HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-12-28, Page 4ssmsyssyrr :OMR, ADVANa4TIME.S. LOST—Gold bracelet Tower watch in vicinity of Town Hall or the Royal T. Reward. Apply Advance-Times. REX WHEAT GERM OIL—Assur- es better breeding for all animals and poultry. For sale by Stainton Hardware. WANTED IMMEDIATEL — Used furniture and equipment. Cash in on items not in use. Highest prices. M. Brown, phone 239. WANTED—Man or woman for part time janitor work at Queen's Din- ing room. Good, wages. WANTED TO BUY—or rent by Mar. 1st, a house in Wingham. Apply to Geo. H. Coulter, R.R. 4, Wingham, phone 635r23. TowNsan, OF TURNBERRY Application for School Board Secretary-treasurer Applications will be received by the chairman of the. Trustee Board for the School Area, Township of Turnberry, for a secretary-treasurer. Please state qualifications and salary expected, Lowest or any application not necess sarily accepted. Applications to be in hands of chairman by 12 noon, Decem- ber 30th, 1944. For information re- garding duties, contact any member of the board. I, J. WRIGHT, R.R. No. 1nWingharn Chairman. APPLICATION Township of East Wawanosh School Area The Board of the Township, School Area. of East Wawanosh requires the services of a secretary-treasurer for the year 1945, at a salary of $275.00. Information regarding the duties may be had from the chairman or any mem- ber of the Board. Applications must be in the hands of the chairman, Mr, Frank Thompson, R.R. No. 5, Wing- ham, not later than 2 o'clock, January 2, 1945. WROXETER Miss Edythe Martin, R.N., who for some time has been a hostess on Trans Canada Airlines, is spending the holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. • Miss Lillian Neil of Toronto, is spen- ding the Christmas holiday with gis and Mrs, W. A. Sawtell, Miss. Rona Vanvelsor of Weston school staff, is holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. and SSIrs. W. E. Vanvelsor. Mrs. E. Nichol, who has been a pat- ient in Walkerton hospital for the past month, returned to her home early last week and is making a good recovery, Miss Isobel MacEwen of Stratford Normal School, is spending the vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joint L, MacEwen, 2nd line Turnberry. A number of young people from Wroxeter attended the High School dance in Wingliant Thursday night and -report a good time. Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Mac Naughton and: John, also Mr, George French, spent Christmas with friends at Ford- Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, spent the Christmas holiday with her mother, Mrs. Frank Sanderson, and uncle, Mr. Thos. Ritchie. Mr. R. J. Ranri recently received word that his grandson, Barry Rane, who has been in Italy, witis seriously wounded, later word came he was out of danger, Barry ',.a many Mends here hope for further good-word. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, surrounding district and towns. If ,you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Minnie St„ Wingham. FARM FOR RENT—Lot 11, Con. 4, Grey Township, or would rent for pasture. On the farm is a never- failing spring, a goad well and lots of pasture. This farm is situated 6 miles east of Brussels. 5 miles from Ethel. For full particulars. Apply to Mrs. Louise Sidling, west side of Catherine St., Wingham, ORAMMA-MVIONZOWNVMV Happy New Year Stainton Hardware • Aiotomorkmolfmmo cerss -.A', Os ,-",Vo.'ss,ssejfk,41§6% TIME MARCHES ON Another year brings us to the happy moment of wishing y011 411d yours a Happy and Prosper- ous 1945. Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store CaTpbell's Garage WINGHAM ANOMMIMEINEEMM. Short Courses SOILS, FARM MECHANICS, VETERINARY, PASTURES " DUNGANNON January 3rd and 4th BELGRAVE January 4th and 5th TOWNSHIP HALL, MORRIS .. January 5th, 6th GREY — ETHEL • January 8th and 9th HOWICK GORRIE . .. January 10th and lith TURNBERRY — WINGHAM .. January 9th, 10th ,1•11106•116..... HAPPY NEW YEAR It -is with a profound sense of gratitude that we pause and extend New Year Greeting to our many customers and friends we have been fortunate indeed to receive your splended co-operation throughout the year in these ilifficult times. May we all stand in good heart facing the New Year with renewed determination to help fulfil the promise of Peace and Goodwill ahead. the dietnagemait and Slag s , 94q 4 D0141141014Rou Thursday,. Dec, 28th, 1944 Miss Beatrice Howe of Leamington, is spending the holiday week with her sister, Miss Mary Howe, Mr. aneMrs, Henry Timm and Mr. Bill Timm of Listowel, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Mundell and Mas- ter John spent Christmas day with Mrs. Charles Carter, Wingham. Miss Edythe Weir and Mr. Lloyd Weir of Toronto, are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Weir at Salem. LAC. Denny of Crumlin, Mrs. Den- ny and Nancy of Ripley, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Denny. Miss Morlock had for her guest dur- ing the past week her mother from Crediton. ,Miss Morlock: who has been on the staff of the Continuation school has resigned and is leaving to take a new position. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Keech of Osh- awa. are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, V. McKenney, Bill. Martin of R.C.N., now stationed at London, is at his home here for the holiday. Mr, and Mrs, T. G. Hemphill, also Mr. and Mrs. 5, N. Allen left for Tor- onto on Saturday to spend Christmas with. Mrs. J. J. Allen, Jimmy and Mars j orie. The day before Christmas Sgt. Neil Carr who is on furlough here received word of a promotion to Warrant Offi- cer Class 2. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green spent Christmas with Mr. Frank Green and family at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edgar, Ford- with, spent Christmas clay -with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny. Christmas With Our Allies On Wednesday of last week on the weekly Woman's Club of the Air, a topic prepared and given by Mrs. W, T. Maclean at the December meeting of the local Women's Institute was read by Miss I. O'Connor of CKNX who is in charge of that programme. Christmas with Our Allies was the to- pic, which closed with Longfellow's, "I heard the Bells on Christmas Eve". Christmas Service The United Church held their Christ- mas service 'on Sunday morning when the pastor, Rev. J. L, Foster based his remarks on the Christmas story as found in St, Luke's gospel—pointing out that the angels message to the shepherds was one of comfort when they said "Fear not", and also they were bes,rers 9f goo d tidings. Their hieSSage was direct for they said "Unto you is born in the City of David a Sa- viour". The shepherds were willing to go a great distance in search of the Sa- viour and were rewarded when they saw the Babe in the manger. The speaker said that was still the need of the world today—to be willing to go in search of Christ and those who do find the Saviour as the shepherds did in the long ago. Hymns and carols sung were joy to the World; It Came upon the Midnight Clear; While Shep- herds watched their flocks by night; The choir under the direction of Mr, G. A. Wearring sang two fine anthems "Cahn on the Listening Ear" and the Christmas song "0 Holy Night". United Church Christmas Tree The Sunday School and toegrega. thin of the United Church held their annual Christmas social on Friday evs ening, Dec, '22nd. The children en- joyed a period of games, then were called to order by the chairman, Rev. J. I,. Foster, who presided over a very interesting and well arranged program svitielt opened with all joining in the sing of "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" and the carol "Hark the Her. aid Angels Sing". Winnifred Munro gave the welcome from the S. S. pup- ils, Ronny Higgins sang a solo, '4/way in a Manger"; recitation by Marjorie Moffat; piano duet, Agnes and. Marg- aret Wearring; recitation, Nora jacItlin solo, "Carol, Sweetly Carol" by june, Waller, A group of children sang "Away in a. Manger"; recitation by Lyle Reidt; vocal trio by Agnes and Margaret Wearring and Jean Moffat with. Miss Hazelwood at the piano; recitation, Jaek Gibson; solo, "It Caine upon the ,Midnight Clear", Billy. Hart; recitation, "Santa's Whiskers" by Bon- ny Edgar; duet, Thelma Denny and Agnes Wearring with Margaret Wear- ring as accompanist; a skit by Mr. J. FL Wylie's class of boys, "The Gorilla" the closing recitation was given by Marilyn Paulin. Santa Claus made his appearance and from a lovely Christ- mas tree distributed gifts and treats to the children. A social hour was en- joyed, the Bible Class serving refresh- ments, ...p.m.m.••••11p Skating Season Begins Mr. Gordon Gibson and Mr. Ted Smith, the local rink managers, gave an evening of free skating on Satur- day and with suitable weather their winter program will be in full swing. It is fine to have a rink in the village and it is hoped that young and old will take advantage of it during the winter season. Carol Service at St. James A Carol Service was held in the St, James Anglican Church on Sunday ev- ening followed by Holy Communion conducted by the rector, Rev, G. K. Nobes. During the service there was also a baptism, Francis Dean, son of W.O. 2 Neil and Mrs, Carr.' Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller were God parents. Public School Christmas Tree The town ball was the scene of a happy gathering on Thursday night when the pupils of Wroxeter Public School held their annual Christmas tree and entertainment, Rev. G, K. Nobes acted as chairman for the following program, Christmas carols by school and audience; opening song of wel- come, Sr, and jr. rooms; recitation, Lyle Wright; recitation. Stewart Cope- land; boys play, "Jerry Sees the Gor- illa"; motion song by the Tiny Tots; recitation, Jack Gibson; solo, "Away in a Manger", Ronald Higgins; recita- tion, Burnell Smith; Rhythm Band, Jr. Room; Christmas carol, "It came upon the Midnight Clear"; dialogue, Junior room; skit, "A letter to Santa" by Billy* Gibson and Donna Copeland; recita- tion, Marilyn Paulin; closing chorus by the school. The principal, Mr. Ha- milton, expressed appreciation to the chairman, to Miss Hazelwood who was the accompanist, and to Mr. Sawtell who was at the door, Santa Claus ar- rived in good time and delighted the children with gifts and treats from the lovely Christmas tree. All joined in singing the National anthem, The teachers, Mr, Hamilton and Mrs. Wearring are to be congratulated on the success of their concert, the pro- ceeds of which will be given to the Junior Red Cross. St. James Christmas Party A lovely Christmas tree with color- ed lights and• attractive decorations gave St, James Anglican church base- ment a holiday atmosphere when und- er the direction of the Guild members the annual Christmas party was held. The rector, Rev. G. K. Nobes, was chairman and the program which in- cluded carol singing, an impromptu chorus bY the children. two qnizz con- tests and recitations was greatly en- joyed. At the close the members of the Guild served refreshments and also provided candy, bags and oranges for the children, Will Unveil Honour Roll Service in' the United. Church on Dec. 31st will be of special interest when the Honour Roll will •be unveil- ed. Rev, J, L. Foster -will be in charge and the service is at 11 a,m, The fol- lowing Sunday, Jan. 7th, following the morning service there will be Holy Communion. BELGRAVE Sunday' School Christmas Party The Sunday Schools of the United Church and the Anglican Church held a very successful Christmas entertain- ment in the Forester's Hall on Friday, December 22, The Rev, Mr. Dunlop was chairman for the evening-. The programme was as follows: the Christmas Carols, "0 Come all Ye. Faithful" and "The First Nowell" then the National Anthem. Recitation by Betty McNeil, Jim Anderson; darky song, 'by four boys; recitations, Keith Anderson. Charlie Wilkinson; quar- tette, Mrs, Wade, Mrs. Dunlop, Geh, Johnston and jack Manning; play, "Rest Room"; solo, Clifton Walsh; duet, Muriel and Audrey Anderson; recitation, Geo, Procter; duet, Geo, and Ruth Procter; duet, Irene Logan and Martel Brydges; play. l3clgrave Gentlemans Aid; recitation, Billy Caul- OS; violin selections, J. M.. Coultes; pageant, "No Room in the Inn"; car. ols, "Hark the Herald Angles Snig" and "Silent Night". Santa Claus then immionionwimpoimimmig WANTED Goose Feathers, Feather Beds, Horse Hairs Highest Prices Phone 239. Mrs, 1, VanCamp ,and MISS Nora VanCamp, visited With Mr. and Mrs, Jas, VanCamp, Exeter, Mrs, Norman Geddes, Toronto, with Mrs. W. J. Geddes., SALEM A happy and prosperous New Year to the Advance-Times and its, readers, Holiday visitors; Miss Edythe. Weir and Mr. Lloyd Weir of Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. W, E. Weir; Mr. and Mrs. 1Carshakoff of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Cathers; Miss Eve Willits. of Waterloo, and Miss Kay Willits of Brussels, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits; Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Weir and family of Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Weir; Miss Jean Sharpin of Wingham with her parents, Mr, and- Mrs, Morrison Sharpin, ,Mr. and Mrs. John .Gowdy. spent Xmas day with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Ilyndman and Mr. Hyndman of Gorrie. WITH THE TROOPS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nash have receiv- ed a letter from the' parents of PO. W. Barton (Bart), Smith. telling them that Bart was safe as they had a cable from bins, Friends here will rejoice at this good news. Bart with the others of the crew of his plane baled out over France and was reported missing on December 10th, Bart was a member of the ball club while here playing short stop. He was employed at the office in Lloyd's factory. * * A large crowd of friends greeted Sgt. Glen Kechnie at the C.P,R, depot, Blyth, on his arrival from overseas for a 30-day Christmas furlough. Sgt. Kechnie is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kechnie, and has been a wireless operator on a seaplane in the United Kingdom, Glen graduated from Blyth Continuation School, be- came interested in building and re- pairing radios and enlisted on April 17, 1940. He trained in Toronto and Montreal and left for overseas in Octo- ber of that year. * * * * Sgt, Neil Carr has been promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer second class. Neil has been with the RCAF for some time and we understand that lie is being discharged shortly after the first of the New Year. On behalf of the people of this com- munity we extend congratulations to Capt. Elmer D. Bell of the 99th bat- tery, overseas, on his promotion to the rank of Major. BLUEVALE United Church W. M. S. Annual ' The W. M. S. met in the United Church on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. 5. Johnston, president, presided and conducted the Christmas devot- ional program, "A Canadian -Friend- ship Service"; Mrs,'Geo. Thornton gave the scripture reading. Others taking part were Mrs, A. McCrackin, Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Mrs, Robt. Shaw, Mrs. M. L. Aitken. The singing of Christ- mas carols was a feature of the pro- gram, The election of officers for 1945 was held, the folloWing being elected; President, Mrs. Alex, McCrackin; 1st Vice Pres,, Mrs. Geo, Thornton; 2nd Vita Pres., Mrs. W. 5. Johnston; Sec., Mrs. Ed, Johnston; Treas., Mrs. Ar- thur Shaw; Stewardship Secs Mrs, J, W. Johnson; Supply Sec., Mrs. James Robertson; Community Friendship Sec Mrs, J. Curtis; Temperance Sec., Mrs. Robt, Shaw; Press Sec.. Mrs. M. L. Aitken; Associate Helpers Sec:, Mrs. Geo. Thornton; Pianists, Mrs, J. W. Johnson, Mrs. W, J. Johnston, Church Services Mr. Norval Robertson, a Knox Col- lege student, occupied the pulpit in the Knox Presbyterian church, and Rev. J. W. Johnson conducted the morning service in the United church. At both services a Christmas message was de- livered and hymns sung in keeping with the services. The eVening service at the United church was in charge of the Y. P. U. The president, Fleming Johnston, pre- sided and conducted a Christmas pro- gram of Scripture reading and singing. "The Story-of the 4th Wise Man" was told in picture by Rev. J. W. Johnson. " School Entertainment Miss Maisie Coultes, teacher, and Mrs. Pickell. the School Music director, prepared an excellent entertainment of folk dances, recitations, drills, dialo- gnas and choruses and presented it in the school on Tuesday evening. Trus- tee W. T. Johnston was chairman, Sans to Claus distributed 'resent froth the WO to all the children in the village. The proceeds of the concert went to distributed the gifts from the tree. S. S. No. 17 Christmas Party The pupils of U. S. S. No. 17 under the direction of their teacher, Miss Mc- Donald, presented a splendid program in the Foresters' Hall, Dec, 20. The program opened with a chorus "A Very Merry Christmas"; recitation, by Betty McNeil; solo, Irene Logan; play "The Christmas Burglar"; Rhythm Band; recitation, "Three Little Ones"; play, "A Few Friends to Dinner"; re- citation, Harry Brydges; drill, Alice Blue Gown; song, "Glory to God"; play, "Concert Rehearsal"; song, Thats What I Want for Christmas; Minuet Drill; recitation, Billy Coultes; song, "Who Is Coming"; play "The Rest Room"; duet, "Playmates"; Christmas Vision; song, Santa Claus Is Coming, Red Cross. Annual Jan, 5th The Red Cross are holding their an- nual meeting on Friday, Jan. 5th at 2 p.m, in the Red Cross rooms. A spec- ial speaker, *Miss Mabel Hardie, Dist- rict leaders of the Western Ont. Home and Nursing Reserve will speak on or- ganizing Home Nursing Classes at 3.15 p.m. Sixteen Join Church A special service was held in the United Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 24th, when seven men and nine girls publicly professed their Christian faith and became members of the Un- ited Church. S. S. No. 8 Concert School Section No. 8 of East Wa- wanosh held their Christmas.entertairs- ment in the school on Thursday, Dec. 21st. A program of choruses, recita- tions, drills, dances and a play by the young people of the section, "Swept Clean Off Her Feet". A draw was made for an end table, Mrs. James Young being the winner. Santa Claus was in attendance and distributed gifts to the children. Presentation to Clifton S. Walsh At the Christmas entertainment held at S. S. No. 5, Morris, Clifton S. Walsh was presented with a brush and comb set by the section. Jack VanCamp read the address and Gordon Wilkin- son presented the gift. The address is as follows: Dear Clifton: We have chosen this opportunity to honour you, a school chum and friend, who has left our community for S. time. We have missed you greatly from our gatherings for over a year now and are indeed pleased to have you with us once more on this occas- ion for another Christmas program at S. S. No. 5 Morris. At this Yuletide season, when heartS are filled with loving thoughts and deeds, we think it most fitting that you should be spending your furlough at home with your relatives and friends. "White you are away you are gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience, but we hope the time is not far distant when you will be with us again perm-1 As a token of our respect for you and appreciation for what you are do- ing for us, we ask you to accept this gift. With it go our very best wishes for your future continued success and happiness. Every time you use it may your thoughts turn to hosts of friends from School Section No. 5 Morris. Mr. and Mrs. James McCrea of To- ronto, -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCrea. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Montgomery and children, Jack and Jill, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Shiela of Kitchener, with Mrs. W. Cole, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and baby, Reta Anne, of Thorndale, with Mr, and Mrs. David Armstrong and Mr. Martin Grasby, • Miss Beth Brydges, London, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Bryd- ges, Able Seaman Clifton Walsh, who has been spending a furlough with his parents, has returned to his duties. Mrs, .t Brandon is visiting with friends in London, Miss Norma VanCamp and Pte, Clare VanCarnp of London, spent Chrittnias ,With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Va.tiCatrip, Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Toronto,. and LAC. lads Taylor, Jarvis, With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Taylor. _Miss Myrtle `nil), Harriston, with. Mr., and Mrs. Joe Ytrill. Miss Lois Kelly 'with her parents. Mrs. and Mrs. Will Kelly. Miss Elaine Walsh and MISS Marg- aret Milligan, Toronto, With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs, Neil MeCreas that their Son, Spr. Ralph McCrea ha§ artiVed safely in England. the Junior Red Cross Society, United Church Shristmas Concert The Sunday Schoolroom of the Un- ited church was filled to capacity on Thursday evening for the annual Christmas concert. Rev. J. W, John- son was the chairman, The program consisted of •choruses, recitations, dial- ogues, pantomines and drills presented by the children and young people. At the close of the program Santa Claus accompanied by his assistant appeared and distributed gifts from the brightly decorated tree. Treats of fruit and candy from the Sunday School were enjoyed by the pupils and children in attendance. Christmas Concert at Knox Church On Friday evening the pupils of the Knox Presbyterian Sunday school, as- sisted by several public school child- ren under the direction of Miss Mable Coultes, staged a Christmas concert in the Sunday school room. R. J. Mc- Murray acted as chairman. After a period of carol singing a program of choruses, vocal and instrumental num- bers, recitations, dialogues, folk dances and playettes was presented. Junior Mission Band Life Membership certifi- cates were presented to Patsy Stewart, Norma Moffatt and Bruce Robertson. Fourteen pupils received certificates for the completion of different courses in memory work, and attendance but- tons were awarded to 15 pupils. The presentations were made by Mrs. Har- vey Robertson S, S, superintendent and, assistant Mission Band leader, and:, Mrs. W. G. Mundell S. S. secretary. Santa Claus distributed the gifts. C, B. Moffatt left this week to spend, a part of the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Edith Sanderson and her daught- er at London. George Peacock, Ottawa, spent the-. holiday with his parent; Mr. and Mrs, James Peacock. Mrs. Harold Harris and two sons of arc with Mr, and Mrs, Ed-- ward Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnston and.' young son of S*with Current, Sask., are- visiting his father, Mr. John Johnston,. 1st con. of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins are- spending the holiday with their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon- Higgins in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Tony Meachan and' daughter, Mary, of Wroxeter, spent Christmas with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Lorne McCrackin of Seaforth, was a. holiday visitor with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Alex. McCrackin, Miss Lois Elliott, Reg. N., Worn- en's College Hospital, Toronto, is spendin g Christmas with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. E. R. McKinney, Toronto. was a Christmas caller on his brother, W. H. McKinney. Miss Louise Patton is visiting with. relatives in Toronto.