HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-06-21, Page 4I 4
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Wingham Lions
Street Frolic
Games - Amusement - Jitney Dancing
0 All Proceeds for Lions Welfare Projects
Auspices of Wingham Lions Club
01=0=0 0=0=10=====10===10
Wednesday Evening,
JUNE 27th
Hand liking is
en the Way tut
Freedom from the tiring and tiresome
lob of hand milking twice a day has
been gained by thousands of farm
families through the use of a modern
milking machine.
One person can milk up to 20 cows
in an hour with a milking machine-
it keeps a good hand milker busy to
milk 7 to 9 cows in the same time.
This saving of time and labor is
important, especially when good farm
help is hard to get, but at, any time
milking is a disliked chore that the
family is glad to have taken off their
hands. The hours of time saved with a
milking machine does mean something
in dollars and cents but it means a lot
more in making failm life easier and
more pleasant. Everybody welcomes
the relief from the milking time blues
that a milking machine brings.
The modem, practical and economi-
cal way to do things is to use machines
instead of muscles wherever possible
-that is why hand milking is out for
dairymen who have experienced the
comfort and convenience of a mechani-
cal milker.
Among the time and labor saving
machines your local Massey-Harris
dealer has to offer is the Rite-Way
Milker-the modern Hiker with the
natural action. Ask him for particulars
about this machine that does so much
to make dairy farming easier and
more profitable.
4 41
ThursclaY June Zia, 1945
:1/2 cents a word per insertion, with a zahafralirri charge of 25c.ce 0
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AUCTION SALE - of household NOTICE
furniture, Wroxeter, Wednesday, I Court of Revision for the Township
June 27th. Lorne Kaake, proprietor; of Morris will close on July 9, 'All
John Dinsmore, Gorrie, auctioneer, appeals on assessment most be in the
hands of the Clerk not later than June
28th, 1945,
owned co-operatively the party left the.
National Yacht club Saturday after-
noon on its first cruise of the season.
Trouble dogged the voyage to 'Youngs-
town and the craft was towed into.
Youngstown at 4 o'clock. Sunday.
The schooner left Youngstown Sun-
day afternoon, When the boat had
not returned Monday afternoon To-
ronto lifeguards were notified. The
Youngstown Coast Guard reported lo-
cating two bodies and later 4 others
were found.
It is believed that the 45.-foot craft
got into difficulties in the storm and
that an explosion occurred as charred
wreckage was found,
CHICK BARGAINS for this week
and next: White Leghorns, Bar-
red Rock X White Leghorns, Austra
Whites; Non-sexed 9,45, pullets
19.95. Barred Rocks, New Hamp-
shires, New Hampshire N Barred
Rocks 9,95, pullets 14,95, cockerels
10.95, Assorted Heavies. non-sexed
8,95, pullets 12.95, cockerels 9.95.
Assorted Light or Medium Breeds
non-sexed 8,45, pullets 17.95, cock-
erels: White Leghorns 1:50, White
Leghorn N Barred Rock 4.50. 2
week old add Sc, three week old add
11c, 4 week old add 16c, Shipped
C,O.D. This advertisement must
accompany your order. Top Notch
Chickeries,. Guelph, Ontario,
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Coreetiere for Wingham,
surrounding district and towns. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie
St., Wingham,
FOR SALE-Two and a half acres
of land, good stable and hen house
and frame dwelling, situated at the
west end of town limits, Apply
FOR SALE - A Henderson motor-
cycle in good condition. Apply to.
FOR SALE - '29 Oldsmobile, good
running condition; Queen Elizabeth
Range, Westinghouse battery radio,
both new, Apply to Oscar Kieffer,
R.R. No. 1, Wingham,
FOR SALE-Small separator, strainer
churn, butter bowl, etc, Apply
to Jas, T, Brydges, Belgrave.
FOR SALE-Two hundred Sussex-
, Red Cockerels, '7 weeks old, Robert
phone Q18R3t
'FOR SALE - Three=burner coal oil
stove with oven. In good condition.
Jack Gotbiltt, Victoria St.
FOR SALE-Quantity of Silver Hull
Buckwheat, cleaned. Apply to Mel-
vin Taylor, R.R. No. 1, Belgrave.
FOR SALE-Nine pigs just weaned.
Wm. Jenkins Sr,, phone 600841.
FOR SALE-Grey summer boy's suit,
.8-10 years, high chair. Apply Mrs.
C. W. Bushfield,' phone 203.
FOR SALE-Two meat grinders, pair
fox tongs, three burner coal oil
stove. Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE-Six cows, one Holstein
due in a week, second calf; two
Durham cows due in three weeks,
second calf; one Holstein and one
Durham fresh in a week, one Hol-
stein due in July, four years old..
Apply Advance-Times.
holstered and wood turning, chairs,
tables, in fact all wooden articles.
Apply Carl Thorns, John St. two
doors east of Shuter.
HELP WANTED - Girl or woman
to work in store. Full time position.
Apply Advance-Times.
HELP WANTED - Female, experi-
enced cook for commercial hotel,
also a dining room waitress, a girl
for kitchen work and a upstair girl.
'When applying for any one of the
four jobs please state age and give
phone number. Windsor Hotel;
Kincardine, Ont,
PIANO TUNING - tuning price
$3,00, repairs extra, factory experi-
ence. By Wingham Bandmaster,
Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders
at Advance-Times.
SLENDOR TABLETS - are effec-
tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks'
$5, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
VIOLIN LESSONS -- by qualified
instructor. Geo. J, Wright, 'Wing-
ham Bandmaster.
WANTED-Gond strong boy to work
on farm. Apply to Gordon Hastie.
WANTED TO BUY-Old potatoes,
good price. Phone 193, Wingham.
WANTED - to purchase pullets 8
weeks of age and older all pure
breeds and hybrid crosses. Good
prices paid, Apply Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ot-
furniture and equipment, Cash
on items not in use. Highest pric
M. Brown, phone 239.
Will be received by 'Clerk of Town-
ship of Turnberry for Tax Collector
for Township up until 30th junto 1945,
,at Salary of *110.04) per year,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCormick
wish to express their thanks to rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for the
beautiful gifts presented to them on their 40th wedding anniversary,
Mr. and Mrs. John Raby and
brothers take this opportunity of ex-
pressing their appreciation to friends
and neighbours for the kindness and
sympathy extended to them at the
time of their recent bereavement. They
also wish to thank those who loaned
cars and for the floral tributes,
BAIRD-In loving membry of my
darling mother, Mrs, R. Baird, who
went to live with Jesus, June 21st,
Sleep peacefully, my mother,
Your memory still is dear;
The tears I shed in silence,
Bring your presence ever near,
-Ever remembered by daughter
All persons having claims against
the estate of Martha Lavine Warwick,
late of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron, Married Woman,
who died on or about the 19th day of
April, A.D. 1945, are notified to send
to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,
on or before the seventh day of July,
A.D. 1945, full particulars of their
claims in writing.
Immediately after the said seventh
day of July, the assets of the said in-
testate, will be distributed amongst
the parties entiteld thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which the .,ad-
ministrator shall then have notice,
DATED this nineteenth day of June,
A.D. 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the administrator.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Arthur Stapleton, late of
the Township of Morris, in the County
of Huron, Labourer, who died on or
about the 24th day of May, A.D. 1945,
are notified to send to J. H. Craw-
ford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before
the Thirtieth day of June, A.D. 1945,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said
Thirtieth day of June, the assets of the
said testator will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
executors shall then have notice,
DATED this ninth day of June,
A.D. 1945.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Ward Henry Gray, late
of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, who died
on or about the fourteenth day of May,
A.D. 1945, are notified to send to J. H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the Thirtieth day of June, A.D.
1945,. full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the said
Thirtieth day of June, the assets of
the said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the administratrix shall then have
DATED this ninth day of June,
A.D. 1946.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administratrix.
The following is a portion of a letter.
from Wren Frances Robinson, to
Florence Beecroft, in which she tells
of her leave in London, England.
The week before V-E Day I was in
London on six days leave with two
other Wrens that I knew in Ottawa
and we had a wonderful time to say
the least. \Ve stayed at a Canadian
Club located in the heart of the city
on Piccadilly Circus and from here
we did all our site-seeing. As you may
.eApect we visited such places . a.
Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathe-
dral, Westminster Abbey, Parl't Eldgs.
and Big lien, Trafalgar Square, The
Supreme Courts, London Bridge,
Waterloo Bridge, The Tower of Lon-
don, Madame Trussaud's Wax WorIcs.
Each Place is just as we read about
in books but ninth more beautiful,
'e spent two whole days and even-
ings site-seeing and 1 don't think w
missed a thing. \Ve even managed t
ee Winston Churchill coming out
10 Downing Street on his way t
the SeSsiOti of Parl't and that was the
The following list contains the
articles which were shipped from
Wingham District Red Cross Society
to headquarters on Thursday, June
Army and Airforce quota-28 round
neck long sleeve sweaters, 35 scarfs,
50 pr. khaki sox, 15 pr, gloves.
Army and Airforce non-quota-1 pr.
gray sox, 2 sweaters, 1 pr. boy's mitts,
9 pr. airforce gloves.
Civilian quota-2 boy's suits, yrs,,
2 girls dresses, 2 yr., 5 girls' sweaters
and sox, 4 Yr., 9 baby shirts, 5 baby
soakers, 6 pr. leggings, 27 girls' night-
gowans, 6 yrs., 15 girls' combinations,
2-4 yrs., 22 girls' pantie dresses 2-4
yrs,, 15 boy's vests, .6 years. '
Civilian non-quota-3 boy's sweat-
ers, 2 years, 20 girls' nightgowns 6-8
yrs., 2 girls' combinations, 2 years, 10
girls' pantie dresses 2-4 years, 40 boy's
pyjamas, 24 quilts, 1 cell) quilt, 2
afghans. - - ee
PERRIE --. At Hopewell Hospital,
Leamington, Ont., on Friday, June
15, 1945, to Rev. and Mrs. D, K.
Perrie, a son (David Hamilton), a
brother for Anne Elizabeth.
CURRIE-At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, June 13th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Currie, R.R.
No. 5, Brussels, a son.
CHITTICK-At Wingham General
Hospital, on Wednesday, June 13th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chittick,
Wingham, a daughter.
GARNISS - At Wingham 'General
Hospital, on Wednesday, June 13th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garniss,
R.R. No. 5, Brussels, a son.
LOWEY-At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Friday, June 15th; to Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Lowey, Wingham, a
HARKNES - At Wingham Gener-
al Hospitat, on Saturday, June 16th,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Harkness,
Teeswater, a son.
NEEDHAM-At Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, June 18th,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Needham, Tees-
water, a son.
Mrs. William E. Brawley
The people of this community were
shocked on Sunday when word was
received that Mrs, Mary Catherine
Brawley, widow of the late William E.
Brawley, had been found dead at lien
cottage at Point Clarke. Mrs. Braw-
ley was well and favourably known
here as she and her husband lived here
for a number of years, Mr. Brawley
being the C.P.R. station agent. Sur-
viving is one daughter, Mrs, Bernice
Black of Guelph; two sons Wil-
liam E., and Harry L, of To-
ronto; also a sister, Mrs. J. A.
Lang of Toronto. The remains are
resting at the Maclntyre Funeral
Home, Guelph. Service will be held
in the Chapel this afternoon( Wed-
nesday). Interment will take place in
Park Lawn Cemetery, Orangeville.
biggest thrill of the whole trips He
was his usual smiling self and had the
traditional cigar in his month and a
blue and white bow tie. As he went
by the crowd of Canadian Service
people standing there he tipped his
hat and waved. Boy, was I ever
thrilled! St, Paul's Cathedral is much
tool magnificent to try and describe,
the structure there is something you
never hope to see, The rear of the
church is where the bomb fell and al-
though a great deal of repairing has
been done there is still enough debris
and gaps around to show just how
tremendous the bomb must have been
to cause such destruction, Although
the bomb fell directly in th*e centre of
the alter it missed the marble statue
(inset) and to this day the lite is still
shining above that figure, We visited
the tomb of the unknown soldier in
the Abbey and were fortunate enough
to arrive just at the time there was
a service on and it was simply out of
this world. The tombs of all the
famous people are inlaid in the walls
and floors and the organ is playing all
the time. The Palace is just another
building and not very inpressing, We
saw the beautiful Royal car in brown
and gold but we just missed the King
and Queen by a few seconds. In front
of the castle stands a huge white mar-
ble statue of Queen Victoria arid of
which we took pictures.
Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle and
Shorthorn Grade Cattle, all cows
have been hand milked; Horses and
Swine, Implements, Hay and Grain
at the farm of George McEwen,
miles east of Wingham on. Prov.
Highway $7, at 1. o'clock on Tues-
day, June 26th, No reserve as farm
is rented, Terms: Cash, For furth-
er particulars see sale bills, Duncan
A, Brown, auctioneer,
LOST-Yellow gold ladies Bulova I .
at Gibson's Bakery.
wrist watch. Reward. Please leave OVERSEAS LETTERS
This community was greatly shock-
ed Monday evening when it was learn-
ed that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kendrick
of Toronto were missing following an
accident on Lake Ontario and that six
others who were in the party were
found dead in the water, 15 miles
northwest of Youngstown, N.Y.
Mrs. Kendrick, 30, the former Alma
Bosman, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Rosman of East Wa-
watiosh, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bow-
man of town are grandparents and
Mrs. R. H. Lloyd is an aunt,
The others in the boat were, Ross
Kendrick, his fiancee, Miss June
Wa'rd, Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cramp, all of To-
ronto. The men ivete all partners in
Davenport Tool and Die Works.
Aboard the boat "Siren" which they
Time Table Changes
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1045
4nd other specific dates
Full information from Agents
Canadian National
Haines - Small
The parsonage, 87 Windsor Avenue,
London, Ontario, was the scene of a
wedding of local interest, at 11 o'clock
Saturday morning, June 16th, when
the Rev. Duncan McTavish united in
marriage Grace Small, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Small of Wingham, and Mr. John
Victor Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Haines of Wingham. The
bride was lovely in a white flowered
slicer dress, blue accessories and a
corsage of American Beauty roses,
Following the ceremony a reception
was held at Glen Allen after whice
the young couple left on a motor trip
to Windsor and Detroit. For travel-
ling the bride donned a pale blue
bunny shag coat. On their return
they will reside in Wingham,
Snowden Humphrey
A pretty June wedding was solemn ,
ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
A. Humphrey, West WaWanosh, on
Saturday, June 9th at 11 a.m., when
their eldest daughter, Caroline Marg-
aret, became the bride of Mr. Ernest
John Snowden, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Snowden, East Wawa-
nosh. Rev. J. A. Ward of St. Helens
performed the ceremony,
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride was lovely in a floor-length
gown of white sheer with finger tip
veil. She wore a string of pearls, the
gift of the groom, and carried pink
carnations with maiden hair fern.
Miss Greta Humphrey was her sis-
ter's bridesmaid. She wore a floor-
length gown of white sheer and carried
pink carnations, The groomsman was
Mr. George Webster.
After the wedding dinner served to
immediate members of the family, Mr.
and Mrs. Snowden left 'on a wedding
trip to London, Niagara Fails and
other points. For travelling the bride
chose a salmon pink dress, blue coat
and matching accessories.
Upon their return Mr. and Mrs.
Snowden will take up residence in
East Wawanosh.
Warwick Yuill
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
quill, Morris Township, was the
scene of a beautiful wedding at 3
o'clock Saturday, June 16th, when
their daughter, Mary Edith, became
the bride of Mr. James Kenneth War-
wick, son of Mrs. Warwick and the
late George Warwick, Grey Township.
The wedding ceremony took place
under an arch 'of evergreens from
which was suspended a white bell en-
oircled in a wreath of Weigela. Large
baskets of spirea, peonies, poppies, and
bleeding heart banked the arch. The
wedding bell was the one used at the
wedding of the bride's mother. Rev.
0.4-1. Dunlop of Knox United Church,
Belgrave, officiated. The bride, given
in marriage by her father, wore a
flOor4ength gown of white sheer
georgette with sweetheart neckline and
fitted bodice, long pointed fingertip
sleeves. The full skirt had inserts of
thentilia lace topped with a heading
f sheer. Her fingertip veil was
caught with braided satin ribbon and
lily of the valley. She carried a bon-
qttet of red Better Time roses, Miss
Myrtle Ynill of Harriston, was her
sister's bridesmaid. Her gown was
floor-length white sheer with yoke of
ehentilla lace, with scarlet buttons and
floor-length scarlet sash, She carried
a bouquet of Talisman, roses. The
groomsman was Mr. Lloyd Warwick
of Orey Township, brother of the
groom. The wedding music was play-
ed by Miss Laura Yuill, sister of the
Immediately following the ceremony
a reception was held. The guests
were received by the bride's mother
dressed in a printed silk jersey dress
with white accessories and corsage of
Talisman roses, and the groom's
mother in a two-piece dress of printed
navy crepe with navy and white ac-
cessories, and a corsage of red roses.
A luncheon was served to forty guests
including the bride's grandmother, and
guests from Belgrave, Wroxeter, Brus-
sels and Fergus. For travelling the
bride wore a printed silk jersey dress
and turquoise tuxedo style coat with a
small brown straw hat trimmed with
white, The accessories were brown.
Following a trip to Niagara Falls,
Buffalo and other points they will re-
side on the groom's farm, concession
2, Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, LAC.
and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson of Belleville,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh
on Monday.
Mr. Elwin Taylor, Mr. Eddie Tay-
lor, Miss Ilia, were London visitors
on Wednesday.
Mn', and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Miss
Winnifred, visited on Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elsley of Listowel.
Mrs. Phoebe Taylor of Blyth, visited
on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
The people of this community were
shocked to hear of the terrible accident
which occurred to the Kendrick boat-
ing party over the week-end at To-
ronto. Mrs. Ray Kendrick is a daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman.
Mr. Bosnian left for Toronto Tuesday