HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-05-03, Page 2PAGE T \ WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 3rd, 190 OR, HOPP TOLD LIONS ABOUT LABRADOR .raucknow Man, :Nome Cpl Philip D, McMillan, son of Mrs, McMillan,. Lucknow, and the late Philip T. McMillan, arrived home from overseas on hospital ship Lady Nel- "aon, Cpl. McMillan came home on 1 . crutches. Be is spending a few days at hit home there where his mother has been in poor health. after which he will go to a London military hospital. a---- Moving Part% Onto Hallahan. Farm William and joint Tiffin and Ed. Wactel, of Whitt:T.1111.1rd*, are taking down a barn on the Jonathan Beetley farm, East Wawanosla owned by Ed- gar Lawson. It has been purchased by Simon Hallahan, who last his barn last year by fire, New Industry For Listowel The Universal Paper Products Corn- patty (Canada) Ltd., of Toronto, a branch of a large United States cam, pany bearing the same name, with head offices in Chicago, have leaaed the former Blackmore,Hamilton fac- tory from. the Town of Listowel, and workers have cammenced improve- ments and alterations to the building. More Select Hogs, YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin-ation enables 110 to gi ve you clear, Comfortable Vision (Continued front page one) *umbering him while away on duty. Miss Dorothy Hamilton and Mr. Craig Armstrong presented a duet "Till We Meet Again" which was Tery melt 'enjoyed and favored with an en- core, President Wilf. French drew at- tention to the Charter Night being held by Rlyth Lions' .Club next Thurs.. lay evening and advised Lions to secure tickets front Secretary Wilbur Tiffin as the :accommodation was limited. Lion Wally Armstrong invit., d Lions to attend a meeting, to form local Rehabilitation Committee fol- lowing this meeting, Lion Bill Connell introduced Lion Dr. Hodd of Myth and told Lions hat during his short time he had al- ready won a place of respect and good Will among the physicians of the dis- trict. He bad spent most of his pro- fesaional life in. Labrador and this evening would tell the Lions of his. experiences. Dr. Hodd thanked Lions for the in- vitation. and also for sponsoring the new Lions' Club of Myth. He had spent eighteen years in the Labrador. It was an entirely new country to him and he doubted if residents of Quebec F. F. 110MUTII Ontario farmers have established a record for supplying a higher percentage of Select grade hogs than any other Province in. Canada. There's reason for pride in such a reputation, for Ontario hogs are going ovrseas as fast as they can be :produced, and the reputation of Canadian producers will stand or fall on Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston their performance. been better known since the big Goos Bay Airport had been ,established there, His settlement was known as. Harrington. to There was lots of flying but no ads. In summer outboard motors and row boats were used. In winter planes and dog teams were the only methods of transportation, Hand barrows were used in carrying freight of all kinds. The Doctor proceeded to show his colored slides of the dis- trict and the life of the people. His district . normally 300 miles but at times this was extended, to 400 miles. Trees were very scarce and one tree when cut down was only four or five feet tall yet showed over 200 annular rings. It was very noticeable that 'all the houses and buildings were well painted, most of the paint was home made from a base of cod oil or seal oil with added color. The settlement boasted a 15-bed hospital and this had been established by an Association founded by Sir William Grenfell. It was very well equipped with two steady nurses and one doctor. The cod fishing industry was the feature of the distriet. The many indentations along the Coast were shown and the many fine water- A letter of appreciation was also read falls indicated great possibilities for from the same office in regard- to the future 'hydro developments. The Hud- letter of sympathy sent at the paasing son Boy Company operated a store, of President Roosevelt. The Meeting The boat "Northern Messenger" was closed with the usual song and Lions' .City even knew much about it. It had i available for necessary trips along the Roar. coast, He had a dog team with eight dogs. His pictures were of excellent quality and the colors brilliant. Lion Wilf, Crawford moved a vote of thanks ao Dr, Hodd for showing his fine pictures and telling of his interest; ing life and this was promptly second- ed by President Will, French. Lion Bill Hamilton copveyed the vote of thanks to Dr. Hodd with unanimous approval of Lions, Secretary Wilbur Tiffin read a communication from the International Office , at Chicago ex- pressing regret on learning of the passing of Lion Benson Cruikshan.k. Mother—Alfie tells me they told him in achool today as bow Celumbus travelled 3a000 miles .on a galleon. Father—Go on; the boy didn't ought to believe all these motor salesmen's yarns. Wingharn Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — One Year $2.0l Six months, 41,00 in advance To U, S. A., $2,50 per year Foreign rate, $.3,04 per year Advertising rates on application. THE HOUSING SITUATION wia,saaaa.a aaanaaan w ith ahnon. in this diatraat ?_ate neires-1 ette. • !many aaataea, aaaa aa,a aanau eart afford to invest snhst.aantially.;,Purabased Colborne Creamery' maa,,,:ln 2:esit..11„,, .013 eza„1;:p.a This ace adaiteased tterca not.l. Ma-. Earl Th, ananaon has parabasa =era, has Ite•Nnte a .raaiana) 'arab:ern. l'az) a W-111 to '2a -4t4 a creamers at Colborae in the eaat- F.a inra.a.saa? to trac t a aaTtaszt, Mst tverzt,, !zar.- The war' news. '.erns part of Ontario, and toak oves on! mate nannber .:r pinta *0 we ts go o& brIt. ehere are mama" lives heiug Apia Mr. Thanapsen bad been nvod 7-era !ant in Z.:.-trve:Sa:i..-11 With sane Ore'll tZitl/dize t74:3' 71.41ig:a elapge t5e wa„ aaattal hate a ae,„. ga..„A wa We, -on the bonze frant, shanld back Baaas. Creamery and Ta..a.g. Statian. bera Imre zna.faamaa dataav tan pasta -these boss tra) to. tor rerY attl almost inaant the tirae his brothers, aw„ waeka a.,....!ne„..anaa t„,:vn canna* one ea reapansihnities is to Win and Roy. purcba.aed eta.- a-re:a-mere. rented aril %Alf a:zat namber a,ra. •alesita D'1.7'25 tht. Ir'n**1 late S. affil 4:41t, 0.1 .Vir..reti,an; The tar el e Stilt VietorY Laxan 'twenty yeah ao.a. Toes ter Xtateaa:' ▪ ease S.'Ineve.:al after the waa 1112rest ttl't sr" t ate many wa. !;e4 :t >sat we have a.i definite need aktia'a eantinace aitan - Imgar arrear re- iS to be a=tatralcal for .his Paara-1* Lame was on is way sasahoelj s tat Aslarzed a felt days ago wt.= platted man of tins. t ramadway a-m3ariLng. to e'C:- tz.:1043.5: • aaiaatted 'the Panatenavald .a.,t'arent.r&tf.-.Z Larne touted the trazaney aaver • 11%1 eArnit. 'Mid This and atter Nazi za.7,iar.,' teachaa maaan arrival at sthocal. • :narked the teavest deoraaatien ta'l lanzakaninv Sentirzel -..whiab humanity has yet dasteadeaij Our war' d =nal be lade free laaan Prisanerauf-War sir a air sties 4g. zhese.Pat, R;.2.av, aaaara ef Mr, am . 11,Ers. P).arasta..e7aa, 'who was »< * Mali 1E7:C:ft.'s aft:apt-tons mountain matted missing in aratian s=ae weeks ahatat at Beaahteaaaaaea was deataaya'al te pr ever kr!. War in Ser:-, 1 "baralling east weak. Tbis is taw :3 Irszany, Mas., Riley received a Uttar' newa but how ,a-aaah maze we ozazZI,f irons, the Deaartment of National De- aaae. en5zated it if Hitler had heeal in- 11;w:ea write Aryl • width scatea:, his retreat at The eae=la rzezage., has. * been at:era-anted Gerala=v 1 The tast Iv* tzet the wot. Last 1-vates, that yam- s:n A7014).1. P47,,aa• te week the Ruasian Ar.r,zZlit,an =11'- 1 4C-1:HV7 Rutter ZS:ey is a prlaaners ofat rata `ear Rasa, aaa the yab.e ava-ea, 4 war in Geavaamay..—Parassels Paraa. Thus Caertaaty was 1:itera:!'.1y ern in ma, when ate, a a.aaaa-at ;tarpaaaa-a Isack. Release:I From Paisoct. Camp cata_,a,:t %.1a.aa ranch totzger. The A.Cner-rj 14,,Vz.1-3 WAS r.:0Ze'rea Mrs. ,John; , =tan to a •;:e.feat k Off Ria.;.i.ardine that her saa;;I o -'.'u sty vas *aught imaaaaalle tat so aPahttate Haaawialta rah.. was very, long ago.— a ,mr.ap .50! • Me * * Me S;att Frattr.iszo CottEezetve aNstaaraa inaces wad Sal alerting away to a woraZerit'l atart. qttlaa-aw slit in ate z1.7taiteat trzly a great thar.g, for =aims tolKi.t.-ratazte get their feet rtta2er the tan,. .tri .z.o-yperat'im. ratet-liDisa 0-c=seta. Pro= 4=hc.,-4'*-1... act will tare to iiith Ear.; Pie the pea e a the a.zra Mrs S-2th rz..1-4 at' Ehr..a. .r.an as. the t Of1 haa. 'beim Whlia fffie max, ,anS • repatteS strl'olis:1,- anz2 r .:22C...girtZtrei4 Allied pincers have =et to dose on German, soil — the British, Canadi- an, American and Russian armies meet in a power drive for unconditional sur- render. - That is why Canada's Eighth. Victory loan is more important than any.loan yet. Even though the target is in sig, even though the Victory we've waited for through six embathed years is Ott the horn., the vcay ahead still calls for the utmost effort of our fi.ghting` et o tragiin achy difFeremm least Illetabowill4aaaa' mew Paft‘a °let ak":1..aaed* men an. tat toapatt Bake ea In a Opel:lag tnale Via! Assititsit Um" USW • * AA At P. A_ Cat.I:ta :I a :se' z-ba•rale whiel he has the "Feramt. 17,e -kat,s thz amaty at./ tr.:71 •azzatatt sa.tne, :ear mai sattatEttez..laffe..aerat. 1,14Ce. are the that his van! is ty gets her r-- lads overseas and ourselves at home: In the light of this, what one of us at home can ignore this opportunity to buy Victory Bonds . . • to buy them without stint . . . to buy them out of savings •as well as income? Only in this way can we give our armies, in over-- powering measure, the shells, the guns and the striking power to stage a mighty and crushing drive on Victory. All Victory demands all-out effort. ere not Vrerara ,7 faareeast, het there :'Ast elata ilan Hone:* Lad Lorne Coak, a 7,111-rear-the ..kalifetda; FOR CLEANER ENGINES AND LOWER REPAIR COSTS, CHANGE NOW TO... towna, villages anal eitiva, is 'shoat a Vii"37 a'al 1r u not alone in this matter by an.a- means Carrick. Couple 50 Years Married but the fact remains the situation is 4„ man aaaralay, Aril na very spea- aargent here. laall and happy event in the lives of a a * anti Mrs. Amand Schnurr, of the 8th! ). HAVE you PURCHASED faconeession of Carrick was observed.% THAT BOND.? Fifty years ago the couple were united: laze sta viataas Laaw is jaw; aaa,aa m marriage in St. Mary.s. Church, one half way .aver, so far as the time Farata-, Rev. George Brobrnan .facaor coneerned. There is :n al ating. Again Manday they rep.air- .pleaas la lie date before the aaraatanzaaa.i.ed, to, the same church to. assist at a 1,b1.Z.,:the its reaaaael There are atm ,Solemn High Maa_as, Mildrnay Gana war oaer. As wa said us a. ea. aate aeoording, to the PTA, is meet news fer the, henseaviie. At Ai * The British Zegeatiatt Neale Otter IC= Tel-mmea. wk est".%.1.-t..1.;,1 :5•'2,...",;:+:0 vas t.5 hr. Laaiaaaati,an Otte': :3;itrnt-3 t=a1 .r.peztt,4 • 'PN. If 1, l'1T :"Fiszt4 ..saaataer3 an I :go. it '1.'4-trazr ab.azt sy-th VVallatit.Nn. e..-tVe:k7S the ha-r a :kw e.. - zi" ?a was raized OnnsodopionostrreAvAs*ItiAlopinurnontifinvarol INTERESEE CLIPS I OF DISTRICT NEWS YOU ALWAYS BUY WEISI CONtitit'ENCE AT 11" 11 SlIGN OF THE BIG B-A Call at eter==y Work& Beene ":^t-Ar 7,-z-vz; Sha.atN, :rive 177Vie g".ass ti.t1,0,1111.• abattS L'.:1 the trzttb that ,Tta,lat Ital:lv ttral t1....ive.2,1 ii.z.tJZot •:Ple.ZEtrta. s--32 Am= %T.:Um sm-e zzt te:tg • • tzraw ; - • tItt, Mrs E'attt!.4.4 7inaa,a,„ aaraael,a k the, Mat.52ta. •, ttat a:ataa, a y ta.aat eaat:ta,. nett raas. eata,azal ta.....7:eeth "aw 1.7:1 li.az.lat. *104 Pz.,t10.,:-.4.2 C.r.r.a;nr.v tLtrt 6 ttlzat talts Lm. t. 14.<41itel EV1110'.. ng ttattra VICIMRY WAN BY EERLESS OIL Litk. In *too ,give you. Elptlet Grelft J0744 ittvtzt;‘,,I 7 +aaa attasa Saate,...--.P f. ",111.111161.1.1.0111111111.111111111111Miiiit 11.412r4W latt411" RPO ATION OF TOWN OF WINGHAM F. Lo Davidson hiti or Evans, 'teem M EETS Ontario farmers know that Select hogs are produced through good manage- meat and good feeding, Healthy litters, from good breeding stock, and fed balanced rations, will grade out a far greater percentage of Grade A carcasses than wilt scrub stock, haphazardly fed. Good feeding is playing an increasingly important part and SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower, the balanced feed for growing better hogs, is becoming outstandingly popular with wise farmers. SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower is made of good quality animal proteins, vitamins and minerals, for fast economical growth, and lower costs of production, You'll be sure of healthier, stronger litters and better marketing results, when your hogs are fed tasty, palatable SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower. It's the Fresh Hog Grower, made by your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. Shur-Gain 16% Hog Grower Made by — CANADA PACKERS WINGHAM ALEX MANNINO - BERAVE McifINNEY BROS, - BUIE JOHN MISTED BEIBRE