HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-06-14, Page 7A. H. McTAVISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer' Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and Iby appointment. Phone - Teeswater 1201 FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices; Centre St.. Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Money To Loan Office Meyer Block, Wingham DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 J3 A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, DR. W3 M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 T'hursd'ay, 'Juno 14th, 1945 WINGRAM ADVANCVIIIVMS 1'A074 SVEN Moved by McCallum and Parrish, that the following accounts be paid. Carried. Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $20.00; Howick Twp, Library Board, grant for 1945, $100.00; Philip Har- tung, live stock killed, by dogs,-$4,00; John Dinsmore, live stock killed or injured by dogs, $20.00; Municipal World, assessment roll and supplies, v2,84; Bruce .Armstrong, burying dead animal, $2.00; J. H, Rogers, postage and ..excise, $12.00; T. A. Ro- berts, advertising Drain Debentures, $3.40; Drury Con, Co,, constructing Mun.. Drain No, 18, pt. pay, $1575,00; 5. H, Rogers, Municipal Drain No, 4, statement, $10,00; F. A. Edgar, Muni- cipal Drain 'No, 17, final statement, $5.00; J. H, Rogers, Municipal Drain NO, 17, statement, $10,00; Ezra Kel- ler, refund of 1943.4 levy, Nun. Drain No, 17, $15.54; Jacob Weitz, refund of 1943-4 levy, Main. Drain No. 17, $50.00; Relief, for month of May, $72,45, Moved by Farrish and McCallum that this Council do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the fifth day of July, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ISAAC GAMBLE, .• Clerk. Biuevale visitors on Sunday. Mr:, and Mrs. Geo. Wightman and Alberta, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Cameron of Kincardine. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mathers, Mr, Pharis. Mathers of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl. Wightman. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian for the week- end were, Pte, Harold Bosnian of London; Mr. Ed, Brooks of Hamil- ton; Miss Doreen Brooks of Saska- toon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vincent visit- ed with their son, LAC. Ray Vincent, who recently returned from overseas and is a patient in Christie St. Hos- pital, Little Gwendolyn McDowell, spent a couple of days last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goderich, Mr. Wm. McDowell spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse of Brucefield. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Gordon Snell in the passing of her brother, Mr. Alvin Youngblut, who passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jasper Mc- Brien of Goderich, on Friday morning. The funeral being held on Saturday afternoon, The remains were taken to Windsor for burial. A McDowell picnic was held at Goderich on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McSween of Kingston, who are visiting Mi. and Mrs. Bert Vincent of Belgrave. Mr. Wm. McDowell was in London on Monday with a load of wool. A Red Cross quilting was held on Wednesday at which 4 quilts were completed, after which the W.M.S. meeting was held with 15 present, The program, was under the Christian Stewardship and Temperance leaders. The meeting opened with a hymn followed with prayer by Mrs. W. Mc- Vittie. Scripture was read by Mrs. 5. L. McDowell. Readings were given by Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Mrs. F. J. Cook, Mrs. J. L. McDowell. The study book on Thailand, was given by Miss Alma Mutch of Auburn. During the business session it was decided to write the Premier of Ontario request- ing that the ladies beverage rooms be' clbsed. Solo was rendered by Mrs. Emerson Rodger. The benediction was pronounced by Mrs. Harold Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mr. Lloyd Walden, spent' a few days in Toronto this week. The following ..accounts were paid; Road, Geo„. Glottsher, $9.40; A. Lin- coin, $2,00; )3. Marshall, $4.00; M, Marshall, $0.40; S. Paisley, $3:20; 5, Miller, $2,00; W, Maxwell, $7,60; East Wawanosh, $110.00; County of Huron, $309,50; P, Stainton 00c. .acct.; PrOV, Treasurer, Insulin, $7.64; Treasurer of Wingham Hospital ,grant, $1000.00; Wm, B. Cruikshank, pt, salary,-,$50.00; W. R. Cruikshank, pt. salary, $75.00, phone $2.45, postage, On; A. Erskine, part due taxes, 1942, $17,52, Moved by Woods and Powell that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Monday, July 2nd,, 1945,, at 1 p.m. Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, Hey* When will l get the telephone I ordered? H. Moffatt Reeve TURNBERRY MT, SCHOOL AREA 'With the lifting of restrictions on the mann. facture of many consumer and commercial products, Minister of Finance ilsley sai d must not expect an immediate increase in the available supply of these C01110modities," And he added, "an. increase in civilian goods will depend upon. the time which manufacturers will require to secure the necessary skilled. labour and mdfCrials without interfering with continuing war requirements:" A special meeting of the Board of School Trustees of the Township School Area of Turnberry, was held on May 30th., with all members pres- ent, Minutes ,of previous meeting were read on motion of Willits and Eadie adopted. Applications for position of teacher for S. S. 11 were read from Wilbert Fralick and Mrs. Uldene McKenzie. Motion by Eadie and Willits that we engage Wilbert Fralick as teacher for S:S. 11. Carried. Motion by Willits and Walpole that I. J. Wright and D. Eadie interview Miss Dickson at S.S. 3 with view to have her reconsider her resignation and continue as teacher there for an- other year. Carried. Motion by Eadie and Johnston that semi-flush system of toilet be instal- led in S.S. 11 and S.S. 3. Installation to be completed before August 31st. Carried. Motion ,by Walpole and Willits that we adjourn to meet Thursday, June 21 at 8 o'clock p.m. Carried. 5. Wright, Chairman. Thos. Gilmour, Sec.-Treas. Special Meeting Minutes of special meeting of Board of School Trustees of the Township School Area of Turnberry, June 6th. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion of Johnston and Walpole adopted. An application from. Joseph D. Irwin for the position of teacher in S.S. 3 was read. Motion by Willits and Walpole that the appli- cation be accepted. Carried. An application from Miss Mae Johann as teacher of music in sections 3, 6, 8, 9 was read. Motion by Johnston and Willits that this application be accepted. Carried. Motion by Eadie and Willits, that we adjourn. Carried. I. J. Wright,Chairman Thos. Gilmour, Sec-Treas. ,5014-‘40401: ,4(0.ogrA Our ability to instal telephones depends not on instru- ments alone, but also in many cases on obtaining wire, cable and exchange equipment. Even when we can secure necessary manpower and materials, it will take time-it might be months-to instal all the apparatus necessary to serve our waiting applicants. We shall lose no time, you may be sure. We are grateful for the patience and under. standing of so many who have had to wait so long for telephone service. TURNBERRY COUNCIL EFFECTIVE h-- 4 PROTECTION IS ate otahviai atia91 The, minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale on June 5th, 1945. Members all present. Moved by P. King and W. H. Woods that the minutes of last council meeting be adopted as read. Carried. The following letters were received and read; Twp, of Morris, Brtissels; D, L. Weir, Wroxeter; Dept. Munici- pal Affairs, Toronto; Dept. of Health, Toronto; Wingham Horse Show, Wingham; H. G. MacPherson, Strat- ford; J. A. Coombes, Stratford; James Greenway, Bluevale, Moved by J. 0. Fischer and W. H. Woods that we give Twp. of Howick permission to vary the assessment ,on Cathers Drain as requested' by their letter of 24th of May., 1945. Carried, Moved by Powell and Fischer that we call for tenders for Tax Collector for Twp. of Turnberry at salary of $110.00, Tenders to be in hands of clerk on the 30th of June, 1945. Car: ried. Moved by King and Fischer that we request A. R. DuVal to desist from slaughtering animals in Township until such time as he finds proper slaughter- house and tank." ,Carried. Moved by Fischer and King that we hold the Court of Revision on assess- ment Roll of 1945 at Community Hall, Bluevale on Moday, 2nd. of July, 1945. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Carried. Why, don't ducks get water-logged? Everybody knows that Nature has provided them with effective protection - unique, water-repellant oils impregnating their down and feathers. Effective protection is the keynote to satis- faction in Brantford Roofing, too. Dependable against the elements, fire-resistant, durable and attractive-Brantford Roofing serves countless thousands of Canadian homes. ON,022.ws'adeco $411449 ladgsYo laoseir HOWICK COUNCIL Moved by Farrish and McCallum, that By-law No. 9 for the year 1944 re Municipal Drain No. 18, as real the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Strong and Winter that the School Attendance Officer's Re- port for the Month of March, as read, be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Moved by Winter and Strong that By-law No. 11 for the year 1945, re Municipal Drain No. 20, as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Strong and Farrish that the amendment to By-law No. 7 for the year 1940 be finally passed. Car- ried. Moved by Winter and Strong that as approved, be Wroxeter, June 5th, 1945. The Council met in the Township Ball according to adjournment, the members were all present, the Reeve, D. L. Weir in the chair. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and• on motion of Strong and Winter, were adopted. Whether you are re-roofing an old home or building a new one ... whether yours is a cottage or a castle . . its charm and smartness will be vastly enhanced by the harmonious, tasteful designs offered by Brantford Roofing. It's easy to apply, it's reasonable in cost and it will riot curl, warp or split. Moved ;by Farrish and McCallum that By-lay No. 10 for the year 1945 re Municipal Drain No. 19 as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Winter and Farrish that Councillors Strong and McCallum be appointed with power to act to arrange for the completing of the tile ,portion the Road Accounts, of Municipal Drain No. 16. Carried, paid, Carried. Brantford Roofs BEWARE INSECT DUST In dusting plants to destroy insects, even harmless dusts, such as flour or cement, can cause injury to the human system if inhaled over long periods or in excessive amounts. Seed disinfect- ants are more dangerous because all of them, whether odourless or not, irri- tant or non-irritant, are injurious when inhaled in sufficient quantities to do damage. Brantford Roofing Company Limited Brantford Ontario 2-45 Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE reading, Mrs. Thomas Abraham; Roll Call, clothing for the bale; Solo, Mrs. (Rev.) Hewitt; closing prayer, Mrs. Roy Rutherford; Mrs. K. C. Press treated the ladies to sandwiches which topped off a very pleasant afternoon. Much repairing is being done on the Community Hall, the .destruction is terrible. It isn't the bulbs this time but chairs and seats broken up for fire wood. Mr. Charlie Aitken is clap-boarding the basement of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Wm. Edwards is doing a similar job for Nelson Hunkin, also assisting some of the ladies who bit off more than they could crew, (as the old saying goes.) Mrs. W. J. Ballagh, who has been with the Misses Stokes returned to her home in Teeswater. Work has again commenced on the addition to the garage. A bee was held in the Community Hall on Saturday. The C. G. I, T. turned in and assisted with the paint-, ing of the basement, the women doing the overseeing. Many thanks to Rob- ert Curle and Mr. Roy Rutherford, who certainly did their part. The District meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held in the Hall on Tuesday. The three act comedy under the auspices of the Women's Institute was held in the Hall on Friday evening, was well received. A tidy sum. reali- zed, "Uncle Josh Perkins". We are hoping that Uncle Josh got over his infirmities. The talent was from Jamestown and everyone did their part exceptionally well. The little Miss Busby's and. brother sang between acts. WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John Gear of Kitch- ener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 5, L. McDowell. Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of Hensall, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh, Mr. Norman Taylor of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs. Leonard Cook and Mr. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. 5. L. McDowell were HARRY FRYFOIiLE BELMORE (Intended for last week) The Missionary Meeting of the United Church was held on Wednes- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Press, with a splendid attendance, Mrs. Wesley Tremble, as leader, The meeting opened with singing and prayer, Breathe on Me Breath of God, was the opening hymn. Mrs. Rev. Hewitt outlined the Study Book, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J. Insurance Company Est. 1840 An ail Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Toronto H. C. McLean Insurance Agency Wingham SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT of SWAPS .10‘. of WAIER CARRIERS P WERE EMPLOYED IN INE. CITY of PARIS, FRANCE,lb BR1N4 WATER PROM SEINE RIVER To HOMES BEFORE Cil'y NAD A wAl'EFtwoRNS SYSTEM C 'Bat CEN-CuitY ) 22. Friar's title; 23. One plus nine 26. Head 27. Cry, as a dove 28, Some 30. Donkey 31, Feminine nickname 33. Middle 36. Cuts Irregularly 37. Type of architecture 38. Seizes 39. River ( Eur,) 40. Cheese (Fr.) ACROSS DoWA 1. Deck 1, Fish opening 2. Soon 6. Scares away 3. Novice 11, Old- 4. Kind womanish 5. Female fowl 6, Thin 7. Bewitch 8. River (Eur.) 9. Monster 10. Places '16. Lad 19. Head covering 20. Undressed hide of cpw 21, Division of a play J. H. CRAWFORD W. A. CRAWFORD M.D. iskl s•fyi.E of DRESS DID 4ERMAN UEGt.if IoNERS WEAR AT EY.EctilloNS ? Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario 12. Be evasive 13. Mohamme- dan bible 14, Put forth effort 15. Biblical name 16. Exist 17, Property (4) 18. Large bird 21. Astern 34, Affirmative vote 25 Peruvian Indian 29. A shade of yellow 31. Eating utensil 62. Converts into leather 13. Greek letter 34. Lad 38. Started suddenly aside 38, Bird's beak 41. Public notice 42, Hebrew weight tt. Per. to gold 48. Class 49. Edge 86, Offieer's assistants 51. Searches for 52. Smell NORTH CAROLINA l'ooK NATIONAL LEAD NA PRoDueliON of YAMS IN 1944 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phew 150 Wingham FULL EVENIN4 DRESS 4-12 43. Manufac- tured 44. Paradise 45, Pause 47. Writing fluid 48. Fuel K. M. MacLENNAN DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. Veterinary Surgeon Office - Victoria St., West. Formerly the Hayden Residence PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario 9 io a 3 4 I2 FREAK SHIP- /HE acconitcroli, Dua' IN E.N4LANP IN 186S, cool) DISJOIWr 11SILP AND A.4,4.114 1 101 PICK uP 41 l'flE SEPE.RME SEactorIS 4 VA1 1.• 11 ,,L awn em 14 13 1'1 16 15 ZO 19 Is By WALLY BISHOP MUGGS AND SKEETER 5. Pat.n105ee. 26 27 20 25 'I'VE ALSO PLANTED PARSNIPS AND ARTI- CHOKES AND I DON'T LIKE THEtvir EITHER!! 24 as 22 23 BECAUSE NOTHING I ,PLANT EVER COMES UP- AND THIS WAY I DON'T FEEL SO SAD!! WELL, WHY NOT PLANT SOMETHING YOU LIKE? "4 31 30 29 34 33 32 37 36 35 14/11.0 4.0;3 .0.." 43 44 45 42 v. 41 30 39 40 4- moodiegiriir .44 45 47 411 SO 19 ti • S7 SI re eyed. FeAtur Syn ate, Ine., t. &hi 15