HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-06-07, Page 7OBTAIN THEM AT , YOUR GIVE YOUR KITCHEN A I'dte.406460411111' with 41411110Mitailie 'Interior Gloss Paint Is your kitchen bright and pleasant to,. work in? If not, come in and let us tell you how to give it a "beauty treat- 9 ment" with Flo-glaze Interior Gloss Paint. This paint is exceptionally easy to apply, leaves no brush marks, looks, feels, and washes like enamel. See the attractive, light-reflecting colorsavail- able — and brighten up your kitChen this week-end ! Par sale by: \ The Wallpaper Shop Phone 228 Wingitatn, Ont. 7Tinursclay, June 7th, 194$ • WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE s -sir,Es • (Continued from page one) Mr. Bond spoke on the organization .of the Federation of Agriculture and Community groups. The farmers passed through very chaotic conditions 15 years ago and we must not 'let this happen again, he said. He said that -during the depression period of after 1929 he had been over most of the -western part of this Province and that :many farms had been taken over by 'the Government. 40,000 acres were sold between Hamilton and Windsor -during this period. The Federation came into being on account of the -economic problems, the more we pro- duced at that time the worse off we -were so some of us got to-gether, it NAWANOSEI FEDERATION HELD ANNUAL BANQUET HYDRO SHOP THE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER WILL BE READY TO BRING was tough going but we got over the . hill and the Federation is the strong- est farm organization Canada has ever known and is growing stronger every day. 1-le recalled. the days when hay was $25.00 a ton, 40,00 beef, money camo . in freely but you lost faith in yourself, you lost faith in your neighbours and faith in Almighty God, This brought on the depression and in 25 years we brought on another war and now we have the same problems to face, The Federation believes 100 nor cent in commodity groups, there are now 12 or 13 such organizations and legislation is being procured for three more, cream producers, hog producers and canning crop growers, It has been said that the Federation of Agriculture, in one stroke moved to save the cattle producers $150,000,000 when they took up the beef producers problems. De- spite much half hearted support the Federation has grown to be a lusty . child we have now the support of the press and radio, and the governinent something we did not have before. We are going to have his family live a life free from want if you will help us. Let the past go. We believe we did a nod job for you and these will bring about the finer things of life. We must change our way of thinking, We get to, learn a new art of living, I wonder if we have ,shaken ourselves free of the selfishness and gfeed we had. In the post war days we must each day scatter a little sunshine and have faith in God. The strong must carry the weak and the satisfaction in doing this is great. • We must work together, he said. more said Herb Hannan had done more for the farm- ers of the Dominion of Canada than any other man and he does it gracious- ly and kindly. He spoke of the International Con- ference of Farm groups that will be held in London, England, in October and said it would cost $3,500 to send the six delegates from Ontario, and we will pay our share, he declared, This conference will figure the cost of pro- duction of the various countries and then the export price. We have not had a proper export policy, he said. We must build this thing with Our hearts, that is the important thing, he CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BUICK CADILLAC Across Canada, hundreds of thousands of men and women have kept faith with those who fight ... stuck to the job at hand ... kept factories operating ... produced a -staggering quantity of vital war equipment. To reach their work has involved miles of walking, long waits for over- crowded transportation, the discomfort of rain, sharp winds and bitter cold. For many, the result has been a heart-felt determination "to some day own a General Motors car.*" Some day you will have an opportunity to own a General Motors car. When Victory is final and complete, General Motors will swing from the all-out task of producing military vehicles and weapons of war, to the production of more and better cars for more penple—cars that will take you speedily, comfortably, and safely to your post-war jobs— and to your post-war pleasures! G M -245 X YOU THE BEST IN TOMORROW'S CAR AND TRUCK VALUFS Produce More Food IT'S PROFITABLE — IT'S PATRIOTIC Over 20% less chicks hatched to date than last year. 1945 Export Egg Prices increased by Gc per dozen. The world is hungry—Poultry Meat will be scarce and high in price. SUSSEX X NEW HAMP., PURE SUSSEX, SUSSEX X LEGHORN, BARRED ROCKS, NEW HAMPS., in Mixed Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels. LAKEVIEW Day Old and Started Chicks for Sale (On Display) Lakeview Chicks on Display — Prompt Delivery _— Day Old and Started at reduced prices. This year more than ever it will pay you to raise an extra brood of chicks. — Place your order today — ' LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont. —5000 Breeders on One Plant — at D. KENNEDY'S,. Wingham This 3rd Annual Federation of Agri- standing event. Remember Wednes-- culture Picnic will surely be an out- I day, June 13th. declared. New Representative Introduced Mr, Bain Stewart, who recently was appointed Agricultural Representative for Huron was introduced, He said he did not realize that Huron had so act- ive and such deversified farming. He said he realized his responsibilities and stressed the need of much assistance to the Junior work. He asked that any who had problems to bring them and he would do his best to co-oper- ate. • Reeve Spoke Speaking briefly Reeve J. D. Bee- croft of Eeast Wawanosh, stressed the need of reforestation and the correc- tion of soil erosion, which he said went hand and hand. Huron has about 5 per cent of bush and the danger point is 15 per cent, he said, We distribut- ed trees by each section this year. Next year this work will be done by the Reforestation committee 6f the County, he informed the audience, " County President Mr, Harry Sturdy made a plea for all farmers to sign the card author- izing the councils to take 115 of a mill from each farmer for Federation of Agriculture clues and membership, In England the clues for similar organi- zations are 12 cents per acre, He told of the Huron County Fed- eration Field Day and Picnic which will be held in Seaforth on Wednes- day, June 13th, which he said Would be a lull day front 11 a. tn. to 6 in the afternoon, Sports will be featured and there will be a lacrosse game be- tween t3rampton and Norval, The special speaker will be Jim Hunter of CFRB, broadcasting fame. He intro- duced Hugh Hill who gave a talk on the Warble Fly, Adder' Urged Mr. Hill urged that the Federation units take action Against the Warble Fly. He explained. and showed charts of the various stages of this post which attacked the tattle, There are two species, one does not frighten the cat- tle the other does, Spraying will kill the eggs or fly, He said the 'kW to cattle breeders from these pests was estimated at $5,000,000 in Ontario and 15 to 20 millions for the Dominion. He showed pieces of leather effect by the larvae. He told of areas that had combated these flies successfully and urged that Huron County get a cam- paign so that it could be carried on next spring to eliminate the Warble Fly, Mr. John Buchanan moved a hearty vote of thanks to the ladies of the In- stitute for their efforts in serving such a fine meal, Mr. Lawrence Taylor ex- pressed appreciation to the speakers for their informative and interesting addresses. Both motions were endors- ed by those present. A well attended dance followed. MEN'S SOFTBALL SCHEDULE DATES The following Men's Softball sched- ules have been released in the Western Ontario Athletic Association for group one. June 6—Drew at Mildtnay; Gorrie at Fordwich. June 8—Gorrie ar Drew; Fordwich at Mildmay., June 12—Mildmay at Drew, Jane 15—Fordwich at Gorrie. June 20—Drew at Gorrie; Mildmay at Pordwith, June 25—Fordwich at Drew, June 27—Gorrie at Milditay, 3rd ANNUAL FIELD DAY AND PICNIC Of Huron Federation of Agriculture Wednesday, June 13th Wednesday, June .12th, is the date of the Huron Federation of Agricul- ture, third Annual Field Day and Picnic to be held at Lion's Park, Sea. forth. All arrangements have been folly completed for the 'big day, which will be one of the Most notable gatherings in Huron County this year and the at- tendance will run into many thousands from this and adjoining counties. Sports are 'being featured largely in the program this year and will get underway at 10.30 a.m. A softball tournament - between teams from the counties of Perth, Bruce, Wellington and Huron will compete for a prize of $50.00. A la- crosse match between Brampton and Norval teams should prove unusually interesting. Square Dance Contest, Old Time Fiddler Contest, and Calling Off Con- test and Horse Shoe Pitching contest open to the Counties of Perth, Bruce, Wellington and Huron is also a feature of the picnic, Children's races, including all chit- dren up to 16 years of age, will be run off for good prizes in each event. The Picnic will be officially opened at 1,15 p.m. by Jim Hunter, CFRB, Radio News Commentator, and former Huron County Old Boy. Other prom- inent speakers twill be present, The Educational Exhibits will be contained in large tents on the grounds and will feature the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture exhibit; O.A.C. Pasture Exhibit; National Film Board continuous showing of pictures o4; in- terest to Agriculturalists; War Relies; New Farm Machinery; Veterinary The Huron Holstein Breeders As- sociation are putting on an exhibit of Holstein cattle by the various mem- bers. An added feature of the exhibits will be the presence of officials from the Department of Agrioultttre, who will be in a position, to answer questions relative to the different departments. This is a real Opporttittity to farmers to discuss their problems with these officials, Band music will be provided hi the park as well as. Jitney Dancing throughout the Afternoon, A dance will be hetd in the even- ing with music by the Elite orchestra of London, .110111114111. TRUCKERS! The Goodyear All-Weather truck fire, with Goodyear's exclusive Diamond Tread, is Canada's first choke truck tire. For greater trac- tion... all-round satisfaction...this great truck tire is in a class by itself. COMPLETE GOODAYEAR TIRE SERVICE • •• STILL THE GREATEST TREAD EVER ENGINEERED Murray Johnson b. Phone 62 Bert Armstrong's Service Station • Phone 181 Wingham Ontario.