The Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-12-21, Page 8. Merry Christmas There's no ceiling on Good Wishes. That's why we're happy to wish all of our friendS the biggest and best mer- riest Christmas of all time. • 'Christmas Bells ring out with happy tidings of the season, carrying with them our wish for your very Merry Christmas. The Staff of ' ounotteurAgo:KootomitotiAmisolo~fav 5 :bur • v 574,4 'May you all enjoy the holiday season to the fullest. 11/lay you receive all the blessings of Christmas Time. Smith's Economy rood Store VIWOOrrot-M.r.10.0r041.% 3I! .4k , • BEST WIRES and MERRY CHRISTMAS McKibbons DRUG STORE .a-igmAtriggoggi!§Koz.--f BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. N. H. Norton, Pastor SUN. • DEC. 24th, 1944 11 a.m.-Morning Worship and Bible Study. 7.30 p.m.-Guest Speaker-Rev. John Lucas. , All are welcome. Coulter; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Murray; !lame Helper's, Mrs, Rat. Ross and pianists, Annie Xen, may. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Laidlaw, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Tues- day last at the home of Mrs. Ezra Welwood, with the president, Mrs. Cecil Falconer in charge of the meet- ing. After the roll call "'Hints on Xmas Decorations", it was decided to have an entertainment in the ball on Wednesday, December 27, The ladies decided .that the Red Cross Society and the Institute should each contri- bute a dollar, so that a small gift could be given to each boy returning from overseas: The following pro- gram was then given, A Christmas piano solo, by Scholtg; an Irish reading, read by Mrs. Eynon; Mrs. Scholtz read, A little bit of Xmas, and Mrs. Garnet Farrier read, the topic, Let us be cheerful. 'The meeting clos- ed by singing the National Anthem, The pupils of S, S. No. 10, Kinloss, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Marie McCrostie, presented a splendid program of choruses, drills, dialogues and recitations at a concert in the hall on Friday evening, the 'hall being filled, even with the storm. Santa arrived in tune and among the gifts, presented an end-table, the gift of the pupils, to' their teacher. At the close of the meeting, Ma. Jas. McIl- rath moved a° hearty vote of thanks and appreciation to Miss MacCrostie, who is leaving the school at the holi- days, for her untiring interest in the school and section, during the time she has spent here. Mr. Robt. Mowbray seconded the motion and all joined in the hearty hand-clap and sang "For she's a jolly good fellow. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church, was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier, with the presi- dent, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, in the chair and leading in the reading of God's Gift to us. A candle lighting service was held,. Mrs. Beecroft lighting the first one, for the Jews of Canada, the race into which Christ was born; Mrs. Falconer lit the second, for the French 'Canadians, who will also worship the King; Mrs. Ernest Beecroft lit the third candle for the newcomers' of faith from Europe, who bring a rich Christian heritage with them; Mrs. Scholtz lit the fourth for the German Protestants, who kept religion alive in their land and in Canada, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier lit the fifth, the candle of friendship for all those who' have come to Canada from Africa or Asia praying that all may come, to know' and adore the Christ Child.' Mrs. Jos. Tiffin led, in prayer for the missionary workers. The slate of officers made out by the committee, Mrs. Scholtz, Mrs. Tiffin and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, was .accepted and the officers appointed for nevt year are: President, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. 'Jas. Falconer; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Milian Moore; 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs, Herb Laidlaw; Sec'y., Mrs. Lott; Corres. Sec'y., Mrs. J. D. Beecroft; Treasurer, Mrs. Albert Coultes;,pianistk, Mrs, W. R. Farrier, Mrs-Beecroft; Music Com., Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. Scholtz; Missionary Monthly' Sec'y., Mrs. 'Geo. McClen- aghan; Baby Band, Mrs. Lorne John- ston; Mission Band, Mrs. T. H. Moore, and Mrs. Gillespie; Prayer Corn., Mrs. Mac Ross and Mrs. Tiffin; Auditors, Officers for the W. A, were-Presi- dent, Mrs. Garnet Farrier; 1st Vice- president. Mrs. Ernest Casemore; Sec- retary, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Christmas hymns originating' in different lands, we're sung during the meeting, which was closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. . • Don't forget the social evening being held this Friday in the Presbyterian Church by the congregation 'of that church and the United Church, Lunch will be served and all are invited to attend this Christmas gathering. GORRIE Miss Betty Heinmiller, Hespeler, is spending a month with her mother, Mrs. Viola Heinmiller. The Christmas- entertainment which was to be held in' the Presbyterian Church here on Thursday night, De- cember 21, has been postponed until next Wednesday night, December 27, to which everyone is welcome. The pastor, will give an illustrated lecture, The members of the L.O.E,O. met on Saturday 'afternoon in their lodge rooms and packed the annual bale which is sent to the Richmond Hill Orphanage, The bale was valued at $40.00. There will be a Christmas service in the 'United Church here On Sunday night at 8 p.m:, to which everyone is invited. Mts, Robert Ashton and sister, Miss Elsie jadques, attended the funeral of the late Robeet Hubbard at Lakeleti on Tuesday. Mr. Hubbard died sud- denly on Sunday while eating his din- ner, Presbyterian W. M, S. glee* ,Mrs, Prattit Sanderson, Wroneter, entertained the members of the Pres, byteriatt W. M. 8. at her home on Monday last, when the annual meeting ATRE burs., Fri, Sat. Dec. 21, 22, 23 LAUREL & HARDY In "The Dancing Masters" Here is the best Laurel & Hardy for some time. There are the typical situations plus, the old time runaway, and the driverless bus stunt. Also "Short Subjects". There will be a FREE MATINEE Saturday after- noon at 2.30 p.m. This matinee is for children only. Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 25, 26, 27 • M-G-M $ "MUT. A ESTH E R Wi LI.1 AMS Harry JAMES must.D.....KERS Xavier CUSAT411 ORCH. Directed by GEORGE SIDNEY Produced by . JACK CUMMINGS Also "Short Subjects". Dec. 28, 29, 30-Special-"HOME IN INDIANA" • JOYFUL MIES The. management. of . the Lyceum Theatre wishes to extend Season's Greetings to its patrons and friends. y • triCc 411/4 0 • Christmas Greeting Once more it is the season to join in Good Will. We extend to all sincere good wishes for Christmas, • .,- Dunlop's Shoe Store 04" '161,461111 13511M "Ear 4 VI Season's Greetings 1/2 We thank the people of this community ,for their patience and patronage during these troubled times when goods are difficult to procure. Wishing you all the best Christmas Greetings from J. Walker and Jack Heal Fl 4 • • y M WINQHAM ADVANCE,,TIMES Thnroday, DeCeMb.or 21, 1944 •.• whi ch Mrs. Nobes sang "Shepherds in ..".; • the Fields Abiding", Rev. 11/11% Nobes gaVe .a most interesting address on the Missionary work of the church, basing his talk on the Canadian Indian, Mrs, R. W. N, Wade took the Bible reading found in St, Luke, chap, 2, 'verses 8-18, Mrs, H, V. Holmes, president for the past few years, thanked the mem- bers for their support, not allowing her name to stand for election this year, Mn Nobes conducted the elec- lion which resulted in the following: Hon. pres.. Mrs, Nobes; pres., left open; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Wade; 2nd -vice-pres,, Mr's, Ernest King; Sec'y' treas., Mrs. George King, who has fil- led this position for 14 years; Dorcas corn., Mrs, Ritchie, Mrs, Foster, Mrs. Laurence, Mrs. Marshall; sec'y Living Message, Mrs. Short; sec'y Little Helpers, Mrs. Dinsmore; pres sec'y., Mrs. W, C, King; pianist, Mrs. N. Wade; auditors, Mrs. W. C. King, Mrs, j, H, King The meeting closed with prayers following which the hostess served a dainty lunch. ti 911111=1111111111111111111115' was held following a devotional serv- ice. The election, conducted by Mrs. J. Armstrong, resulted in the follow- ing: •• Pres,, Mrs, F. Sanderson; 1st vice- pres., Mrs. S. Robinson; sec'y., 'Mrs. J. L. ,McEwan; Treas., Mrs. Meighan; Glad Tidings sec'y., Mrs. B. Stewart, The zneeting• closed with prayer. Anglican W. A. Annual The Anglican W.= A. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. V. Holmes when their annual meeting was held. Following a program during PATTISON Radio Service Ogreikee ka'S • ROYAL - T PROGRAM OF HOLIDAY DANCES Friday, Dec. 22nd Old Time (RHYTHMIERS) Saturday, Dec. 23rd Modern ((ARRUTHERS) Sunday Midnight, Dec. 24th Modern (CARRUTHERS) Monday, Dec. 25th Old Time (RHYTHMIERS) Wednesday, Dec. 27th BERT WORTH AND HIS mom A.MBASSADOgS Friday, Dec. 29th New & Old Time (CARRUTHERS) Saturday, Ded. 30th Modern (CARRUTHERS) Sunday Midnight, Dee. 31st Modeili (CARRUTHERS) Monday, January 1st .11/416W & Old Time (RHYTHMIERS) AmCno=1'O Att I3ANCES BOG United Church W. A. Name Officers The .Women's Association of Gorrie United Church held their annual meeting on December 14, in the school room of the Church. Owing to the riess of the president, Mrs. Galbraith, the vice-president, Mrs. Heinmiller, presided. The meeting opened with the Christmas Carol "Hark the Herald Angles Sing" and Mrs, Copeland led in prayer, Mrs. Gordon , Edgar read the scripture lesson followed by a read- ing "A Star that gleams in the dark- ness" by Mrs. Heinmiller and one en- titled "The Man of Galilee" by Mrs. M. Irwin. The treasurer, Mrs. M. Irwin. gave the annual report show- ing the society had a very successful year, balance on hand at the end of 1943, $132..; receipts for 1944, $204.00, showing a balance on hand at present of $336.00. The election of officers then took place resulting as follows: Prps., Mrs. V. Heinmiller; vice-pres., Mrs. H. Ashton; Corr. Sec'y., Mrs. R. Harrison; fin. sec'y., Mrs. F. Hynd- man; treas., Mrs. M. Irwin; pianist, Mrs. H. Sparling; asst. pianist, Mrs, R, Ashton; lunch corn., Mrs. G. Edgar; quilt com.: convenor, Mrs. R. Ashton, Mrs J Edwards, Mrs. H. Ashton; parsonage corn.: convenor, Mrs. A. E. Toner, Mrs. W. H. Gregg, Mrs. Jno. Hyndman, Mrs. H. Sparling; auditors; Mrs. R. H. Carson. Mrs. R. C. Cope- land. The meeting closed with the singing of "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" and benediction. EAST .WAWANOSH S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh Faint Forum, met at the home of Gershom Johnston with an attendance of 27. A discussion on Rural Communities can be attractive, was held. Progres- sive euchre was played The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pattison. MORRIS Many friends of Miss Lavina Scott, are pleased to know she is progressing favorably since her recent operation, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylo'r, Gorrie. Please remeber the Browntown Xmas Tree' Wednesday 20th. HOWICK COUNCIL Wroxeter,. Dec. 6th, 1944 The Council met , in the Township Hall according to adjournment, the members were all present, the Reeve, D, L. Weir, in the chair. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion of McCallum and Winter were adopted, Moved by Wniter and McCallum. that the Amendment to By-law No. 3 of the Township of Howick for. Uri year 1937, as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Farrish and Inglis, that this Council call for tenders for rent- ing and operating Wroxeter Skating Rink for the winter of 1944-45, tenders to be in the hand§ of the Clerk on or before 12 o'clock, *men, December 14th, 1944, Moved by Winter and Farrish, that the Reeve be given an allowance of $25,00 over and above his regular fees and mileage in consideration of his services as Reeve., Carried.„ Moved by Parrish and Inglis, that the Road Accounts, as approved, be paid. tarried. Moved by Metalluni and Farriah, that the following accounts be paid, Carried, J. Hoffle, refund of dog tax, $2,06; Harry Dane, refund of dog tot, $2,00; Austin St, Marie, sheep killed by dogs, $12,60; Clarence ;McCallum, error in assessment, $1,71 ; ;Herb, Collins, bal. mice salary 1944, Relief Officer, $26,25; !George Pittendreigli, refund of dog talc, $2.00; Harry Xing, sheep killed by dogs,. 01,00; Mrs, M. C, might, trip to Wirigliati re Galbraith, $4.00; Ut Church, Pordwieh, rent of and reading the scripture lesson. The meditation, The New-born King, was taken by .Mrs, Ezra Welwood. Mrs. Murray gave a reading, The Message of Christmas, and Mrs. McQuillan led in the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. W. J. Coulter read The Christmas Story, and Mrs. Mowbray led in prayer for the missionaries. The following officers were *appoint- ed for another year and were duly in- stalled: Hon. Pres,, Mrs. David Ken- nedy; Hon. Sec'y., Mrs. A, Emerson; President, Mrs. Robt. Mowbray; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Albert Walters; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Jas.. McInnis; Sec'y., Mrs. A. McQuillan, with Mrs. Welwood as assistant secretary; Treas., Miss Annie Laidlaw; Glad Tiding Sec'y., Mrs.J. S. Craig; Library and Lit. Sec'y., Mrs. W. • ing Dept. Store On Wednesday next week, December 27th, this store will be closed in the afternoon. wg-AtAt% hall, 4 meetings, $6.00; Howick Agr. Society, grant for 1944, $225.00; Isaac Gamble, balance salary as. Clerk, 1944, $165.00; b. L. Weir, fees and mileage and allowance, $127.80; John Winter. fees and mileage, ,$87.30.; Elmer Far- rish, fees• and mileage, $94.40; Edward McCallum, fees and mileage, $100.80; James Inglis, fees and mileage, $108.00; D. L. Weir, trip to Toronto and expenses, $15,65; A. Moffat, sup- plies for Wroxeter Hall, $11.45; Pon- ald Webber, trucking salvage, $4,50; A. H. Erskine, tax collections and tax Deeds, $36.97; Jas. L. Walkom, ex- penses re flag pole, Fordwich, $18.25; County Treas., hospital, expenses re T. . Allen. $2.60; D. Robinson,. servicing street lights, Wroxeter, $78.00; Mi.m. World, 'forms for Clerk's Office $2,23; Relief, $30.68; George Ra.dford, con-, struction of Mun. Drain No. 19, $950.00; George RadfOrd, repairing Sanderson Mum Drain, $250,00. Total expenditures, $2077.63. Moved by Inglis and Winter that • this Council do now adjourn, to, meet in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on 'the 15th day of December at the hour of 1:30 or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. „, • ISAAC GAMBLE, Clerk. , M. WHITECHURCH Merry Christmas to all. During the past week, Mr. Rae of Lucicnow• has been wiring the Presby- terian Church for hydro, This will be a splendid. improvement for the con- gregation. Mr. Robt, Inglis of Dolphin, 112an., has been visiting for the past few weeks with his brother, Mr, Tilt's. Miss. Marjorie Purdon, operator at Fergus Station, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon. The annual meeting of the W.M.S.. of the Presbyterian Church. was held in the basement on Thursday, with the president, Mrs. Robt. Ross in charge