HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-01-25, Page 4BATTLE FRONT NOMOR,BY RICKY
—Cartoon by Ricky, 1t,C,A.10., Holland
. S "Meet a Rocket-typhoon Pilot"
The one gift
that's "always .
Watchmaker and Jeweller
Phone 59
six goals; Seli, Kress and Harcourt
each scoring two. The third period
saw a recovery• and Willie scored two
goals for Brussels while Seli notched
one for Wingham making. the 'final
count Wingham 8, Brussels 2,
Brussels—Goal, Jewell; rat, Willis;
l,d., Cousin; centre, Coleman; iaw,,
Jewell; 1.w., • W. Rann; alternates,
Wheeler, ,Ripley, Matheson, MacDon-
ald. , •
-.Myth travelled to Wingham on Fri-
day, January 19 to be beaten 5-1, On
fast ice Seli proved to be the power
house for Wingham scoring four of th e
five goals for Wingham, while Ernest
accounted for the other. Myth's only
score was, made. by Johnston. In the
first period plenty of action was wit-
nessed by. the spectators when Seli
slipped two past :Morrie and Ernest
one, making Winghaues• score at the
end of the first period 3 while John-
ston scored for Blyth accounting for
their only goal. The second period
saw no scoring but in the third period
Sell opened up again and scored two
goals making the final score Blyth 1,
Wingham 5. .•
Blyth—Goal, Morritt; r.d., Hyle; 1,d,
E. .Watson; centre, Johnston; r.w.
Phillips; 1.w., Cowan; alternates, Sib-
thorpe, Murray, Craig, Ballard, Tasker,
I), Johnston.
Wingharri—(for both games): goal,
Johnston; r,d., Benieger; 1.d., MacKay;
centre; Kress; ewe Edgar; l,w, Seli;
alternate, Ernest, Lockridge, -Stainton,
Harcourt, Wild, Thomas, Drertion,
Referee for both games, J. Brent,
Itoloye Watches
pr ced from $25.00
to $2500.00
at his farm near Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs, Tindine of near Wind-
sor, are visiting their daughter; Mrs.
John Campbell,
U. C. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Unite&
church will be held on the evening of
January 31st at 8 o'clock. Followinae
the usual reports and election of office
ers for 1945 there will be a social
St. James Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting and elections
of officers for 1945 of St. James Angli-
can church held January 17th, very-
gratifying reports were submitted by
auditors Wesley Paulin and. Jack Mil-
ligan. Mr. Wm. MacDonald was ap-
pointed rectors warden; elected peoples
warden, Mr. H. V. lef•cKenney; sec'ae-
treas., Lorne Kaake; delegate to
Synod, Win. Mines; alternates, Geo.
Paulin; board of management, Wes.
Paulin, Dr. F. H. Scherk, Mrs. Kaake,
Mrs. McKenney Mrs, a Waller, Phil;
During the evening plans were made
to hold a pancake social on Shrove
Tuesday, February 13th. The Guild
members to take charge.
Additional Wroxeter on page seven
The Huron-Bruce Boundary Farm
Forum of January 22, met at the home
of Mrs. Fred Porter with attendance
of 21. The topic of the night was
"We all have something to learn". We
think we would benefit by adult edu-
cation if everybody would read more ,
agricultural bulletins and have more -
agriculturalrepresentatives interview
ties and also by more co-operation.
with the farmers so we will learn each
others 'ideas. The remainder of the
night was spent in progressive euchre,
the two high prizes' going to Alec-
Campbell and Kenneth McDonald.
prizes going to Mrs. Oscar Holmes
and Bill Tiffin. There was also a
door prize, it going to Jim Netterfield.
Lunch was served. The next meeting
of January 29, will be held at Mrs.
Oscar Holmes', the convenor being
Jim Netterfield.
FOR SALE—Dry hard
feet long. Apply T.
phone 612-3 Wingham.
wood, four
H, Moore.
heavier car '28 Whippet sedan in ex-
cellent condition throughout. Phone
- 270,
FOR SALE—One jamesway brooder,
48e72 ins, capacity 250 to 500 chicks,
complete with feed troughs and
water fountains. In perfect condi-
tion. Apply to George T. Robert-
son, phone 157.
FOR SALE—Several Durham cows,
due tb freshen soon. Apply to R. J.
McKenzie, Belgrave, phone Brussels.
FOUND—Man's watch. Owner may
have same by proving property, An-
ply Advance-Times.
ThUriiday, January 190
Ow;J.: " .404:19a, 404110X"';'"'7""1911:14).) , 401=1
CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained. Corsetiere for Wingham,
SOrrounding district ,and towns, If
you need a new -garment, any size.
or type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs, Wm, Kennedy, Minnie
Ste 'Wingharre
LOST—Blue hat with Army Badge
between Edward Street and Wing-
ham Arena, Reward. Finder please
leave at Advance-Times,
LOST—on the 9th of Turnberry„ on
Monday, December 18th, black and
white spotted fox hound with long
black ears, answers to Pat. Phone
James Warwick, Brussels 38x15.
LOST—Sum of money on Saturday
afternoon last. Reward. Apply Ad-
POULTRYMEN—Feed Pioneer Lay-
ing Pellets for high egg production,
3 to 4 lbs. per birds each noonday
Howson and Howson.
PUPS FOR SALE—Some well bred
Scotch Collie pups, 3 months old.
• $3.00 each, also good Shorthorn,
dark red bull calf, 12 months old,
sired by Millhills Ransom. Apply
James Forster, R.R. 1 Lucknow,
phone 43r12 Lucknow.
es better breeding for all. animals
and poultry. For sale by Stainton
WANTED — General houswork in
good .home. Apply to Advance-
WANTED — Middle aged or young
woman to take charge of home and
small family, Write Box 267, Wing-
WANTED—Choir leader and organist
for Teeswater United Church. Ap-
plications accepted for either or both
positions until Fob. 3rd. State sal-
ary expected. Apply to Dr. M. H.
Gillies, Teeswater, Ont.
WANTED TO BUY — Five or six
roomed cottage with conveniences.
Desire possession in spring. Apply
to Advance-Times.
Applications will be received by the
undersigned for position of secretary-
treasurer for Township School Area
.of West Howick, nine public schools
and continuation school, salary $275.00
per annum. Duties as outlined in
public schools act, section 96 and 97
plus monthly delivery of salary
cheques, supplies, etc., as directed by
Board. Particulars may be obtained
from any member of Area School
A pplicatiasts received Ile to January
2pt, 1940.
A, MUNRO, Chairman,
Wroxeter, Ontario,
Alt j3eisons having claims against
the esiate ,of IsabellA Currie, late of 11
the Township of East awanoth ift
the 'County of Ittlion, Wo•••
Man, elect! WA91 died, On Or about
the twenty-third daYt, 'of 80.1itelnber,
'A. D. 194k Ve..nOtilled to send to
CraWfad),WiWeilani, Ontario, on
or 'Wore the this'd day of February,
D. .19a5, .full particulars of their
'10/I'ins in writing. Immediately after
the said third day of February, the
assets of the said testdtrix will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executors shall then have
DATED this sixteenth day of Jan-
uary, A. D. 1945. J, It CRAWFORD,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executors shall then have
claims in wilting. Immediately after
assets of the said testator wilt be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
of Huron , Merchant, who died on or
about the thirteenth day of December
or before the third day of February
the said third day of February, the
A. D. 1945,, full particulars of their
the estate of Herbert E. Isard late of
A. D. 1944, are notified to send to
J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on
the Town of Wingham in the County
All persons having claims against
Dated this sixteenth day of January,
A. D.19.45.
1.-1 , CRAWFORD,
Witightmo ,Ostatio,
' Selieltor for the MOO:dal,
Applications for the position of
Township Road Superintendent, will
be received by the undersigned ,up to
and including February 13th, 1945.
The salary has been set at forty-five
cents per hour,
Clerk of West Wawanosh Twp.,
Lucknow, Ont. R.R, 2,
Tenders are invited for a caretaker
at each of 11 schools in the School
Area of East Wawanosh Township,
Duties to commence March t, 1945,
and continue for 1 year.
Applications may be sent to any
member of Board or the Secretary, on
or before February 5th, 1945,
Board of School. Trustees of the
Twp, of East Wawanosh School Area.
Frank Thompson, Chairman,
Wingham R. R. 3.
C. H. Wade, Secretary,
Belgrave, Ont.
Stock of ladies' wear and dry goods
owned by the Estate of the late Her-
bert E. Isard, also the store property
situated in the Town of Wingham.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday,
February 10th, 19'45, for the following:
1. The stock of ladies' wear and dry,
goods now contained in Isard's Ladies'
Wear Store situated on the West side
of Josephine' Street, Wingham.
2. The store known as Isard's Lad-
ies' Wear Store situated on the West
side of Josephihe Street, consisting of
two stories and having a frontage of
approximately 25, feet and a depth of
about 90 feet.
3, A combined tender covering the
stock referred to in item 1 and the
store referred to in item 2,
4. The two storey brick house situ-
ated at the northeast corner of John
Street and Carling Terrace, Wingham.
5. A double house situated on the
west side of Diagonal Road in the
Town of Wingham comprised of part
of lot 1, Foley survey.
The stock and properties may be
inspected at times to be arranged on
application to the undersigned.
Tenders must be in writing and the
envelope containing same marked ten-
der for part or all of Isard properties.
Highest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for H. E. Isard Estate.
Wingharn, Ontario,
TQwN4HIP 9F Tiii01.4gRRY
stM.113 tkiktriERs re-'1
telied by the title efglkited up to 12
o'clock noon; 8atitttlay, February 3rd,
1945, RP- the position of Assessor for
the Toivnsliip of Turnberry, for the
year 1945, at a salary of $90.00 per
Township Clerk,
R.R. No. 1, Wingham, Ont,
Tenders are requested for a supply
of hard maple and beech body wood,
14 inch length, for each of 11 schools,
in Township of East Wawanosh. 15
to 20 cords required at each school
to be delivered on or before June 1,
Tenders will be accepted for each
school or whole group or part of
Tenders to be written and deposited
on or before February 5, 1945,
Lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
Board of School Trnstees of the
Twp. School Area of East Wawa-
Frank Thompson, Chairman,
R. 1 5, Wiegliatn,
C. H. Wade, Sec'y,
The family of the late ;Mr. George
Carter take this opportunity of thank-
ing the neighbors and friends who
helped In any way at the time of their
recent bereavement. They also wish
tb thank those who so 'kindly loaned :
Following are ten rules, that if fol-
lowed will cut down losses in poultry,
_eayaGeOrge Robertson, Dominion Pople
try Husbandman, Central Experiment-
al Farm, .Ottawa,
1, Bey ehieks• from e, 'breeder or
hatchery that uses - eggs only from:
pullerure free stock,
2. Buy chicks front a source close
enough ,home that the chicks. are
not too long on .tlie road,
3. See that the 'hyena in whiCh the
chicks are to ;be brooded have been
thoroughly cleaned, scrubbed and.
4, See - that the •chicks are propetly
brooded.—never over heated or chil-
5, Have the broader house sufficiently,
far from the old stock so that the-
chicks never come in contact with
either the old stock or their eur-
6. Raise the chicks on clean ground
over which no old stock has run
for at least a year.
7.. Do not allow the person who is
handling' the layers to' tend t•he
chicks, If this is impossible then
insist that he use rubbers before
going into the brooder house or
onto the chick ranges,
8. Do not allow strangers, especially
those who are keeping poultry, to
•go into the flock without first put-
ing on a clean pair of rubbers.
9, Remove any ailing chicks as soon
• as it is noticed and do not put it
back in the flock even after it has
apparently -recovered.
10. Get the chicks onto good green
• range as early as possible and see
that this range condition is contin-
ued throughout the growing period.
Jan. 17 Wingham at Brussels.
19 Blyth at Wingham.
22 Brussels at Blyth,
24 Wingham at Brussels.
26 Blyth at Wingham.
Scores to date—
Wingham 8, Brussels 2.
Wingham 5, Blyth 1.
* *
Jan. 15 Listowel at Harriston.
15 Howick at Pahriertson.
19 Harriston at Howick (Gorrie)
19 Palmerston at Listowel.
22 Palmerston at Harrigton.
23 Howick ,at Listowel,
26 Listowel at Palmerston.
26 Howick at Harriston.
29 Harriston at Palmerston.
31 Listowel at HoWick (Ford-
Feb. 2 Harriston at Listowel.
6 Palmerston at Howick
Scores to date—
Listowel 9, Harriston 2.
Palmerston 4, Howick 1.
Howick 2, Harriston 1.
Listowel 12, Palmerston 4.
* * * *
Jan. 12 Lucknow at Kincardine.
16 Kincardine at Ripley,
19 Lucknow at Ripley.
22 Kincardine at Ripley.
24 Ripley at Kincardine.
26 Ripley at Lucknow.
29 Lucknow at Kincardine.
31 Kincardine at Ripley.
Feb. 2 Lucknow at Ripley.
6 Kincardine at LUcknow,
8 Ripley at Kincardine,
'13 Ripley at Lucknow.
Score to date—
Lucknow 12, Kincardine 6.
Kincardine 6, Ripley 6.
Lucknow 7, Ripley 6,
Defeat Brussels 8-2 and Blyth 5-1
Midget hockey got under way in this
district with Wingham, Lions Meeting
Brussels at Brussels on Wednesday,
January 17. Brussels bowed to Wing.,
ham to the tune of 8-2, In the first
period the only scoring was done by
Edgar for Wingham. The second
period saw Wingham run wild, scoring
taxi°, on or before the twenty-seventh
day of January, 1945, full particulars
of their claims in writing, Immediately
after the said twenty-seventh day of.
January, 1945, the assets of the
said testator will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto. having
regard only to eleim of which the
executrix shall then have notice.
DATED this eighth day of January,
A, D. 1945,.
Witighant, Ontario,
Board Will Meet The 3rd Thursday
of Each Month in Wingham
Board of School Trustees of the Town-
ship School Area of Tureberry held
in Winghein Council Chamber on
Wednesdey, January 17th,
Members of Board all paesent.
Minutes of meetings as committee
were read and on motion of Jas. Wal-
pole and David Eadie were adopted.
Motion by David Eadie and J. Wil-
lits that all cheques be signed by
secretary-treasurer and chairman, —
Carried. •
Motion by Y. Willits and If., John-
ston that 2000 cheques be ordered and
envelopes be ordered,—Carried,
Fred Seilin as caretaker's for 5. S.
No, 4 be extended for the year and
that tender for caretaking at 5, 8. No,
6 he laid over until next meeting, —
Motion by E, Johnston and j. Wil-
lits, tenders be asked for supply of
wood to he delivered and OW not
later than June 1st for all schools,
vood to be cut front, timber over 5
inches in diameter,. Tenders to be in
hands of Secretary not later than 12
o'clock noon, February 1501,—Carried.
The advertisement in Advance-
Times for particulars.
Motion by D. Eadie and J. Walpole
that all school supplies except text
books be provided.—Carried,
Motion by D. Eadie and J. Walpole
that after audit is completed a cheque
for $7.20 be issued being' payment on
fire insurance policy No. 11 S, S, —
Motion by E. Johnston and J. Wil-
lits that Secretary purchase $5,00 in
post stamps.—Carried.
Motion by D, Eadie and J. Willits
that the board meeting be held on 3rd
Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock
Motion by E. Johnston and J. Wal-
pole that Secretary convey our expres-
sion of appreciation and thanks to
members of Wingham Council for in-
vitation to use council chamber as a
place for meetings of the board.—Car-
Motion by D. Eadie and J. Walpole
that the Board adjourn to, meet in
Wingham Council Chamber at 2
o'clock Thursday, February 15th. —
Thos. Gilmour,Seeretary.
I. J. Wright, Chairman.
Miss Jean Wilton Heads 9th Line Of
Turnberry Red Cross Group
The annual meeting of the Red
Cross Group of the 9th Line of Turn-
berry, was lucid last Thursday in Gil-
mour's school. Mrs. Underwood, the
president, opened the meeting and ex-
pressed appreciation of the loyal
support of the members throughout
the year. She spoke with regret of
the loss by death of a beloved mem-
ber, Mrs,' Thomas Haugh and' of an-
other, Miss Mary Forgie, who has
Moved to Wingham,
After the presentation of the secre-
tary's report and a business, period,
Mrs, George Day assumed the chair
for the election of officers which re-
sulted' as follows:
President—Miss Jean Wilton.
Sec'yetreas.--Miss Emma Hardie.
Buying Committee — Mrs Harold
Gilkinson, Mrs. Geo. L. Day, Mrs.
Ivan Haugh, Mrs, Hugh Gilmour.
Social Committee—Mrs. George L,
Day and Mrs. Alkin Hastings.
Press Reporter—Mrs. G. N. 'Under-
Receipts, •including dances, euchres,
collections, raffle on afghan, $296.94;
expenditures, $274.83; balance $22,11.
List of ExpenditUres
Supplies, including yarn, flan-
nelette, blankets, batts,
thread, etc. $ 97.69
Sent to I.O.D.E 10,00
Navy League 20.00
Red Cross 35,00
Br. Minesweepers ... . ,.." 40.00
Milk to Br. Fund 10.00
Xmas Cheer to Br. Children 5,00
Soldiers boxes 29.44
Postage on ,boxes
Stamps & Orders .82
Expenses of Euchres 8.04
Cups & Pitchers 7.40
During the year there were 39 quilts
(milted. 6 of which were sent to Br.
Minesweepers Auxiliary, and 2 fancy
as custom quilting, and 7 afghans
Adams - Blake
A wedding of interest took place at
12 o'clock noon, Thursday, January
18th, at the Manse, Wroxeter, when
Edith Pearl, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Joseph William Blake, Teeswateia be-
came the bride of Allen Stuart, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams, Wroxeter
The bride,
wore a dress
0 ell
1 - —:-1.--•"'"-- :7"-- - , 11 0
11/1 cents a word per ineertion, with a minimum thine a 25e. 0 0
0=0) (011"10 <0 0/ (0 010/
Tenders wanted by Board of Public
School Trustees, Turnberry, for supply
of wood to be cut from timber over
6 inches diameter, delivered and piled
not later than June 1st,
To S, S. 2 (Kirton's)-15 cords
hardwood, maple and beech 16"; 2
cords dry cedar 16".
To S. S. 3 (Glenannan)-10 cords
hardwood, maple and beech 15"; 10
cords elm 15"•, 2 cords dry cedar 15",
To S. S. 4 (Bluevale)-8 cords hard-
wood, maple and beech 16"; 2 cords
dry cedar 16".
To S.S. 6 (Holmes)-15 cords hard-
woode maple and beech 16"; 2 cords
dry cedar 16",
To S.S. 8 (Jct.)-14, cords hardwood,
maple and beech 16"; 2 cords dry
cedar 16".
To S.S. 9 (Powells)-12 cords hard-
wood, maple and beech 16"; 2 cords
dry cedar 16".
Tenders to be marked and in hand
of undersigned not later than 12
o'clock noon, February 15th.
Lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted.
, • See'yeTreas., RAJ*,
aaiaaaa Oa% ::: asar : : : aat
MIDfiETS 'WIN TIIEIR Minutes of inatightal meeting of the
All persons having claims against Tureberry",--Carried.
the 'estate of john Nichol late of the Motion by D, Eadie and 5, Willits
TOwn Plot of "Wirigharn in the County that 450 small and 60 large stamped
I C e of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died
on or about the eighteenth dey of
NOTICE TO CREDITORS stamped "The Board of School Tria-
tees of the Township School Area of
allowed to attend at S. S. No, .
November, A. D. 1044, are notified to Motion by I. Walpole and E., John'
send to J. Crawford, Wingham, start that contracts with caretakers
date from jail, 1st of the year to Dec.
gist of same year.—Carried.
Motion by E. Johnston and 0,
Wit that the Westlake children be
Motion by D. Eadie and j. Walpole
that we accept the tenders for care-
taking from Mrs, John Moir for S,
Mul front 'J'oseph Bailey for 5, 5,,
Solicitor for the Executrix,
No. 11; also that the agteentent with .
who was unattended,
in an attractive blue
shade over which was worn a black
'coat and hat with matching accessories.
Following the ceremony which was
performed by Rev. j. L. Foster of the
United Church, wedding dinner was
served at the .home of the groom,
Later Mr. and Mrs. Adams left on
their honeymoon. On their return
they will take up residence on the
groom's fainn, Wroxeter south.
Mrs, Kenneth MacPherson spent
the week-end at her home in Dublin.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera of Gorrie,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MaeNaugliton
and John, were 'Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, N, T. McLaughlin at Wing-
Mr, and Mrs, George Anger and
family of Clifford, spent.Senday with
the former's mother, Mrs. D. Anger.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Steavart pf Moles-
worth, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Sangster.
Mrs. Vern Denny and Miss Thelma
Denny spent the week-end in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Jacklin Meyer/ into
their village residence on Friday. Mr.,
Jacklin has been in hospital at Lis-
towel having suffered a stroke some,
time ago, Friends here hope lie will
soon regain his health. On Wednes-
day of this week there ,will be an auc-
8,03 lion sale of farm stock and implements
There Is No Substitute
For Quality!
There can be no substitute for quality. Quality in livestock feeds can make or
break your successful feeding problem.
How can you be sure of getting quality in your feeds? The guarantee of, the
manufacturer is the safest rule., SHUR-GAIN poultry and livestock feeds are
made to rigid rules of cleanliness, purity and control of ingredients. SHUR-
GAIN feeds are made locally` by Feed Service Mills—on formulas supplied by'
the Feed Division of Canada Packers Limited. Check analyses conducted by
the Feed. Division at frequent intervals insure a close control over the texture,
ingredients, freshness and value of your feeds.
You cati buy with confidence at' the sign of the SHUR-GAIN Feed Service
Mill—for friendly service, most efficient feeding results, and lowest possible
prices consistent with high quality feeds.
SlituroGaintomplete Feeds and Concentrates
Sold by