HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-22, Page 2Moved by Jas, Michie, seconded by Win. Speir, that By-law No, 4, to pro-. vide for 1945 road expenditure be pas- Sed.,--Carried. • Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Jas, Michie, that the meeting adjourn to meet again on ,March 12. 1945, at 1. p.m.—Carried, The following -accounts were paid; Ontario Good Roads 'Assoeiation, membership fee, $5.00; Municipal World, subscriptions & supplies, 96; Brussels, Morris, Grey Telephone System, tolls, 70c; Chas. Johnston, audit, $40.00; Robt. lvfcKinnon, audit and postage, $44.00; Dr. Crawford, M.O.H., $20.00; John Craig, B4O.H., $3.00;. Cecil Wheeler, B4O,H,, $3.00; Geo, Martin, B4O,H,. $3,00; Harry Elliott, grant to Bluevale Hall, $100.- 00; Jas, McFadzean, bonds for treas- urer, and tax collector, $34.50. Geo, Martin, Clerk HOW INSECTS BREATHE Unlike the higher animals, insects breathe through a number of minute openings, known as spiracles, located on both sides of the body, These do not connect with lungs in the true sense but with a series of finely branched tubes -which run to all parts of the body, carrying oxygen -to be transmitted directly to the blood a stream. Lack of cargo space prevented the export of Canadian certified seed pota- toes to some countries, but for the year ended March 31, 1944, exports were made to the United States, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela. ailiareammt“ Our Services I SAVINGS: 2% on Deposits. INVESTMENTS: 3%% on Guaranteed Investments. LOANS: On bonds, securities, Life Insurance, And on property. SAFEKEEPING: We provide safekeeping for your bonds, deeds, will, etc.— reasonable fees. YOUR WILL: It is the policy of our Company to encourage a bond of friendship and mutual confidence with the beneficiaries of every estate in our care whether large or small, 8 THE GREY & BRUCE MIST & SAVINGS CO. Blyth Girls' Club Formed, The Blyth Junior Farmers called a meeting of all girls in the vicinity at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Johnston, for the purpose of organiz- ing a Junior Institute, as the girls section of the Junior Farmers' Organ- ization. Miss Flora Durnin, Home Economics Coach for Huron, was present, and discussed Junior Organiz- ations with the girls. Officers were elected as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. S. C. Galbraith; president, Marj- orie McVittie; vice-pres., Mary Phelan; sec'y.-treas., Margaret Nesbit; district director, Iva Fraser; directors, Eleanor Taylor, Velma Nicholson, Audrey Bradburn; pianist, Eleanor Taylor; Auditors, Roberta McVittie, Mildred Carter. The regular monthly-meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month, starting at 8.30 p.m. Listowel Major Killed One of the ,best known and most popular young men, Major John Fred- erick "JaCk" Kibler, aged 30, is official- ly reported to have died of wounds received in action. The message was delivered to his mother, , who. is at present visiting in St. Catharines. A lieutenant in the 100th Battery R.C.A. Non-Permanent Active Militia, he en- listed for active service the day Cana- da declared war, when his unit mobil- ized. rissey, first concession, Biddelph, the baby was in normal good health when her parents put her to 4bed.--Exeter Times-Advocate. Clinton $pring Show June 5 At a Directors meeting of the Clinton Spring Show held ii the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton, it Was decided to have tyre Fair on Tuesday, June 5th, Plans are :under way to enlarge the Fair somewhat this year, The Fair has ordinarily been held the First Thursday in April. — Clinton News Record. Brussels Grocery Sold The McCracken Grocery, which has been conducted by the McCracken family since 1866, has been sold, Dur- ing the past years it has been run by. W. j, McCracken and his sisters, previous to that time it was owned by his father, the late W. FL McCracken, Bevan Elliott who has the groc/ery directly across the street from the Mc- Cracken store, has purchased the latter business and takes pcsessioe in about two weeks' time—Brussels Post. Magistrate Walker Retiring Having completed eighteen years of outstanding and ifficient service in the role of Magistrate of the County of Brune, Mr. Frank W, Walker, is re- tiring from his high county post on August, 1st next having reached the age limit of 75 years. The record Magistrate Walker 'established in deal- ing out a high standard of justice throughout his years in office follow- ing his appointment in 1926, has been one of supreme attainment, and one that will long be remembered in judical circles throughout the county. —Walkerton Herald-Times. .YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F, HOMUTII Optometrist Phone 118 Hariston cording secretary, C, B, McDonagh, Zion; assistant secretary, Earl 'Tout, Bethel; financial secretary, William J, Graham, Bethel; treasurer, Arthur Hodgins, Kinlough; marshal, Arthur Srneltzer, Amberley; lecturer, Steire Amberley; deputy lecturer, Charles Emmerton, Bethel, Elma Pupils Praised by Ottawa The 24 pupils of S. S. No. 4. Elma Township, about 21/2 miles west of At- wood, are more than pleased with praise from Ottawa over their record collection of 405 bags of milkweed pods, which sold for $81. The collec- tion was carried out under the direc- tion of their teacher, Mrs. Ed. Smith, of Atwood, and Charles M. Laidlaw, secretary-treasurer of the school board. EXeter Flier Killed Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting., Exeter, have received official word that their son, P.O. Donald Whiting, was killed in air operations over Normandy. It was August 21 last that Mr...and Mrs. Whiting received word that their son was missing, According to a letter received from him, he h'ad received his commission only four days before. The message stated that Donald had been killed' on the farm of a French- man, who had dug a grave and buried him close to his home and had erected a cross. Germans at the time were in the vicinity. Huron Black Knights Elect The Royal Black Knights of Huron County met in Clinton and the follow- ing officers were elected: County Master, C. Stewartalabridesboro; Dep- uty Master, T. Grasby, myth; Chap- lain, Iriwin Wallace, Blyth; Registrar, N, Sly, Clinton; Treasurer, G. Cornish, Clinton; 1st Censor, R. Wallace, Blyth; 2nd Censor, J. Turner, Clinton; 1st St. Bearer, R. Toll,.Blyth; 2nd St. Bearer, B. Linnigan, Dungannon; 1st Lecturer, H. Squires, Goderich; 2nd Lecturer, C. Nelson, Clinton; Pursuiv- ant, H. Dexter, Blyth; Committee, A. Sellers, Blyth; C. Pilgrim, Varna; E. Morrison, Clinton; H. Hunking, Au- bun; E. Mole. Seaforth; H. Lawrence, Seaforth; M.. Hanly, Clinton. ur nnual Report n an' easy, readable form: 55th Year December, 1944 Received from the Public Total $5,145,296.49 Increase $832,909.24 The Above Funds Are Invested as Follow: Peposits (withdrawable by cheque) Guaranteed Investments 2,256,733:73 2,888,562.76 . (time DepOSits) BACK THE BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT The middle of February brings with it Eacb year the annual observance of Boy Matt Week, This year the sister organization, the Girl Guides, is join- ingin and some 160,000 young Cana- dian are taking part in the week's activities, Boy Scout Girl Guide Week is seven days in the year when these youth organizations make a special effort to let the public know just what Scouting and Guiding are contributing to the upbuilding of Canada's youth as serving citizens of the community. The Boy Scout and Girl Guide 3/1"overnents stand, out in direct con- trast to the Nazi youth movement, The Bider youth is inoculated with a doc- trine ,of racial superiority, of hate, of brutality, and of greed. The Scout- Guide Movement is the antithesis of Nazism, It seeks to inculcate a direct- ly opposite philosophy. It seeks through its world-wide ramifications to breed respect for, and fellowship with all races, all colours, all, creeds. It seeks to foster a spirit of goodwill in contrast to hate. It teaches respect for the physical and mental feelings of all peoples. It teaches the sharing of life's good things with one's neighbour. It has been said that the Founder of the Scout and Guide Movements, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell died a broken hearted man in 1941, because Scouting and Guiding had not brought peace to this troubled world: If he did, he never revealed it to his closet associates. Scouting and Guiding aims at a world brotherhood. It could hardly be expected that in little more than. a generation it could accomplish what the Christian church has striven for centuries to accomplish. But like the church it is working to that end. Together with all other agencies and forces' of goodwill this purpose will eventually be achieved. During this Boy Scout-Girl Guide Week the public is asked to see Scouting and Guiding in action, to learn more fully its pur- poses, and in the knowledge gained to give it the moral support that the Movement deserves. The thousands of young men and women who are today giving voluntary leadership to Scout and Guide Groups, are rendering a service to Canada, which if not public- ly applauded, must give them a tre- mendous amount of satisfaction. Wingham has not a Girl Guide organization but it has a healthy Scout troop and Cub Pack which is doing a splendid work among the boys of town. They deserve our full support. * * * * A SURPRISE FOR TOKYO The Jap navy may be enjoying its elusive warfare but the day will come when it will have to fight or quit. The American navy certainly staged a great surprise when the 5th Fleet made up of many, carriers raided Tokyo. The bombers from these carriers Wiughara Advance-Times Ppbushed at WINGHAM ONTARIO Sulwription Rate One Year $2.00 Si); Months, $1,00 in advance To U. S, A., $2.50 per year Foreign rate, $3.00 per year Advertising rates on aPPlication. spewed death and destruction on the Japanese capital while a great force of battleships bombed Iwa Jima. The fleet in carrying' out this great raid challenged the Japanese navy as it never was challenged before, To sail right up to Japan's front door was a nervy piece of business which gave the Japs .effecied hysterics, replacing that confidence they showed so much in the days following Pearl. Harbour, Japan Will eventually go down to ignominious defeat, The circle of de- feat is ever drawing nearer to them, It is just a matter of time until their dream of Eastern domination is no More. The sun is getting higher and stronger, Believe it or not there is spfing in the air. * Have you enlisted for Blood Donor service. If not, do so now. The next clinic here is February 28th. * a * a Speaking of Red Cross matters the great annual drive commences March 5th. Ontario has the task of raising $5,000,000. * a * Coal is very scarce. Conserve all you possibly can. Saving one shovel- ful in five means that you will save one ton in five, * a * The election in Grey North seems a long way off now, but the reaction of this contest will last for many a day. • * * Mitch. Hepburn is leading the lib- erals in the house again. The session which opened last week at Queens Park should be much more lively than the last one.. * a * When one looks at the amounts that will be paid various municipalities for school purposes, one would almost sur- mise that an election was just around the corner. * * * Soldiers of Ontario are to have votes of their own instead of proxy voting. It is a good move but one that will take a great deal of organization under battle conditions. lllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllll I llllll 11)111111111111111111111111,. INTERESTING CUPS OF DISTRICT NEWS Six Pair of Twin Calves Six pair of twins, four pair hand running, is a record established by a Durham cow owned by Mr, Orville Cann, of Usborne. "I never heard of anything like it," said Dr. Steiner, the veterinary in attendance. The sixth pair were born on Sunday. All but one of the progency are living, In addition to the twins two single calves were born. That's super production in wartime.—Exeter Times-Advocate, Infant Smothered In Bed Believed to have smothered when she pulled bedclothes around here head while steeping, four-month-old Mary Eunice Morrissey was found dead in bed at her home. The younger child of Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Mor- OPTICBPS AND D/PECTORS President Vice-Presidents C. A. Plerning, W. S. IVIidcliebro`j 1C.Ci 0, D. Fleming Manager 0. E. Manning DIPBCTOPS O. B. Manning Dr. tt. limey E. X, Cooper Call or 'write for copy of our &mud Report Dr. A. t. Dartard Dr. G. I/. Rohm§ 0, D. ivieLaiiehlan J. G. Fraser W. L. Brown W. B. Lemon Listowel Airman Home After serving with the ground crew of the R.C.A.F. in England for the past two years, Sgt, George Leadston has returned and is spending a 30-day leave at Listowel with his wife, the former Merle Roberts, and their two children, Marsha and Tommy. He en- listed with the R.C,A.F. at Niagara Falls in June, 1940. McKillop Mutual Had Good Year The exceptionally strong financial standing of the McKillop ,Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in spite of the heavy losses of the year, was clearly indicated in the report of Secretary- Manager M. A. Reid, at a company's annual meeting here. It was the 68th annual meeting of the company. The total surplus at the .close of 1944 amounted to $115,247,99, which ap- proximates an increase of nearly 20 per cent, in the past ten years of the company's history. -- Seaforth I4uron Expositor. Hanover Soldier Killed Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lancaater, have the sympathy of the community, in the loss of their 19-year,-old son "Johnnie„' who was reported "killed in action”, according to a telegram received from official headquarters, Pte. Lancaster was born in Brant Twp. and carne to Hanover with his parents as a young lad, where he attended school, and at the time of his enlistment was employ- ed at It neehtels Ltd, He enlisted in Toronto in September, 194 Hanover Post. West Bruce t.0,/,. Elects County Master William Stanley, of kinloss, presided at the annual meet- ing of West Bruce held in the Orange Hall, Lucktiow, There was a large attendance With practjeally all lodges in West Bruce represented. Officers elected were: County master, William Stanley, Xinloss; deputy MIS- ter, joint Ettunerson, Amberlay; chap, lain, john Me ttillin, 1..ticknow, re- REPORTS SHOW GROWTH IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Company Now Serves 9000 People; 1200 New Customers ,ESTATES,GROW Splendid Security Behind Deposits Shown by Managing Director Mr. Manning in his report to the shareholders used a number of inter- esting charts showing the various operations of the Company. He stated that 1;200 new customer accounts were opened during 1944 and that today athe Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings Co., is serving over 9.000 people. This is in- teresting in view of the fact that Owen Sound has only 3,700 families and a population of approximately' 14,000 people, "The total assets under the admini- stration of the Company has increased from $2,756,089 in 1984 to $8,176,078 in 1944. For administering these assets our total prifts amount to less than % of 1%," said Mr, Manning. Mortgages Reduced "Von will be interested to know that our deposits and Guaranteed Invest- ments total $5,120,438, ah increase in ten. years of $3,700,000 -and that for each dollar, 55e is invested in Covert- Merit bonds, 21c in first mortgages, 18e ire municipal bonds and -other securities and 6c in cash. This is quite different 'to our ifivesttnents, of some years ago when- over 00c of every dollar Was invested in first mortgages, But these are days when people are paying off their -mortgages, While we loaned out $227,500 in- mortgages during the year the total has increased only $22,000 and now amou.nts to $1,263,000, While this is a healthy sign from a teotternie point of view it does appear to create Had Deer Out of Season Charged with the possession of deer out of season, Orlando J. Holt, Grand Bend, through his counsel, °F. ,Don- nelly, pleaded guilty. He was fined $60 and costs or 30 days in jail. The fine was paid. 8.. MORRIS COUNCIL Reeve and Road Superintendent To Attend Good Roads Convention • Morris Council met on Monday, February 12th, in the Township Hall with all the members present. The Reeve presided, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion .of Michie and Wm. Speir. Moved by Win. Speir, seconded by Chas, Coultes that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs. Wm. Elston and family —Carried, Moved, by Chas. Coultes, seconded b? IRS, 3)/lichie, that the Reev4. and Road Superintendent attend the -On- tario Good Roads Convention and that the'membership fee be paid.—Carried, Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by Chas, Conker that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent, be paid,—Carried. . Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Wn-i, Speir, that we apply for the County snowplow to plow the Town- ship roads.—Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston,' second- Government is no different than a ed by Jas. Michie, that'the license for private individual. It cannot pay out Belgrave Hall be $5.00 and the license more money than it receives and for Jamestown Hall, 'Browetown peoples' savings will only continue to school or any -other of similar size, -be be safe so long as you have sound $3.00. Belgrave Hall to put in a fire governments. Spendthrift governments escape at north end before a license will ruin everybody, themselves includ- is issued.—Carried. a ed. This- is only one reason there is Moved by Chas. Coultes, 'seconded such emphasis placed on every Cana- by Jas. Michie, that the Auditors' re- dian owning Victory bonds. We can port be accepted.—Carried. well be proud of the $42,000,000 of Moved by Hareey Johnston, second- Victory bonds purchased by citizens of ed by- Jas. Michie, that the auditors Grey and Bruce counties in the seven receive $1$.00 each' extra' for auditing- Victory loans. school books.—Carried, Mortgages 1,061,754.02 Bonds (Dominion, Provincial, Municipal) 3,084,875.33 Other BOnds and Securities 626,727.48 Accrued Interest •48,019.83 Cash 313,919.83 Total Investments $5,145,296.49 Additional Security There are additional Assets including Reserves, totalling $777,290.73 $2,253491.12 This amount represents to total of estates and trusts in our care for management and distribution where we have been appointed Executor, Administrator and Trustee, after distribution during the year of $639.646.06 Assets increased—$1,005,429.39 Total—$8,176,078.34 The Grey & Bruce Trust Savings Company Owen Sound, Ont. I. RAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 22,1945 a lot of extra work for nothing. "Our Estates Department is now administering 1.44 estates and trusts with an inventory value of $2,253,491. While this shows a moderate gain of $145,278, more than $000,000 has been distributed during the year. There is an increasing number of people ap- pointing our Company on' their 'wills due to the many .advantages received therefrom. "Your Company have during the year increased their holdings of DO- minion of Canada bonds by almost three quarters of million dollars and our holdings now total Over $2,000,000, We are naturally expected to invest more in -Victory Jbonds to finance the war—it is our obligation and dtity. Period Low Interest Rates "We are in a period of low interest rates," Mr. Manning continued, "and there is every evidence of a continu- nace or even a lowering of bond in- terest. This is necessary in order to Pay for the tremendous expenditures of the . war. It does, however,' create a hardship on the older 'people who re- quire to. live on their interest return, I believe everyone in Canada wants all the social services possible but a