HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-06-14, Page 4FOR SALE—Three used doors. Ap-
ply to Adyance-Times.
FOR SALE — '29 Oldsmobile, good
running condition; Queen Elizabeth
Range, Westinghouse battery radio)
both new. Apply to Oscar Kieffer,
R.R. No. 1, Wingham.
FOUND — Yellow and white collie.
Phone Wingham 606R3.
,tables, in fact all wooden articles,
' Apply to Carl Thorns, John St., 2
doors east of Stutter.,
HELP WANTED—Married or single
lady to work in store, Apply Box
R, Advance-Times.
KITCHENER. BIG-4 has started
Leghorn pullets immediate delivery.
Your July chicks should be ordered
now. Cash in on the assured higher
egg prices this fall and winter with
Big-4 Chicks. Agent, Fred Hogg,
LOST — Billfold containing sum of
Money, drivers license and registra-
tion card. Reward, Finder please
call Advance-Times.
charger, crankcase ventilator, Con-
verts waste into power. Increases
mileage amazingly. Fits any motor,
easily, quickly. Harmless. Proven,
guaranteed, Attractive sales pro-
postion. Victory Manfg. Company,
Cornwall, Ontario,
QUICK RELIEF from stomach
troubles — indigestion, heartburn,
sour stomach, dyspepsia — with ef.
fective Wilder's Stomach Powder.
50c and $1 at IdeAvoy's Drug Store.
Valley Farm"
Presented by Bluevale Young People at 8.15 p.m.
frx,4“4„ - • • it •IV-
— on --
Tuesday, June 19
-- In --
Under the auspices of Wingham Women's Institute
Admission 30 cents. Reserved seats 10c extra at
McKibbon's Drug Store.
HELP WANTED — Female, experi-
enced cook for commercial hotel, f
Also a dining room waitress, a girl
for kitchen work and a upstair girl,
When applying for any one of the
four jobs please state age and give
phone number. Windsor Hotel,
Kincardine, Ont.
Morris, requires a teacher. Duties
to cOMInZtICe in September, Salary
according to qualifications and ex-
perience. Personal application if
desired. Robert 3. Forrest, See'y..
Treas, Bluevale P.R. 2.
LENDOR TABLETS are ef fee-
tiv, 2 weeks' simply $1; 12 weeks'
6 at McKibbon's Drug Store.
AUCTION SALE—of registered, ac-
credited Herefords from the herd of
George Kennedy, Lucknow, and
James A. Little, Teeswater, will be
held at the first farm north of Tees-
water on Highway 4, at 2 p,m., on
Tuesday, June 19th. For ,sale: 10
bulls, 23 females, including mature
cows with calves at foot, bred heif-
ers, open heifers, farmer's bulls,
herd bull prospects of serviceable
age and younger. All animals
gua'ranteed breeders, L. E. Franklin,
auctioneer, assisted by Donald Blue
and John Strauss. Write for cata-
CHARTS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham,
surrounding district and towns. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie
St., Wingham.
CHICK BARGAINS for this week
and next: • White Leghorns, Bar-
red Rock X White Leghorns, Aus-
tra Whites non-sexed 9.95, pullets
19.95. Barred Rocks, New Hamp-
shires, New Hampshire X Barred
Rocks 10.95, pullets 16.95, cocker-
els 10.95. Assorted Heavies non-
sexed 9.95, pullets 14.95, cockerels
9.95. Assorted Light Breeds non-
sexed 8.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels:
White Leghorns 1.50. Started pullets:
White Leghorns, White Leghorn X
Barred Rocks, Austra Whites 2
week old 25.95, three week old
30.95, 4 week old 35.95. Shipped
C.O.D. This advertisement must
accompany your order. Top Notch
Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario.
FOR SALE—Two and a half acres
of land, good stable and hen house
and frame dwelling, situated at the
west end of town limits. Apply
FOR SALE — A. Henderson motor-
cycle in good condition. Apply to
FOR SALE — Barn 40' x 24' and
stable 15' x 20', half arcre land.
bevelled glass coach with sleighs.
Good opening for teamster, Peter
McCall, Lucknow,
FOR SALE-8 chunks, also 1 good
_Durham cow. Apply R. H. Coultes,
Phone Brussels 32-4.
R SALE—Good used bricks, also!
good electric iron, Apply A.A.,
,t Yallge-Times.
TENDERS—will be received for the
building formerly occupied by
Eadies' congregation, approx, 60 ft.
by 40 It,, also the shed adjoining,
approx. 80 ft. by 50 ft. Tenders
for either or both these buildings
to be received by Rev. Kenneth
MacLean, Exeter, on or before June
20th. Also hot air furnace in above
church, Buildings to be removed
within 2 months from date tender
accepted. Highest or any tender
not necessarily accepted. -
WANTED — to purchase pullets 8
weeks of age and older all pure
breeds and hybrid crosses. Good
prices paid. Apply Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On-
tario. • '
WANTED—Girl or woman to assist
with house work. Apply to Mrs.
Bill Henderson (Barber Shop).
furniture and eqpipment. Cash in
on items not in use. Highest prices.
M. Brown, phone 239.
Tenders Wanted—Sealed tenders for
the painting of the exterior of the
Town Hall, Wingham, will be received
by the undersigned up to Saturday,
June 30th, 1945. Specifications may
be seen at the Town Clerk's office.
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
Town ,Clerk.
Will be received by Clerk of Town-
ship of Turnberry for Tax Collector
for Township up until 30th June, 1945,
at salary of $110.00 per year.
Mrs. Fred Lott wishes to express
her thanks to friends and neighbours
for the kindness and sympathy extend-
ed to her at the time of her recent sad
Mrs, T, J. McLean takes this op-
portunity of expressing her sincere ap-
preciation for the many kindnesses ex-
tended to her during her long stay as
a patient in Wingham General Hos-
Vfr, ant Mrs, Walter Lott and
family wish to express to their 'many
friends and neighbours, their most
sincere thanks for acts of kindness and
words of sympathy extended to them
during their recent sad bereavement.
I take this opportunity to sincerely
thank my friends and neighbours for
their letters and many deeds of kind-
ness, while I was in Victoria Hospital,
London. Also for gifts and friendly
chats with those who have come again
and again to cheer the passing holies,
while I have been convalescing in bed
at home. All this has been very much
appreciated and will never be for-
Graham Campbell.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Arthur Stapleton, late of
the Township of Morris, in the County
of Huron, Labourer, who died on or
about the 24th day of May, A.D, 1945,
are notified to send to J. H. Craw-
ford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before
the Thirtieth day of June, A.D. 1945,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing; Immediately after the said
Thirtieth day of June, the assets of the
said testator will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
executors shall then have notice. DATEb this ninth day of June,
A.D. 1945,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Ward Henry Gray, late
of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, who died
on or about the fourteenth day of May,
A,D. 1945, are notified to send to J. H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the Thirtieth day of June, A.D.
1945, full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the said
Thirtieth day of, June, the assets of
the said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto;
having regard only to claims (if which
the administratrix shall then have
DATED • this ninth day of Itifit,
A.D. 1945,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the AdtninistratriL
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Donghtery, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Woods and children
of Guelph, were week-end guests of
Mrs, R. j. Woods,
Mrs. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon. Miller,
Mr, and Mrs. T, J, Salkeld, Miss
Margaret and Mr. Laurence Salkeld,
Mrs, T. 5, Todd and Ann; Mr, and
Mrs, W. A, Miller, Mrs, T. F. Wilson
and Terry, attended the annual Sal-
keld picnic at Seaforth Lion's Park,
on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Stuart A. Miller of
Hanna, Alberta, and their son, Mr.
Bert Miller of Sarnia, attended the
Salkeld picnic at Seaforth and spent
the week-end with relatives here.
There was a large attendance at the
June meeting of the Women's Insti-
tute held in the Community Hall on
Thursday afternoon with the president,
Mrs. Archie Aitchison in the chair, and
with the members of the nursing class
and the nurses who were in charge as
guests. The roll call was responded
to by naming "One thing I learned at
the nursing course," June 22nd was
chosen as the date for the Red Cross
quilting. The matter of showing our
appreciation to our boys as they return
was discussed and Miss Mary Murray,
Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs, J. Cameron,
Mrs. Archie-Aitchison and Mrs. W, A.
Miller, were appointed a committee to
arrange for a fund to be used for gifts
for the boys. $10.00 was donated to
start this fund.
Mrs, E. W. Rice gave a splendid re-
port of the District Annual meeting
held in Belgrave. Mrs. McKenzie
Webb gave a reading "Since Ma has
'upped' her hair". Mrs. Will Ruther-
ford favoured with an accordian solo.
Mrs. Gordon McPherson gave a read-
ing "Unity of Purpose" and Mrs. An-
drew Gaunt sang a solo.
Mrs. J. A. Ward, Mrs. George
Stuart, Mrs. T. F. Wilson, the nurses
who had charge of the nursing course
and Mrs. McKenzie Webb, the secre-
tary-treasurer, were then called to the
front. Unfortunately Mrs. Jas. Wil-
son who had assisted in the course,
was unable to be present. Mrs. John
Cameron read the following address
and Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mrs. An-
drew Gaunt made the presentations to
BY-LAW NO. 1152. 1945
A By-Law to regulate the closing
hours of Gasoline and Service Stations
selling gasoline and oil in the Town
of Wingham.
WHEREAS an Application has
been received by and presented to the
Municipal Council of the Town of
Wingham praying for the passing of
a By-law requiring the closing of
Garage and Service Stations for the
sale of gasoline and motor oil within
the Municipality between the hours of
seven of the clock in the afternoon
and seven of the clock in the fore-
noon of the next following day in each
week from Monday to Friday inclus-
ive and for the remaining days of the
week from the hour of 10 o'clock in the
afternoon of Saturday to the hour of
seven o'clock in the forenoon of the
next following Monday.
AND WHEREAS the Municipal
Council of the said Municipality is
satisfied that a Petition is signed by
of ieast three-quarters in number of
the Garages and Service Stations sel-
ling gasoline and motor oil within the
said Municipality,
AND WHEREAS under the pro-
visions of Section a of the Factory,
Shop and Office Building Act, R.S.0„
1937, Chapter 194, it is deemed ex-
pedient to give effect to the said
Petition effecting Garage and Service
Stations selling gasoline and motor oil.
THEREFORE the Council of the
Municipal Corporation of the Town of
Wingham enacts as follows:
1. That all Garages and' Service Sta-
tions within the Municipality of the
Town of Wingham selling or keeping
for sale gasoline and motor oil, shall
on and after the coming into force of
this By-law be closed and remain
closed for the sale of gasoline and
motor oil and restricted from selling
same during the time and hours be-
tween seven of the clock in the after-
noon and seven of the clock in the
forenoon of the next following day in
each week from Monday to Fridayin-
clusive and for the remaining days of
the week from ten of the clock in the
afternoon of Saturday and seven of
the clock in the forenoon of the next
following Monday, except upon a writ-
ten order of the Chief of Police of the
Town of Wingham or a Constable
having .jurisdiction therein,
2. This By-law shall be made public
by one insertion in the Wingham Ad-
vance-Times, a weekly newspaper
published in the said Town of
Wingham and by posting up 25 copies
thereof in conspicuous places 'in the
said Town of Wingham.
3. Any person who contravenes and
is found guilty of any infraction of
this By-law, except as hereinafter pro-
vided, shall, upon conviction, forfeit
and pay a fine in the discretion of the
convicting Magistrate, not exceeding
50.00 exclusive of costs with same to
e recoverable under The Summary
Convictions Act, R.S.O,, 1987, Chap-
ter 136, the provisions of which shall
apply except that in the ease of im-
prisonment, same shall not he for a
term exceeding twenty-one days,
4, This By-law shall come into force
on the 15th day of June, MI, 1945,
PASSED this 4th daypf June, A.D.,
Fred L. Davidson, Mayor.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
I certify the above to be a true copy
of I1y-law No. 1162 of the Town of
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.
BLENDIES 2 for 19c
BEE HIVE 2 lb.
SYRUP 22 . , . 4 lb. 52c
OLIVES, 9-oz. 39c
PEAS 2 for 23c
CHOICE (28-oz. tins)
TOMATOES .. 2 - 25c
BISCUITS , . 25c pound
TISSUE ... 3 for 25c
SODAS , 15c pound
Fruit and
Size 288 40c doz.
Size 220 ... 54c doz.
CABBAGE . 8c pound
CELERY bch. 15c
LETTUCE 2 for 25c
POTATOES, 5c pound
LEMONS, 300's,• 3 - 12c
SEEDS .... 7 for 25c
Thursday, June 14th, IOW
He'll like this Bulova. It
has the world famous
Bulova movement for ac-
curacy, dependability,
and a handsome stream.
lined case with matching
metal link bracelet A
really great watch value
—15 jewels—only $20.75
David Crompton
Phone 59
Authorized 13.U•L.0.V:A Distributor
6 o'clock. Monday evening. It is
thought that he died on Sunday. He
was last seen Saturday by Robert Mc-
Murray, Monday Mr, McMurray
thought something was wrong when he
had not seen Mr. Casemore about.
He contacted Milo .Casemore and they
forced an entrance into the house only
to find he, had passed on. Mr, Case-
more was born on the farm on which
he died. He was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Casemore, pioneers of the
township. Surviving is a brother,
Jerry of Lower Wingham, and a sister,.
Mrs. John Hunter, 2nd Concession of
The remains are resting at Fry-
foglc's Funeral Parlours, Wingham,
where service will be held at 2.30 p.m.
on Thursday, June 14th. Rev. Jack
H. James will conduct the service.
Burial will take place in Wingham
Cemetery. The pallbearers will be,.
Walter Jeffray, Robert McMurray,.
Leslie Cunningham, Milo Casemore,.
Wm. Abram, Chester Casemore.
oomunrot* sropiet 1.1sirtto •
All Values
effective until
Closing Time
Sat., June 16
Signed on behalf of the members of
the Nurses' Course; Mrs, Jas, Gaunt,
Mrs. Lorne Woods,
After each had expressed their
thanks, all joined in singing, 'Tor
they are jolly good fellows", A pleas-
ant social hour was spent when after-
noon tea was served.
It doesn't make • any
difference what size ra-
dio you have from ,a
tiny desk set to large
living room console —
We can repair it.
'The Boy Scouts attended, service in
a body in the United Church on Sun-
day evening. Rev. A. Sinclair gave
a splendid address on the aims and
objectives of the Scout organization,
Mr. Flark and Mr. Stan Sibthorpe, the
former in charge of the Scouts and
the latter in charge of Cubs.
Radio Service
Phone 380.
Some News Omitted
We regret that due to much copy
being received Monday and Tuesday,
that we have had to hold several news
items over until next week.
Samuel Edgar Small
The death of Samuel E. Small oc-
curred at his residence, Diagonal Road,
Monday. Mr. Small, who was in his
65th year, was found dead in his bed
by Mr. Mark Gardner, about the noon
hour on Monday. He apparently died
of a heart attack a few hours previous
to being found, A native of Wing-
ham, the son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Small, he was a finisher by trade. He
worked at his trade in Meaford and
Toronto returning to Wingham 28
years ago. He was a bachelor and is
survived by one sister and two bl'oth-
ers, Mrs. John Raby of town; Thomas
of Forest, and David of Detroit. The
remains are resting at the home of his
brother-in-law, 'Mr. John Raby, Fran-
ces Street, where service will be held
this afternoon (Wednesday). Rev.
Jack H. James, rector of St. Paul's
Anglican Church, will officiate. Burial
will take place in Wingham Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Robert Spot-
ton, James Murray, W. Hammond, W.
H, Gurney, Donald Rae, Bert Porter.
Goose Feathers,
Feather Beds,
Horse Hair.
Highest Prices
Phone 239.
each of a lovely cup and saucer.
Dear Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Stuart, Mrs.
Laurine Nilson, Mrs. James Wilson
and Mrs. McKenzie Webb:
We the•members of the Emergency
Reserve, have taken this' opportunity
to show our appreciation of the in-
struction and supervision you have so
willingly and efficiently given us.
We hope that if the occasion rises
we will be able to do justice to your
patient teaching.
We would like to show our appreci-
ation, even though in a small way, to
our nursing committee and also to
Mrs. Webb,' who was our very efficient
Eli Casemore
Eli Casemore, a life-long resident of
Morris, was found dead on the floor
of the dining room of his home about
JAM — Apple and Raspberry, Apple
and Strawberry, 24-oz.
fruit, 24-oz.
CHICKEN, 7 oz.
BREAD, 2 24-oz. loaves
SOAP, 2 cakes
CHEESE, 8-oz.
ASPARAGUS SOUP, 10-oz. 2 for 17c
LAMPS-25.40-60 watt
GRAPE JUICE, 16-oz. ,
CLEANSER, 3 tins „ ,
and Grape-
• • ....... ... 0 • • 0 10c