HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-08, Page 5•
A little piece of London here becomes "Forever Canada" at, ;thi
2V/ayer of nolboth, London, Efig„ Alderman Wilfred L. ailtillen,
Iplanta a maple tree in LineOltils Inn Melds to corninernatate the cortlird
'plaiting existing during the war between the Royal Canadian Alt
Mite oVerseiiii Whose headqUatiett la hark and the eltiZena of Ron-OM
The maple tree, /kWh hditisS the Atlantic. ih s bomber, Wilt the gift a
Major Steriley Leda and the eitlient af ,CatteWt4, Standirig by in 64
agettita alitititilik of the Cafitditut ;tot b'
Auxiliary To Entertain Young People
On Friday last the W. A. of St.
Stephen's Church held their regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. George
King with a fair attendance, Mrs.
Holmes, president, presided and Mrs,
W. C. King read the Bible reading,
the hymn "Go Labor On", which is
based on a verse in the 15th chapter
of 1st Corinthians.
The meeting decided to withdraw
their other February meeting and in
place entertain the young people of
the churth;
Arraegements were made to hold
the World Day of Prayer in St.
Stephens church oil the lath to which
all women in the community are urged
to attend,
Mrs. P. C. Taylor gave a very im-
pressive address on "Missions", after
which Rev, Nobes closed the meeting
with prayers.
During the social half hour the
hostess served a dainty lunch.
The usual packing for the local Red
CrO8s will be held on Wednesday,
Pehruary 14 instead of the regular
:day, which would have been this week,
Percy Ferguson, Southampton,
spent the week-end with her mother,
Bulk Pie Filler, special— Soup Soda Crackers, lb. 100
Pineapple or Raisins, lb..„ 19c Libby's Pork & Beans, Torn.
S.O.S. with scouring pad 15e SuSnannyceBoy Cereal, ukg. 25c
Heinz TOMATO JUICE, 105-oz tin 47c
MEDIUM or OLD CHEESE, special ib, 32 c
TELEPHONE CITY PEAS, 20 oz. tin, 2 for 27c
Town of Wingham
1945 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1945 taxes up to 80 per cent, of 1944 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Your per cent, per an-
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
?repayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall.
AV, OALBRAITH, Treasurer„
Town of
Thursday, February 8, 1945 WINGHAM ADVANC4-TIMES PAGE VIV4
LAC. DeWitt Miller of Toronto,
Mr. Wm. Casemore of town, attend- spent the week-end with"his mother,
ed the funeral of his brother, Robert, Mrs. W. T. Miller.
Jacob W. Wettlaufer
Jacob W. Wettlaufer, operator of the
general store at I3urgessville, died
early Friday morning in Tillsonburg
Hospital, after an illness of, three
weeks. He was in his 61st year. Mr,
Wettlaufer was well known in busi-
ness circles, and came from tittevale
four years ago, Prior to that he lived
in Wheately and spent his younger
life in Auburn in Huron County, lie
was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs,
laidwiek Wettlatifer, Of the Lutheran
faith, he attended the 'United Church
in latirgessville. He was a member of
the Masonic Order, St. J'ohn's Lodge,
No, 104, A,P, & A.M,, Norwich. Be-
sides his wife, Eva (Itookle), former-
ly of Ititthener, there survive three
sons, LAC, Lleatti and, WO. /elm, both
overseas, Carl of Maplewood, tt fourth
son, Harry, died a little over a year
agiiir 'one datightte, Mrs. Robert
Where You Can Buy The Best Brawls At Lowest
Prices Possible
Martin - Galbraith
The United Church, (Gorrie, Ontario,
was the scene of a' pretty mid-winter
wedding on Saturday, FebruarY 3rd.,
when Margaret Arlene, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Anson Galbraith,
Gorrie, became the bride of William
McBurney Martin, R.,C,N,V,R„ only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Martin,
Wroxeter, Ontario. Rev. Mr. Cope-
land, pastor of the church, officiated
at the ceremony. Mrs. Herbert Jobb,
Listowel, played the wedding music
and Mrs. Andrew Su'ala, Listowel,
sang "I Love You Truly" during the
signing of the register.
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, looked lovely in a floor-length
gown of white taffeta With torso
waist, gathered skirt and sweetheart
neckline. Her finger-tip veil of white
illusion fell from a headdress df small
white feathers, She carried a shower
bouquet of Better-time roses and
bouvardia, Miss Doris Galbraith, sis-
ter of the bride, as maid of honor and
Miss Ruth Wheeler, Reg. N., London,
as bridesmaid, wore gowns of fiesta
blue taffeta in a style similar to the
brides. They wore shoulder-length
veils of blue net sprinkled with tiny
velvet bows caught in a bandeau of
matching ribbon. They carried horse
shoes of talisman roses and baby's
breath in Old English style. The
flower girl, little Nancy Newton, cou-
sin of the bride, wore pink taffeta and
carried a nosegay of talisman roses
and sweet peas, Hugh Harris acted
as best nian and Leonard Sanderson
and Art Gibson were ushers.
The wedding supper was served in
,the ;school room of the church to 80
guests. For travelling the bride wore
a beige tricotine suit accented with
brown, muskrat coat, feather hat and
brown alligator accessories. She wore
a corsage of talisman roses and forget-
Following a short honeymoon in
Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Martin will
reside in London.
Out of town guests were present
from Toronto, Oakville, Kitchener and
Winters, of Preston; flie',•.brothers,'
Edwin, of Bright; William. and Ar--,
heart, both of Waterloo; Walter
and Clarence, Kitchener; two sisters,
Mrs, A. .13aumb.aek, Mrs. Anna Rua,.
of Kitchener, and one grandchild. A
publip funeral service was held in the
United Church on Sunday afternoon
with Rev, L, C, White in charge. In-
terment took place in Bergessville
John J.
The funeral for the late John J.
Marrs of Teeswater, was held from
Sacred Heart Church, Tegswater, on
Tuesday morning of last Week, with
Rev. Father W, I, Hawkins officiating.
Interment was made ni Teeswater R,
C, Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Messrs H, Kelly,
John O'Malley, Lawrence Meyer, A,
J, Winters, Jack :Goetz and Jack Mc-
On Sunday, January 28th friends re-
gretted to learn of his • very sudden
passing, He had been ,in his usual
health until two days prior to his
demise when he was stricken with a
heavy cold. His condition was not
considered as serious, and a heart ali-
ment is believed to have brought
about his very sudden death.
Mr, Marrs had lived in Teeswater
for about forty-five years, and for the
past forty years had handled the de-
livery of mail to and from the 'C,P.R.
station and Post Office. This task he
carried on until just a:couple of days
before his death. He was in his 70th
Surviving, besides his wife, formerly
Ellen Green, are four daughters and.
three sons: Mrs. Walter Olheiser
(Helen) of Detroit; Mrs, Richard Dor-
an (Ursula), Genevieve and Agnes of
Peterborough; John, J, and Frank of
Peterborough, and Cpl. Harry Marrs
of Toronto.
Joseph-V. Donaghue
Joseph Vincent Donaghue, 63 of 772
Langlois avenue, Windsor, an em-
ployee of the Gotfredson Company
Limited, died Tuesday, January 30th
at Hotel Dieu where lie,,,was taken
after suffering a stroke at the wrest-
ling matches.
Born at Wingham, Ont., Mr. Don-
aglnie came to Windsor as a young
man and has resided here for the past
40 years,
He is survived by his widow, Mary
Alice Donaghue, two daughters, Mar-
garet at home and Mrs. Jean Crumb.
Windsor, two sons, Cpl. John David,
with the Essex Scottish, a prisoner of
war in Germany and Vincent of Wind-
sor and one brother, Peter, Windsor.
Mrs. Henry McGee
Mrs. Henry McGee passed away
Sunday morning, February 4th, at the
family residence, East Wawanosh, in
her 84th year. Formerly Maria Bee-
croft, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Beecroft of East Wawa-
nosh, she married Henry McGee fifty
years ago this coming June. She pas-
sed away on the farm she went to as
a bride at that time, She was of a
happy disposition and was highly re-
garded by all who knew her. Besides
her husband she leaves to mourn her,
two sons, Roy of Toronto and Gordon
at home, and one brother, John of East
She was a member of Chalmers
Presbyterian Church, Whitechurch,
and Rev. A. H. Wilson had charge
of the service at the home, Tuesday
afternoon. Burial took place in Wing-
ham Cemetery. The pallbearers were
her three nephews, Gilbert Beecroft,
George McGee, J. D. Beecroft and Ro-
bert Purdon, Charles Leaver, Herson
This community extends sympathy
to the bereaved family.
William MontgoMery
The death of William Montgomery
of Fordwich took place Monday
morning at his home. Word to this
effect was received here by his
brothers-in-law, Messrs Harry and Ed-
ward Gibson. The deceased was in
his 89th year. He was born at Ini-
skillen near Bowmanville, coming to
Howick in 1906, continuing to reside
in the township. For some years he
has lived in Fordwich. He leaves to
mourn his passing his wife, the former
Esther Ann Gibson, five sons and
three daughters, Norman of Palmer-
ston; Robert, manager of the Bank of
Commerce at Mount Dennis; Edwin,
of Toronto; Miss Margaret, of To-
ronto; Harry, of New Liskearci; Ken-
neth, overseas; Mrs. Wm, (Ida) Ro-
berts, of Listowel, and Mrs. Archie
(Helen) Mitchell of Forciwicli, A son
Wilfred, paid the stiprerne sacrifice in
the First Great War,
The funeral will be held from his
late residence at 3 p.m., on Wednesday
(today).. 'rile service will be conduc-
ted by Rev, Mr. Copeland, pastor of
Gorrie United Church of which the
deceased was a member.
LALLAGII At Wirighant General
Hospital, on Wetitteaday, January
310, to Ur, and ors, Jarries tallagh,
P., NO, 'Teeswater, <t daughter.
RAWPOR.1) a At lVfount Hamilton
Hospital, Hamilton, on Tuesday,
January 30th, to Flying Officer and .
Mrs. R. E. Crawford (nee Zella
Cook), Hagersville, One, a daughter
(Jynda Maureen).
DEITNER. At Wingham General
Hospital, on Sunday, February 4th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Deitner, R. R.
No. 1, Ethel, a daughter.
HIGGINS — At Listowel Memorial
Hospital, on Saturday, January 27th,
1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Higgins, of • Fordwich, a daughter
(Mary Joanne)..
LOGAN,--At Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Monday, February 5th, to
.Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Logan, Bel-
grave, a son.
MeCAMMON—At St, Michaels Hos-
pital, Toronto, on Friday, February
2nd, to Sgt. Malcolm McCammon
of 13arriefield and Mrs. McCammon
(pee Frances Lockridge) a caughter,
PORTER — At Wingham General
Hospital, on Friday, February 2nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Porter, R.R,
No. 2, Brussels, a son (Albert
Gerry) which passed on Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, 12 hours after
TltFIN—At Wingham General Hos-
t pital, on Sunday, February 4th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tiffin, R. R. No,
2, Wingham. a daughter,
• • •
Mrs, T, F, Wilson and Miss Merle
Wilson, Reg. N., of Wingham, were
,Visitors over the week-end with friends
fin Toronto,
Mrs, Stewart Collyer, Teddy and
'pommy, are spending' a few weeks
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. J.
The February meeting of the. Wo-
men's Institute was held in the com-
munity hall on Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Ball presiding. The rail
call was responded to by 'How I get
my' news". • Mrs. W. I. Miller gave
an interesting paper on St. Valentine
and. Mrs. E. W. Rice gave a reading.
Thursday, January 22 was the date
set for the next quilting.
Miss June Brown spent the week-
end in Stratford and attended the
Normal School At Home, on Satur-
Mr. Donald Copeland, Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Copeland, at the
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Newton and
family, Newtonbrook, were week-end
guests of Mrs. R. G. Newton. Mr.
R. G. Newton also of Toronto,. spent
the week-end with his wife and family,
all attending the Martin - Galbraith
wedding on Saturday.
Fractured Leg
Friends of Master Stuart Strong,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong,
will regret learning of Stuart's mis-
fortune in breaking his leg in the stable
on Tuesday last. He was taken to
Listowel hospital where it was X-rayed
and placed in a cast, returning home
on Wednesday. He is resting as well
as could be expected at his home
south of the village.
Former Resident Passes
Word was received of the death of
John Hamilton of Everett, Washing-
ton, who passed away suddenly on
Friday, January 26th, at the home of
his sister, Mrs. L. F. Ashton in
Brampton while on a visit. The late
Mr. Hamilton was a former resident
'of the village, at one time operating
the grist mill now occupied by B, J.
Maguire. The body was sent back
to Everett for -burial. Dr. R. Hamil-
ton, Brussels, is a brother, Dr. Scott
Hamilton and -Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
and sister Hazel, all of Edmonton, also
Sadie (Mrs. Ashton of Brampton) and
two daughters, Lorna and Velma sur-
vive. His wife, the former ,Minivera
Laird predeceased him some two years
Kam or Prem Pork loaf for
slicing, only tin 29c
Salmon - Clover Leaf fancy
pink in 1/2 -1b. tins, Special
Kraft Mayonnaise (fresh) —
8-oz, bottle, special ....... , 19c
Mrs. Robt. Cathers is home again
after spending a few weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Will Jardine and Mr.
Jardine at Brussels.
Sympathy is extended to the family
and friends of the late Mrs. J. J.
Montgomery, who died suddenly in
Toronto on Friday morning last, and
who is being buried in Gorrie ceme-
tery today, February 7,
Institute Meets February 14th
The Women's Institute will hold
their regular meeting at the Orange
Hall on February 14th, 2.30 p.m.
Mrs. Pearl Maine will be in charge of
the program "Canadian Industries".
Roll Call—A product manufactured
within the county. A cordial invita-
tion is extended to all the ladies of
the community.
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Mrs, Frank
Cole and Mrs. E. Day wish to express
their appreciation to their neighbours
and friends for the kindness and
sympathy extended to them at the time
of their recent bereavement.
Mrs. Frank Cole
The death of a life-long resident of
Howick, Mrs. Frank Cole, the former
Emma Grace Ashton, occurred at her
home in Gorrie on Sunday, January
28th. Mrs. Cole, who was in her 72nd
year, was born on the 6th Concession
of Howick. Her death took place
following an illness of seven years.
She was married 55 years ago to her
now bereft husband. She leaves to
Nabob Coffee, special
22c 1-lb.,, or 39c
Red Rose Tea 1/2 -11,..pkg. 35'c
Dominion Tea, special
1/2 -lb. pkg. for 32e ,
Kraft Dinner with cheese - 17c
Iifebuoy Health Soap, ea. 5c
Camay Toilet Soap, ea. ...... 5c
Sugar, best white or yellow,
special lb,. 8c
Dainty Lunch Spread.- ..(
without oil) good 19c
Sweet Navel Oranges, the best
288 size 1/2 -doz. 1:5c
252 size, 1/2 -doz. .
200 size, 1/2 -doz. - 24c
176 size, 1/2 -doz. 27c
Ripe Tomatoes, sound and ripe
—special lb. 23c
Heinz Bulk Sauerkraut, fresh
andclean, 2 lbs. for 25c
.11•11111111111E. 1....01111111
mourn her passing her husband and
two daughters, Mrs. W. E. (Gertie)
Schaefer and Mrs. Frank (Cora) King.
One son Nelson died at the age of
15 years. Surviving also, two sisters
and two brothers, Mrs. A. W. (Jessie)
Wright of Elora; Mrs. J. (Vina) John-
ston of Arthur; H. E. of Gorrie, and
L. F. of, Brampton. Three brothers
and two sisters predeceased her,
George, Rev, W. J., Robert, Mrs. Mary
Lucas, and Mrs. J. Clark.
The funeral was held from the late
residence on Wednesday afternoon,
January 31st. The service was con-
ducted by Rev. H. C. Copeland of
Gorrie United Church of which she
was a member. Burial took place in
Gorrie Cemetery. The pallbearers
were H. E. Ashton, Geo. Ashton,
Percy Ashton, Frank King, Stuart
Schaefer, George Day. The flower
bearers were William Lynn, Jas.
Douglas, Ted Malone, William Doug.-
Electric and
Now Open for Business
George Brown
Expert Watch and Clock Rerair
Phone 59 Wingharn
2nd Major Sporting Event-Hockey
Fria Feb. 9th
Woodstock Red Wings
Juvenile Farm Club of Detriot Red Wings
Lucknow Juveniles
With the Famous Chin Line, George, Albert and Bill
Admission 35c Students and Children 25c
Coutts - Muttart
A wedding of local interest took
place at Moncton, N.I3., on Saturday,
January 27, 1945, when Helen Harri-
son Muttart, Cape Traverse, P.E.I.,
Was united in marriage to Flying Of-
ficer Elgin Evans Coutts, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Coutts, Wingham, Ont.
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
Brice D. Knott, B.A., D.D., in First
Baptist Chttrch, Moncton, N.B. The
attendants were Flying Officer A.
Harrison and Mrs. Harrison of .Owen
Sound, friends of the groom. Flying
Officer Harrison is a member of the
bomber crew to which the groom be-
longs. Following the ceremony a re-
ception was held at the Brunswick
Hotel, Moncton, N.B. The groom left
on Monday for his new station at Ice-
land and the bride returned to the
hospital at St. Johns to resume her
studies. Flying Officer Coutts has
many friends in Wingham who will
join in wishing he and Mrs. Coutts
many years of happiness.
Mrs, A. M. Forbes of Loa on, was
a aisitOr with her motile* Mrs. H.
Howard, last week.
Mr, T. H. I.,o41f4rt of Carrot River,
Sask., spent the week-end with his
sieter,• Mrs. j, E. Webster.
Cpl, john Preston of Nagersville,
spert the week-end with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank 0, Preston,
Miss Dorothy McGee of Blyth, and
.Miss Jean 1-104 of Blyth, spent the
week-end With Mr, and Mrs. W, H,
Pte, Willard Henry ,,,)f •ChathalA
Basic Training Centre, spent the
week-end at the horae. of Mr. William
-Casernore of. town,
Mr. C. C. Hutchison and Miss Nellie
M, Hutchison of Toronto, spent the
week-end with their mother at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, N. T. Mc-
Laughlin, Mrs, Hutchison enjoyed a
happy birthday on Saturday receiving
many lovely gifts, cards, letters, roses
from her youngest son in Vancouver
and a cable from her son overseas.
Pat-a-Pan Pastry Flour
Lily Pastry in 24-lb.
. sack .fdr 76c
24-1b, sack for 69e
sack a5c-
fluren Pastry Flour
Maple Leaf Bologna, lb. 22c
Maple Leaf Weiners, lb 28c
Mac.& Cheese Loaf, lb, 27c
Full Line Cooked Meats
Red Emperor Grapes, lb for 23e
Celery, green California Pascal
• large stock - 18c for 15c
Iceberg Head Lettuce, Cali-
fornia - 18c for 12c
New Bunch Carrots, lb. 7c
CANNED TOMATOES, 28-oz. tins for ... 2$c
OXYDOL or RINSO, large 27c pkg„ only , 23c
CANNED PUMPKIN, Ige. 28-oz. tin, 2 for 25 c
Two Phones 17 and 2. We Deliver.
Save Money
By Prepaying