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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-04-05, Page 7
L Pon rip§ OR Romig! YOUR OWN DINO B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. 11URON-BRUCE BOUNDARY FORUM DR. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 Another Hydro Rate_ Reduction For All- Dural Consumers A further Rtfral. rate reduction from 4c to 3,* per kilowatt hour on the first block of energy used in any one month by Hydro Rural consumers,, will go into effect on all bills rendered on or after May 1st, 1945. This Rural -rate reduction will mean a saving of approx- imately $300,000 a year to Hydro Rural consumers. The New Uniform Rate Structure Will Be: 3-1/2c per kilowatt hour for first block of energy. (formerly 4c.) 1-6/10c. per kilowatt hour for second block of energy. 3/4c per kilowatt hour for all additional energy. No service charge on Farm Service . . . a service charge of 56c gross pv month on Hamlet service. The more Hydro you use the less it costs on the average per kilowatt hour. Increased use therefore brings lower costs. The important revisions in Rural rates, made effective in January 1944, have resulted in a greater use of energy, enabling the Commission to further reduce the cost of electricity to Hydro Rural consumers in Ontario. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Insurance Company Eat. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Read Office - Toronto H. C. McLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. H. WHITISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone '- Teeswater 1201 HARRY FRYFOIiLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 1093. Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone'150, Wingham DR. IC Ms CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone IS J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario THOMAS FEELS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham J3 A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Victoria St., West. Formerly the Hayden Residence PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario emerstorammonommwramo JOE 31E1CPIER. DEVELOPED Nis FAMOUS SSoRS Wrfil Pins'AND MULES AS PRA.elleE PAR41E,PS /Miff HE. FUR cA IR (41E. LIN YKED S'TA'TES AND ALAS nt 1043 WAS. WoRfal 4100 RAPPERS ,000,000 -fo THE T t'LVIVES of EAST' ArRicA. MAKE 13 1.11Al2, tie CDR EA1D44 NA" To USE AS A DRESS 1144 foR,.-f+tgia. '{ A 1 44 two ler...World Kahn tnaruk e SWAPS Ga OA Kim MAIM SV Wilk( 412A)4 yikoWtd IH PADDLES? RICE, MUGGS AND SKEETER WHY ARE YOU CRYING, ECINI? DIDN'T YOU CATCH ANY. FISW IttkiKANti, ANY MAN WHO'D DO THAT DEEERAM A THRASHING LI I'D ' LIKE TO aer MY OG ON HIM! THE. MAN WITH THE WELL, THERE HE G- EM:06. E - HE'S THE GAME WARDENt By WALLY BISHOP .:-..°.+r'.. 14u, KifgPatiirti Sytidititt, d04 ahso. v•ix .3,26 1166.feeed Pkteni OtleE, month 23. Musical, note 24, Flowed 25, Tatter 27. Gold ( Her,) 29. Compass • point (abbr.) 30. Eat away 33. Foot-like part 35. Unhappy 37, Floor covering 38. Gates 40, Ala 41. Like a wing 42, Frustrate g 43, Medieval Story 44. Not working 45. Woody perennial 46. Drop, as of moisture CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1G3 l31311101111 L3GJOIE1 1;1(1131:3151El 1:112a1 Ilig113111 11112 12111121E€1110121 CNIZI 01E1 1111:31;1 11111111 111L31E1 111W3Iii ulna! i2ICI E3I'Llti • tiII/E01311110113 GlIf3 01211©E7 3001 IM :111111 .•'•v,,k • 19". Stbrin; 40. Walk through water 42. Top of an apron DOWN monkey? 1:An antenna' 17. Window-like (Radio) apertures 2. Astral (Allot)! 3. Single units 20. Carting 4. Royal Air vehicle Force 22. Obstacle (abbr.) , 26. Large ape 5. Having the 27. Goddess of, 12, Verbal ears cropped harvests 13. Troubles (hyphen) 28. Dinner' 14. Fits 6. Employ 31. Dipped, as i 16. Salt (chenc.). 7, Ellipticals food in, 17. Enemy 8. Little ball of coffee 18, oceans medicine,`' 19. One held In 13. Donkey bondage 14. Thus 21, ..lewish, , 15. Cebine ACROSS 1. Musical instrument 5. Mince 9. Volcano (Sicily) 10. Tear apart 11. Ridge of rocks 32. Ovum. 34. Per, to the sun 36, Like 'Thursday, April 5th, 194 WINGHAM ADVANCE-VIM We felt we could not let you leave .our neighborhood without some slight token of appreciation for what you have meant to us.' So on behalf of our group we ask you to accept this little gift, and when you make your toast and, coffee for breakfast you will be reminded of your friends on the )..st• Line of Morris, Signed on .behalf of the :groan,: Mrs. Jas, Johnston, president. Mrs, R. J, McLennan,. sec.-treas, WROXETER Mrs, Beatty of Ingersol, spent ,a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and NITA. George Edwards, Mrs, Ed- wards leaves for Toronto on Wednes- day of this week to visit her son and daughter there, Mr, and Mrs, 1. L. Hetherington and daughter Sharron Leslie, arrived on Saturday and will spend the holiday with Mr, and Mrs, M. Sellers and other friends, Mr. Philip Durst is spending a few days in Toronto, Rev. G. K, Nobel conducted a Good Friday service in St. James Church at 9.30 Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maclean and children have taken up residence in Mrs, Davey's apartment during the past week, Mr. Maclean is the new barber here, • having purchased the business of the late John Campbell. We welcome the Maclean family to our village. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland on Sunday last were, Mr. and Mrs. James Shearer and daughter Gorrie, also Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Henry and Mr, George Irwin,, all of Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Magee and two children, left on Thursday for Mossley, near London. Mr. Magee, who has been employed at Hemphill's Mill dur- ing the' winter, will now engage in farm work. Mr. Gerry Gibson, recently released from the R.C.A.F„ has enlisted again and left on Saturday fOr the east coast. During the past weeks he has 'been on the 'bank staff here of which he was formerly a member. Gerry's many friends here wish hint good luck and a safe return. Mrs. Kenneth MacPherson of the C. S. staff, is spending the Easter va- cation at her home near Seaforth, Miss Elizabeth Griffith is visiting friends in Toronto, Miss Anna D. Hooper, 2nd line of Turnberry, wishes to thank friends friends and acquaintances who so kindly remembered her birthday on March 29th, and at Easter, all of which was greatly appreciated, espec- ially the remembrance from the Guild of St. James Guild, and contributes these lines which, she colftposedl Lord f commend to Thee. The remnant of my days, O that my chief concern may be, To spend them. to Thy praise, Mrs. H, V. McKenney left on Mon- day for Midland, having received a message to say her father was gravely ill in hospital tliere. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Yea were, Mr. and Mrs, Clenden Yoe and daughter Marie, Mrs, Uzell and Miss Irwin, all of Paisley, also Mrs, Hepton and daughter Vera, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Snarl- ing Yoe, of Bluevale, were Easter 'visitors at the Yeo borne, Mr. H. V, McKenney is deeply grateful to the many in Wroxeter and district for cards' and expressions of sympathy in the loss of his mother, the late Mrs. A. E, Gulden of Toronto. Mr. Alvin Hudson of Toronto, a former resident here, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs, H. 1, Durst, Little Miss Margaret Watts of Weston, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. V, McKenney, Margaret is a grand neice. Mrs. H, Waller had for holiday guests, Mr. Waller, Mrs. Neil Carr, and Master Lennie Hayes, all of To- ronto. Miss Eleanor Sanderson of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Frank Sanderson, and Mr, Thos. Ritchie, Miss Rona Vanvelsor of Weston, and Mr. Laurie Vanvelsor of Hamil- ton, are visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Vanvelsor. Corp, Cliff Denny of the R.C,A.F., Mountain View, spent Easter Sunday with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny. Women's Insti6te The April meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Red Cross rooms on Thursday of this week, April 5th. Mrs. Sellers will have charge of Current Events. Mrs. Mc- Kenney will conduct a Forum pertain- ing to Institute work and programme planning, Report of nominating com- mittee will 'be given. Everyone is asked to contribute to a pot luck lunch, Household Furniture Sold Mrs. George Bennett disposed of her household furniture on Wednesday of last week at a very successful auction sale. Mrs, Bennett has also disposed of her home, the purchaser being Mr. Ted Smith of the local garage. Euchre and Bingo Eight tables took part in the play at • the euchre party on Wednesday night which was sponsored by the local Red Cross finance committee.. Mrs. George Newton and Mrs. Thomas Burke held the highest score. Refresh- ments were enjoyed followed by a few games of bingo, with the following lucky prize winners: Mrs. George Newton, Mr: Percy Copeland, Al Mun- roe, J. H. Wylie, Mrs. Vern Denny, Mrs. Jack Snell, Miss Thelma Denny. A special prize was won by Miss Jessie MacDonald. Waste Fats Shipped 160 lbs, of waste fats were shipped from . here' last -week. The collection of waste fats is sponsored by the local Women's Institute with Mrs. Mc- Kenney and Mrs, Durst as the com- mittee. For all in the community who have donated to this war effort, the committee and members of the W. I. are grateful, and ask for your continu- ed support. Leave donations at the local Red Cross rooms. Winner of Valuable Prize During a recent draw made by the Sports Service League, Toronto, of which Dr. Babcock, -165 yonge St., is secretary, Jack Griffith held a. lucky ticket winning 8th prize, a lovely four skin Russian dyed brown squirrel neck piece valued at $60.00. The money collected, which amounted to $12,825.- 00 is to be used for recreational equip- ment for soldiers convalescent hos- pitals, Congratulation on your good luck Jack. Mrs. Harry Dane of Wrox- eter sold the lucky ticket. Attends Banquet In Toronto Mrs. H. H. Waller spent a few days in Toronto and on Friday night ac- companied her husband, who is em- ployed by Railway and Power Engin- eering Co. Company to the firm's an- nual banquet, held at King Edward Hotel, A floor show and dance fol- lowed the turkey dinner. Peter that he goetli before you into Galilee" St. Marks Gospel 16th chapt. A girls' choir contributed two fine numbers one of which was sung in three parts. St. James Anglican Special Easter service was conduct- ed by the rector, Rev. 1G, K. Nobes, on. Sunday evening in St, James Church. Hymns chosen were, "Jesus Christ is risen today", "The strife is o'er", "Ye. choirs of new Jersalem" and "I know that my Redeemer liveth". Owing to the absence of the organist, the organ- ist and a quartette from Trinity church choir, Fordwich. loaned their assistance to tre local choir, giving two special numbers, an offertory Easter hymn and an anthem "In the Lily Garden. Rev. G. K, Nobes Spoke front the words "Jesus the Christ .is Risen, the Anointed one of God is Risen". service there was, DONNYBROOK -Week-end and holiday visitors „in- 'eluded, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Speigle- burg and sons of Kitchener, and Miss Jean Campbell of Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Doerr and family of Niag- ara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs, R. ,Chamney; Miss Gladys Jefferson, R.N., 'of Woodstock, Miss Irene Jefferson of Dunnville, and Mr. Geo, H. Jefferson 'of Clinton, with Mrs, Jefferson. Sr.; Mr. Warren Bamford, B.A., of Pres- ton and Miss Lucy Thompson of • •'Woodstock, at their homes here; Mr. (Intended for last week) Huron-Bruce Boundary farm forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCormick, with the attend- anee of %Y. This was the last meet- ing of. the series, The guest speaker 'was Mr, Donald Ireland, who gave a 'very interesting. talk on the Federation. `We also had for our guest Mr. Cruick- shank of KNX. who has been greatly interested in the Farm Forums of the •community, He stressed the great need of farmers organizing. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in progressive euchre, they were all high :prizes, the two high prizes for ladies -going to Mrs, Clifford Jenkins and Mrs, 'Gus McGlynn, the high for men going to Andy McCormick and L. G. Bryce. The next meeting of April 23 -will be held as a joint meeting at Mrs. Percy King's. a • and Mrs Joe Thompson and daughter, Miss Isobel, and The, Harvey ThOmp-, son of Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. NormaitThompson; Misses Irene Rob.. inson and Mary Armstrong of Wing-' ham High School at their homes here, and Mr. and. Mrs, H. Jefferson and family with her parents. Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Thornton at Plnevale. Gordon Says New Problems After War Ottawa, -- The end of the war in Europe will bring with, it new prob- lems in preventing inflation and short- ages of some supplies -- particularly foods and textiles-will continue, Don- ald Gordon, Prices Board chairman, said in his annual report tabled in the Commons by. Finance Minister Ilsley. Recalling the sharp upward surge of prices after the First World War, Mr, Gordon said in some respects the pres- sure on prices might be even greater after, the present war, JAMESTOWN Mrs, Ramsay Honoured By 1st Line Group The regular meeting of the 1st Line of Morris group of Jamestown War Workers, took place at the 'home of Mrs, Will, Peacock, on Wednesday, March 28. After the usual afternoon's work of quilting, all gathered together for a social hour in honour of their member, Mrs. Allan Ramsay, who is leaving the community to reside in Tara. The president, Mrs. Jas. Johnston read an address and Mrs, Walter Smillie pre- sented Mrs. Ramsay with an electric toaster. Mrs. Ramsay, although taken by surprise, replied to the ladies in a few well-chosen words, thanking them for their gift and kind remembrance and assuring them that she would often think of them. Following this the hostess, Mrs. Peacock, assisted by several of the ladies, served a dainty lunch. The address is as folloWs: Dear Mrs. Ramsay:- We, the members of the 1st line of Morris group 'of the Jamestown War Workers, have met here this afternoon, not only for our usual weekly' meeting of quilting, but to spend a social hour with you before you leave for your new home in Tara, We are going to miss you very much, Mrs. Ramsay. at our meetings. You were always willing and ready to, lend a helping hand in whatever you were called upon to ,do. You • were never too tired or busy to open your home for several quiltings, and we have spent many happy hours to- gether. J. Wo INFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Money To Loan Office - Meyer Block, Wingham FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. EASTER SERVICES United Church There was a good attendance at the United Church when special Easter service was held on Sunday morning and followed by Holy Communion. Mrs. J. Douglas had placed a basket of flowers in lovely arrangement which added to the enjoyment of the service. Rev. 5. L. Foster was in charge and spoke from the words "But Following evening go your way, tell his disciples and Holy Communion.