HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-12-21, Page 1WINGHAM STORE HOURS Thursday and Friday, December 21st, 22nd—open until 9 p.m. Saturday, December 23rd--,-open until 10 p.m, Monday, December 25th, Christ- mas Day; Tuesday, December 26th, Boxing Day, stores closed ail day both these dos: Wednesday, December 27th stores will open all day, unless, ad. vertised otherwise by stores to effected. Notice individual advertisements for any changes to above schedule. Whigliant Merthatitt' Assoc, EARL HAY HOME FROM OVERSEAS Has 30 Days •Leave Prior To Reporting To Petawawa Back home after spending about a year and four months overseas, BSM. Earl (Tapper) Gray expressed his great pleasure at again being in Wing- ham. .Tapper, a member of the 99th I3attery, R.C.A., was with them when they went into France on "D" Day. On August 16th he met with an acci- dent to his knee and was' sent to Eng- land. After treatment he was at No, 1 C.A.R.U.' While there he saw Fred Howson, George Tervite Bert Platt, Henry (Scotty) Ross, Herbert (Porky) Mitchell and several other district soldiers. Tapper came in on the bps from London Sunday night and c he had quite a trip over. On the boat were over 200 wives of soldiers and about 300 children, The women were troub- led greatly with sea sickness so the soldiers aboard played nursemaid and were kept busy. Mrs. Willis Hall and her daughter Patsy Ann were on the same ship and came on the same bus from London. Enlisting in May 1940 Tapper was placed on the active training staff at the armouries here. When the 99th went active in September 1941 hp transferred to this unit. He was a member of the 90th for. a long time when'it was a militia unit, At the bus to greet him were Mayor Davidson, members of the council and the local reception committee. Many others that heard he, was ore the way also were present. After thirty days leave he will re- pert to Petewawa as an instruttor. He will spend Christmas in Toronto with his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Waram. Wingham, Ont., Dec. 12th, 1944 :Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gilkinson: We, your friends and neighbours 'have gathered this evening to do lion- eaur to you on the occasion of your fiftieth wedding anniversary. It is indeed a privilege and a pleas- erre to join, with you and your family in this very happy event, There are so many golden memories -to recall during the years we have Inown you both, and no words •of -thanks can express our gratitude for -the part you have taken in the activ- ities 6f. our community. You have always been, ready to help •where ever you were needed in an un- selfish and untiring .manner, sharing our joys and our sorrows, You have been given good health, and spared to each other, and your 'family, through these many years, and we trust you may enjoy 'many more years of happiness. We could not let this opportunity -pass without extending our congratu- lations and good wishes. On behalf of your friends of the ninth of Turnberry we ask you to accept these small gifts As a token of the esteem in which you are held, Signed, Lillian Underwood, Jean Wilton. Following lunch this very-pleasant evening came to a close with' the sing- ing of "For they are jolly good fel- lows.'; NOTICE RE RED CROSS WORKROOM The Bed CrOss work rooms are -closed for the holiday season. They -will re-open on Thursday, January 4th, when it is hoped to start the year with -renewed vigor. ` WAIVANOSII SCHOOL BOARD ORGANIZED Meeting Held Fait* At Belgrave An organization Meeting of the Board of Trustees far the Township `School Area of East. Wawanosh, was held Thursday at telgraVe. Ur, prank Thompson Was named chairman of the board and the trustees will terve es folltearet two year term see Freak Thompson, Ab, NetheryaMastirt Rob- intent one year terM-,,Walter Stott and Douglas Campbell. Kinkead; atheol inspector, was present and explained the outline of the work of the board. Mr. R. R. tedittond acted as secretary for the itheettng. It was &tided to advertise tor a Settetery.treasurer the satOY to be $275 per antutin. WINfilIAM LOOSES A FINE CITIZEN Mr. Herbert E, Isard, Prominent Businessman, Has Passed. On Wingham mourns the death of one of her outstanding citizens, Herbert E. Isard, who passed on at his home, John Street, on Wednesday last week, December 13th. Mr. Isard had been in business in Wingham for the past 45 years and by his energy and honest dealings during these years had built up a large department store and made a legion of friends. A native of Englarid he was born at Bromley, Kent, 80 years ago. The family came to Canada 77 years ago and after a stay for a few months at Hamilton settled in Kincardine. Forty-five years ago Mr. Isard came to Wingharn and has since conducted a general store business here. He was a member of Wingham United Church and has been a mem- ber of the Session for many years. His only lodge affiliation was with,the WinghamOrange Lodge. For a number of year he was a member of the Trustee Board of the Public School, His wife, the former Eva Burwash, paised on in 1925. They had no family. He leaves to mourn his pass- ing a sister, Annie M.. at home, and a brother, James S,, also of Wingham. A few years ago Mr. Isard under, went a major operation making a splendid recovery. About a year ago his health again became poorly and for the past two months he has not been able to go to the store. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, his pastor, conducted the funeral service at his late residence on' Saturday afternoon, Burial took place in Wingham Cem- etery. The pallbearers were,, Mayor Fred L. Davidson;' W. A. Galbraith, R. H. Lloyd, W. H. Gurney, Doctor Gee,. Ross, William Field. NO MILK DELIVERY CHRISTMAS DAY Will the public eplease note that the milk distributors of Wingham will observe Christmas as a holiday and there will be no delivery Of milk. Milk will be delivered as usual Sunday but in case of short supply it may be necessary to deliver later in the day than usual. BLOOD DONORS' CLINIC CANCELLED Notice of Nekt Clinic Will Re Given Later Owing to the condition of the highwaye in and near Toronto, it has been found necessary to caned the liloOd Donor Clink which was booked for here to-day (Wednesday), Notice of the next clinic will be an- nounced as soon as the date is set, in the meantime please note that blood donors are urgently heeded and you may leave your name for this Service at McKibben% or any member of the Red Cross txetutive. grq4M1.7 Because of your willing efforts in war drives and war work, the citizens of this community deserve true enjoyment of this holi. clay season. With the Victory you're working for closer than be- fore, you deserve the most sincere wishes of the season and have them ,from Olp Abnattrr.Tintrs anti Matt 44Kg-w, wgiegOOMMAKOMA With Which Is Amalgamated The Gclrrie Vidette and. Wroxeter News, WLISIHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st, 1944 'Single Copies. Five Cents. TURNERY COUPLE. MARK' ANNIVERSARY 14r; andMrar RishardSOnkirtaon, 50 Years Married Last Week 'On Tuesday last week, December 12th, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Gilkinson, Val Concession of Turnberry, were fifty years married. They spent the slay quietly as some of the family could not get home for the occasion. in the evening however the neighbors gathered and made a presentation to 'them. They are both netivaa of How- ick. Mrs. Gilkinsonahe former Marg- aret Wilson, was born near Belmore and Mr. Gilkinson near Fordwich. They were married at Listowel and farmed first on the 4th of Turnberry for 14 years but have since lived on the 9th concession of the township, 'They are both enjoying very good •health for their years, Mr. Gilkinson is in his 82nd year and Mrs. Gilkin- son is 72. They have a family of seven, Miss -Cora of Detroit; Mrs. Wilfred (Mabel) Murchinson of Norwich; Harold, 9th -of Turnberry; Chester at home; Mrs. Leslie (Edna) Fortune, 9th of Turn- berry; Nellie of Brantford, and Lorene of Clinton. A surprise party was held in their, honour at their home in the, evening -with David Fortune as chairman. Addresses were, given by Walter Woods, Nelson Underwood, Win, A. McGill, Mrs. Walter Woods gave readings and the pupils of Powell's school dances. The presentation of .an electric table lamp. a walnut -.sewing table, and a leather has- sock was made by Miss Jean Wits -ton and Lois •Gilkinson, a , grand- adaughter. The following address was -read by Mrs. G, N. Underwoodi DEC. DONATIONS TO THE RED CROSS The followipg are the donation to the Wingham District Red Cross Society for December. ` Well Wishear$5.00; Miss McCallum, $1.00; Mrs. J. .Kerr, 1 quilt top; Bluevale group,' 15 pairs pyjamas, 10 nightgowns, 1 wool cap. 1 quilt; Mrs. Fred Davidson, 1 quilt. In Westminster Hospital Mr. Harry "Ross, recently returned from overseas, is at present a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. He is being treated for mastoids. Friends here wish hint a speedy recovery, Xing Ocorge To Broadcast Christmas The King will Make his seventh annual Christmas broadcast to the umpire 10 a.m. December 25, it has been announced, Had Successful Sales Two sales were held by local organ, ixatiens on Saturday and both enjoyed splendid success, They were the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Church, and the Salvation Almy. Federation Directors This district is well represented on the I3oard of Dirottor,g of the Feder- ation of Agrletilture, Mr. lt, J, Scott, of Belgrave, president!, of the U. '.O, Co.eperativc, is a members, as is ,Mrs, 0, G. Andersen, also of tielgttve. Mrs, J. Hogg of. Southampton is also a member of this board. To A 11 the People Of this Community We extend Our Sincere Greetings WAR BRIDE ARRIVED HERE ON SUNDAY Mrs. Millis Hall •WeIcomed...To- Wingham On Arrival • Mrs. 'Willis Hall and her ,14-moth- old daughter, Patsy Ann, arrived here from England on Sunday evening. She was welcomed on her arrival by Mayor Fred L. Davidson, the Council and members of the town reception committee. Present also were Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and their family. Willis Hall enlisted the day after war broke out and after he was in England for a time he married Ida Drane of Croydon. Willis 'shortly after went to Italy but he is now back in England after suffering from shell shock. His wife saw him two days before she sailed for Canada and he was well and sent his greetings to all at home. He was with her on 'the train half the way to the port from which she sailed. Mrs. Hall will make a good Cana- dian as she was enjoying the snow and nippy weather and she has 'not been used to either at home. She spoke in glowing terms of the assistance' given her and the other mothers by the Red Cross and said further that the treatment received since coining to Canada has -been magnificient. We extend a hearty welcome to her and her baby daughter. UNITED CHURCH S. S. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Children Presented Fine Program There was a large attendance at the United Church Sunday School Christ- mas concert on Friday evening. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Mr. F. R. Howson, Sunday School superintendent was chairman. The program was as follows: Wel- come song by beginners and primary pupils; recitation, Nancy Hutchison and Tommy Torrance; recitation, Willis Walpole; song. Donna Gerrie, Doreen Meehan, Betty Newman, Frances Merkley, Marlene Wriggle- worth; recitation, Betty Foxton; reci- tation, Jean Rintoul; song, beginners and primary; recjtation, Barbara Cur- rie; promotion song, Mrs. Rintoul's class; drill, Christmas dollies, Mrs. Lloyd Hutton's class; recitation, Floyd Jenkins; song, Leslie Mae Wall's class; piano duet, Leslie ,Mae Wall and Jim Hall; trombone solo, jack Walker accompanied by Donna Walker; read- ings, Messages of Christmas, Helen Meehan, Edna King, Shirley Foxton; The Old Ford Car Skit, Elmer Wilkin- son's class; Star drill, Mrs. E. Wilkin- son's class; play, The story of the Star; playette, Santa Claus Box; Lloyd Hutton's and Margaret Haines classes. Santa arrived amid great excitement with treats for all. BRIDGE CLUB Six tables took part in a Howell Movement at the Wingham Bridge Club Thursday evening with the fol- lowing results t 1st., Miss M. Mc- Callum and Mrs. F. A, Parker; 2nd., Dune. Kennedy and Earley Crawford; 3rd., Mrs. G, Godkin and Bert Porter; 4th., Mrs. R. S. Hetherington and Art Wilson; 5th, Mrs. D, 'B. Porter and H. French; 6th., Mrs. Ola Col- borne and Mrs. Herbert Campbell. FREE MATINEE FOR CHILDREN Lyceum Theatre To Hold Annual Christmas Party On Saturday afternoon the manage- ment of the Lyceum Theatre is holding a free matinee for the children of this district. This presentation is for chits ilrerk only and will commence at 2,30 o'clock. each year the Lyceum Theatre holds a free show for the children who show their appreciation by attending capacity numbers. 4' ST. ANDREWS -W.M.S. ANNUAL MEETING Officers For 1945 Were Installed The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday last week. Mrs, W. A. Russell, the president, opened the meeting by reading the 166th hymn. After the singing of a hymn the Christmas Story was read by Mrs. W. J. Henderson from Luke, chapter 2: verses 8-14. Mrs. J. Mitchell led in prayer from, the Glad. Tidings. The offeratory prayer was taken by Mrs. John Raby. Mrs, -George Olver gave the closing chapter of the study book "Co-oper- ative work in India". Mrs. Horace Aitcheson favoured with a solo. Mrs. W. Hammond brought a Christmas message and this was followed by a season of prayer led by Mrs. H. C. MacLean;' Mrs. H.' 1Go'dkin" and Mtg. A. McKagee, • The annual reports were received and showed a very successful year in all departments. Mrs. W. J. Henderson took the chair and installed the officers for 1945 as follows: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. W. 3. Hend- erson, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd. Past President, Mrs, D. Rae. President, Mrs. W. A, Russel. 1st Vice-Pres., Miss Lea Currie. 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. P. D. King. 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. Raby. Secretary, Mrs. T. C. King. Treasurer, Mrs, G. Olver. Press Sec'y., Mrs, l. V. Pyrn, Glad Tidings See`y., Miss B. Gra- ham; Literature and Library Sec'y., Miss M. Graham; Supply Sec'y., Mrs, 3: Porter; Social Convenor,' Mrs. H. C. MacLean; Organist, Mrs. J. Tay- lor; Home Helpers Sec'y., Mrs. E. Harrison; assistant. Miss C. Mc- Burney; Welcome and Welfare Corn., Mrs. D. Rae, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Leggett; Auditors, Miss V. McLaughlin, Miss A. Mc- Burney; Happy Gleaners Mission Band Leader, Mrs.. Aitcheson; as- sistants, Mrs. C. McLean, Mrs, M. Somers; Marion Williamson Auxiliary Leader, Mrs. 5, P. McKibbon. After the singing of a hymn, the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. To Our Farm Friends We are contributors to our com- munity shed on Diagonal Road and you are invited to accept this con- venience, A. J. Walker. Won Prizes At Euchre Winners at the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion euchre on Thursday night were: Mrs. A, Elliott, C, H, Coultes. Lucky draw prize, Joe Brophy. Notice Re Bus Sunday Morning Please note a bus will leave here 'at 7.50 a.m, Sunday morning, December 24th for London, making connections to Guelph, Hainilton and Toronto. Fractured Ankle Mr, William Lepard fell down the basement steps at Lloyd's factory on Tuesday morning and fractured a bone in his ankle, The fracture was set at 'the hospital. More Of The Beautiful As we go to press this morning (Wednesday) snow is falling fast and the wind is from the northeast. No doubt about a white Christmas, it is hoped that the storm stops soon so that traffic can keep on the move, At'a statutory meeting of the ToWn Council, the final meeting for this years on Friday evening, it was decided on motion of Councillor Wilkinson and Reeve Evans to hold Boxing Day-, s. Tuesday, December 26th, as a public holiday, This will mean that the stores will be closed three days succession,, Sunday. December 23rd; Monday, Christmas Day, Decendrer 25th, and Boxing Day, Tuesday, De- ecmber 26th. This action was taken, at the request of the Retail Merchants' Association. Two building permits were granted on motion of Councillor Wilkinson and Reeve Evans, One is an addition to the armouries at the northeast corner whichq will be used for stores. Tim other was from the Department of Highways for a building to home a caterpillar tractor on their property on, Albert Street, west of Josephine Street, The Mayor brought up the matter of having a lighted tree on the Bank of Commerce corner for the holiday sea- son. This matter was left to the ea-' ecutive committee with power to act on motion of Councillors Spry and Kennedy, More dog tax was collected this year than in any previous year the clerk reported to the council, The Chief collected this year the sum, of $266 for dog tax, Among the accounts that were pas- sed for payment on motion of Council- lors Lloyd and Johnson was the tax payment of the county of $6094.48. The clerk reported that the lease of the arena to W. T. Cruickshank, had been prepared and signed and that the town had taken liability insurance in ,connection with this property, $5,000 and $10,000 for any one accident. A letter was read from the Canadian Underwriter's Association stressing the need to keep snow cleared from hy- drants, the winterizing of the fire truck and a few other suggestions. Reporting for the Property commit- tee, Councillor Wilkinson, said that the drains at the arena had been instal- led and would be extended if weather permitted. This would, it is expected, keep the dampness away front the east side of the ice surface, A report from the Department of Health was read showing that the town water was grade A. A letter was received from the De- partment of Highways acknowledging a communication from the council re- garding the surfacing of the highway from Bluevale to Harriston. On motion of Councillors Spry and Wilkinson the town solicitor will be instructed to draw up a lease with Military District No, 1 for the use of ground west of the fire hall for stor- ing army vehicles. A letter from the Canadian Feder- ation of Mayors urging that member- ship be taken in the association was again filed as it was at the last meeting on motion of Councillor Johnson and. Reeve Evans. The use of the snow plow was cussed and Councillor Johnson report-a. ed that it would be\ready for use soon., trees. It also some reported the cutting of som It was the decision of the council that no refunds be allowed for those not using the town garbage collection. This matter was brought about by a request for a refund from Re A. Currie is: having does not use this service a dray man attend to this work for BACK IN CANADA FROM OVERSEAS raa, aesa rar. TURNBERRY SCHOOL TRUSTEES ORGANIZE Mr. I, J. Wright Named Chairman Of The Board On Thursday evening the newly elected school. trustees for the Town- ship School Area of Turnberry met for their organization meeting, Mr, J. H. Kinkead, school inspector, was present and explained •the work to be carried on by the board. Mr, I. J. Wright was named chair- man of the board and the terms for the trustees ,will be; 2 year term— Elgin Johnston, Jack Willits. James Walpole; one year term—I. J, Wrgiht and David Eadie. Mr. W. R. Creikshank acted as secretary, of the meeting, It was de- cided to advertise for applications for a seeretary-treasurer, Local and District Soldiers Back But Not 'Yet Home Three soldiers of this community, who have spent a long time overseas are back in Canada. Cpl, John D, Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston, arrived back last week-end, He is at present et Lachine, the R.C. A.F. Depot. John went overseas three years ago last September, (John ar- rived home Tuesday night after this article was written). Gnr, John. R. Johnston, who resided three miles north of Wingham before he enlisted near the first of the war, is home from Holland on thirty days leave. He went over with the same battery as Capt. Bert Platt. Pte, A., D, McGue, whose mother lives on the Turnberry-Culross boun- dary, is also back on 30 days leave, He has been with a field ambulance. BOXING 'MY, AUK. Council Held Last Meeting For Thfs.' Year NOMINATIONS BEIM HELD THIS FRIDAY Many District Places Nominating Thia Week Morris and Grey Townships will hold their nomination meeting on Fri, day afternoon this week. Brussels will hold their meeting on Friday evening, Lucked* will also nominate on Friday. Other Huron tritteicipalities who will nominate this week aret Stephen, Use borne, Hay, Tuelcersittith, Seaforth, Clinton, In Bract county nominations will be held in Kincar- dine township,'Ilitroft township, Brant, Ripley, Teeswater, Greenock, Settgeeta Elderslie, If elections are necessary they will be held On Monday, January' 1st,