HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-03-15, Page 7 Air a plain everyday sink suction plunger, and how it did cling to Harvey's dome.. Lion Tamer Hugh Moorhotts, was late in arriving, so Lion Arnold Earl assumed song leadership, and also contributed a fine violin selection. Misses Agnes Wearring and Eleanor Ashton rendered two lovely duets during the evening, with Miss Marg- aret Wearring as, accompanist, "Mac" Pratt spOke briefly of the fine effort the local Midgets, made in their first season of organized hockey and expressed the hope that they and Lis- towel would be grouped together next season, Rev, Kelley started off by saying that during the past week it had been his sad duty to deliver five or more telegrams to hothes in Listowel and district, hearing the dread news • of loved ones killed or wounded in action in Holland. Such an experience, he explained, was not conducive to his giving an address of humor. and light- heartedness. Such a task made one pause and • take stock of hitriself. These men over there were suffering and • dying for "you and me", and if we were honest with ourselves: we would ask "Am I worth this sacrifice". Time and space will not permit our going into detail of. his .thought-inspit- ing talk, but anyone who knows Rev. a long time. At this point it was moved, seconded and unanimously endorsed that the Club donate $25.00 each to the Red Cross branches of Fordwich, Gorrie and Wroxeter, in their current canvass for funds. "Tory" Gregg was then called on. He just outlined the reason for and procedure of organizing the W.O.A.A., which has a membership of 21 Clubs and has provided opportunity for 500 boys up to 16 years to play in organiz- ed hockey. All but one of these clubs are sponsored by Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions or Community Service Clubs. Year-round sport is the object of the W.O.A.A. and baseball is mooted as the favorite pastime next summer, under a similar set-up as prevailed in hockey. He hoped Howick would be represented. "Tory" was a hockey player himself some few years back. Starting out in his home town of Paisley, he later played with the Owen Sound Greys in the • middle twenties, then jumped to professional, playing with Pittsburg and the' Lon- don Tecumsehs. He advisd the boys present of the great future in pro- fessional sport, but warned that you had to be good to get there and stay. On behalf of the players, Calvin Mof- fatt ably expressed thanks to the How- ick Lions for their sponsorship, to Coach (Glenn Johnston for his whole- hearted interest, and to "Tory" Gregg for his efforts in .organizing and boost, ing minor hockey in this district. -Lion Mac McKinney voiced the ap, preciation of the members to the guest speakers and others contributing to the success of the occasion, ,Meeting then adjourned with the Lions Roar. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Lucknow, March 8, 1945 Editor of the Advance-Times. Dear Sir:- It was with deepest regret that I learned of the passing of the late Benson Cruikshank, As one who had been a business associate with him for past twenty- fbur years, I received much benefit from his wise and kindly advice. He lived the Golden Rule - "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." A Sincere Friend. BUDGET 11161111611B Surplus of $8,922,400 on . ordinary account of which $8,808,000 will be paid to Ontario school boards as initial payment on 1945 legislative grants. ° No new taxation. Reductions of $27,109,209 in fund- ed debt, $18,420,350 in gross debt and $1,080,878 in net debt. Balanced budget for 1945-46 fiscal year with forecast. surplus of $69,328. Expenditure, of $25,383,168 for 'edu- cational purposes in coming fiscal year. SALEM . Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Simmons and children and Mr, Harvey Simmons and his mother,' Mrs. Charlie Simmons, spent one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons, who reside near Fordwich. Mrs, Charlie Simmons re- mained for a few days. (Mrs. W. A. Cathers is at present under the Dr's. care. We hope to see her all right soon again, . The W. A. and Red Cross, did some quilting in the church on Tuesday of last week. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harvey Copeland and „Mrs, John Gowdy, Mr. D. L. Weir, Reeve of Howick, attended council meeting in Wroxeter on. Monday of last week. Mrs. Weir accompanied him and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. McTavish. Mrs. James Stokes from near Glen- annan, spent a few days over the week- The March supper meeting of the Kelley will be assured' that Howick end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Howick Lions, held in Wroxeter Lions and their guests heard something Ira Neill. United Church last Thursday evening, that should remain in their minds for . " 'was featured by, the presence Of all members of the Howick Midget Hockey Club, which organization was sponsored by the Lions this past sea- on, Also present was "Tory" Gregg of Wingham, sports commentator' at 'CKNX, president and prime promoter 9,f the Western Ontario Athletic As- sociation; W. M. (Mac) Pratt of Lis- towel, vice-president of the W.O.A.A.; ReV, W. E. Kelley of Listowel, guest Speaker for the occasion; the Misses Margaret and Agnes Wearring and Eleanor Ashton, who provided musical entertainment. For some reason the attendance of Lions was not as large as anticipated. The youthful hockeyists were seated at a special table, with their coach .and manager, Lion Glenn Johnston at the . head. Tail Twister Ken Edgar, was, as usual, much in evidence. His feature stunt of the night, aside from levying fines, was the production 'of a 'so-called lady's hat, reputedly the creation of a famous trench designer. It wouldn't fit everyone of course, and it eventually transpired that Lion Harvey McMichael was abbut the only 'one preent who could keep the con- 'tr'ivance on his head; it was about 2 inches in height. Stripped of its 4010.. and dog-dads, the head-piece was evealed to, have been fashioned over FOR PIPE OR k ROLLING YOUR OWN DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer. Licensed for Counties of , HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. MEET TEAMS GUESTS OF HOWICK LIONS iRev. W. E. Kelley and Tory Gregg Speakers FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Oiteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. J, A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office - Victoria St., West. Formerly the Hayden Residence PHONE 196 Wiligham, -:- Ontario Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served\ its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -`Toronto H. C. McLean Insurance Agency Wingham WING1-1/01 ADVANCVEIVIES ?'AG74 ' ry , , . to • Liquor to and permits and day Liquor of $1.00 The March after Individual your decision printing conservation DO Permits 31st, at any March will effect Control Board • Permit 0 of (not and Board of the individual saving with WEBSTER re in Commissioner Store payment -issued) present present paper Ontario Holders - on fr , NOTICE , Liquor costs, to Liquor NOT present 1946 will Liquor 19th, extend a and policies. be on is use keeping G. Chief Peiniit extended application Control DESTROY WILLIAM 1945. substantial the in Business and Professional Directory WELLECON FIRE "Thursdays March 15th, 1945' - YES, IT'S TRUE % AM GOING 10 TAKE PAINT WI'N A BOXING H ''SLUGGERfrMATCH' MITCHELL, BUT-A Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service • Phones: Day 109W. Night 1091 HARRY FRYFORE itseitetitcl U S. PAtent 0qn.1.1 THEN SWITCH 10 A RIGHT UPPERCUT- LIKE THIS 6 * * Payment of one-mill subsidy to all Ontario municipalities with special subsidies to northern mining muni- cipalities. Continuation of present subsidies on, agricultural products. * Plea for Dominion-provincial con- ference to revise faulty tax structure. ' * Saving of $2,262,487 in cost of in- terest and foreign exchange on public debt. 'SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK SWAPS Leek -1 0° 4ANDER,: CARRIED A Boy ww4tot.44 74 PouNDS- MAD/SOg SqUAR.E <ARDEAlt A ea.! eAt4IS FEE1' OVERLAP WHEN HE WIesW<6 c...0414.4,44411.40...if. veto .1,1, ...NE SEEN TRYING Tta YOU-I'M NOT GOING 17, BOX WITH "SLUGGER"- I'M .0N UV GOING 'IV SECOND HIM tl B WALLY BISHOP. A.NNED* P014KEY itIDE AND 15 GoN51DtREP 111E BET LEA'filEat FOR DitilMAEADS Jo W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Money To Loan Office -- Meyer Block, Wingham, I H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham • -:- Ontario THOMAS FEELS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham teams are very evenly matched. They have played two games 'previously and the Lucknow team won both these games by the score of 1-0, Lucknow Helen Durnin, Helen Welsh, June Johnston, Gail McMillan, Mary Anderson , Donald McQuage, Thelma Gaynor, Winnifred Stewart, Mary Chin, Shirley Robinson, Patsy McMillan, Marilyn McAlpine, Gladys Milian, Shirley Johnston. Wingham - Margaret MacDonald, Marion Irwin, Pansy Champion, Gwen Blatchford, Connie Fry, Joan Gregg, Ann Wain, Marion Brydges, Marion Carrie, Mary Tofting, Alice Buckman, Jean Hobden, Jean Buslifield. The boys went down to defeat by the score of 14-0. The boys from the Goderich Public School were much heavier than the lads from our schbol. •••••••=11. Six of the !Goderich players were on the Midget team so that they were much more experienced than out- boys. Coderich-goal, Culp; defence, Stod- dart, Doak, Holland, Holmes; for- wards, Price, Beacom, Hamilton, Monk, Tulford, Merian, McPhail, Mc- Ewen. Wingham - goal, Henderson; de- fence, Brophy, Martin; centre, Lock- ridge; wings, Wild and Harcourt; al- ternates, Tervit, Reihl, Hilbert, John- ston, Buckman, Hiseler, Pollock, J. Currie, Hudson. Lucknow 6, Wingham 3 Saturday morning Lucknow Public School boys team won over our school learn by the score of 6-3. It was a very good exhibition of hockey and some of our :boys should develop into good midgets and later juveniles. W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. t M. CONNELL • 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 111 PUBLIC SCHOOL GIRLS WON FROM LUNN Boys of School Defeated 14-0 By Goderich Team The Public School pupils staged two games prior to ladies game on Friday night. The girls team were the most successful defeating the Lucknow public school 'girls team by the close score of 1-0. These two A. H. McTAVISH B9 .A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 1201. MUGGS AND SKEETER NEVER MIND THE "Burt" .REGGIE - YOU NEM:" RUC-TICE!! (KEEP Tossinr LEFT JABS AT HIM -LIKE THIS!! - ON. tn't. 190, Voy 17. Female pig Remove, as a hat 22. Rough lava 23. Bodies of water 25, Covered with wool 27, Sr•,..wn of 20. Snake 30. Grope clumsily 33. Boise 36. Esker 37, Thick slice 30. Scotch river 40. Large roofing slate 42. Little child 44. Louisiana (abbr'„). 45. Wading bird 48. Harshness 50. Ireland' 51, Paradise 52, Cap a, Color, AS cloth ,.CROSS 3. 1, Tree 4, Deity 4, 7. Terrible 5. 8. Blunders 10. .,Turn a rope 6. around a pin 7, English Li. Flesh foods author 1.3. Front 9. Rob 1.4. Stitch 10. Foreman 16. Chief deity 12, Kill (Babyl.) 15. Expression (slang) 18. Possessing heat 20. Watch pocket NMI,/ 1. Anoint*, 11.1.9.e$ WS CROSSWORD PUZZLE io.tilt4thed 2'1. Simpleton with keys 24, Weeps Jewel 26. Placed Metallic 28 Old measure, rock 30. Cry used in Monotonous golf 31. Custom 32. Corrode 34. A whitlow (med.) 355. Rip 38. Wearied 41. Courage (slang) 43. Neat 46, Period of time 47. Evening sun god • 49. Turn to the tight