HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-04-12, Page 8 111111111111 wommor c
Glories of Bagdad.
the Caliph's. fabulous
castle...a dream-palace
come true!
105 rcK 16411
Do cast of
101811111n 11110111111/111111I
Thursday, April 12th, 190
111 toltotionolumarts
For Admiration N
Who you do painting or dry gleaning
in the house, Keep the windows open as a
.aareguard, Also take spensi erecauttone to avoid working near stoves• or rite in
order te.avoid an esnlesien.
baby, daughter spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Dilworth, near
Mrs. John Catliers spent a few days
this week in London.
Mr: and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Ferguson, and Mr. Bob.
Ferguson, all of Clifford, also 1V/r. and
Mrs, Ireland and baby, Teeswaier,
spent Sunday with the former's daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling,
Mr, J. W. Hyndman was a Toronto
visitor over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Miss
Beatrice Shearer were in Milibank on
Monday last and attended the funeral
of a cousin, the late Miss Elisabeth
McKee of Milbank, Mr. Robt, Gra-
ham also attended the same funeral,
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor were
Walkerton visitors on Monday of this
Former Gorrie Rector To Receive
D.D. Degree
The degree of a Doctor of Divinity,
honoris causa, will be conferred by the
University of Western Ontario upon
Rev. A, H. O'Neil, M.A., B.D., princ-
ipal of Huron College, at the annual
Huron College Convention to be held
in Cronyrt Hall on May 25.
Mr. O'Neil became acting principal
of Huron in May, 1941, and principal
two years later. He succeeded in that
office the late Rev. Dr, C. C. Waller.
The principal of Huron is himself
an alumnus of the college and a former
president of the Alumni Association.
He is a native Of Clandeboye, and took
his B.A. from Western in 1928. In
1929, he received an L,Th. from Hur-
on, and in 1936, a B.D. He was or-
dained in 1929, and successively serv-
ed the parishes of Atwood, Gorrie and
Clinton. He has been particularly ac-
tive in young people's work.
March Donations To Red Cross
Donations received at the Red Cross
rooms in March were: 4th Line West
group, 2 quilts; 6th and 9th Line
group, 4 quilts; Murray's School, 2
quilts, 2 crib quilts; 15th Line group,
3 quilts; Mrs. A, Taylor, 1 quilt; 12th
Line group, 2 quilts; 10th Line patri-
otic group, 2 quilts; Busy Bees 4th
Line group, 2 quilts; Gorrie W. A.
(United Church), 1 quilt,
Red Cross Shipment
The April shipment from the Gorrie
and District Red Cross Society con-
tained the following articles:
Br. Civilian-8 large quilts, 14 crib
covers, 6 infants gowns, 4 women's
skirts, 4 panty dresses.
Hospital-2 quilts.
Army and Airforce-10 sweaters.
Seamen's Comforts-23 prs. service
Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Hastie and
dauhters, Toronto, spent the week-end
with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Spence and Mrs,
MacPherson, Seaforth, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, Miss Florence
Cooke, Mrs. Edna Nay and soft Billy,
all of Clifford, spent Sunday with the
former's son, Mr, and Mrs. C. G.•
Mr. John Farrish of Ashfield, visited
one ,day last week with his son, Mr,
E. J. Parrish and Mrs. Parrish.
Is Your Radio
In Shape
For V•Day ?
Have it repaired now
at the
Phone 171J.
St. Stephen's W. A. Name Delegates
The regular meeting of St. Stephens
W. A. was held Thursday last at the
home of Mrs. W. C. King, when the
ladies worked at piecing quilt !blocks.
The president, Mrs. Holmes, con-
ducted the devotional period with
opening prayers in unison and scripture
reading taken by Mrs. Lawrence. '
Mrs. George King and Mrs. R C.
Taylor were appointed delegates also
Mrs. Holmes as Life Member to 'the
annual convention to be held in Lon-
don on April 25th and 26th,
Mrs. Taylor gave a very instructive
and helpful paper on the theme "The
Risen Christ" bringing forth proof of
Christ's resurrection from the dead,
and closing. with a lovely poem.
Following closing prayers the host-
ess served lunch, while all enjoyed a
pleasant half hour of social chat.
Gorrie, April Sth, 1945.
The Council met in the Township
Hall, according to adjournment, the
members were all present, the Reeve,
D. L. Weir, in the chair.
The minutes of last regular meeting,
also special meeting of March 23rd,
were read and on motion of McCallum
and Strong, were adopted.
Moved by Strong and Winter that
the Clerk be hereby authorized to
Serve By-laws on Municipal Drains No.
19 and 26 by Registered Post, Carried.
Moved by Parrish' and Strong that
the Insurance on Township Roads be
renewed with Lloyds of London
through the A. E. Wilson Co„ of To-,
ronto, for the ensuing year. Carried.
Moved by Winter and Parrish that
We, the Municipal Connell of the
Township of HOWielti hereby recOrri-
mend that the foregoing petition, re
Townline South, be made a County
BLACK TEA, -11% ...... 40c PURE LARD .... lb. 19c
DUTCH SETS lb. 29c FLOUR, 24-lb. bag ..... /9c
REX COFFEE lb. 49c
SATINA, pkg. —, .. _ ,........ 7c ,SOAP, 3 bars . „ _ 20c
LA FRANCE „. ,, 15c CLEANSER, 3 tins .--.. . 150-
Prankfort No, 4 PEAS, 2 tins ... . . 25c
Stokeleys TOMATO JUICE, 2 tine .......... 19c
Campbell's VEGETABLE SOUP, 2 tins .... 25c
totter, hitia. 90 to 102, Sugar,• Nos. 46 to 55, Preserves, NOS, 33 to 44.
Smith's Economy Food Store
Large Heal Lettuce, ea 200 96's Grapefruit, 3 for 2k
Large Green Celery, bch. „..4 15c
Fresh. Radishes, 2 bells, 15c
-Ripe Tomatoes,lb......„......— 25c
220's Navel Oranges, doz.... 47c 'Fresh Beets, lb. ........,..:.....— k
`2138's Navel Oranges, dot, ... 314
96's Pink Grapefruit, 3 for 25e
New Carrots, lb. .. --,,........, fid
24's Pineapples, ea....„„.,..,.;. 49c
Whisks and Clothes Brushes—
Are essential for storing woollens 25e - $3,50
.Mrs, .Gordon Jefferson and son
George, Owen Sound, .spent a few days
last week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Foster.
Mrs, W, C, King and Mrs, Ernest
K ing, left on Tuesday. to spend a holi-
day in Toronto,
Mrs. Ida Ashton and sister, Miss
Elsie Jacques, spent the weekend with.
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Jacques,
Mrs. Dilworth of Ethel, is visiting
this week with heir daughter, Mrs,
H arold Hyndman And Mr. Hyndman.
We are sorry to report the illness
of Mrs, Jean Bingham, who we trust
will soon be no the road to recovery,
Mr. anti Mrs. W. C, King spent
Sunday with her brother, Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Earls, near liroxeter.
Friends of Mr, Jas. Douglas will be
pleased to learn he is making satis-
factory progress at his home here.
Also Mr, John Hyndman who returned
to his home on Sunday, Both men are
making recoveries from serious oper-
ations ire Listowel Memorial Hospital.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 12, 13, 14
— In
"Lost In A Harem
Music and monkey business with Abbott & Costello
those kings of mirth,
Also "Short Subjects".
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday, April 16, 17; 18
Robald Coultes and son, Murray, of
Beigrave, and Pte, and Mrs, Wilfred
Coslich of Comp Borden, visited at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Earle Casliek of Culross, oak Sun-
, large crowd gathered at Lang-
side hall last Friday evening, as a
farewell party to ,Mr. and Mrs, Ed,
Waddel and family, who are leaving
shortly for their home in Wingham.
During the evening they were present,
ed with a purse of VS, as a rement,
brance from friends in that community.
Mrs. Waddel and Raymond and. Mar-,
lone are spending the week with her
sisters, in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Perrie Pennington and
family of Teeswater, spent Sunday at
the home of her brother, Mr, Wendell
Mrs. Wm, Purdon of W. Wawanosh
and her baby have both been in Wing-
ham Hospital during the past week,
Mr, and. Mrs. Robt, Purdon and
Archie, and Miss Marjorie Purdon
from Elora, visited at the home of the
formers parents, Mr. and Mrs, Archie
Anderson of Lucicnow, on Sunday.
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Mr. and Mrs,
J. D. Beecroft and Mr, and Mrs. Ern-
est Beecroft, visited on Friday at the
home of the former's niece, Mrs. Hall
of Blyth.
L.A.C. Clifford Purdon of Picton
Camp, spent a few days leave at his
home here, last week, and Mrs. Pardon
and Marlene accompanied him back to
Picton on Saturday,
The Red Cross Society held a quilt-
ing at the home of Mrs, John Purdon
on Monday, and last week at the home
of Mrs. W. Dow on Tuesday.
The W. Wawanosh Farm Foruni
is holding a meeting in the hall here
on Friday evening, when Educational
moving pictures will be shown. All
who can attend this meeting are cord-
ially invited to be present.
Mrs. Wm. Snowden of Laurel, spent
Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. Foien and Mrs. Cecil Parson
and Marianne returned to their home
in Toronto on Thursday after 'visiting
with their parents, Mr. and - Mrs.
Malcolm Ross, and Mrs. G. 0. Cox
and children left on Friday to spend
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. David
Cox of Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
Dorothy and Marie of Nile, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne ohnston.
Miss Isabel Fox of Kincardine,
spent Monday at her home here, and
Mrs. Andrew Fox, who had spent the
winter months with her daughter, Mrs.
Roy Patten of St. George, returned
home on Tuesday,
Mr. Bert Eynon of the R.C.O.C. at
London, spent the week-end with his
wife and family here,
Miss Mildred McClenaghan, nurse-
in-training in Guelph General Hospital,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs. S, H. Cross of Walk-
erton, spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. j.• F. McLean and their
children returned home with them,
after spending the holidays with their
grandparents here,
Miss Belva Thompson of Glamis, re-
turned on Sunday for her duties in S.S.
No. 10, Kinloss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and Lois,
and baby Julia Marie, spent Thursday
with the former's sister, Mrs. .Arthur
Anderson of Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson of
Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Mason Rob-
inson and son Cameron, spent Sunday
at the home of their niece, Mrs. Mar-
celle Phillion of Exeter. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bieman, who
have been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Albert Bieman, spent the
week-end in Walkerton at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Howard- McKel-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie had re-
ceived word that their son, Raymond,
was in Germany now, and Joseph had
finished his course in England.
Mr. Thos. Robinson was able to
leave Siincoe General HosPital last
week, and is now at the home- of his
son, Mr. Ross Robinson, of Delhi.
Miss Ada Dow returned to her
school in Colborne Twp. on Sunday
after spending her holidays at her
home here,
Mr. Thos. O'Malley and family of
London, arc returning to their home
on the farm here, this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and
children, spent Sunday at the home of
her brother, ,Mr. Chas, Robinson, and
Mrs, Michael Cummings of St. Augus-
tine visited there on Tuesday,
Head Moderator Preached
Gorrie United Church was equipped
With radio and loud speaker for the
Huron Presbytery United Church
service last Sunday „morning, being
broadcast from CKNK Wingharn,
when Rev. Jesse H. Arnup, B,A., D.D.,
Moderator of the United Church of
Canada, gave the address. Rev. R. C.
Copeland, president of London Con-
ference, made the introduction. Others
assisting at the service were, Rev, G.
G. Burton, M.A,, B.D,, 'Chairman of
Huron Presbytery, as well as Rev. W.
A. Beecroft, in whose church the serv-
ice was held.
• Communion service was held in the
evening here, with the pastor in charge,
Misses Patricia Strong and Kathleen
Cathers joining by profession of faith,
W. M. S. Had Fine Meeting
The meeting of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of the United Church
was held at Mrs, J. Wylie's home on
Thursday, April 5th, with nine mem-
bers and two visitors present. Mrs,
Etta Day led in the devotional period,
the theme of which was "No man
liveth unto himself". The program be-
gan with quiet music by Miss Janice
Strong, who presided at the piano
throUghout the meeting. After the
Call to Worship, the hymn "Breathe
on Me Breath of God" was sung, fol-
lowed by prayer by Mrs. R.,' H. Car- ,
A service based on. the theme "No
man liveth unto himielf", -revealing the
part religion has in all of life, was
taken by Mrs, Whitley, Mrs. Wylie,
Mrs. Copeland and Mrs. R. Ashton.
The hymn "0 Master of the Waking
World" was followed by prayer by
Mrs. Copeland.
,Mrs. Whitley very ably presented
the last chapter of the study book;
"West of the date line". It is made
possible for the churches at home to
help to teach the peoples of the Far
East in schools, Sunday Schools and
the churches. Missionaries will ,be
more needed after the war to re-build
the broken down work of the .church
of Jesus Christ.
The President presided during the
business period when plans were made
for the articles for the bale. Hymn
"Almighty Father, who dost give' the
gift of life" was sung and the meeting
closed with the Mizpah Benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Henderson and
family of Brantford, visited recently at
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Wm.
The heavy winds of last week have
been loosening the trees in the bush
along the 10th of E. Wawanosh, and
several have fallen across the road.
Heralding Spring, beautifully styled dresses 1.
with- eye-catching appeal. Sauve drapery for the
ultimate in figure flattery . .. or crisp tailored lines tj
with harmonizing trims for that clean-as-a-whistle t!
look. Spirit-lifting prints as well as ever-popular 1
solid pastels and Ark colors. . i
. Don't miss seeing this breath-taking collec-
tion. . i
i Hanna's Ladies Shop 1
Mr. Roddy Inglis and Mr. John Boyle
ran their car into one, one night last
week.. When the logs have been taken
out in such large areas of bush land,
there is no protection against wind
for the remaining bush.
Sixteen tables of euchre were played
in the Institute Hall here on Wednes-
day evening last. Miss Yvonne Mc-
Millan and Mr. John Gillies won the
prizes for high points, and Vyetta
Philip and Gordon Wehvood, for low
points. Mr. Chester Taylor and Mr.
George McGee supplied music for the
dance that followed lunch. The Red
Cross group on the West Boundary
are holding a euchre in the ,hall on
Friday, April 20th, to raise funds for
the summer work.
Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Angus
visited on Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Falconer at Caledon,
Miss Edith McClenaghan of Bel-
grave, visited on Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Milan Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and
Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bee-
croft, spent Sunday at the home of
Corp. and !Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon of
Wingham, who were celebrating the
thirty-first anniversary of their wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gully of Wing-
ham, spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs.
Amos Cornelius,
Miss Faye IvIcClenaghan received
79% on her years work in the 5th
Grade at S. S. No. 10, Kinloss, and
is out of school on Farm Leave.
Mrs. Fred Newman and family of
Wingham, spent a few days last week
at the home of Mrs. •Cecil Falconer.
Mr. Newman is putting in the crop •)n
Mr. Naylor's farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and
children' of Kinloss, Mr, and Mrs.
• •4•• •••-• •••• ad...01111.• Rev. J. N. 11. Norton, Pastor
11 a.m.—Morning Worship and
Bible Study.
"The Wine Press".
7.30 p.m.—"Come in and Abide"
RoatLbe given your favorable consid-
eration, Carried.
Moved by Farrish and Winter that
the Amendment to B-law No. 1 of the
year 1945, be finally passed. Carried.
Moved by Parrish and McCallum,
that the Clerk he hereby instructed to
advertise for tenders for constructing
a concrete culvert on Municipal Drain
No. 18, (ZurbriggnDrain) opposite Lot
30 Concession 12-13. Plans and speci-
fications may be seen at the home of
the Road Superintendent, John Mont-
gomery, Gorrie, Ont. Tenders to be
in the hands of the Clerk not later than
12 o'clock, Noon, May 1st, 1945.
Moved by Winter and Strong- that
By-law No. 9 for the year 1945, as
read the third time, be finally passed,
Moved by Strong and McCallum
that the Road Accounts,• as approved,
be paid. Carried.
Moved by Winter and Strong that
the following accounts be paid. Car-
Abraham Johnston, refund dog tax,
$4.00; Albert Gallaher, refund of dog
tax, error, $2.65; Mary Wilson, refund
of dog tax, $2.00; Albert Gallaher, re-,
fund of dog tax, $2.00; Isaac Gamble,
pt. salary as Clerk, $35.00; R. H. Car-
son & Son, repairs for Twp.. Hall,
Gorrie, $1.72; Wm. A. Schmid, watch-
es for Active Service men, $74.25;
Norman Wade, Insurance on Town-
ship Roads, $203,00; Elmer Downey,
pt, salary as caretaker, Twp. Hall,
Gorrie, $17,50; T. A. Roberts, adver-
tising & Suppies, $11.10; John Holt,
sheep killed or injured by dogs, $85.00;
Corp. of Wingham, fire brigade at.
Gadke fire, $25.00; Relief, $123.05,
Moved by Parrish and McCallum
that this Council do now adjourn to
meet in the United Church Hall, Ford-
wich, on the 5th day of May, or at
the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isaac 'Gamble, Clerk.
111,014#0 zg
Elkays Moth Fume Crystals—
Sprinkled generously with woollens will kill all stages of the
moth's life cycle.
390 Lb. Tin
Elkays Moth Fume Spray—
Dernoths Material,rugs, garments, etc., for at least six months
when used as a spray.
75c 16-oz. bottle
ElkaSts Moth Fume Crystals—
In handy hang-up containers
Always a favourite spray in two sizes . .... ..... ..... 83c, $1.39
Woods Moth Blockettes—
For hanging in elosets and wardrobes „.,,„ - 10c - 25t
Moth Proof Garment 13 a g
Fitted with inside hanging bar—accommodates three coat
hangers—positive protection for coats and, suits,
0e, 49e, 590
20c ea.
First Class
Watch Repairs
Fbr The Present Watches Only
George Williams
Next to Masonic Hall
Smoker's Sundries
Guests of Mr, and Mrs, Percy Ash-
ton's one day last week were, O.S.
Jackie Watson of St. Hyacinthe, Que.,
Miss Wilma Watson, Kippen, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos, Jasper, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Jasper and baby, all of Walkerton,
Mt. arid MTS. Harold Edgar and
baby daughter Francis, of Toronto,
were guests a few days last week with
his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Ed-
gar. Mr. and. Mrs. Graham Hastie and
Miss Annie Hastie, all of Harriston,
were guests at the same home on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman and 11111111111111101111.01111111.1111111.1111111111111111