HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-04-26, Page 3BETTER LIVING THROUGH PLANNING Of course it's fun to look forward to happier living in the future. But planning for better living now, is fun'too—and so practical. There is a way you can do it; you can make your home look, newer and smarter, and feel more comfortable and satisfying with a Colour Styling Plan using C-I-L Paints. They're particularly suited for the purpose; they're sold in your community by a man who's wise in the ways of home decorating and re- styling. He's your C-I-L Paint Dealer; he'll gladly help you plan for better living now. Ask him for his expert advice just as xou consult your architect on home construction and design. MACHAN BROS. Farm Improvement Loans Under the Farm Improvement Loans Act a farmer inay now borrow'on special terms to buy agricultural implements, livestock or a farm eleCtric system, for fencing, drain- age, repairs to buildings or other farm -improvements. This Bank is fully equipped to make loans to farmers under the provisions of this Act. Consult the Manager of our nearest branch. THE. CANADIAN BANK -OF COMIVIERCE .1 446 our Victory Loan Salesman Will Call on You Soon Give Him a Friendly Welcome Everybody knows what a comforting thing it is to have money where you can get it when you need it. So, in cost homes, the Victory Loan salesman gets a cordial welcome. He offers an oppor- tunity to you to help your country's war effort by lust saving your money. In case of emergency you can get cash for your bonds-at any bank . . but you know that when you put savings into Victory Bonds they will likely stay there, intact . . . drawing good interest. Your savings are protected from your own temptation to use them. Buy all the Victory Bonds you. can, with all the cash you have. uy More Victory Bonds on the Deferred Payment Plan With Money as You Get It ! 842,111CTORY BONDS' National War Finance Cominiffee And, to give yourself an objective to add to your savings, obligate yourself to buy more Victory Bonds on the deferred payment plan. Make a first payment of 10% or more when you order the bonds . . and pay the balance with money as you get it, over a period of six months. Your Victory Loan salesman will give you a copy of the letter on the right. It is a request to your bank to buy bonds for you. Any bank will lend you the money to do this and the interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank loans IrburodaY, April Mb, 1945 WINGHAM ADVANCV.rIMB:S PA I-4* THREE IV. J. MacKAY CHOICE OF THE HURON-BRUCE LIBERAL CONVENTION in live stock was for the farmer to control his products from the time they are shipped until .they were re- ceived by the .consumer. The government was assured that they would be voted sufficient funds to. carry on until after the election„ but Drew had dissolved the Legislature and thus the. money was not passed and that Drew was responsible for there being no, funds at present for paying bonus on (ices; oetc, He attacked the immigration policy of Mr, Drew saying that before we bring people out here we should have our soldiers and those working in war plants established. Drew favoured 109,00 immigrants for Ontario a year after the war, be said, It is a good thing we caught up with hint and am dead set against wholesale immi- gration until we look after our own, He said the Drew Government set up an Agricultural committee. He said they did pot need any committee that T8m Kennedy (Minister of Agri- culture) could have told what was the matter in ten minutes. 'We have got to get "back to ministerial responsibilities, he said. This com- mittee failed to make a report on marketing the most important point. Marketing will decide whether we continue as prosperous farmers or not. If elected we will set up a branch of marketing within the Department of Agriculture, Mr. Oliver asserted. This branch will look after marketing, greater. consumption, etc, I hope very soldier gets his 'vote on June 4th, he said. I do not see how it is possible but with superman handling it, it may be so. We must not go back but forward, and we will go forward with Hep- burn. • The meeting was conducted by Warden Alex Alexander but during the voting Mr: Russell Farrow, presi- dent of the Western Ontario Liberal Association, took charge. Other speakers were, Major Doug- las Nairn, Liberal candidate for Hur- on North; Mr. Carl Wischer, Liberal candidate for Bruce. and: the canal dates. Mr. John Johnston of *Pi' ldmay and Dr. Jamieson -of Brussels as a resolu- tion committee brought in a resolution reaffirming allegiance to the King and EmPire and full support pf Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King and Mitchell F. Hep- burn. The large gathering stood for one minute of silence in memory of the late President Roosevelt. WHITECHURCH Mrs. J. B. Morrison was seriously ill during the past Week suffering from severe nose-bleeds. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and children, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Coultes of Morris. The congregation of the Presbyter- ian Church are having a social evening in the S. S. room of their church on. Friday evening, A good program is being prepared and all are cordially invited to attend. A large crowd attended the euchre in the Institute Hall here on Friday evening. Mrs. George Walker, and Mr. Miles McMillan were winners of high points, and Mrs. Will Henry and Mr. Ed. Waddel, of low point prizes. $9 was realized from the sale of tickets of the guilt made by the Jolly Work- ers group, and Mr. Alec Inglis held the lucky ticket. $21 was taken in at the door for the ladies Red Cross work for summer. Lunch was served and Tiffin Bros. supplied music for the dance that followed, Mr. Clarence McClenaghan was in London over the week-end attending a Y.P.U; committee meeting: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of Glen- coe, and Miss Eileen McClenaghan of London, also .Mr. Fred. Moss of W, Wawanosh, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs, George Naylor, who has .been at Auburn for the past few weeks, spent the week-end at the home of her son, Mr. Gordon Naylor, Mrs, George McClenaghan motored to Guelph on Monday and Miss Mil- dred McClenaghan, nurse-in-training in the General Hospital there, returned home with her to spend her holidays here, Miss Gladys Maurney of Wing- ham Hospital;visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mel3urney on Wednesday last. r Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Robinson and children, spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Miss Ariel Johnston and„ other London friends, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ger- shotn Johnston. Miss Kay Fottoms of Woodstock, spent last week with Mrs, Robt, Mow- bray and her sister, Miss -Dorothy, spent the week-end here. Mr. Fred Leaver of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Charles Leaver, The regular monthly, meeting of the W,M.S, of the Presbyterian Church, was held On Thursday last in the church; with the president, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray hi charge. Psalm 92 was read responsively, Mrs. Cecil Falcon- or had charge of the meditation perlOd, and Mrs. Murray led in the Glad 'Pitt- Wool Growers' Organization SHIP COLLECT TO ,Our Registered Warehouse No, 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain socks and twine from eo.lialdenby Holyrood or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Can, ings Prayer, Mrs. J. S, Craig ,gave a talk on the chapter from the .study book, 'Focus on Br. Guiana", and Mrs. Ezra Welwood and Mrs. A, E. Purdon also gave readings on this. work, Mrs. Mowbray closed the meeting with prayer for the missionary workers and their work,. Miss Cora Pettman of Nile, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston, Mr, Bert Eynon of the R, C. O. C,, of London, spent the week-end at his home here, and Corp. Tom Morrison, who has had two weeks furlough, re- turned to London, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Dur ham, spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. Robert Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Kedge .Scholtz. and . Donald and Clifford of Westfield, and Mr. Dalton Scholtz of .Goderich, also Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Toll of Blyth,. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs, Ezra Scholtz, The W, M. S. of the United Church held their Easter Thank-offering meet- ing in the church on Wednesday last, and a goodly number of ladies of the W. M. S. of Brick Church, and of the W. M. S. of St. Helens accepted an invitation to attend. The president, Mrs, 5, G. Gillespie, was in charge of the meeting, and during the meeting Mrs, Norman .Coultes and Mrs, Can- ning of Brick Church sang a duet, and Mrs., Woods and Mrs, Rice of St, Helens church also sang a duet, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz contributed a solo, • Mrs, Milian Moore led in prayer for the missionaries and their work, and Mrs. Kirk also led in prayer, Mrs. (Rev,) Ward was the speeial speaker, and all enjoyed her address. After the meeting lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all, Miss Belva .Johnston spent the week-end with her parents at Glamis, The ladies of, the Womens Institute have engaged the people of Port Al- bert, to present their play," "Self-made Family" in the Hall here on Friday evening, May 4, The W, M. S. ladies of Bric.k 'Church held their Easter Thank-offer- ing meeting in S. S. No, 11 last Mon- day evening, with ilvfrs., Norman Coul- tes in charge of themeeting, During the evening Miss Clara McGowan showed slides of China and other places of interest in this community. The special offering was $22,51). On Friday evening the Mission Band held their Thank-offering ' meeting the church with Miss 'Eva Dow in charge. The Children's story was told by Evelyn Leaver, Barbara Irwin, Doris Shiell, and Eleanor Wightmau sang, and Mrs. Gilbert Beeeroft gave a read- ing, Other recitations were given by the children. Mrs. Ross, of Blyth, gave an interesting address, in Mrs, Kirkby's place, as she was unable to. be present.. On ;Sunday a Temperance speaker from Toronto bad charge of the services on the Relgrave circuit. Mrs, Malcolm Ross received word last week that her cousin, Lieut. Rod- die Finlayson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Finlayson of Lochalsh, had been killed in action in Germany on April 4. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Mason, Wing- "ham, visited 'on Sunday with his par-. ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Mason, and Mrs. Mason and baby Julia Marilyn, returned with them to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Parker Campbell. Untold wealth is that which is not recorded on the income tax form. (Continued from page one) Hon. Farquhar Oliver We are in this fight to win/a major- ity and not just a few seats, the special speaker of the evening, Hon. Farquhar Oliver, declared, In Lib- eralism lies the best hopes of the Province of Ontario, he said. We in Toronto look to th'it riding to be one more nail in the coffin of the Pro- gressive Conservative party, Last election, he said, we rested too Much, on our laurels, we relied on past per- formances, not on the things of the future. - He said he had known Billy Mac- Kay for a long time, being in the Leg- islature together, and we are great friends, he said. Quoting Mr. Mac- Kay, Mr„ Oliver said that we could not agree at Toronto and the people will decide. That is the tribunal that I want the people to direct, whether they want the-Drew Government or Progressive Liberalism headed by Mitchell Hepburn. The Nixon Government became a little too conservative, he said, and if there is a sin it is that. The people jolted them in action but the people did it a bit too hard and "they got a government they did not want, He Said the Hepburn administration did , not legislate for the few but for people in all parts• of the province, Speaking of the platform which is to be announced,, he said it will re- fleet the best in Liberalism in this province and one that will elect your candidate if you starlit behind him. Speaking of Mr. Hepburn, he said he did not .always agree with him, but that he, Mr. Hepburn, is big enough to admit that he made a mistake and that is something- George Drew is not. He quoted Mr. Drew as saying that he was opposed to family allowances and that he would do all he could to see that this act did not..eome into. effect in the Province of Oinarid, He charged that Premier Drew put race against race, and Province against Province. - In the Legislature the Liberals had asked Premier Drew what steps he would take to stop family allowances .and Mr. Drew had said he had no intention of stopping them, Mr. Oliver said this showed the type of man we are up'against. Last session the Liberal group took the stand that ,Mr. Drew had got into power by mistake and that they would give him an opportunity to work out his 22 points, and live tip to his prom- ises. Mr. Drew is calling for a Do- minion-Provincial conference, yet he keeps saying what be would demand and so there was no use calling such a conference. He claiMed that the Drew government had not done any- thing for agriculture. Their plan of County committees will not amount to a great lot, he said. He charged that the stock yards are worse off now than before the government took them over. He said they are in a bad state all fall and winter and that hundreds of Cattle had, died and the farmers were not compenSated. Mr. Oliver said that the only way to stop manipulation and speculation. „..