks ago. She is looking forward The big parade to the park will the principalship of the public school Flt. Sgt. N. F. Boyle bell.
were set up in the nearby towns of HOSPITAL BLDG. FUND Donald and two children have been Whitechurch-Mrs. Jas. Wilson, meeting her family and friends on Sat- bec
worthwhile venture. Later on clinics leave Jack Reavie's at 2 p.m. and will at Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- with great expectation however to When the Samaria docked at Que-
be headed by the Kitchener-Waterlog Monday evening, on board was a Second Donations:
:member of the R.C.A.F. who is a Wingham district continued to include DRIVE TO START SOON Cadet Band and the Wingham Citi- Wingham-David Crompton. Lucknow, Teeswater and Brussels. residing in Brantford since early in urday.
zens' Band. Prizes for the parade are: June and prior to that resided on Vic- They have three sons, Frank of graduate of Wingham High School.
Best decorated boy and pet, $3.00, toria Street, here. Bluevale-Wildo Breckenridge, Bluevale, Belgrave, Blyth, Wroxeter, Wingham, Ernest of Windsor, and
Gorrie, Whitechurch. Those In Town Who Have Not Yet Brussels-Mrs. J. M. Coulees.
B.S.M. Wilfred on the A and T staff
He is Flt. Sgt. N. F. Boyle, son of
$2.00, $1.00; Best decorated boy and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boyle of St. Fire At The Dump Mildmay-Isabel Darling. The average attendance for the 23 Subscribed Are Asked to at the armouries here. Augustine. After leaving school here vehicle, $3.00, $2.00, $1.00; Best decor- The fire brigade had two calls to Third Donations: clinics was 150 which is believed to Contribute $4,500 Norman was on the staff at Sky Har- ated girl and pet, $3.00, $2.00, $1.00; the town dump near the Fox Ranch Wingharn-Alma Smith, Mrs. Harry be a record for Western Ontario. The 'bor, Goderich, until he enlisted at To- clinic here on August 2, 1944, set a All Should Get Behind This Great Best decorated girl and doll carriage, on Thursday. The first was in the RED CROSS EXTENDS ronto in November, 1942. After his $3.00, $2.00, $1.00; Open-Best Comic afternoon and the smoldering rubbish Towne,
Biyti Carlclare Bennett.
McGowan. local record with an attendance of 242. Community Project :preliminary training he graduated as a outfit, $2.00, $1,00; Best Comic Pair, was apparently soaked sufficiently to
Donations of blood sent to headquart- Auburn--Irene Robinson.
'bombadier at Charlottetown, P.E.I. $2.00, $1.00; Best National Costume, stop any fire. But about 10 p.m, they ers totalled 3264, 2201 were from men At a meeting of the Wingham Hos- $2.00, $1.00. had to go back and were two hours
Whitechurch-Jack Morrison.
He went overseas early in August, and 1063 from women. pital Board and the Building Finance The K-W Band will give a demon-
Wroxeter-Mac. Newton.
The total enrollment since the in- Committee held on Monday night, it stration at the park prior to the ball
Belgrave-Bill Manning, Mrs. Fred 1944, on the job before they could leave. Thanks Expressed For Co-operation
BINGO! ' BINGO! men and 348 women, These figures campaign for funds with a drive to Evening Entertainment INSTITUTE HELD A binson.
Lucknow-Stanley Snell, Chas. ROa a'4,'': .
,AA-. a The Wingharri
: . . -rnr 746 i
included 64 married couples and two start Tuesday, Septethber 11th and There will be fun and entertainment Belmore-Mrs, N. 5, Hunkin. and the committee in charge' of the
Received at Clinics ception of this service was 943, 595 was decided to wind up the local game.
Red *Cross Society
which is held every Saturday night in
Good prizes at the Legion Bingo
have a large enrollment as ;the local
pairs of twins, It was necessary to which will be completed in two weeks
time. , The Bands will parade to the arena at
for all at the arena in the evening. SPLENDID. MEETING Fourth Donations:
Wingham-Mrs. John Walker, Geo. er
Mobiles Blood
11e I
t :11:1aorinkosr t litnhice:e wishw .1no
.the Town Hall, These games are be- clinic was held every five weeks and Up to the present 200 local citizens 7,15 and at 8 o'clock there will be an any manner assisted with the success- 7
this necessitated a big list of donors. have donated to this project $20,000 Kerr, Jean Webber, Alf. Lockridge. coming more popular each week, so Paper On Plastics Given By Amateur Hour. All contestants have ful operation of tine clinics which were .come along and join in the fun. The Many who were on the list moved and the objective set for those who Mrs. J. Walpole Blyth-Ida McGowan.
been auditioned, After the amateur held here. Special mention is made. Legion needs and deserves your sup- from the district. Many others gave have not yet subscribed is $4,500, Belgrave - Mae Coulter, Fred
port, All proceeds 'are for" Legion subscribe show dancing on the new floor and the of the doctors and nurses, also the of-
-purposes. Help the Legion get ready tinue. A great many signified their this amatint and every home and per- men's Institute held their monthly Crump, Whitechurch-Wallace Conn. one donation and were unable to con- There are 300 families left to subscribe The Wingham branch of the Wo- games will hold sway until the floor fice staff and those in charge of the show is staged at 11 o'clock. This
willingness to donate but not everyone son in town will be given an oppor- meeting on Friday, the 24th. The Brussels -Mrs. Stewart Procter, 'for the boys when they return home.lunch, all of whom had their special I will be a highlight of the evening as
is physically able to donate blood, The tunity to assist in this enterprise.resident opened the meeting in the Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Bert Pease. work at every clinic; the members of this program is by Bern Conway's the Lions Club who were responsible Engagement Announcement usual manner and after the brisk burl- Mildmay-Joyce Darling. co-operation of' the public in general The town has been organized in Biggest Little Show in Canada. This
was excellent, wards for the drive and you are asked Lucknow-Mrs. Stanley Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Cenclair Phippen, ness period the excellent program, for the setting up of the clinic beds,
'Wingham, Ontario, wish to announce will be a highly entertaining floor Fifth Donations: screens, tables, etc.; the Hospital The clinic record is held by Frank to consider this matter very carefully under the capable arrangement of Mrs.
,the engagement of their daughter, JOhnston of Wingham 'who gave 20 and then give generously-. tance to see.
show and is well worth coming a dis-
under way.
Walpole and Mrs. Laidlaw, was gotten Wingham - Beatrice Vallad, Isabel Board 1 1 wiio loaned equipment; the..
Mildred Arletta, to -Charles Edird donations and was thus awarded a gold Some wino have already subscribed, The draw for the lucky number pro-
Ross, W. H. Ridley, Robt. Hall, Mrs. Town Council who provided the
pin and a certificate. Two women tied now that much more money is requir- grams will be held at the same time
Orval Habkirk. McDougall, son of Mr., and Mrs. C. H. The Institute is greatly indebted to rooms, heated and ready; the Women's
'McDougall, 222 Raymond Avenue, for top honors, Mrs. James Seli of ed, have raised the amount of their about 11 o'clock and there are three those who so often give of their time Bluevale-Alfred Agar. Institute for dishes, tables, etc.; the
Wingham, and Mrs. J. C. iMcBurney subscriptions and the committee would $5.00 War Savings Certificates for the and talents to provide the branch Blyth-Mrs, Frank Bainton. London, Ontario. The wedding will Battery and the Legion for equipment;
of Belgrave, each giving 12 times. 70 welcome such action by any who can holders of the lucky programs. with entertainment. Mrs. W. B. Mc- Belgrave-Mrs. Garner Nicholson, -take place in Central Baptist Church,the Wingham Advance-Times and
London, September 15th, at three see their way clear to do so. Some Cool sang two lovely solos, "Who Sixth Donations: Radio Station CKNX for their splen- donors gave 10 or more donations and The games and dance will take over o'clock. received gold buttons, 243 have silver have doubled or trebled their original once again, They tell us that the Knows" and "Smiling Thru", with Wingham - Ken Saxton, Howard did publicity; the Stratford Bottling
Fuller, Hugh Carmichael, Mae Mc-
Leslie Mae Wall at the piano. Two Co. for coco-cola supplied to many
buttons for 6 donations, and 507 contribution.
bronze buttons for 3 donations. When our hospital is completed and
All work in connection with all equipped the sum of .$100,000 will the new floor at the arena,
dance fans can hardly Will t to get on
Meet and greet your friends at the new contributors
; Norman and Willis Walpole salt well two duets, "Bell Burney, Douglas Manning, Mrs, Harry
Gerrie, Leone Deans,
Whitechurch-Olive Terriff.
of jam, butter, etc. to the clinics, and
clinics; all those who brought gifts
TO WALKERTON TEAM one receiving any renimieration for the for a community such as ours, but with
clinics Was on a voluntary basis, no have Yeen spent. This is a major task Lions Club Frolic here on Labor Day, Bottom Trotisers" and "Down on the
Farm". Mrs. Mowbray of White (Continued on page four) freely, many making sacrifices in bad
to the donors, who gave their blood.
$76,600 now subscribed the board and services they rendered. There were . ' =1,ea,,, chinch interspersed the program with weather to keep their appointments.
Walkerton Advance In Softball Play certain necessary expenses such as committee are certain that the public Held Afternoon Tea DANCE. AT ROYAL T The lawn at the home of Mrs'. ,t, A, ,. much enjoyed readings.
postage, food etc. These financial ob- will not let them down but will sub- Mr, and Mrs. George Haller have- Down By Winning Two Games The roll call "When and where I
In Succession scribe the. full amount prior to the Fox was the scene of a lovely after, returned from a vacation at Wiarten4
noon tea on Tuesday afternoon last would like to Spend my vacation" was Every Wednesday flight to Elliott
N ligations were assumed by the Lions
group the local softball team met a members of the Women's Missionary LaidlaW1 read by Mrs. DuVal. She 50 rents,
Carrnth er's Orchestral, Admission
completion of the building. But to do the laapiration for the paper by Mrs,,, . Club for the first two years and lat-. week, The tea was sponsored by the After successfully winning their terly by the Red Cross. this each and every citizen will have
Society of the United Church. stated we SO often go afield for pleas- Midnight Dance at 12.06 Sunday, Practically all clinics were in char to do their utmost.
downs, Walkerton turned the tables
on the Wingham lads in two straight ToPonto, who was most competent and helpful. All clinics were held in the most modern building of its kind in
Wingham and district will have the communities ,
cati provide much for all Sept, 2nd at the Royal T with Car-
snage in the first round of the play- of Mrs. Wilma cooper, technician., of When this building is, completed ures when by looking about our own
ages. Trips through our local indus- ruther's orchestra. Admission 50 cents.
-they continued their winning ways and stances. Trophy' at Meter' showings each evening, 7.30 and' 00
council chambers- which was supplied Western Ontario, w building that was tries were also mentioned as ideal Two Shows Mon., Tues..; Wed. WINNINII*10
The first game played in Walkerton free of charge by the Town' tonne" sorely needed' and which. will' afford worthwhile sources of e'ntertairiment 'National Velvet" starring Mickey
on Friday evening the lads from the greater+ comfort for our skit• and sup- SEVERAL TOURNEyS and instruction for ourselves and any Rooney and Jackie Jenkins" at the
On Coast to Coast Broadcast ply the staff andi doctors. with every Lyceum Monday, Tuesday and Wed- jail town won by the score of 10 to 5. guests.. Mrs. Walpole added to tlie
At the ,park here on Monday evening
facility possible under local circum- Wally Mill'er' arid; Lorne. Webb. 'Won! nesday, next week, will haver two A half hour service will be broad-paper. by telling of the idea which
originated in the Institute for the cast from the United Church here at were on the top of an 18 to 5 Score.
It might lie Well at this time to p.M. 2.30 parr:, on Sunday, September 9th,splendid project being handled in
When Walkerton went to bat in the over, a coast to coast hook-up of the again emphasize' that) this. hospital }tar Four pairs from here took part in Wia.rton in the interests of all the - s, .....
fifth, the game was all tied up 8 all, Canadian! Broadcasting Corporation. always operated without profit to any the annual doubles at Exeter on Wed- young people, ARENA'HOLDING'
but not so when they finished their This is a great honour for the church individual or gronp, andithat any ftinde nesday last week. Wally Miller "and The convenor of Agriculture and OPENING 'DANCE half of the innings as the lads from which were surnItts at any time. were' Lorne Webb won the trophy With Incirtstries; Mrs, J. Walpole, stepped and for our community, %, the Bruce capital cressed to plate 10 used for equipment, iniprovement of three wins and a plus of 35. Others aside 'the ptogram for the) month and The first dance on the•neW•froor at- times to put, the game on ice. In their property which would be for "the'gdod attending, were 5. H. Crawford and dealt in ' detail with the very modern ,the Arena, Will be held-Thkirsda.y even. half of' this frame, Wingham could SCHOOLS HERE", WILL of the institution or the patients. C. id, McAvay, Donald Rae and Ed' subject "plastics", a synthetic resin ing this week,' to Chit Gordon and his
only notch 1 run and they got another
OPEN TUESDAY N EXT 'The Board of the Hospital serves Harrison'; B. B. Hebdkin arid J. A. compound which will not' corrode, orchestra from Stratford The new
-in the eighth, Walkerton bagged two without remuneration, their only gain Wilson of Selkirki,. mildew or mould, Plastics have been floor which is grooVed together, not in the seventh and three in the eighth John Street' hill' Will once again' re- is the satisfaction of serving the corn- Three rinks took rpart
in the trebles' entirely at war but in the' coming a nail used, is 60 feet by 60 feet and
'to increase their lead. sound with the cheery voices of stu-, inanity. That they have given careful tournament at Hanover on Thursday years will 'be used ••everywhere.. Tire iS the best floor of its kind in this dis-
Walkerton-Tumleyi cf,; Dentiger, dents as they go tack and forth from consideration to their task is shown by evening. They were G, C. .Garnmage, elephant is responsible' ,fdr it: He trict. Any parent or parents whose
$64 ttaig, ss,: ICulliton, lb.; Ztrber, school. Qn Tuesday next, September the fact that the rates in this hospital C. R. Richey, Howard 8lierbondy; f, didn't supply eninigh ivory• so anOther child iS attending this dance will be If,, Deniger, C,; CaSSidZ 2b.; Ether- 4thi both the public and . the high harve been lower than other hospitals A. Wilson of Selkirk, R. lt, Hobden, preparation was invented. ,EverYthing given free admission in order that they
ton, rf.; Craig, p. school will commence the fall term, itt the district as has the cost per pa- S. H. Crawford; C. H. McAvoy, Ed, imaginable will be made of plastic may see the high plane with which
Winghatn---4L Belts rf.; D. Hoffman, Sonic places have set back the open- tient per day. Nash, W. R. Hamilton, thete dances are being conducted, Cf.; MeLcodo 8b.; Groves, c; Lediett, hit; of the secondary schools for a You may be assured that any money One rink, Art Wilson, Omar Rasa- During the lunch period the draW
along with Some of our minerals.' Y
entrance to the rink has been p,;, Stli, gb.; 'Carmichael, 11.1,1 Welsh, week or two .weeks, html this action was you donate to this fund will be card- grove, Mel, bonahne, Alex Crawford, was made. for the rug donated bY Urs;' 4 .AilfitOVe it so that there is a spacious If.; Tucker, as, not considered necessary bere and the fully administered and that the Board skip, took part in the (General Motors Currie. Mrs, Alec Coulter held the' i Loot' space which will prevent crowd
umpire§ -,- Tony Godfrey and Phi high schoOl will open as pet schedule and staff have at ull times the interest Gold Cttp tournament at Oshawa On lucky ticket. The sum of 07.50 was ing and Allow large ,crowds to quickly. VhorriptOri of HainoVet on Tuesday next, . , , of those who use this service at heart. Wednesday last week realized for the Bed Cross, get to their seats,
Outside Pairs Won Four of the Five
Twenty-nine pairs took part in the
Mixed doubles here on Monday night.
'Entries were Lucknow 8, Seaforth 8,
Teeswater 3, Walkerton 2, Selkirk 1,
The' outside entries did very well as
they won the first four prizes, the fifth
Went to a local pair. The winners
were: 1st„ Mrs. Close and rack
I-fotham of Settforth, with three wins
and plus of 17; 2nd., Mr. and Ntra.
Frank Eidt of Walkerton, with three
wins and a plus of 15 and an aggre-
'gate of 40; 3rd,, Mrs. 0. McClevia
and Win. Kerr of Walkerton, with
three wins and a plus of 15 and an
aggregate of 8'7; 4th,, Miss H. Hamil-
ton and Isaac Miller of Lucknow, with
three wits and a plus of 14; 5th., Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. French with two wins
and a plus of 19,
'Three ten-end games were played
and between the seeeutd and third,
game doughnuts and toffee were