HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-02-01, Page 4I OUR. 0 RING 0=1 O O •I:= o).' * Mt* !".".° totrolti =0 •xoC oti fi r. tea /re 1Y Cents a word per insertion, with ,minimum charge of 25c. Thursday, February 1st, 194 For a Program :with SPECIAL Interest to Wingham and District Be Sire to Listen to "Canadian Calialcade" Presented by Borden) Company Ltd. MINTS CONTINUE WINNING STREAK Take ,Blyth On. Their Home Ice By 3-1 Scare At Blyth's first home game Monday evening Wingham Midgets won by a 3-1 score in a cleanly played game. Local boys found the playing outdoors a big change. Lockridge got the first op a nice passing play with Ernest for the only score of that period. Edgar and Seli broke clear early in the second with Edgar going in for the goal. In the third period after Seli had worked his way to the Blyth goal, Harcourt grab- bed the rebound for the last goal. Blyth scored their goal in the final stages of the last period. Wingham—goal, R. Johnston; r.d., M. Thorns; 1.d., J. 13eninger; c, B. Kress; 1.w., W. Sell; r.w., M, Edgar; alternates, G. Ernest, M, Stainton, T, Lockridge, B. 'Wild, J. Harcourt, H. Drennan. Blyth — goal, D. 'Mania; r.d., A. Kylie; 1.d., Watson; centre, D. Cowan; Phillips; r.w., B. Murray; atern- ates, Sibthorpe. Johnson, Pollard. First Period 1, Wingham: Lockridge (Ernest). No penalties. Second Period 2. Wingham: Edgar. , No penalties Third Period 3. Wingham: Harcourt (Sell), 4. Blyth: Kyle. Penalties: Kress, Phillips Officials: B. Bain, R. Grey MASON'S RINK WON LOCAL BONSPEIL Wednesday Spells Are Very Popular The second in a series of Wednesday local bonspeils was held last week with two games in the afternoon and one game in the evening, The winners were: 1st., Jack. Ma- son, skip, W. R. Hamilton, Bill Hen- derson, W. Tiffin, with three wins and a plus of 18; 2nd., Donald Rae, skip, C. E. Richey, R. Hobden, G, Deyell, two wins and a plus of 4; 3rd., J. H. Crawford, skip, C. H. McAvoy, J. McKibbon, C. Bondi, two wins and a plus of 3. Mrs. Robert Rae received word last week from her husband that he has arrived safely overseas, Bob was with the troops that invaded 'the Aleutian Islands some time ago. He spent a furlough at home here at Christmas time. * * Mr. and Mrs, Charles A, Robert have received a cable 'Monday from their son, Captain Richard Roberts, that he is in England at No. 1 School of Artillery.' Dick has been a mem- ber of the 99th Battery for a long time, When the battery 'went active he went along with them. He was a. lieutenant at that time. In August last year after the invasion he was promot- ed to the rank of Captain on the field, ALPS DISTRICT Mrs, Lester Falconer visited at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Angus Mc- Kenzie in Guelph last week-end. Mrs, McKenzie and Frank are recuperating from the burns received in their un- fortunate accident a few weeks ago, Farm Forum met at Earl Caslick's Monday evening with an attendance of 24, , The three groups discussed the three questions dealing with the Feder- ation. of Agriculture and action pro'. jests, -.As a general ride _farmers do not know as much as we should about our lederation,but the booklet sent' to We think you're wonderful, Mrs. Housewife! Rationing, substitutes. temporary food shortages and Innumerable wartime Inconveniences have taken the fun out of shopping for the past few years. You've facedifrese difficulties with a cheerful, op. operative spirit that we of Dominion Stores really appreciate. We're saying "Thank You" with a sat. Of outstanding food values—the pick of the market. gathered by our buyers as a token of sincere appro. elation, Thanks a million. ST. WILLIAMS Apple and Raspberry JAM, 24.oz. . . 25c STANDARD PEAS, 20-oz. 2 tins 21C CHASE AND SANBORN COFFEE, 1 lb. . KRAFT OR CHATEAU CHEESE, 1/2-1b. QUICK OR REGULAR ROLLED OATS, 5-1b. bag 23c CHICKEN HADDIE, 15-oz. 23c , CATELLI'S NOODLES, 14-oz. „ 2 for 17c CATELLI'S MACARONI & SPAGHETTI, 2 for 17c NAVEL ORANGES, size 220 . — 43c doz. ju tot GRAPEFRUIT,. size 96 r r „.. 4 for 25c cAtivogNIA _CARROTS, 2 lbs. „ , GREEN I CELERY, 2 for , r 23 c COOKING .ONIONS . 5 lbs. 18e 0,60rts'amPrtto (7. Campbell's Tomato soup 2 10-oz. tins 17c mimmoionirmagomos A widow has recently written us; 4`1 owe you a debt of grati- tude for the 'way in which you have handled my accounts". The same service is available to you. Simply send in your list to-day and watch the pleas- ing results follow, No colletcion, no commission. KELLY & AIKEN Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE - ONTARIO our forums should enlighten us, As for projects our forum had not at- ternpted very much last year. We` dis- cussed the dental clinics and found the forum literature helpful. Next month our forum is sponsoring a barn meet- ing on the 'farm of Ross MacRea for the purpose of discussing better hog production. The meeting next Mon- day will be held at the home of Ross MacRae, JAMESTOWN Mr, and Mrs. Dave McLennan' entertained a number of friends and neighbors on Monday night, January 22nd, to a social evening' in their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Ned. Thomp- son. Ned,-who is a Pilot Officer, has returned home recently from overseas, An enjoyable time was spent in games, music, contests and communi, ty singing, and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, On Friday afternoon of last week the ladies on telephone line 20 held their quilting at the home of Mrs. Selah Breckenridge, with 10 ladies in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ned, Thom.pSon have returned to Toronto, after spending a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dave MC- Gratitude WING 4t$1. ADVANCE-TIN. ES CHARTS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere. for Wingham, surrounding -district and towns, If you need a new garment, any size or type. of figure at reasonable prieeS, call on Mrs, WM, Kennedy, .Minnie St., Wingham. FOR RENT-150 acre grass farm, 10th of Turnberry, good water and fences. Apply to Win, Brecken- ridge or Albert Bacon, Belgrave. FOR SALE — Affectionate young watch dog. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—A good driver, a year- old colt, also a quantity of apple butter, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Boys overcoat 15 - 16 years, 3 suit coats, also ladies brown velvet goloshes, size 3%. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Female Fox Hound, black and tan, year old, parents real fox getters. Apply Ross Taylor, Belgrave, Phone 624r12 Wingham, FOR. SALE—Hot water Ideal incu- bator, 150 egg size, burns coal oil, good condition. For information apply at Advance-Times, FOR SALE—Ladies brown ski boots, size 4, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Twenty young pigs ready to wean. Apply Advance- Times. "GREW QUICKLY . . developed uniformily" "Started to lay at 41/4 months" that's what customers say of Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Agent here can quote prices, take your order. Order now — remember the earlier hatched chicks mature to catch the better markets. Agent, Fred Hogg, Wingham. LOST—Ladies' black wool chester- field coat on January 21th. Reward. Apply Advance-Times. POULTRYMEN—Feed Pioneer Lay- ing Pellets for high egg production, 3 to 4 lbs. per birds each noonday Howson and Howson. REX WHEAT GERM OIL—Assur- es better breeding for all animals , and poultry. For sale by Stainton .1„-Iardi.v are. WANTED TO BUY — Five or Six roomed cottage with conveniences. Desire possession in spring, Apply to AdVanee-Times. WANTED—Girl or woman for gen- eral housework. Good wages. Ap- ply to Mrs, T. H. Gibson, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Isabella Currie late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Married Wo- man, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of September, A. D. 1944, are notified to send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the third day of February, A, D. 1945, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said third day of February, the assets of the said testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this sixteenth day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1945, 3. H. CRAWFORD,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Herbert E. Isard late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron , Merchant, who died on or about the thirteenth day of December, A. D. 1944, are notified to send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the third day of February, A. D. 1945, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said third day of February, the assets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, Dated this sixteenth day of January, A. 0, 1945. J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. TENDERS Stock of ladies' wear and dry goods owned by the Estate of the late Her- bert E. Isard, also the store property situated in the Town of Wingham. Tenders will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, February 10th, .1945, for the following: 1. The stock of ladies' wear and dry goods now contained in Isard's Ladies' Wear Store situated on the West side of Josephine Street, Win.ghant 2. The store known as Isard's Lad- ies' 'Wear Store situated on the West side of Josephine Street, consisting of two stales and having a frontage of approximately 25 feet and a depth of about 90 feet, 3.A combined tender covering the stock referred to itt item 1 and the store referred to in item 2, 4. The two Storey brick house situ- ated at the northeast corner 'of John Street and Carling Terrace, Wirighant. A double house situated on the -west side of Diagenal. Road in the Town of Wingham comprised of part of lot 1, Foley survey, Tile stock and properties may be inspected at times to be arranged on apptetition • to the undersigned. ORS TEAM LOST TO KINCARDINE Lakeshore Lasses Won By 7-1 Score The Wingham Girls' Hockey team lost by 7 to 1 to the Kincardine Girls' team at the Lakeshore town on Mon- day evening. Ann VanWyck netted Wingham's lone goal in the first period. The game was not as one- sided as the score would indicate and the local girls are sure that they will Make a much better showing in the return game. Wingham Line-up—goal, A. Ridley; def., J. Deyell, Hilda Brown; centre, Janet King; wings, Norma Brown, Ann VanWyck; alternates, M. Deyell, M, Cowan, Ruth Lockridge, Helen Sturdy, Shirley Yeoman, Donna Lock- ridge, FLIERS AND ORPHANS PLAYED TIE CAME Splendid Exhibition. Caine Of Hockey Ended 7 All Centralia Fliers continued their record of being undefeated this season, when they clashed here Tuesday night with the Owen Sound Orphans in a game that satisfied the large crowd who turned out to see many of their old friends on the Owen Sound team. The players on both teams turned in a great game which had little of the exhibition type of play, The orphans forged into the lead early in the first period sinking three goals before the Fliers got going. The period ended four to one for the Orphans. Only three goals were scored in the second period Centralia picking off two to make it 5 to 3 at the end of the period. Centralia showed why they were called Fliers in the third stanza bag- ging 4 goals to the Orphans 2 to make the game a seven all draw. No over- time was played as the Fliers were booked for league games the following two nights. Line Ups— Centralia Fliers—goal, Young; def,, Malloy, Braceland; centre, Wilson; Wings, irawk, Forsyth; Alternates, McAttee. Andress, Shaw, Sheritt. Owen Sound Orphans—goal, Hy- slop; def., Sargent, Hayward; centre, MeCarter; wings, Nichol, Smith; al- ternates, Dolson, Shears, Foster, Mac- Reavy, Wendorf; sub-goalie, Suther- land (second period). Referee: Sgt. Breen; Frank Cordick. First Period 1. Owen Sound—Nickol (Smith, McCarter) 2. Owen Sound—McReavy 3.20 Tenders must be in writing and the envelope containing same marked ten- der for part or all of Isard properties. Highest or any tender riot necessar- ily accepted. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for H. E. Isard Estate. WOOD TENDERS Tenders are requested for a supply of hard maple and beech body wood, 14 inch length, for each of 11 schools, in Township of East Wawanosh. 15 to 20 cords required at each school to be delivered on or before June 1, 1945. Tenders will be accepted for each school or whole group or part of group.. Tenders to be written and deposited on or before February 5, 1945. Lowest or any tender not neeessar4 ily accepted. Board of School Trustees of the Twp School Area of East Wawa- nosh, Frank Thompson, Chairman, R. R, 5, Wingham. C. H. Wade, Sce.y, Belgrave. IN MEMORIAM CORNELIUS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Mr, James Cornelius, who passed away thirteen years ago, January 29th, 1982, From our happy home and circle, God has taken one we love; Borne away from sin and sorrow, To a better home above. --Ever remembered by wife, son and daughter-in-law. rte MEMORIAM CA1't.TER-74n loving memory of my dear wife, Pestle I. Carter,. who passed away January 31st, 1948, 1-let charming ways and smiling face, Are a pleasure to recall. S he had a kindly word for tacit, She 'died beloved by. all, • Ever remembered by her husbatyd and family. 3, Owen Sound—Nickol (Mac- Carter) 7,55 4, Centralia—Forsyth 8,95 .0, Owen Sound—Dolson ‘(Shears, Foster) ..... 11,05. No Penalties, Second Period 6. Centralia---Show (Wilson) .„. 4,85. 7, Owen Sound—Shears (Dolson) ...... ........... „.„. ..... 6,04 S. Centralia—Shaw ..„.„.„... ......... „.„.„ 106 Penalties: Hayward 9, Wilson, .ridra Period 9. Owen Sound--Shears 4.05 10, Centralia—Wilson (Hawk, Forsyth) . »,.... ...... ..... ...... 81,4 11. Centralia,-,Sherrit (Mc- Attee, Shaw) 10,20 12, Owen Sound-,-Shears (Doi, son, Foster) , „ ., 16.50 13, Centralia—Shaw, (McAttee„ Malloy) . 17.10. 14, Centralia—Wilson (Show) 18,25 No Penalties, Len nan and other friends, Miss Doris .G414174411; spent the week-end with. friends in London, RECRUITS REQUIRED BY THE- C. W. A. U. Girls With Kin Overseas Are joining The C. W. A. C, According to word received from Military 1ioadguarters at London, an increasing number of girls kith ,mem- bers of their- families or other male relatives in the fighting forces over- seas, are enlisting in the Canadian Women's Army Corps to do their bit in the war. The -C, W. A. C. still needs thou- Sands of girls and women, British sub- jects between the ages of 1$ and 45 and with no dependent children, to fill jobs so that more soldiers might be released for fighting or operatiohal duty. And there are over 40 trades in the C, , W. A, C,, training that will enable a girl to improve herself in order to. take a better place in the post- war world, OVERSEAS LETTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST In a letter to the editor requesting that her Advance-Times be sent to her overseas address, Wren Frances Rob- inson tells of her early experiences overseas, Frances arrived in the Old. Land a short time ago. W-4746 Wren Robinson, F. P. Langhouse, H.M.C,S. "Niobe" c/o C,F.M.0„ 35 Renfield St., Glasgow, Scotland 23rd January, 1945. Dear Mr. Armstrong: Just a note to let you know that I have arrived here safe and sound and enjoying my new adventure very much. We had a very wonderful trip/and be- lieve it or not I acquired my sea legs without being seasick, but there was So much to take our attention that we didn't have time to .think about our- selves. We were allowed ,officers' privileges and could sit in their lounge or stroll around up on the sports deck, When we arrived here we were greeted by the Admiral and he made ,us feel right at home. So far we have been finding it somewhat difficult to get aclimatized but I suppose it all takes time. The first while we were here the weather was beautiful, just like a spring day at home, These last few clays have been just the opposite with qUite a bit of snow and fairly chilly and exceedingly damp. The main building in our camp is a big castle called "Langhouse". The officers, P.O's; and' Chiefs live there and the Regulating Office is there, too. The Wrens are living in "Nissen" Huts with 18 to 20 girls in a hut and it is heated by a plain ordinary stove which we take turns stoking, When I get: back to Canada I firmly believe, that I. will be a first class stoker as well as a- writer. "Niobe" itself is a few finites." from the barracks and we are trans- ported to and from our work in private. busses. I am a writer in the supply office and like my work very much. We haven't -(been here "long enough: to do much exploring but just giVe us, time, Most of us are taking this week-ent. Ind we are going to Edin- burgh, We are .looking forward to it very much because 'the people here say there are a great many ristorical sites there. Scotland is a beautiful country and spotlessly clean, The streets in the villages are very narrow and the. majority of th e houses are just plain cement. The Scotch people ., are aw- fully good to us and I know we will enjoy our year here. Space is gone so I will have to close. Give•my re- gards to everyone back home. . Sincerely yours, F. Robinson.. Thursday, Feb. 1st at 9.30 p.m. CKNX 920 Kcs. Linesman, 2.20 S