HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-31, Page 2;1- HAMILTON EAST HAMILTON. WENTWORTH HASTINGS EAST HASTINGS WEST ICENORA UHT EAST KENT WEST KINGSTON LAMBTON EAST LAMBTON WEST HURON HURON.BRUCE Thursday, May 3104 iod WINGliAM ADVANCE-TIMES 19$:M -Two VOTE FOR THESE P maamouusssausisawawasurwssomusumusa PRESENTED on these pages are your Progressive Conservative Candidates in the Province of Ontario who are seeking your support in the election to be held on Monday, June 4th. Nearly one half of these candidates are returned men who have had overseas service. There are many farmers, business men, professional men; nearly all with previous experience in municipal and county affairs. All are men worthy of your support. Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate on MONDAY, JUNE 4th. Return the Drew Government to power with a WORKING MAJORITY. GEORGE DREW Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario—Soldier, author, states- man, former alderman, ex-mayor of Guelph, lawyer, and the fighting leader of his party who leads ninety candidates in the fight to free_Ontaxio from the threat of State Socialism. A vote on Monday, June 4th, for the Progressive Conserva- tive Candidate is a vote for Freedom. ADDINGTON john A. Pringle, Arden Elected to Legis- lature, 1943. Born at Arden. Hard- ware merchant, Hereford cattle breeder. Member school board since 1926. Chairman 7 years. ALGOMA. MANITOULIN John A. Fullerton, Thessalon Furniture and Un- dertaking busi- ness. Born on farm. Estals.: lished in Thessa- Ion 14 years, pre- viously engaged in farming. Has one brother over- seas, another re- cently discharged. 10 years on Thes- salon municipal council. BRANT Farmer. Born at Burford, son of old Brant family. Was O.C. "C" Squad- ron 210 Dragoons. Rejected for over- seas. Long mem- ber militia. En- gaged in mixed farming, specializ- ing in purebred Holsteins. ,Coun- cillor and Reeve Burford Twp. Past Warden Brant. Golf club maker. Born in England, Brantford resident 15 years. Enlisted 1940 Royal Hamil- ton Light Infantry. Wounded at Dieppe. Actively i nterested in sports and com- munity work. P. fohnsion Walkerton N Farmer. 3rd gen- eration farming homestead. Speci- alizes in jersey cattle. 4 years councillor, 3 years reeve Brant fwp. One son in R.C.A.F. overseas. Family long prom- inent in municipal and community activities. A. H. Acres, Britannia Bay Member Legisla. lature since 1923. Farmer. Farms over' 800 acres. Livestock dealer specializing in im- ported registered stock. Member County Council for several years, was youngest Reeve ever elec- ted. COCHRANE NORTH Michel Hand, Hearst Mining business. Born in Quebec, resident Cochrane . district for past 25 years. Was in in- surance business. Served on Hearst TOwn Courrcil. Trustee Separate School Board. COCHRANE SOUTH L. E. Bernick, Kirkland Lake Druggist. Gradu- ate Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto. Licensed pilot, operated own flying school at Larder Lake prior to war. Ex- pert linguist. Member public school board. 2 years on munici- pal council, DUFFERIN.SIMCOE Capt. Bey. A. W. Downer, Duntroon Clergyman. Elect- ed to Legislature 1937, re - elected 1943. Served over- seas, padre in Canadian Army. Served in Italy. Now at Camp Bor- den. Keenly inter- ested in soldiers' and veterans' wel- fare. BRANTFORD Capt. John P. Fraser, Cpl. Stanley H. Dye. Burford Brantford CARLETON • DURHAM Eon. Dr. R. P. VivId11, Port Hope Minister of Health 'and Welfare. Elec- ted to Legislature, 19 4 3. Graduate Toronto Univer- sity. Keenly inter- ested In cancer re- search, public health and hospi- talization. ELGIN Fletcher S. Thomas, St. Thomas Farmer. Born Peel County. Enlisted with Can. Field Artillery last war. Wounded in France. Saw ser- vice with North Russian Exp. Force to Arch- angel. Graduate O.A.C. Has been Agricultural Rep- resentative of El- gin 1927 to April 27, 1945. ESSEX NORTH . H. Drouillard, Hive:side Sales Supervisor. Born in Riverside of well-known French - Canadian family. Has served as councillor, de- puty reeve, reeve and mayor of Riv- erside. Past War- den Essex County. ESSEX SOUTH W. Murdoch* Harrow Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Con- servative Whip. In wholesale egg business. Born 1n England, Scottish descent. Came to Canada 1923. Sev- eral years on Har- row School Board and Town Connell. Lt.-Col. B. A. Beane, Fort William O.C. famous Lake Superior Regiment now on active ser- vice. Joined regi- ment when first mobilized. Return- ed to Canada to join paratroopers, injured. Rejoined Lake Superior's. One of youngest commanding offi- cers in field. GLENGARRY Ossie F. VIII Manville Has one of the largest livestock businesses in Eas- tern Ontario. Has 3 brothers in ac- tive army. Born at' Mairville, French - Canadian parentage. Served 5 years on muni- cipal council, 5 years on High School Board. CRENVILLE.DUNDAS Hon. Geo. H. Challies. Harrisburg Vice - Chairman Ontario Hydro Commission, Mini- ster without Port- folio. Member Leg- islature since 1929. Has reduc- ed rural Hydro rates, abolished service charge, in- augurated 5-year plan to electrify rural Ontario com- pletely. ' GREY NORTH Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, Owen .Sound Physician. Served with 45th Artillery overseas last war. Graduate in Medi- cine, Toronto Uni- versity, Post Gra- duate, Harper Hospital, Detroit. Coroner for Grey County, where he has practised for past twenty years. GREY SOUTH H. A. McCauley. Flesherton Planing mill opc;- ator. Born at Euphrasia of Scot- tish parentage. Served overseas 21/2 years last war. Wounded. Fiesident Flasher- ion Legion. Reeve 7 years, past War- den Grey County. Chairman Fiesher. ton High School. Board. HALDIMAND. NORFOLK Chas. H. Martin. Sluices Elected to Legisla- ture, by - election March 20, 1944. Long established in music business in Simcoe. Born in Walpole Town- ship of pioneer stock. 15 years member Simcoe School Board, 2 years Chairman. Lost only son over- seas, Pilot Officer in R.C.A.F. HALTON Stanley Hall, Slreetsville Elected 19 ctedt4.Legisla- ture; o3 Life- long farmer, born in Halton County of pioneer family. Manager Milton District Co-Opera- tive. Keenly in- terested in agri- cultural improve- ment. HAMILTON CENTRE Vernon C. Knowles. Hamilton Sales Manager. Born in St. Thom- as, graduate Col- umbia University, New York. Widely travelled in Can- ada and United States. Extensive experience in sales and adver- tising business. Alderinan, Hamil- ton City Council. IL, E. "Bob" Elliott. Hamilton Foreman. Born in Simcoe County. Too young to en- list in last war, became a war- worker at 13 years of age. Under- stands labor prob- lems. Keenly in- terested in labor and welfare work. Ten years service Hamilton City Council. K. 'LUAU ton. Coe. ft. Bobcat. Carleton Place Minister of High. ways and Public 'Works, First elec. led to Legislature, 1937, re • elected 1943, Has kept *Ontario highways excellent con. dition despite 'war shortages. Built addition at On. tario . llospitoth His POst- war plans Indt- &Mee 'Ontario est highways eye-. tens in the Domini. loa. Russell T. Kelley. Hamilton Advertising execu- tive. Born on farm. As Chair- man Ontario Blood Donor Committee, Can. Red Cross Society has been a tireless worker for this organiza- tion. Director Hamilton Cham- ber of Commerce for nearly 25 years. Past Presi- dent National Council Y.M.C.A. LEEDS Walter B. Reynolds, Brockville First elected to Legislcaute, 1931, re elected 1943, Chairman of Con- servative) Caucus, Deputy Speaker of Legislature, 1949., President Coal Carriers Shipping Associa- tion. Mayor o f Brockville 6 years. fl Robson, Holloway Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Farm- er, school teacher, soldier. Served overseas last war with 73rd Battery. Specializes in mixed farming. Former president two cheese factor- ies. Long experi- ence...in municipal field. Reeve Thur. low Township sev- eral years. LINCOLN 44ii,HatInDeasley' St. Minister of La. hour, Chairman of Niagara Parks Commission. Ex - mayor St. Cathar- ines, 5 successive terms. Enlisted 1916 4th Am. Sub, Park, served Over- tIodis to war's end. Elected to Legiala. tune 1943. Son and don -fn -law' overseas, Keenly Interested in fair labour laws. I. Fred Wil i lleson. Bellev Farmer. Born in Hastings County. of Irish parentage. Member Sidney Township council 10 years. 6 years Reeve. Is present Warden of Hast- ings County. Op- erates dairy farm. Hon. W. C. Webster, London Liquor Commis. stoner, 'Minister without Portfolio. Elected to"Legisla- ture 1943. Gradu- ate Engineer, '1'c- Tonto University. Served overseas last War, Two soils now OD active ser-, vice, one, a prii- Mier of war, jUst released. Operates 4 factories em. ploling 490. Dr. R. H. Taylor. Dashwood Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Physi- cian. Born in London, is gradu- ate of University of Western On- tario. President War Services board in his dis- trict. Is well. known for his charitable work in his constituency. MIDDLESEX NORTH Thorned L. Patrick, ilderion Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Live- stock exporter, is expert on sheep raising. Member several Sheep Breeders' Associa- tions, Fortner V100 President London Twp, Agri- cultural Council. Former councillor and deputy reevO London TWP, I. W. Hanna. WIngham Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Merch- ant. His firm has been established for 60 years in Wingham. Has served as coun- cillor for 8 years and mayor fox: 5 years. Keenly in- terested in affairs of Ms riding. MIDDLESEX SOUTH Harry ft. Allen, Lambeth Farmer, timber dealer. Born in Delaware Twp., Middlesex, Irish descent. Public School trustee 6 years, 4 years on. Delaware Twp. Council. Council. Chair, =Oh 8th Victory Loan Committee for beiawate, I. G. White, Wabigoon Engaged in min- ing business. Born in England. Knows Northern Ontario thorough- ly. Attended school in Halley- bury and Toronto. Oldest son now: • serving with Royal Canadian Navy. DIUSKOKA•ONTARIO Major &that "Tiger" Welsh, D.S.0.• Sunderland Soldier, farmer. Graduate ramify of Education, To- ronto University. Served with dis- tinction, H.A.F. last war, won Croix de Guelph) (Belgium). Cord.. mandect 1st Aral. Tank Battery in Sicily and Italy. Awarded D,S.O. and Bar. SoVerely wounded, InValid• ed home Decent- ber' 1944. Hon. W. G. Thompson. Blenheim Minister, Lands and Forests. Elec- ted to. Legislature 1943. Farmer and grain dealer. Re- organized fire ranging, directing attack on Mild- worm menace suc- cessfully. Re- claimed for On- tario 13 million acres Crown Lands wrongfully leased. NIAGARA FALLS Carl D. Hanniwell, Niagara Falls Hydro Commis- Stoner. Born and raised On farm at St. David's, Gra- duate Commerce and Finance, Queen's' univer- sity, Worked at faetory jobs from bull ,gang to of- fice. 3 years alderman and 2 years Mayor 141(1,, Ord rag, Geo. W. Parry. PaincOurt Farmer. Born in Kent County. Past President Kent Federation of Ag- riculture. Vic e- Chairman Ontario Bean Growers' Marketing Board. Trustee of Raleigh & Dover school board. NIPISSItta fohn A. Allen, North Bay Insurance under- writer. Veteran last war. Has exec cutive post in North Bay Branch of Canadian Leg. ion, Wide banlv. big experience In ninny towns in Northern Ontario, Lived in North Bay 18 years. Dr. H. A. Stewart, Kingston Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Den- tist. Graduate To- ronto University. Born in Halton Co. 5 years overseas service last war with 1st Field Am- bulance. Son jiit returned from overseas. Board of Educatkon 7 years, 4 years alderman, Mayor 6 years. NORTHUMBERLAND W: A. Goodfellow, podringion Elected to Login-kr- turd, 1943 by lag. est , majority ever polled in tonnty.. A farmer, he 13 keenly Interested in agricultural and nuiticipoi af- fairs. Eleven Mtn municipal and tetnity experience. C. E. lanes, Watford Treasurer War: wick Twp. for 34 years. Life - long Watford resident. Chairman local Red Cross, Vice- Piesident People's Telephone Co., Forest. Long mu- nicipal service. ONTARIO T. K. Creighton, g.e,, Oshawa Lawyer. Born Middlesex County. Honor graduate Political Science University of To- ronto-, Served overseas last war with 75th En. Graduate O go. geode Hall. Chair- man Board, Osh- awa denetal Hos- pital. Life Mem- bet Canadian Legion, Bryan Cathcart, Corunna Business man. Born in Spokane, Wash., Canadian parentage. Lived at Couttright and Corunna for, past 44 years. Estab- lished in business in Corunna 20 years. Member Moore Twp. Coun- cil, Children's Aid Society for Lamb- ton, One son over- seas, R.C.A.F. OTTAWA EAST Christie A. McDonald, Ottawa ttisiness execu. tive. Son of Irish. Scottish TiOrents, 5th generation to be born in Ot. law* Valley. Co. founder /tailor Ot. tawa Board of Trod*. Vountior and first thairrean Ottawa Citizen's FOrUni.