HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-08-16, Page 8EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE- .'IM 'Thursday, August lOthi 1945 Mr. Jack Leitch and Mr, Sam. 'Pletch of 13elgr,ave, opened the thresh- ing season this fall at Charlie Leaver's on ThOraday last. AbiSm,. Raphael St. Marie, arrived home from Sydney, N,S., on Thurs- day last for a nine week furlough. Raphael expected to go to the Pacific. Sgt. and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan, Miss jean Welwnod and F,O, Norman Welwood and Ah/Sm. Clifford Heif- fer, spent a few• days last week at cottages at Kincardine Beach, Mr, Heiffer was in Collingwood on Satur- day, acting as best man at his pal's wedding. Miss Lettie Fox leaves on Wednes- day to resume her duties in the Bank at Hamilton. The Young Women's Association of the Presbyterian church met on Fri- day last at the home of Mrs. George Fisher, with the president, Mrs, John- ston Conn in the chair. The Scrip- ture lesson and meditation was in charge of Mrs. Wallace Conn, Miss Annie Kennedy led in prayer and Miss Grace Richardson gave a reading. The topic, on Mackay of Uganda, was taken by Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Lunch was served by the hostess and all en- joyed the social time, This community mourns the passing of one of its oldest and most highly respected citizens in the person of the late John Gillespie. The congrega- tion of the United Church stood on Sunday; to observe a two-minute sil- ence as a tribute and an act of re- membrance to him, who was always faithful to the call of church and com- munity life. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan had charge of the service in the United Church at Walton on Sunday. Miss Catharine McCarthy of De- troit, has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Louis Dalton. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Harry Mc- Clenaghan of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of Delhi; spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson and other relatives in this district. Mrs. Jackson and Miss Margaret Jackson of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Miss Christena Laidlaw and other East Wa- wanosh relatives. Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr and Jacqueline of Bluevale, also visited there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and sons, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Winter- stein of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Services in the United Church will be withdrawn for the next two Sun- days, while Pastor and people enjoy a holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston at- tended the Plunkett family picnic at Goderich Harbor Park on Monday last. Miss Wilma Watson, his niece, returned with them to spend a week here, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack West of Listowel. Mr. Charles Gillespie returned to his home at Toronto on Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie, who were here over the week-end, returned to their home in Sarnia. The W. M. S. and the Mission Band of the United Church, are holding a social and afternoon tea in the church on Wednesday, August 22. Mrs, Graydon Cox and daughters left on Monday for their home in To- ronto, having had word that her hus-, band, Rev. G. 0. Cox, had sailed from England. Mrs. Chas. Mackay and Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Mackay of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, and Mrs. Wesley Lott and Marie, who have been visiting there, left on Monday to visit with her father at Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Paterson and Patsy, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pater- son, all of Detroit, spent the week-end with their father, Mr. F. McK, Pater- son., Mr. and Mrs. Will Redmond and baby son, Wayne, of St. Augustine, visited on Sunday with her grand- mother, Mrs. Cornelius. , Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Laidlaw spent Tuesday last at Goderich at the home of her sister, Mrs, Oliver McBrien, who has been very ill, and. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Straughan of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Laid- law. The young people of the Presby- terian Church were in charge of the service there on Sunday with Mr. Jas. Laidlaw in the chair. Mitchell Elliott read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. Albert McQuillan had charge of the meditation period, and Miss Eileen Yeomans gave the address, Mrs, Andrew Kirk left on Saturday to visit with Mrs, Robert Carnochan of Seaforth and other TuCkerantith friends. Mt. and Mrs. Wilfred Casliek, and Mrs. Harold Johnston "and sons of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson and daughter of Teesvtater, spent Sunday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, Bobbie Eynon had his tight knee severely etit with glass early Samday morning, Four stitches were required to close the Wound, Mt. Mae Ross has a very sore hand LY Cr°4-167*PfR NIIIIIIIM11111111111101111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111i1111MOWIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS ;thew days. , gugine.. ,of his. oar back-fired when he was cranking it. Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Maci,aughlin and Joanne, who bas been visiting with her mother, Mrs, Jos. Chamney and other relatives here, returned home to Detroit on Monday, The Triple V Class of I3elgrave had charge of the service in Brick United. Church on Sunday with Mr. Kenneth Wheeler giving the address, ann••• W M. Mama Winn. imam 11.0•4101 W WW1 ••••••1 MM. MMM mmliM MMOID mninft MMM MMM mnin. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 16,17, 18 WALLACE BEERY JAMES GLEASON - In •••••• Mama !Wm. .11.01.0 IMMO MMM Mm. ommal MMM MMW MMM MMW MMW WIMIO 1.1111 Values you've been waiting for ! Special end-of-the-season sale event brings you real bar- gains in summer dresses, Misses' and Women's styles in cottons, jerseys, figured crepes. "This Man's Navy" annown Mom inninwit BLUEVALE Memorial Service Next Sunday At the morning service at the United Church, Rev. J, W, Johnson spoke of Paul's shipwreck on the Island of Malta, pointing out that Faith rather than Belief gave him courage to carry on, Next Sunday 'at 3 o'clock, a mem- orial service will be held for W.O. Russel Barnard, R.C,A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Barnard. The 1st Sunday in September has been an- nounced for anniversary. Rev. A. H. Wilson of Whitechurch, occupied the pulpit at Knox Presbyterian Church'. He spoke from the text "Feed the Church of God", taken from Paul's farewell message to the Church at Ephesus, There will be no service next Sun- day. W WW MIMM MMM MMM MMM =MO A comedy drama with Wallace Beery at his best. Also "Short Subjects". Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. ammo immi••• mono. MOWN • inm• ii•• Regular Values $6.95 - $7.95 for $5.00 Regular Values $12.00 - $13.50 for $8.95 /IF 41/4 I /II STETSON HATS A limited number from broken lines of these famous models are offered at a special price. Every woman likes a good felt hat. Stetson's distinctive lines assure style and qual- ity... Regular $5.95 models for $3.95 Wontat ••••••• .110 ••••••• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 20, 21, 22 JOAN BENNETT EDWARD G. ROBINSON In - Inanalan ••••••• MOM.. MOM! OMNI Mann. `The Woman in the Window' marl MMM mmm mmm IMMO. .11Minna Mamma MM11.11 This is an unusual mystery picture and for. perfect enjoyment it should be seen from the beginning. Also "Short Subjects". MM. WNW. 1.1•41WP MINM MM.* mnimm mom. MINIM MMm 0mm. MIMS 01••••• 111.1MO. .1•O Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug., 23, 24, 25-"Thunderhead" Expects Discharge Cpl. Arnold Lillow, is spending 30 days at his home here, and on his return to Camp Borden, ex- pects to receive his discharge, 1111MMO Winn. IMWM11 ••••••• anon. no MM. SWIM. Mann VETERANS mama annina minim SUMMER HANDBAGS. Smart fabric or straws in summer bags at specially reduced. prices. Regular Value $3:65 for , $2.89 BEFORE YOU CHANGE VICTOR RE CORDS Front This 20-1645 "Dream" -1-Freddy Martin. 20-1643 "Sentimental Journey -Hal McIntyre. 20-1661 'lien Bottom Trousers' -Tony Pastor. 20-1684 "Gotta, be this or that" -Sammy Kaye 56-0001 "You belong to my ;Heart. -Mart Kenny .20-1655 "Laura" -Freddy Martin KING DEPT. STORE 1MMM MmM ammn• WM. mmm Milmm MINNOW IMMO To This .-S1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fft Discharged LAC. Jack Lillow,. R.C.A.F., who returned from overseas service in the spring and for the last few weeks has. been on service at Trenton, has re- ceived his honorable discharge, to re- port periodically to'the Military Medi- cal Board.. from a month's holiday with her grandmother, at Harriston. Miss Florence Fowler spent the week-end with Seaforth friends. Richard Johnston is spending a few days with his brother, Silas and Mrs. Johnston at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tout, Kincar- dine, ,and .Mrs. Mac McGowan and son Lloyd, of Detroit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hockeridge. Mr. Sam Kemp of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston. , chases by. the Board for the British Ministry. of Food:have helped' to main- tain egg prices, in Canada. PATTISON RADIO SERVICE FRENCH. COWS KILLED' Destruction of milk cows has been high in certain parts of France, par- ticularly in Normandy and eastern coastal areas where the fighting was heavy. It is estimated that Normandy lost: about 801000) rows and that 50,000 were killed: in the eastern districts. Phone. 171j. Institute Held! Picnic The Women's Institute held the regular monthly meeting this week on the school grounds. in the form of a picnic. The president, Mrs. J,. H. Smith, presided for- a short business session. The roll was called when the ladies reported the war work they had accomplished. •A farewell letter from Miss Mary A. Clarke, was read. The report of the refreshment committee shows a successffili business teing car- ried on at the booth at the dances. The children enjoyed foot races and joined with the senior members in the• contests. A picnic lunch was served. Servicemen Do You Know that you may get a pre-demobilization Priority Suit Purchase Certi- ficate from Hanna's under certain conditions. Thirty days before your discharge you may order a suit made to your individual measurements and have it to wear on leaving the service. This certificate must be re-placed by the orig- inal certificate issued at the time of your discharge. SALVATION ARMY WINGHAM --- Aug. 19):: Capt. Davis Aug. 26: Major Silver BAPTIST CHUM EGG PRODUCTION Peak egg production for the current season in Canada was passed by the middle of May, two weeks earlier than a year ago. Between the 1st: of Jan- uary and the middle of 1May, 1945; 900,000 cases of shell eggs were ship- ped to Great Britain from Canada. Pur- chases of eggs for all purposes by the Special Products Board to the end of May totalled 2,345,775 cases. Pur- Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor. SUNDAY, AUG. 19th 11 a.m.-"Clouds". 7.30 p.nx.-"Righteousness". Come and Worship MEETINGS Sunday - IT a.m., 2.30 & 7 p.m. HANNA'S Men's Store Sunday School Pitnie• at: Seaforth! The teachers, and' pupils. of Knox Presbyterian. Sunday School enjoyed: a picnic at Park,, Seaforth, this week. Owing to the busy season on the farm, the attendance was small. Following a: period: of swimming, the children ran races, of, different kinds. Prizes were awarded: to the parents present with the, largest family,, the oldest lady and, the youngest child present, and, were won by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mundell,, Mrs. R. F. :Garniss and Phyllis; Elliott. A picnic lunch was served bringing a happy gathering to a close. Sm oker's Sundries Magazines WHITECHURCH the short course for teachers at Lon- don, during the past six weeks, re- Miss Ada Dow, who has been taking turned home on Thursday last. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 161 SETTER FOODS Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP Be Free of Flies This Year - AT Smith's Economy Food Store They spread disease and filth- INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25c FRONTENAC 70s WHITE SERVIETTES 2 pkgs. 25c 2-Way Screen Paint- 59c - 98c bottles Will rid your screens of flies. Just paint it on with brush supplied. "FLY KIL" Fly Spray- Deodorized and pleasant to use. Strong and certain death for flies, STOKELEYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE ........... 10c FRANKFORT No. 4 PEAS 2 tins 25c First Class Watch Repairs Mrs. S. Darling, and family attended a, family re-union at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. James Darling at Drew, Harry Darling is remaining for a few days with Artie Gibson. Billy, Gibson is visiting Jim Darling, Mr. and Mrs, H. G, Newman, Har- riston; Mr. and ,Mrs. Lorne Newman and family of Chathdm, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Darling. Mr. and Mrs, E. R. McKinney, Lon- don, 'were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer. Miss Ruby Duff, Women's College Hospital, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Van, Wick and son of Kitchener, and Miss Rona Vanvelsior of Wroxeter, were week-end visitors at the home of Miss Duff and Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Mr. John Smith, Mr, and Mrs, ilugh Berry, Mr, and Mrs Elliott and son of Brueefield, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Smith. Mr, and Mrs, Neil MacLean and two long', Neil and Roderick, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. 'George Thornton, IVIiss lierva Gallaher, Wroxeter, is visiting with Miss Eleanor Smith, • Miss Mary Darling has returned CLUBHOUSE STUFFED 6 oz.. 35c PLAIN 6 oz. . . . 25c OLIVES MIXED 16 oz. . . 65c For The Present Watches Only George Williams 30c - 50c tins Wilsons Fly Pad Poison- 3 sheets 10c JOHN ST. Next to Masonic Hall SHREDDED KELLOGG'S WHEAT .. 2 pkgs. 25c BRAN FLAKES, 14 oz. pk. 18c KELLOGG'S GRAPE NUTS CORN FLAKES 12-oz. 25c 'FLAKES, 15-oz. pkg. Heavy Metal JAR RINGS, dozen 29c 12 Cut Heavy RED RUBBER RINGS, 3 doz.. . a 25C CERTO for Jams and Jellies, bottle 27c PAROWAX for Sealing, 1 lb. pkge. a, ..15c CERTO CRYSTALS, pkg. .. 15c MEMBA SEALS, 25 in pkg. 10c Derpo Bug Killer- Sure death to cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, silver fish, crickets, fleas. Easy to use i t convenient package. See Reid and See Right Make Appointments WITH- DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller. Phone 59 For Eye Examination R. A. Reid, R.O. Eye Specialist 50c Ant Traps So clean, so sure ...... ..... 4i,....bn.,innnimenner.,•,iminian4W.W•naWnn 35c ca. Moth Sprays- LAilvEx 83c, $1.39 tkAY'S LIQUID ....1.4wor...nevoii......a.004.,..n.10.....smad.........nw•me 75e - FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES -- Oranges Lemons - Grapefruit - Cabbage .. Carrots - Beets Fresh Beans Lettuce Home Grown Tomatoes. IVIcKibbons • RATION` COUPON'S vamp THURSDAY, AUG 16 Sugar, Mos. 1 to 62 Pr•serves, 110s, 33 to 5/ and PI to P15. Butter, Nos, 90 to 118. DRUG FORE