HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-15, Page 5•
Thwysdoi Vebtuary i5 1945
17 jewels
Expert Watch and Clock Rerair
Phone 59 'Wingham
Shur-Gain Quality Will
Stand Inspection!
SHUR-GAIN Feeds will stand up to the severest tests you can give them - for
quality, freshness, palatability, and out-and-out feeding value! ,
The quality of SHUR-GAIN feeds is controlled by rigid inspection and labora-
tory analysis, and must come up to a very definite standard on every count.
The Freshness of SHUR-GAIN feeds is closely guarded - because fresh feeds
alone retain the highest efficiently in valuable 'vitamin ingredients. To make
certain this freshness is maintained, SHUR-GAIN feeds are made up in quant
ities only sufficient to maintain daily stocks.
Palatability of SHUR-GAIN feeds is unequalled, because of their Freshness, and
because of the tasty variety of ingredients incorporated.
All-in-all, SHUR-GAIN` complete feeds and Concentrates have established a repu-
tation' for excellent feeding results at reasonable prices - a reputation that has
stood the test of time and competition,
Shur-Gain Saves and Makes Your Money
SHUR-GAIN Complete Feeds and Concentrates
Sold by
Pork Loaf-Kam or Prem
ready to serve, 12-oz. tin .,. 29e
Soda. Soup Biscuits, lb.., ..... ,.„. 1.0e
Sunny Boy Cereal, pkg..........21c
Sugar, best yellow or wht., lb. Sc
Domestic or Jewel Shoring 19e
Pure Lard for 16c. 17c, 18e.
Soup Mir, Harry Horne's pkg 8c
Mushroom Soup, Clark's 3 - 25c
Baking Powder, Melcourt, lb 12c
OXYDOL or RINSO, large 27c pkg., only 23c
TOMATO SOUP, Heinz Condensed . ; 2 tins 19 c
SOAPS, Lux or Sunlight, special ea. , „ , , , 5 c
GRAPEFRUIT, juicy Ige. white texas size 112 5 c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 20-oz. tins -Best Brands
CANNED SALMON, Clover Leaf Pink &
Best Red Sockeye . „ . . . . ..... tins
Sweet Navel Oranges, the best jet-a-Pan Pastry Flour
288 size 1/2 -doz. 15c 24-lb, sack for
252 size, 1/2 -doz.
200 size, 1/2 -doz,
176 size, 1/2 -doz.
HEINZ Cream of Tomato SOUP . , 2 tins 1 9 c
Tomato CATSUP, Crosse & Blackwell's, 14-oz. btl.
Nabob Coffee, special
1/2 -lb. 22c 1-lb. for 39e
Red Rose Tea 1/2 -lb. pkg. 35c
Dominion Tea, special .
1/2 -lb. pkg, for 32c
Kraft Dinner with cheese 17c
- Cooked and cured Meats -
Cooked Ham, the best, lb. 59e
Weiners, the best skinless, lb. 28c
Mac. & 'Chees Loaf, lb. 27c
Back Gacon, Breakfast Bacons
Pork Sausage & Meat Loafs
„ Huron Pastry Flour
24-lb. sack for 69c
24c Calla Lily Pastry in 24-111 85c
27c Fleischmann's Yeast, fresh 4c
Save Money
By Prepaying
444414:** to 4.4 .4
414 .75544TES
6....P. 9
Town of Wingham
1945 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1945 taxes up to 80 per cent, of 1944 taxes.
Interest at the rate of pour per cent, per an-
num will be allowed on such prepayments,
Prepaymen.ts of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall.
W. A. CALBRAITtio Treasurer,
Town of Wingham.
Thursday lack, FebrOary 8th. Aged 80,
Mr. Elston had not enjoyed good
health for some time and. this winter
had been confined to his bed, He was
bern on the farm on which he died,
the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John
Elston, pioneers of the township, He
had taken a great interest in the affairs
of his native township also of the
country in 'general. For eleven years
be served as .couricillor and for three
years as reeve. He was an ardent lib-
eral and for many years was chairman
of the Liberal 'committee of the town
ship. Twenty-four years ago he was
married to Mrs, Emily Thomas of
Bliievale. Surviving besides his wife
are three sons, William, with the
Canadian Army in Italy; James at
home; Edwin, • attending :Wingham
High School, and a stepson, Bernard
Thomas. Morris Township. A brother
James of Austin, Man., also survives
him. •
The service -was held at R. A, Cur-
ries Funeral Parlours on Monday
afternoon. The officiating ministers
were, Rev, W.A. Beecroft and Rev.
J. W. Johnson.
Donald Benson Airth
Donald Benson Airth, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas C. Airth, Ferndale
Park, Cheltenham, Ont., formerly of
Toronto, in his fourth year was acci-
dentally drowned on the frozen Credit
river Friday afternoon,- February 2nd
While walking ahead of his father and
grandfather on the frozen path he
suddenly stepped aside on a covered
airhole. Before his father could reach
him the swift current had carried him
away. Unable to rescue the little lad
immediately neighbours worked frant-
ically for three hours cutting through
the ice.
Donald's sweet smile and loving
ways will be so missed by parents.
grandparents and one brother Ingram
and one sister Nancy Jane on whose
eighth birthday the tragedy occurred.
The floral tributes were many and
The funeral was held Monday after-
noon, February 5th, at the home of his
grandparents with schoolmates of his
brother and sister acting a flower-
bearers and pall-bearers. Interment
was made at Clarkson cemetery,
Clarkson, Ont.
Mrs. Airth was formerly Gladys M.
Hutton who taught on Concession 6,
Turnberry Township.
LOUTTIT - In Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, February 6th.
to Mr. and Mrs, Ray Louttit,
Wroxeter, a daughter.
ROUSE-In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Monday, February 12th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rouse, Luck-
now, a son..
The following ..taken from the
Wadens News of Saskatchewan will
be of interest to many in this district.
The Mrs. Guest referred to in this
article is a sister of Mrs. Charles Cook
of town,
A very enjoyable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Guest when about 40 of the neighbors
and young people. of the Sunderland
,district congregated to wish this
worthy couple happy returns of their
birthdays. Baskets of delicious lunch-
es were brought and after cards etc.,
the lunches were served. One of the
neighbors spoke briefly of the high
regard the district had for Mr. and
Mrs. Guest who had farmed there for
38 years and that the evening followed
the recent birthday of Mrs., Guest
while Mr. Guest reached the grand old
age of 87 within a few minutes. Both
were the recipients of presents.
The Huron-Bruce Boundary Farm
Forum of February 12th, met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mc-
Cormick with the attendance of 19.
The discussion of the night was "Arc
Commodity Exchanges Necessary."
We haven't had much experience along
this line, but we don't agree on specu-
lating in wheat and other commodities.
We do think products sold by contract
are an advantage to the producer. The
remainder of the evening was spent in
progressive euchre, The high prizes
going to,,,,Mrs. Frank McCormick, the
low prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Gus.
McGlynn. Lunn .was served. The
next meeting of - Febriary 19th will be
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Bryce, the convenor being
Oscar Holmes.
The annual meeting of the Red.
Cross Society was then held, with the •
president, Mrs, Jas. Falconer in charge.
• The financial report was as frillowsi
Campaign Drive ...„.....„ ..... .......... 569.75.
Bat from 1943 ...........-.......«18,89 .
Patriotic Society 00•0 00.40.
Red Cross Tea 4.50
Tickets sale front quits ..... 53.78
Coat 5.00
Group donations 68.35 :
Other sources, salvage, etc 13.63
Total ........ ..„._ ....... 728.80
Letters, thanking the members of the
Red Cross Society and Woman's In-
stitute for boxes -sent at Christmas
from the following young folk from
this district were read. with interest.
from Hubert Keiswater, Hector Fur-
don, Tom Morrison, Nat Thompson,
Bert Eynon, Cecil Froome, Stanley
Moore, Jean Welwood, Velma Scott,
Kenneth Laidlaw, Elroy Laidlaw, Jos.
St, Marie, Jack Pollock, Donald Ross,
Angus Mowbray, and Raphael St,
Mrs. Lance Grain was appointed to
take the chair for the election of of-
ficers for the Red Cross Society for
1945 and the following were elected;
President, Mrs. Lance Grain; 1st vice-
pres., Mrs. Robt. Mowbray; 2nd vice-
pies., Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan; sec'y.-
treas., Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; local treas.,
Milian Moore; campaign leader. Ezra
Welwood; work committee leader,
Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; representatives to
Wingham Society, Mrs, D. Craig, Mrs.
Garnet Farrier, and Mrs. Ezra Wel-
Miss Mildred McClenaghan, nurse-
in-training at Guelph General Hospital,
spent Wednesday last with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McClenaghan.
Mrs. Elwood Barbour of Fordyce,
spent a few days last week with her
father, Mr. Herbert Pettapiece.
A great many in this community
have been laid up with an attack of
flu during the past week.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan spent
the wee0-end with friends in Toronto.
Pte. Orton Grain of Woodstock, and
Mrs. Grain, 'spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Kennedy of Sarnia.
The ladies of the 9th of E. Wawa-
nosh held a Red Cross quiiting at the
home of Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Jas. Norman went through an
operation in Clinton Hospital recent-
ly and is making a good recovery.
Farm Forum was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purcion, Mon-
day evening with an attendance of 15,
at Fordyce School with 21 present and
West Maitland Forum met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong with
an attendance of 27. After the latter
meeting, the Red Cross held a euchre,
with Mrs. Cecil Chamney and Mr. Jno.
Mason winning high points, and Mr.
and Mrs, Mason Robinson holding low
points. Lunch was served and the Red
Cross collection amounted to over $4,
Forums will be held next week at
the homes of Lewis Stonehouse and
J, D. Beecroft.
Red Cross quiltings were held at the
home of Mrs. Stanley Snell this 'Tues-
day, and at the home of Mrs. Albert
Rieman on -Wednesday.
Mrs. Levi Bieman is very ill in the
Wingham Hospital,
The family of Mr. Thos. Robinson
received word this week that his hip
had been broken in three places, He
is in the General Hospital at Simcoe.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mason received
word last week that their son, Pte,
Ken, Mason, was to have a nine-day
leave, and he was going to London,
England, to be with his brothers, Har-
old and Lloyd who are. stationed ten
miles apart there.
Reeve J. D. Beecroft was in Clinton
on Wednesday attending a meeting of
the Agriculture committee of the Coun-
ty Council.
Friend.: "Does your father keep the
Ten Commandnieeta?"
Little girl; "Pm not sure, but I
thing it's all he can do to keep up with
the rationing regulations."
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hobbs and
family, Phston, spent the. week-end
with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton spent
the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd
Ashton in Leaside,
Mrs. Agnes Earls, who celebrated
her 80th birthday on Thursday last,
and is confined to her bed at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Xing, re-
ceived ninny gifts of remembrance
from bet friends who regret she is
not gaining it health.
Mrs., Elmer Downey spent a couple
of days last week with Mr, and Mrs,
Emerson Downey at Vordwleit.
Gorrie Red Cross are celebrating
Valentine's Day by holding a dance
Pie, Bill Groves of London, spent
the week-end at his home here,
Mrs. Angus McKenzie of Guelph. is
visiting with Mrs. Leali Fitzpatrick.
Miss Marnie VanNorman of Brus-
sels, was a week-end visitor with Miss
Barbara Ross.
Pte. Elymer Deyell of London. spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Deyell.
Pte, Bill Hilbert of Ipperwash spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hilbert.
Pte, Stewart Henry, who is now
stationed at Toronto, spent the week-
end With his family.
Pte. Raymond Bell of Ipperwash,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bell.
LAC. Del. Ewing of the R.C.A.F.,
at London. spent the week-end with
Carl Casemore of town,
Messrs John Heal and Glen Golley
attended the dance at Alma College,
St. Thomas, Friday evening.
Mrs. 'Hugh Anderson of Caledonia,
visited for a few days with her par-
,ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Brawn.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Charlie Westlake of
St. Catharines, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. H. Groves.
Miss Marjorie French of Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
'Miss Joan Currie of Alma College,
St. Thomas, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong. Her
home is at Quincy, Mass.
Mrs. Leonard Schroeter and little
daughter Karen, of Nanton, Alta,, are
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, D. H, Finlay,
Sgt. MacDonald is spending a fur-
lough with his wife and family. He
expects to be discharged from the R.
C.A.F. about the 1st of March.
Miss Joyce Walker of Alma College,
St. Thomas, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walk-
er. Joyce had as her guest Miss Mary
Jane Wood of Woodstock, who is also
attending Alma.
William Elston
A, life-long resident of Morris
Township, William Elston, passed on
at his home on the 2nd concession on
Miss Cora Pettman of Nile, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston.
Mr. Johnston has been nursing a very
sore thumb, which was crushed be-
tween two cars.
Mrs. Harry Tichbourne of Goderich,
spent a few days last week with her
mother, 'Mrs. David Kennedy, and Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, Wingham,
visited there on Sunday.
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, is celebrating her
eightieth birthday- on February 15.
She is visiting with her daughter in
Detroit at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore received
word last week that Pte. Charles
Moore had been wounded in Holland
on January 26, but had remained with
his unit. They also received word that
LAC. Stanley Moore. who went to
England last year, and who has been
in Hospital there for some time, is
returning home this week.
Mrs. W: J. Watt of Itrimsby, is
visiting at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. Milian Moore.
Miss Ada Dow has been teaching
since New Years at S. S. No. 3, Col-
Mr. Roy McGee returned to his
work in Toronto on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and
Roberta Spent the week-end at Forest
and Ipperwash, where Pte, Angus
Mowbray has been ill for the past
three weeks. They received word on
Friday that he was now suffering with
bronchial pneumonia.
Mrs. Lorne Johnston spent last
week-end at Toronto at the home of
her brother, Mr. Plunkett, and attend-
ed the Ice Follies oh Monday evening
in Maple Leaf Gardens.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held on 'Friday
last -at the. home of Mrs. I. G. Gilles-
pie, With the president, Mrs. Cecil Val-
coner in the chair, The roll call Was
answered by cookie recipes, and Mrs.
E2ra Scholtz gave a paper, the third
and last, in a series of papers on
supper dishes. Mrs, Scholtz dealt with
using left-overs, Mrs. Albert Mc,
Ouillin gave a humorous reading on,
Plowars and Women, comparing dif-
ferent flowers with different women,
and Mrs, Garnet Rattier gave a. Val- •
entitle reading, During the business
period the ladies decided to purchase,
several items of equipment for the
hall, and to hold a !bingo on Priday,
Total - „ ... $ 728.80
To Wingham R, C. Group „,5 669.75
Ditty Bags 9,00
Boxes for Overseas 79,79
Postage on same 21.48
Bal. on hand 48,78
Wingham's Cut - Rai*
Where You Can Buy The Best Brands At Lowest
Prices Possible
Green Pascal Celery, stalk ... 9c
Iceberg head Lettuse, only 10c
Ripe Sound Tomatoes, lb. 22c
Turnips - Potatoes
Two Phones 17 and 2. •
Green Top Carrots, lb. 6c
Fresh Raddish, bch. 5c
New Imported cabbage, lb 6c
Cooking and Spanish Onions
We Deliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgar and
family of Wroxeter spent Sunday with
his brother, Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon
Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Mundell and son
Ian, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Doig,
Mrs. Isaac Wade is spending a few
weeks with her daughters in Toronto.
' where he spent a few days.
Miss Pauline Heinmiller spent the
week-end with her sister in Chesley.
Mrs. May and Miss Edna Laurence
and friend of Toronto, spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Laurence,
Mr. Muir Anderson, Guelph, spent
'a few days•last week, the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. 3, Cameron Edgar,
Mission Group Had Fine Meeting
The February meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of Gorrie
United Church, was held at the home
of Mrs. R. C, Copeland. Mrs. W. J.
Gallaher presided and spoke on the
theme "The Kingdom of God in our
Nation". Mrs. Copeland read the
scripture reading and Mrs. H. Ashton
and Mrs, L. Rotten offered prayers.
here on Wednesday night.
12 Rinks At Bonspeil
The local curling club held their
annual bonspeil in the arena here on
'Thursday last when 12 rinks were
present from Mount Forest, Palmer-
ston, Wingham, Wroxeter, Belmore.
Listowel, Fordwich and Gorrie.
Prizes were won by Wingham, 1st;
2nd went to Mt. Forest, and Listowel
3rd. Wroxeter won the game entered
by those teams not winning a game.
Mrs. Gallaher gave an interesting story
"Down the Malayan Bridge" taken
4from the study book "West of the
Date Line." Mrs, W. Strong closed
the meeting with prayer.
C. G. I. T. To.Entertain Mothers
The C. G. I. T. group in Gorrie are
celebrating C. G. I. T, week, this week
February 11th to 17th by entertaining
their mothers, Thursday evening, this
week, at 8.15 p.m. in the United
Church basement, The Canadian Girls
in Training programme is sponsored
by the National Girls' Work Board of
the Religious Education Council of
Canada. Council of Canada came into
being during the last Great War to
fill the demand for a church-centred
programme for teen-age girls. It now
has approximately 45,000. girls. The
success of a group is judged in terms
of growth, knowledge, skills, attitudes,
Christian citizenship, relationships in
daily living. Provincial camps are
promoted during the summer months
and this past season was the most .
successful since the programme began.
Electric and
Now Open for Business
George Brown