HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-17, Page 6Quality You'll Enjoy LA TEA M 8 of PROTECTION T' —0,0,-"--* ARE THE NATURAL THING I . TIME TO BE GLAD Germany has collapsed. It is as if we had been in a tug-of-war, with life itself as the prize. Now suddenly, the line seems loose in our hands. We must brace ourselves lest the pent up force of our own power send us plunging backward into disorder. Joy is natural to us at this time; but let us be glad wisely. Much remains to be done. Much sacrifice• must yet be endured if we are to establish on this world' that peace and order which is, and has been, our real goal. Thankful we should be. Proud we may well be of the courageous fidelity of our fighting men and the women who have backed them up; and of the proven quality of our technical minds and industrial workers. Let us face the future with confident deter- mination that Canada's new war-developed abilities shall be applied to assure better living for all our people. As Hydro has expanded to power the mighty war industries of Ontario, so in building for peace your Hydro stands ready to do its full part in providing a dependable low-cost electrical service to homes, industries and farms. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION: or ONTARIO 7i-dOS' No. 74 ••••••*• I ip TO ENGLAND I'VE JUST BEEN POSTED... AND I'M SO THRILLED WHY, JUNE ! COME ON IN ! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE IN THE V.A.D. YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ME SINCE I ENROLLED !AST YEAR NOW, I'VE FINISHED MY FINAL TRAINING HERE a *t. .WISH I WERE GOING WITH YOU ! BUT I SIMPLY CAN'T AFFORD TO JOIN THE V.A.D. WHY NOT? WE'RE PAID, YOU' KNOW... WITH EVERYTHING FOUND ...AS WELL AS A UNIFORM ALLOWANCE I se, THAT'S WONDERFUL... AND ALL'I NEEDED T• KNOW! MEET YOU NEWEST RECRUIT. I'M SO GLAD,, ELSIE. YOU, AND OTHERS LIKE YOU, ARE SADLY NEEDED. AND 'THE OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE IN THE V. A , D. IS UNLIMITED WINGS AM ADVANCE.-VMS Thursday, May 17th, 190 '1m REV. NIMMO SPOKE TO THE LIONS CLUB (Continued from page one) week and Lions were expected to be 4.;.n hand to assist in loading all do- nations, Lions Stan. Hall, Ed. Gibson 2nd Stewart Beattie were requested to convey to the Cubs, the sincere thanks of the Lions for their co-operation ,in distributing bills to all the homes and business places of the Town, Rev. W. A, Beecroft was called upon for a solo. He announced his selection as "On the Road to Manda- lay", He remarked that lie had laid this selection aside a few years ago but felt that under the present condi- tions it was a suitable occasion to pre- sent it once more. His offering was greeted with enthusiasm by the Lions, Lion Clayton ,Garinnage introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Rev. Alexander, Nimmo, Mr. Nimmo came from Ireland in 1925 and after gradu- ation from the Presbyterian College at 3,Iontreal had joined up with the RCAF and had served at St. Thomas. Trenton and Rockcliffe. He said his address would be based on a "Chap- lain's Duties". While in the service lie preferred being called a "Padre". He gave a very interesting account .of the many duties performed. The Padres were on call 24 hours per day and had many sad 'duties as well as pleasant ones to carry out. Consul tations were held daily with the men. Sunday services only last one-half hour with the address being limited to seven minutes. Among all denom- inations he had many friends. The men were well behaved and frequently thought of their homes and friends, He had enjoyed his almost three years in the service, Lions Dr. Redmond. and Hugh Carmichael presented a motion for a vote of thanks to Rev, Nimmo for hi* very interesting ad,- dress, President Wilf. conveyed the thanks to Mr. Nimmo with unanimous approval of Lions, Lion Clarence Richey announced attendance up to 91%. At request of President Wilf, Mr. Norm Puther- bough addressed the Club briefli,, He commented upon the fine co-operation shown so far in erecting the new wing for the Hospital. He liked the de- sign and felt that Wingham would have one of the finest buildings in the country. Secretary Wilbur Tiffin presented a letter from Blyth Lions' Club expressing their thanks to Wing- ham Lions for their gift and also for co-operation shown in forming the new Club. The meeting closed with the usual song and Lions' Roar. WESTFIELD Mrs. Emmerson Rodger visited on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook of Colborne Township. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smith and Barbara of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Gear of Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. L. McDowell. Mrs. Thos. Walsh had the misfor- tune to fall on Thiirsday*and break her hip, and is a patient of Clinton Hos• pital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Wm. Crozier of London, visit- ed her father, Mr. W. H. Campbell, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Campbell. . Mr, add Mrs. Charles Anstay and children of Goderich, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Writ Gooier... Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Wightman and. Alberta, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Cameron of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wightman and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mathers of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell And family, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Johnston of West Wawanosh, Mr, and . Mrs. Elwin Taylor And family visited on Saturday with Mrs, • Robt, Snell of -Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Miss Eileen, Mr, Ronald Taylor, visited on. Saturday with Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Goderich, Mr. W. F. Campbell, Miss Winni- fred, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kritsinger, and Mrs. N, G. Anslie of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Alf cClineheY and family of Auburn .visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walden, Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Tanbe of London, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and other friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, Miss Gladys McDowell of -Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Campbell and John, visited with Mrs. Francis Miller, a patient in Goderich Hospital, and with Mr. and - Mrs. Jasper McBrien of Goderich, on Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Campbell was the guest speaker at the United Chur.Ch in Dun- gannon, on Sunday evening at a-moth-, er's day service. Mr, Warren, Bamford of Preston, was a week-end guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bamford. Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Cox visited on Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Harold Sprung and Mr. Sprung of Hullett Township. Mother's Day program was observed on Sunday in the Sunday School. The scripture lesson was read by Illa Tay- lor. The story was told by Mrs. Hai- yin MCDowell. Piano duet by Rena and Gladys McClinchey. Winnifred Campbell presided at the piano. At the church service four infants were baptized, Clifford Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin' Snell; William Hugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Camp- bell; Donald Robt,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell; Marvin Earnest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earn- est Snell. A duet was rendered by Mrs. Emmerson Rodger arid Mrs. Thomas fardin, "Wear a Flower for Mother's Day". The choir also rend- ered a number "Hail 0 ,Faithful Mothers", Rev. Snell gave a fine ad- dress' appropriate for Mother's Day. • Mr, and Mrs. Will Carter entertain- ed the young people one evening last week, it being in honor of their son Gordon's birthday. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Ashton of- Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Carter and family also visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Young- blut of Auburn. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met on May 8th, with a full attendance, Reeve J. D. Beecroft pre' siding. The minutes of the previous meeting 'were read and approved. Before proceeding with the business of . the meeting, the Reeve in a few words expressed thanks to Almighty God for the victory in 'Europe. All present observed a one minute silence in memory of those who had made the supreme sacrifice in the terrific strug- gle just ended.. A letter was read from Mr. W, Gibson, regarding ,the claim of Mr. Ingles, 'Stating that an investigation would be made in this case, Mr. Gordon Leddy 'asked for unstated damages to his automobile due to a wash-out on the township road, This claim will be forwarded to the Insur- ance Company. Two communications from Mr. Creighton of C.P.R. Colon- ization Dept., were read, On motion of Councillor McDowell and Robert- son a committee consisting of Messrs Marvin McDowell. Walter McGill, J. D. Beecroft, Alex IvicBurney and R. R. Redmond was appointed to work with Mr, Creighton, AA resolution for a contract with the Bank of Commerce, Wingham, for rental of a safety deposit box was passed. On Motion of Councillor McDovvell, Seconded by Councillor Black, the Collector's Roll was accepted and the remainder of Els-salary was to be paid. Dogs having played havoc with live stock one claim was paid. A letter from the Dept, of High- ways approving of an expenditure not exceeding $7500 for year 1045 was ordered filed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid. Stuart Mc- Burney, salary and telephone, $88,24; Harry Deacon, brushing, $6,80; Geo, McGee, removing snow fence, $7.55; .L HI Irwin, reihoving snow fence, $1.65; Archie Purdon removing snow forte?, $5.40; Elmer Side% removing• snow-fence, $5.40; The Municipal . World Pub, Co., supplies, $5.75; The .. Myth Standard, supplies, $3,00; Alex. Mammy, remainder of salary, $85,- 00; Hugh Rinn, cow damaged by dogs 00,00; J. F, Mccalitun, services as sheep valuer, $4.40, Council adjourned to meet on June 5th, On that date a Court of Revis- ion on Assessment •Roll. for 'year 1945, will also be held, R, R. Redmond, '.1"wp, Clerk. WHITEcHURCH Mrs. David Gillies, who has spent the past month with her daughter in Detroit, returned home on Thursday last, Her daughter, Mrs. Roy Cringle accompanied her and is spending a week with relatives here. Mrs. Roy Patten of St. Georges, spent the week-end with h9r mother, Mrs. A. Fox, Mr. Robt. Laidlaw of Gait, spent the week-end with his wife and family here. LAC, Malcolm Ross of Centralia, spent a few days last week with his parents, Me. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross. The family of Mr. Joseph Laidlaw will celebrate his eighty-sixth birthday with a family dinner this Tuesday afternoon. This community extends best wishes for many more happy birthdays. Mr.' and Mrs. Percy McBrien of Au- burn and her sister, Mrs. Lovatt of St. Catharines, visited recently with their aunt, Miss C. Laidlaw and other relatives. Corp. Doris McClenaghan and Sgt. Stanley Leeson of Hagersville, spent a few days last week at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and chil- dren of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with' his parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. J. F. 'Mc- Lean. Mrs. McLean returned home from Cayuga one day last week. Miss ' Susan Carrick commenced work in Fry and Blackball's, Wing ham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Clayton, spent Sunday at the home of rMr..and Mrs, Dalton Scholtz of Gode- ich Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Coultes and children, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kerry of Paisley, Mrs. Ben Naylor of Lucknow, and well-known in this district, is seriously ill at her home there. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon and Reta spent Tuesday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nanthiel Bolt of Mar- noch. Rev, A, H. Wilson held Mother's Day in the Presbyterian Church ,on Sunday arid five children were bap- tized, Mary Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon of St. Helens; Dawna Verna, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.'Archie Aitcheson; John Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cleghorn, Wingham; Mary Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wilson, and George Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mr. daughter of Teeswater, and Mr. and and Mrs. Hardie Simpson and Mrs. Harold Johnston and sons of Ludknow, spent Sunday at the home of their mother, Mrs. Will Conn. The following members of Mrs. David Kennedy's family gathered on Sunday for a reunion; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and son, of St. Helens, and Mr. and M. George 'Kennedy and son of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson of Paramount, and Flt. Sgt. and Mrs, •-•••••••••?... Built like armoured tanks, these alligators! Their great hulks are shielded by rows of tough, leathery "plates" of skin, their lashing tails topped by horny lobes. Nature has gone "all-out" to give them them bulwarks of protection. Brantford Roofing is a, bulwark of protection, too: .Countless thousands of Canadian homei—large and :small — enjoy its durable, fire-resistant quality, its assured protectiono against the ravages of time and the wear of weather. There is a Brantford Roof designee to meet your budget and enhance the beauty of your home. You will be thrilled with its pleasing, harmonious 'appearance and long-lasting protection. Specify "Brantford" for your new home, or when re- roofing the old. Brantford Roofs Brantford Roofing Company Limited Brantford « Ontario tall ''ton Hardware to ill members. Mrs. Lance Grain was voted into the 'chair -for the busi- ness of the annual meeting, w.ith Mrs. A, Coultes as secretary, and the Jol- lowing slate of officers were duly elected and installed for the coming Institute year: Hon, pres., Miss Grace Richardson; past pres., Mrs. Grain; pres„ Mrs, Cecil Falconer; 1st vice, Mrs.. Albert Walters; 2nd vice, Mrs. Nelson Pickell; sec.-treas., Mrs. las, Falconer; branch directors, Mrs. Geo, McClenaghan, Mrs. Ernest Case- more, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. T. H. Moore, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs. Mac Ross; district director, Mrs. Lance Grain; Press . reporters, Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Mrs, J. D, Beecroft; pianists, Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Mrs. Nelson. Pickell; auditors, Mrs. Lorne John- ston, 'Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, and the convenors of the following committees ---,FloWers and fruit, Mrs. Ezra - Wel- wood; Citizenship, Mrs. W. J. Coulter; Agricultural and Canadian -•Industry, Mrs. Ben McCienaghati; historical re- search, Mrs. A, McCormick; Horne work, econo crss, r, . J. G. GJailsle.,spMiec;Insonnisia;l warand welfare, Mrs, A. E. Purdon; publicity, Mrs. John MacMillan. Three ladies had attended every meeting of the In stittite during the past year, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mrs.' J. G. Gillespie, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Mrs. Beta McClenaghan, Mrs. George McClena- ghan and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray were appointed to attend the District Any nual meeting to be held at Belmore on Wednesday, June 5. The people of this community wish to recognize' the splendid work done during the past year' by the president' and her officers, giving leadership in so many social activities, war work. and Red .Cross work and installing hydro in the lir Many have remarked at the tna‘ good times, provided in the hall thiS winter. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem, "IN THE SERVICE OF MANKIND" The women of Canada have enrolled by the hundreds in the Volunteer Aid Detach• 'rent of the St. John Ambit• lance Brigade... serving in the true spirit of St. John service. But there is still a pressing need for more. Apply to your provincial V.A.D,,officer at Local Brightle Readquarteto, JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Canada t, Lloyd Lloyd Henderson and baby Audrey of Chatham, visited on Sunday with Ross and Moore relatives in the village. Miss- Ruth Robinson of Windsor, spent the week-end 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson and his father," Mn Thos. Robinson, who has been at Delhi, also returned borne last week. Mr: and Mrs. John Mason and fam- ily were at Hensali on Monday attend- ing the funeral of her mother, who passed away suddenly at her home .in •Hensall in her eighty-ninth- year. Institute Annual The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Hall here'on Friday with a good attendance, and with the president, Mrs. Cecil Falconer in charge of the meeting. • After the opening exercises the financial state- ment showed a balance on hand of 09,98; Mrs: Welwool reported that she had given oul ten boxes of fruit