HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-03, Page 6"SAL
Mrs, Fred Harris and Mrs. Fred
Ogilvie who had been here for the
:funeral of their father, the late Mr.
John Clubb, returned to their homes in
St, Marys and Toronto on Wednes-
There was a splendid attendance at
the social at the Presbyterian Church
on Friday evening. With Rev, A. H.
Wilson in charge of the program,
special numbers were given by Mrs.
Walter Pocock and Mrs. Nelson
Pickett played a piano solo, and Mr.
Picket]. gave several violin numbers.
Other musical numbers and readings
Avcre given by home talent, Lunch
'was served and the social time enjoy-
ed by all,
The ladies of the Women's Institute
were busy in the Hall on Thursday
evening packing twenty-one boxes for
the boys overseas,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie have
received word that their .'40nti, Tpr.
Raymond and Tpr. Joseph St. Marie
are now together in Berlin.
Rev. Robt, Barbour of Toronto, is
spending this week at the home of
his brother, Mr. Wm. Barbour, who
eelebrated his ninety-first birthday on
Tuesday, May 8. His many friends in
this community extend congratulations
to Mr. Barbour, who, although he can
get around fine, cannot see so well.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan, who is
a member of the Overseas Mission
Board, was in Toronto over the week-
end and attended the banquet for the
Moderator, Rev, Jr. H, Arnup, on Fri-
day evening,
Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine,
spent the week-end with, her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin.
Word was received by Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Moore of Kinloss on Saturday
that their son, Charlie, well-known in
this district, had been wounded for the
second time, and was now in hospital.
Everyone expresses the hope that
Charlie's wound will prove slight and
that he will soon be on the job again.:
Mr, Fred Davidson's well drillers
are busy this week drilling at Mr.
Will Henry's, and are drilling beside
the barn, Many farmers are finding'
that water is scarce during the sum-
mer months, -
Mrs. Jos. Tiffin held a W.M.S. tea'
at her home on Tuesday.
Mr. David Hutchison of Wingham,
has been wiring farm homes on the
12th of East Wawanosh and is at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Walker this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of
Goderieh, are visiting a few days this
week at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Clarence Chimney.
Don't forget .the pkty, `Self-Made
Family", to be presented by the Port
Albert people in the Institute Hall
here on Friday evening.
Mr. G. A, McLaughlin of Detroit,
spent last week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, having
come on Wednesday to attend the
funeral of the late Mr. Chas. Clifton,
of Clinton.
Mr? and Mrs, Robert Ross of Kin-
.ffedivickl thing!
Why don't ducks get water-logged? Everybody
knows that Nature has provided them with
effective protection — unique, water-repellant
oils impregnating their down and feathers.
Effective protection is the keynote to 'satis-
faction in Brantford Roofing, too. Dependable
against the elements, fire-resistant; durable and
attractive—Brantford Roofing serves countless
thousands of Canadian homes.
Whether you are re-roofing an old home or
building a new one ... whether yours is a cottage
Or a castle . . its charm and smartness will be
vastly enhanced by the harmonious, tasteful
designs offered by Brantford Roofing. les easy
to apply, it's reasonable in cost and it will not
curl, warp or split.
Brantford Roofs
Brantford Roofing Company Limited
Brantford • Ontario
For sale by
Stainton Hardware
In our school books we learned that—"for want of a
nail the shoe was lost—for want of a shoe, the horse was
lost—and for want of a horse the battle was lost."
Yes, often something that seems relatively small is the
hinge upon which a major event hangs. To-day, we all
desire that our boys overseas shall return home quickly
—but it is only by every one of us doing the utmost in our
power that this desire will become an accomplishment.
The 8th Victory Loan is here. Let every one of. us lend •
our. money, so that our boys may come home sooner.
This 'Advertisement. Sponsored by
Wingham Utilities Citnnmission
ister TAW mom p
Thuroday, May 3rd) 194
Andrew's Church, Wingham on Tues-
day, May 8th, and the W. M.'S. an-
nual Presbyterial meeting to be held
at Molesworth, on Tuesday, Mary 15.
Plan For District Institute Meeting
The Executive of the East Huron
istrict Women's Institute met at
Bluevale this past week. The presi-
ent, Mrs. Everett Sparling, Gorrie,
onducted the meeting and the secre-
ary, Mrs. John G. Spier, .had charge
f the minutes and the correspondence.
The chief item of business was ar-
anging the program for the District
Annual meeting to be held at Ford-
wich on June 5th when the Rutnarn
Girls will be the hostesses. The pro-
gram will consist of reports by con-
'enors of standing committees and
delegates, The guest speakers will in-
clude Miss Gray from the Institute's
Branch, Department of Agriculture,
Toronto, Mrs. White, Provincial
,Board Director, Ripley and Miss Flora
loss, received word on Thursday last
that their Son,. 'COP Dollald. Ross had
been wounded in Germany, Donald's
many friends will hope that he makes
a. speedy recovery..
Lieut. and Mrs, Robert. E, Toomey,
of Detroit, visited on Wednesday last
at the home of her aunt, Mrs, J. D.
'i3eecroft, Lieut, Toomey, a medical
administrator, reported to Indianapolis
Oa, Saturday,
Miss Ruby Conn commenced work
in Wingharn General Hospital 'on.
Tuesday as a Ward-Aid.
The Red Cross Society belt! a sew-
ing meeting at the borne of Mrs. Ezra'
Welwopd on Tuesday last.
Mrs, J. F, McLemrleft last Wednes-
day to be with her daughter, , Mrs.
Waldo Gibson of Cayuga, after the
birth of their little son on. Monday
Pte. Bob Adams of Chatham, Bert
Eynon of the R,C.O.C., London, and
Pte. Angus Mowbray of Wolsley Bar-
racks, London, all spent the week-end
at their respective homes here.
Wakeling —Caution
A quiet but pretty 'wedding was .
solemnized, at high noon, on Saturday,.
April 21. at the home of the bride's
brother-in-law, Mr. and MrS. Jas. Mc-
Innis of Whitechurch, with Rev. A. H,
Wilson of the Presbyterian Church
officiating, when Miss Mary Caution,
daiighter of Mrs, Roane of White-
church and the late DaVid Lloyd
Caution, of Scotland, became the bride
of William Wakeling, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wakeling of London. Miss Jean
Welsh and Mr. Harley Kelly of Lon-
don, were the attendants, Immediately
after the wedding, dinner was served
to 18 guests, from London ind Tees-
water. The happy couple then left on
a motor trip. They will reside in
London, where the groom is employed
with the Street Railway Company.•
The bride's many friends in this com-
munity extend best wishes for a long
and happy wedded life.
Mr. John Purdon has purchased "a
new Massey-Harris tractor.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbciurne of
Goderich, vistied on Monday with her
mother, Mrs. David Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Macintosh and
family of Langside, visited on Monday
at the home of his sister;" Mrs. Albert
The boxes. of little spruce and pine
trees from the nursery have arrived
and the following are busy reforesting
or planting for wind-breaks: Cecil and
James Falconer, John Purdon, J. D.
Beecroft, Gordon McGee, Chas, Leav-
er and Chas, Martin. The boxes were
delivered at the schdols free of charge.
this year, as an inducement for farmers
to reforest and save the fresh water
supply which runs so-low in the sum-
mer months.
Sixteen met at the Farm Forum at
the home of Mr. and grs. John Pur-
don to study `!,Chemurgy"- and its re-
lationship to this .farming district.
After listening to .the broadcast, an
interesting discussion took place.
Chemurgy gives promise of a vast new
market for farm produce, such as—
industrial alcohol from wheat, potatoes
and even straw and soybeans are now
made into plastics. Hence there is no ,
excuse for wheat or other crops piling
up unused or unwanted. Lunch was
served and the social time enjoyed by
Butter coupons 90 to 105 now valid.
No. 106 due May 10,
Sugar coupons 46 to 57 now due.
Preserves including canning sugar
No, 33 to 46 valid, Nos. 33 to' 56 valid
May 17,
One preserve coupon is good for
12 fluid ounces of jam, jelly, marma-
lade, fountain fruit, 20 ounces of can-
ned fruit, 1 quart molasses, 2 pounds
of maple sugar or 40 ounces of maple
syrup, 2 pounds of cut comb honey or
extracted honey, honey butter 1 pound,
15 ounces of blended table syrup, cane
syrup or corn syrup.
Active Fronts
An Army cook had just whipped up
orders of scrambled eggs for a hungry
mob of soldiers. Wearied by his
herculean efforts, he sat down 'tinder a
nearby elm tree, lit his pipe and wrote
a note to, his sweetheart, "Darling,"
he began, "For the past thre6 hours
shells have been bursting all around
Church Services
Rev, J, W, Johnson spoke on "The
promise of the resurrection" at the
Sunday morning service in the United
Chutelt. Mrs, John Wickstead sang
a solo,
The pulpit at Knox Presbyterian
Church was occupied by Rev., John
Lennox of Paris, He based his mes-
sage on the text, "I am not ashamed
of the Gospel of Christ". Announce-
Molts of interest was the meeting of
Hilton Maitland, Presbytery in St.
Mrs. Raymond Elliott.
Rev. J. W. Johnson and Mrs. John-
Son, were recent visitors in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Wadell and family
have moved into the house recently
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKinney and
two daughters spent Sunday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. King near
Pte. N, W. Barnard of the 2nd In-
fantry Division, has returned to De-
Bert, N.S., after spending some time
here due to the illness of his father-
who is a patient in Wingham General
Mr, Robert Barnard and Joe of
London, spent the week-end here and
visited with their Brother Edward,
who is a patient in Wingham General.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pope of
London, spent the week-end with Mr.
and ,Mrs. Charles Johnston.
Durnin, Huron County Coach for
Junior, Girls' Homemaking Clubs. At
the close of the meeting menibers of
the Bluevale branch served lunch.
Red Cross Meeting
The Bluevale Red Cross Unit met
this week at the home of Miss' Duff
to discuss the business of the society
and to _quilt.
In the absence of the president, Mrs.
George Thornton, was elected to pre-
side. A communication was read re-
garding, purchasing material 'for sew-
ing. Mrs. Arthur Shaw reported that
7, sweaters had been completed this
month and Mrs. Robertson reported to
sewing completed to be:
5 men's suits of pyjamas; 5 boys
suits of pyjamas, 8 yr. size; 5 boys
suits of pyjamas. 12 -yr, size; 5 night-
gowns, 8 yr. size; 5 dresses, 4 yr. size;
1 quilt.
Until was served at the close of
the meeting.
Mrs. Walter: VanWyck of Wing-
ham, is supplying as teacher at the
Public Scliool, in the absence of Miss
Mable Coultes, the regular teacher
whose marriage took place this week.
' Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVittie of
Flint,>Michigan, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Walter S. Davidson. • . ,
Mrs. M. L. Aitken was . the guest
speaker at the W.M.S. Thank-offering
meeting at the United Church, Wrox-
eter, this week.
Miss Florence Fowler spent the
week-end with her friend, Mrs. Dale
at Walton. •
• Mr. and Mrs. J. Mai Shall and two
daughters, Listowel, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton.
LAC. Elmer Sellers, Mrs. Sellers
and baby daughter Susan, Goderich,
were week-end visitors with Mrs. J. J.
Sellers` anti Walter, •
,Miss Lois Elliott, Reg.. N., Toronto,
and Wm. Blackniore, Hamilton. spent
the week-end at the home of Mr, anti
While the supply of many
commodities has been in-
creased, butter is Still scarce:
Don't buy any more than you
geed. You'll be releasing it
for overseas. You know what
your own requirements are
better il‘larl anyone else. So,
limit yourself and help to
ensure a fair distribution.
London Canada