HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1945-01-18, Page 7This Italian woman school teacher fights side by side with her Italian "Menu's" husband in the "White Patrol" among the snow-clad ipeaks of the French-Italian border. (-7 ITALIAN GUERMLAS CONTINUE FIGHTINII FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- merits, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingham. it Thursday, Jauuary 18th, 1945 GENERAL MUD BOOS DOWN ALLIED BOMBS Airmen struggle in the thick goo as they man- handle sticky 1,000-1b. bombs out of a muddy ammunition depot in a forest in western Europe. Mils dump Is one of the many suoolyins aircraft operating 'on the continent and now engaged prim, arily in battering Von Rundstedt's forces in the Belgian-Luxembourg bulge. .111111•••• 11 MORRIS COUNCIL NAME OFFICIALS Bryan; No, 15, Thomas Brydges; No. 18, Harvey Brown; No, 19, Walter S ell ers. Pound-keepers: Jasjohnston, Milo Casemore, Graham Campbell, Robert McMurray, John Bowman, Lyle Hop- per, George Bone, Wm, McMurray, Wm. Pipe, Jas. Clark, Wm, Bernard, Victor Young, Robt. Bird, Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall, Geo. Wilson, Geo. McArthur, Wrn. Cockerline. Penceviewers: Northwest, Harold Procter, Russell Jermyn, Bert Hast- ings; Northeast, Jos. Shaw, Robt. Forrest, Jno, Warwick; Southwest, Albert 'Nesbit, Thos. Laidlaw, Archie Scott; Southeast, Menno Jackson, Simpson McCall, Thos. Miller Jr. Weed Inspector: Robt. Michie at 35c per hour plus 5c per mile. iGradermato Joseph Smith at 50c per hour. Auditors: Chas. Johnston and. Robt. McKinnon. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Harvey Johnston, that the clerk order nine subscriptions to the Muni- cipal World for 1945. Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, sec- onded by Jas. Michie, that road ac- counts as presented by Road Supt. be paid. Carried, Moved by' Wm. Speir, seconded by Chas, Coultes, that By-law No, 2, ap- pointing Assessment Commissioner, be passed. Carried. Moved by Wm. Speir, seconded by Jas: Michie, that the wages of a- man and team be raised to 60c per hour. Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by Wm. ,Speir, that the Council back-up the stand taken by Jas. Michie and Chas. Coultes at a conference With: Turnberry Council on January 6, 1945. Moved by :Chas. Coultes, seconded by Jas. Michie, that the clerk be in- structed to write to Dept. of Muni- cipal Affairs asking what it would cost to have a referee to settle dispute on a ditch between two townships. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Harvey Johnston, that By-law No. 3 raising the salary of Councillors to $75.00 per year and of the Reeve to $120.00 per year. Carried. At letter was sent from the Council to Rev. Beecroft upholding his view- point on radio 'programs and was heartily endorsed by all members of the Council. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded Information Re Cost of Referee Re Ditch Between Townships To Be Secured ,, Morris Council met on Monday, January 8th, in the Township Hall,, -with all the members present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting -were read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and Win. Speir. Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by Win. Speir, that By-law No. 1, appointing the following Township officials be passed: Clerk, Geo. Martin. Treasurer, Nelson Higgins. Assessor, Lyle Hopper. Patrolmen: No. 1, Oliver Campbell; No. 2, Pleming Johnston; No. 3, Ar- lbur Edgar; No. 4, Ross Turvey; No. .5, Robert Coultes; No, 6, Chas. War- wick; No. 7, Jos, Yuill; No. 8, Frank Little; No. 9, Sam Alcock; No. 10, Lorne Nichol; No. 11,$' Clarence Hol- 01 lager; No. 12, Robert Bird; No. 13, ervin Govier; No. 14, Edward Business and Professional Directory •=.11M11110.0.11.111111., Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. McLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M1 Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every- Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 1203. J. WS ENFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc Money To Loan Office — Meyer Block, Winghatn J. II.. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario THOMAS FEELS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service Phones: Day 109W. Night 1091 1 A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Victoria St., West. Formerly the Hayden Residence PHONE 190 Wingham, Ontario ronnamimmeorm1, WELLINGTON FIRE HARRY MOE A. IL MIAVISH, B.A. 4 AZ so 9 10 37 43 ..,••••angt. I .....101,10•11M6.0110•011•1.0111•••••• 13 eitiONINNY N 56 '5 27 f' 29 '31 32 ' 33 38 44 1 36 .14 1112 47 49 Alummoxl H A W S E A C N fi 5 tv-i u P S ETNA SENI 44. Snare 46. Likely L S A L U L E C R O O asj s SARI E L 5 E DONALD B. BLUE Experienced, Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Hafldled Ripley, Ontario Phone 49. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK , By R. J. SCOTT dAR I" VA'- SoLDNE FO oeStDE ERLY oV RM .11.(E U.S., WAS COMPOSED Or WHALE OIL //Y,AeoczA/ 4AS AND NICKEL FILIN4S fuRNED -ruE. OIL INTO FAT. t1 HARD SCOAPS' 4*/ Wgkr KINDS or AMERICAN SEAVISII ofilE.s. 'MAN SALMON ASCEND RIVERS "ro SPAWN ? fluthitic, AND SIIAD IN" NT. gikit° 4%17.4 E PLAYINq VOR, ILLINOIS A4AiNS^I" fi &Nines, BALL eNLY FIVE fiMES AND SCORED/ FIVE, fouCilbowNs ,vovziida44 /924) c,:4-v•vva CAN ARRANGE GOMETH1NG' THERE'S ALWAYB PLENTY Of DISHES Iti BE WAGI-IED1 'WELL, I DON'T MINE) (DOING TEEM, MISTER, Bur f THINK YOLI'RE MAKING A MISTAKE By WALLY MHO? THAT'S THE REASON I'M EATING HERE SISTER PUT ME 7-0 BED WiTHOOT ANY SUPPER, BECAUSE r BROKE HALP OP I-1ER east CHINA « ft,,,.,, S OfAu • THEP.E GOBI-III ATE TOO r \ .Pgild?nz muct.fil ALL I'VE GOT, 7 MYSELF ' 1S A 1,01.1-A I! MUGGS AND SKEETER by Wm, Speir, that the meeting ad- journ to meet again on February 12, at 1. PP% The following .accounts were paid: Mu.nieipal„World, Op; Geo. Martin, revising Voters' Lists, 01.0; Lyle Hopper, attending Court, 6.•50; Ad- vance4imcs, .advertising, -$1.30; Strat- ford General Hospital, Mirs. A, Neth,.. try, $15.00; Municipal World, 02c, Geo, C, Martin, Clerk. 110WICK COUNCIL NAME OFFICERS PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS WINGHAM At) VANQE-TINIES Gorrie, Jan, S. 19451 Howick Council met in the Town- ship Hall, according to Statute, the members elect were all present and subscribed to the necessary Declar- atibn ,of Office as follows: Reeve, D. L. Weir; Deputy-Reeve, John Winter; Councillors, Elmer Parrish, Edward McCallum and E. IL Strong, The Reeve, D. L. Weir took charge of the meeting, The minutes of last regular meet- ing were read, and on motion of Mc- Callum and 'Parrish, were adopted. Moved by'Farrish and Strong that the time for the return of the Collec- tors Rolls be extended to the February meeting. Carried. Moved by Parrish and Strong that the Treasurer be hereby instructed to prepare a statement of receipts and ex- penditures on the following Municipal Drains: Mun. Drain No. 17; Minto Mun, Drain No. 4; Mun. Drain No. 18 and Mun Drain No, 19, and that the Clerk be hereby instructed to pre- pare amending by-laws accordingly.— Carried. Moved by Strong and Winter that this Council hereby authorize the Clerk to order eight copies of "Municipal World". Carried. Moved by Winter and McCallum, that the Report of the School Attend- ance Officer for the months of Octo- ber and November, as read, be ac- cepted and placed on file.—Carried. Moved by Strong and McCallum, that this Council do now go into Com- mittee of the whole to regulate salar- ies and make. appointments.—Carried. Moved by McCallum and Parrish that this Council do now revert to open meeting.—Carried. Report of Committee— Salaries: Caretakers of Twp. Hall, Gorrie, $70.00; Members of Board of Health, $6.00 each; Secretary of Board of Board of Health, $15.00; Weed In- spector, 40c per hour; Live Stock Valuator, $1,75 per trip; Caretaker of Twp. Hall, Wroxeter, $35.00; Sanitary Inspector, $1.65 per trip. - Officials Appointed: Caretaker of Twp. Hall, Gorrie, Elmer Downey; Member of Board of Health, Norman Clegg, along with the Reeve and the Clerk; Secretary of Board of Health; Isaac Gamble; Weed Inspector, Jos. Sanderson; Live Stock Valuator, Jas. Douglas; Caretaker of Township Hall, By Harry J. Boyle Jack Baker is home. He was dis- charged from the .air force just before Christmas and he spent the holidays with his folks on the farm. The Baker place is on the sideroad. We've known the Bakers off and on for years but never neighbored very much with them. Jack worked at Lazy Meadows for a couple of month one year and since them, lie often used to drop in for a Sunday afternoon chat. He's a nice boy and after he went overseas we sent him a few letters and an oc- casional package. We used to get very interesting letters in reply. I saw him in town just before New Years and suggested that he drop in for a chat. He looked kind of tired and drawn. and Mrs. Phil thought he seemed just a wee bit nervous. Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Phil was work- ing around the kitchen and I was doz- ing on the couch when we heard a knock on the back door. Sure enough it was young Baker. He didn't say very much and we didn't press him to talk. It seemed to me as if he wanted some place to sort of hide. He stayed for supper and afterwards he came down and helped me with the chores. I could tell he wanted to talk so after putting down the hay for the morning I sat down on a half bag of chop in the passageway and he jumped up on the 1 oat bin. He didn't lose any time at all but said right off, "Do you think I've changed Phil?" I couldn't see a great deal of change in the lad. He had lost his boyish: giggling and he looked older and he had more sense in what he said, but he. seemed to be pretty much the same. Then he came right back and said, "Phil, since I'veocome home you and the wife have been the only two people who treated me as if I were just the same as when I went Wroxeter, Ponald Townsend; Sanitary Inspector, Gordon Underwood. Moved by Parrish and McCallum that By-laws No. 1, 2, 'A 4, :5 and 6 of the Township of Howiek for the year 1945, as read, be finally passed.-- Carried. Moved by McCallum and Winter that the Road Accounts, as approved, be paid.---Carried. Moved by Strong and Parrish, that the following accounts be paid,— Carried. George King, refund of dog tax, $2,00; Clifford Johnson, refund of dog tax, $4,00; H. D. Livingstone, M.D, Anaesthetic for Harold Watson, $7.50; Rev, J. W, Button, refund of dog tax, $2,00; Listowel 11/em, Hospital, Hos- pital expenses for Harold Watson, $15.00; Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $35.00; Mrs. M. C. Knight, trip to Wingham, $4.00; J. H. Rogers, ex- press 40c; R. J. Lovell & Co., dupli- cate receipt books for Treas, $16.04; J. H, Rogers excise & postage, $7.00; Relief, $50.75. Total expenditures, $143.69. Moved by McCallum and Parrish that this Council ,do now adjourn, to meet in the United Church Hall, Ford- wich, on the 5th day of February, or at the call of the Reeve,—Carried, Isaac Gamble, Clerk, 'AG"6053, 1; Persian rulers .4. Pocketbook 11. Unit of weight (stones) 12. Join 13. Maxim 14. Per. to tides 15. Pen point 16. Sun god 18. Extremely 19. Basement 21. Festive 24. Trouble 25. Expression 27. On the left side (naut.) 29. Summon forth 81. Earth as a goddess 82. Seize 34. Paradise 85. Rabbits 37. Lure 39. Perform 40. Expression of delight 43. With might 45. Quick 47. Light boat 48. RXtra 49, Shall not (eontr) 50. Anesthetic DOWN 1. Scrtitinize 2, Angle of fault vein .3. Native of Arabia serious disease contracted in one- municipality through the neglect of that municipality might have grave consequences in another centre on the other side of the continent. For in- stance, syphilis could be contracted one place by an individual who later would change his residence and then,• because of the disease, would become a charge on the municipality where he had established his new home. "Municipalities should stand behind all efforts to deal with health and prevention of disease on a national scale," Dr. Bates said. Percy Ward of Montreal, chairman of the Quebec Division executive, said many people were looking to the League, a voluntary organization, for leadership in the health education field. The League was doing a needed job of. its own volition. The meeting -teas told that observ- ance of Canada's second annual national "Social Hygiene Day" would be held during "Health Week", on Wednesday, February '7. The "Day" itself is sponsored by the League co-operation -with the federal and pro- vincial departments of health. It is set aside to re-focus attention on Canada's No. 1 public health prob- lem—venereal diseases—and actually- marks the opening of another intensive campaign against these insidious dis- eases. Drill Sergeant to Rookie: "Wipe that opinion off your face!" SALLY'S SALLIES ' No, mother,. Joe likes you, He's ittst sh171,1 4. ugly out ' ento Ou woman 26. Female fowl h 5. Cubic meter 30.28. Theoretical 7. Gastropods 6. Spigot Place e force g. Clause to a 3358: Any Offerclimb.. 9. Cbiellleatial big plant body 36. Per,ld (India) o)ane 10. Like an eel Scandinavia 17. A wing 37. 19, Ferryboats 20 Falsehood a Flower m 38. Nurse 21. Choking bit 40, Brilliant fish 22, Mimic 41.Employ 23. Behold! 42. River (Ger.) away," That sort of stumped me, so he went right ahead and explained. The night he got off the train they met him with the sleigh and the whole family was in it. He wanted to crawl back in the straw in the box under the buffalo robe. The family insisted that he sit up on the seat with the heated stones at his feet. When -they got home they wouldn't let him go to the barn to help put the team away. They had the good spring mattress off the spare bed on his bed. They had roast chicken the next day- and his plate was loaded with white meat, What was more they had a white tablecloth on, when he knew perfectly well that they always ate off a table covered with oilcloth except when company was present. Jack was worried because they were treating him like company. The rest of the folks tiptoed. around in the morning so as to not wake him up, when he wanted to get back into his overalls and go out and help with the chores. There was .a whole string of company and Jack slipped away last Sunday just to miss an uncle who would keep plying him with questions about his War experience, There wasn't much I could tell Jack. He didn't want to object be- cause his folks would be hurt and yet he wanted more than anything else to be treated just like one of the family . .. and not like a Visitor. NATIONAL THOUGHT IMPERATIVE WHERE HEALTH CONCERNED To Observe HealthWeek In Fgbruary National thinking is needed where the health of the people is concerned, Dr. Gordon Bates told a recent meet- ing of officials of Health League of Canada branches. "Parochial thinking is wrong where disease is concerned, because disease can be carried from coast to coast," said Dr. Bates who is general director of the League. He explained that a CROSSWORD PUZZLE