HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-04-26, Page 8IEME povir 0/12•1 And the Full Faith and credit of our Great Doniinlon of Canada guarantees your Victory Bonds the Safest Investment in the world. So let's buy an Extra Victory Bond Now! t4e ete" 'WY wow SOWS 1, This advertisement Sponsored by FRANKFORT NO. 4 PEAS, 2 tins TIP TOP CHOICE LIBBY'S GREEN PUMPKIN, 2 tins 27c LIMA. BEANS, tin 18c Interlake Toilet TiSsue, 3 rolls 25c Princess Soap Flakes, pkg. . .... . . . . . . 25c Satina—makes ironing easier, pkg. 7c La France, blues in suds, pkg. 15c 25c TOIVIATO JUICE, tin 12c TIP TOP FANCY /MOM ••••••I1* 1••••••11 •••••mit ••••10.1. •••••1•0 immemole ••••••• MOM= 1.•••••• 111.11•=- 1 ONION* immin• •••••0000 aa•••• ••••••• •1•010.1 •••••• 11.0.••1 MOM, IMIM• MM.= la•M. ••••••1 MEW•1 marM• ••••••4 VaN/.0 NOON* •••••• .11M• MM. 11MI m./MO .11MMO IMMMO •••••• NUMMI IMINEM am•MY .mM• togemm• •••Y•ft W•MM1 a•my•ft =MOM IMMO •mam. MEMO ••••mt =MEM •••••• 1•••••• snowy. •.••• •••11•1•Y 0•1•=0•11 •••••••• mu. gnu.. ••••• •••••.• •••.•••, NM. ••••••1•0 1••••••••1 awmgek. ••••••11• 1••••••• .••:r••• WINGRAM At/VANCE-TIMIS BAG LY THEATRE Thursday, Friday, SaturdaY, April 26, 27, 28 CARMEN MIRANDA PHIL SILVERS MICHAEL O'SHEA In — "Something for the Boys" Comedy, music, singing, dancing and technicolour. Also "Short Subjects". Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 30, May 1, 2 WILLIAM POWELL IVIYRNA LOY — In — `The Thin Man Goes Home' Nick and Nora Charles once again tangle with criminals in this latest of "The Thin Man Series". Also "Short Subjects". • WROXETER Program - Bingo - Dance The Wroxeter Junior Red Cross will hold a short program followed by bingo and dance in the Wroxeter Town Hall at 8 p.m., on Thursday, May 3. Willoughby's orchestra. TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 29,1945 Full information from Agents Canadian National Railway New Welding Shop. Now Open Expert Electric and Acetylene Welding PORTABLE EQUIPMENT OF THE LATEST DESIGN. RUSSELL FARRIER Next to Arena on Victoria Street. Mr. Wrn, Mines, who. has spent the winter season with his .son at Niagara N,Y, has returned home, Rev, John .clreig of Collingwpod, was a. recent visiter with his sister- in.4aw, Mrs, Gordon Qreig, Mr, and Mrs, R. F, -McLaughlin .and Mrs, Gay. Davidson, all of OSt4- 4W9., have spent the past ten days at their residence in the village, Mr, Vern Denny was a Toronto visitor last week. • Mr. and Mrs, J. McTavish, also Mrs, I), Walker, Fordwich„ visited on Sunday with friends at Lueluiew, Miss Kay Irwin of Toronto, a form, er teacher here and now in the service, spent the week-end with friends here, Mrs. Pleasance of Toronto, is a guest of her mother, Mrs. Neil White, Plans are being made for a special service in the United Church on Mother's day, A women's choir will have charge of the music, Miss Mary 'MacDonald of Riley, a former member of the public 'school staff here and since last September on the teaching staff at Kincardine, has resigned, Corp, Cliff Denny of Mountain View, Mrs, Denny and Nancy Elaine of Ripley, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Vern Denny. Celebrates 82nd Birthday Congratulations and good wishes to a life-long and highly esteemed resi- dent, Miss Ellen Young, who on Tues- day of last week, April 17th, celebrated her 82nd birthday. Although quite hard of hearing, Miss Young is in very good health and takes care of her home. Friends and acquaintances will join in wishing Miss Young many happy returns of the day. Mr, Roy Durst of Stratford, spent a few days with friends in town. Betty Ann Glossop of Listowel, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. I. Durst. Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent the week-end with Mrs, J, J. Allen in To- ronto, Easter Thank-offering The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church, will hold their Easter Thank-offering service in the church. school room on Friday after- noon of this week, April 27th. 3 p.m. The guest speaker for the occasion will be Mrs. Alice Aitken of Bluevale. There will also .be special music for the service. All the ladies are cordial- ly invited to attend. Women's Association The April meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church, was held in the church school room on Tuesday the 17th. The president, Mrs. Charles McCutcheon, conducted the devotional period and chose for the scripture reading, John, chapter 14, verses 1-13, followed by prayer. 1'7 members responded to the Roll Call— a verse containing the word"Com- forter". The members voted 0.00 to the Stewart Henry Fund. The after- noon was spent in quilting. Pot luck supper was served at the close with Mrs. iMcCutcheort and Mrs. Copeland in charge. Women's Institute - The May meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, May 3rd, at the home of Mrs. H. V. McKenney. Current Events wilt be given by Mrs. H. I. Durst, The Roll Call, "Thought or quotation on music". The Topic, "Mnsic" and the guest speaker Rev. G. K. Nobes. Motto for the day, "The only - way to have a friend is to be one". Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Durst will assist the hostesses. Former Resident Passes Mr. James McTavish received the sad message that on early Monday morning, April 23rd, his brother Allen, had passed away. The late Mr. McTavish, whose home was in Luck- now, was a former resident of the 4th line of Turnberry. Eleven years ago he suffered a paralytic' stroke and since then had had poor health. He Hilor gior -ow towE yOs BUY VICTORY BONDS McKibbons also suffered from a diabetic condition, On Wednesday last he suffered an- other severe stroke from. which he failed to rally, Deceased is survived by his wife, the former Mary Elliott, two sons, Gordon and, Cameron, font- grandchildren. One son Harold, gave his life in the service of his country, Overseas, At time of writing funeral arrangements are not completed, Old friends and acquaintances will regret to hear of the death of one who was held in such high esteem here, and ex- tend deepest sympathy to the family and relatives,. 1••••1,17,•••••,1 Contributions Now $1870.10 In a recent issue Wroxeter Red Cross acknowledged contributions amounting to $3,84040, since then the committee wish to acknowledge ado, nation of 825,0 from the Howie]; Lions Club and $5,00. from Forest Lodge, A, F. & A,Iv1,., making a total of .V.870.10. Please Complete and Return The work committee of the local Red Cross ask all who have work out since March to complete and return, in order that it may be sent in bale May 2nd. A successful sale of houshold furn- ishing, the property of Mrs, Ben, Wade was held on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Wade has disposed of her property and we understand is leaving our vil- lage to reside with her daughter at Goderich. Following the 1914-1218 war Mrs. Tade, her late husband and two children came from England. During the years, here she has made many friends and is held in high es- teem by everyone whb will wish her good health and happiness in her new home, .....••••••••••••••, C.F.R. Conductor Very Ill Tom Hawke, the genial C.P.R. conductor is very ill at 'his home in Teeswater; Mr. Hawke was at his E0Y0E-S R. A. REID Coming To Wingham at Crompton's Jewelery Store Wed., May 2 9 a.m. to Noon "SEE REID and SEE RIGHT" Make an appointment with Mr. Crompton. Phone 59. IL- A. REID Eyesight Specialist Stratford's Leading Optometrist for more than 27 years. Expert Shoe Repairs Jack Colvin BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton,'Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 29th 11 a.m.—Morning Worship and Bible Study. "God's Second Best". 7,30 p.m.—"Christ Glorified". JOHN ST. Next to Masonic Hall NoNNESMINMIONIMIINIMOS1111111.1 S m operas Sundries Magazines Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP enimumnis ie 01.01•11 IIM•01•14 11•••••11 11•11.111••• SIMONE, 111•••••• ••••••, Im▪ g••• ••=0•1, itol•••M mgm▪ ,••• ommal• imm•••• •••••••• a • MEM. MOM.. II••••MR. IMMO. I•••••• 01•11m. •••••••• 1111•••••• 0,••INN. 1=••111•11 work on Friday and when Mr..Me- Kenney, local agent here spoke with him seemed in his usual good health and spirits. Upon returning to his home that evening he suffered a para- lytic stroke and at latest word was in a very weakened condition, Friends here who have known Mr. Hawke for many years hope he will soon improve in health. Will Plan Frolic Howick Lions will meet on Friday evening of this' week, April 27th, at 8 p.m. in the Red Cross rooms, A good attendance is hoped for as plans for the date and location of the annual frolic will be made, also arrangements for participation in the V Day cele- bration. BLYTH Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Sinclair re- ceived a letter on Monday from their son, Flight Lieut. Norman, who is stationed at Iceland. The Lions Club are making arrange- ments for their Charter Night meet- ing to be held on iMay 3rd. This meeting will be in the form of a ban- quet, with the ladies present, followed by a dance, music supplied by CKNX Ranch Boys. Community service to be held on V Day. It was arranged to have a community service in Memorial Hall on the day victory is declared. Ar- rangements for the order of service was left in the hands of Rev. A. Sin- clair. We are pleased to report Mrs, I teach to Olt*, t‘ov,i wean Gan the have been spared of the hortora 01 %vt.- of the bitter sacti. floes ins& III so 0.01 °tines-- then le0 dollar "IA cad spare. MA° d, /10St1 1.11400 David Crompton JEWELLER Thursday, April 26th, c • 'news for her many friends. operation in Wingham Hospital, is progressing favorably, which is good Stanley Sibthorpe, who underwent an -The Mission Band of the United ! the morning service with a choir corn- sided, • prised of members, led in the singing Donald McKenzie, the president, pre- Church had charge of the service at Listen To Huron County Victory Loan News CK N X Every Day April 23rd to May 12th- .. at a. 12.20 p.m. - HURON COUNTY NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE. PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY, Smith's Economy Food Store CONOMY PACKAGE FRESH GROUND GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES “. 15c REX COFFEE, lb. ,, . .. .... . 49e FOUR O'CLOCK CAMPBELL'S BLACK TEA. pkg..,. 40c VEGETABLE SOUP, 2 tns 25c CEREAL DISH FREE Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 Pkgs 27 — FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES — 220*s Navel ORANGES, doz. 47c 288'S Navel ORANGItS, doz. 33c Clteen tette CELERY, bch, 17c Fresh TOIVIATOES, lb. 25c '96's GRAPEFRUIT, 4 for 80c New CARROTS, lb. 9c New CABBAGE, lb. /c Pitik GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for 25c RATION COUPONS VALID THURSDAY, APRIL 26 Rutter, Nos. 90 to 104, Sugar, Nos. 46 to 57. Preserves, Nos 33 to 46. Burgess, Eveready and General giEr & tiC, Batteries "A" "B" Packs for All radio requirements PATT1SON RADIO SERVICE Phone 1714 SALT MAY AN EXTRA BOND 104 hespe, When your boy comes home, he'll be happy about that bond you bought for him. It will help toward fulfilment of his peace- time dream, no matter what that dream may be . . . a new home, a car, a university education . . . whatever it is just you and he know about. First Class Watch ............... ...ftlelea For The Present Watches Only George Williams •••••••• 001•••• gli11111111111011111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 111•••••• . INVEST IN firTS TH.E BEST" alf 6' a ritf, (cii if gAravizei4 wP,Meitti RYJ/IiPi, •••••••1 KING DEPT. STORE I••••••• wimiumwminimminniffimmunimmiummiiiminimiimunimiummimmmummimummig X.1111/1.,