HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-12-14, Page 3FOR THE CHILDREN
All Wool Sweaters $1.98
Flannel Pyjamas $1.00
Boys' Plaid Doeskin Shirts $1.25, $1.39
Boys' Lined Greeks $2.98
Fleece Combinations, sizes 26 to 32 $1.25 ••••
Choice selection of Men's, WomemPs and chil • -
dren's bed Room Slippers 69c. to $1.29
Children's and Ladies'• Rubber Overshoes.
-KkAV.-441,g4f --074r
topic was taken by Mrs. W, H. Mc.
Kinney and dealt with the Evangel.
istic, social and. economic advance in,
British Guiana and :tho Government
policy regarding educational centres,
Miss Olive Scott conducted the elec-
tion of officers and the Installation
service, The nominating committee
presented the following slate of offic-
Honorary Pres„ Mrs. P.S. Mac-
Ewen; pres„ Mrs. Raymond Elliott;
1st vice-pres.,Mrs. Walter Smillie; 2nd
vice-pres„ Mrs. W. H, McKinney;
secretary, Mrs, Archie Messer; assist,
secretary, Miss Olive Scott; treasurer,
Mrs. R. F. Garni'ss; Mission Band
leader, Mrs, Gordon Mundell; assist
M,B. leader, Mrs. Burns Moffatt; wel-
come and welfare secretaries, Miss
Florence Fowler, Mrs. R; Elliott; lit-
erature and library sec'y„ Mrs. J. 5,
Elliott; Glad Tidings sec'y„ Mrs. Stan-
ley Moffatt;; supply sec'y,, Mrs, P, S.
MacEwen; life membership sec'y., Mrs,
J., Chilvers; hoe helpers sec'y., Mrs.
W. G, Mundell; press reporter, Miss
Olive Scott; pianist; Mrs. J. C. Hig-
The president offered prayer and
closed the meeting. •
Ladies' Aid Society Elect's
The 4th quarterly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid Society was held on
Thursday afternoon in, the school room
of the Presbyterian Church with the
president, Mrs. Walter Smillie, in
,charge. After singing a hymn, Mrs.
Joseph Chilvers led in prayer. ,
Both groups reported holding regu-
lar meetings with a good attendance.
Red Cross sewing was. done at most
of the meetings as well as work to
raise• funds f or the church. The
amount raised by the groups was over
$90.00. The treasurer reported that
the books would close with a substan-
tial balance.
Mrs. Gordon Mundell conducted the
election of officers with the following
result: president, Mrs. Burns Mof-
fatt; vice-president, Mrs. Roy TurVey;
secretary, Mrs. Archie Messer; treas.,
Mrs. W. G. Mundell. The newly-
elected president closed the meeting.
Antique Display Shown Men's Club
The Bluevale and District Men's
Club held a regular meeting on Wed-
nesday night in the basement of 'the
PreAyterian Church. The president
J, C. Higgins, presided. During the
business period the community hall
t hat is in the course of construction,
Was the subject of much discussion.
The guest for the evening was Mr
Hubert of Gorrie. His exhibit
of antiques in hand carved wood was
of interest. His illustrated lecture
showed slides of the Ferguson High-
way to Cochrane and the mining dis-
tricts of Northern Ontario, Italia;
masonry, stone building, the Pope's
home and his family history,
Mrs. Aitken President Of W. A.
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Association was held in the
United Church on Thursday afternoon
the president, Mrs. Alex McCrackin
presiding. During the devotiona
period,.Mrs. W. J. Johnston gave the
fti:707e- .e;;,-41e.ekrzse • " .041 Meg-7 r25P4WONOW4 NtrrekrArr S PrIOM
114rdware -
Beautiful Gifts that are Useful and Always Welcome
Electric Heating Pads - Enamelware Etc.
Buy that Lad of Yours his Bicycle
For $42.50 Either. 1Viaroon; or Black.
Coal & Coke, Lime; Plaster,
10sulatiori, Sheetroc,
Paint & Glass,
Sporting Goods,
We Deliver. Phone 27.
scripture reading and Rev. J. W. John-
son led in prayer. Reports of the
years' work were given by the secre-
tary, Mrs, Geo. Thomson and. the
treasurer,. Mrs. Geo. Hetherington.
Mrs. Robt. Shaw gave a report of the
visiting committee and Mrs. jas. Rob-
ertson of the parsonage committee.
Rev. J. W. Johnson presided for the
election of officers. At the close re-
freshments were served, •
Officers elected were:
-Pres., 'Mrs, M. L. Aitken; vice-pres.,
Mrs. Earl Hamilton; secy.,, Mrs, 'Geo,
Thomson; Treas., ,Mrs. Geo, Hether-
ington; press sec'y„. Miss M. Duff;
pianist, Mrs. W. J. Johnston; assistant
pianist,' Mrs. Ed. Johnston; program
committees, Mrs. Geo. Thornton, Mrs,
R. H. McKinnon; Mrs, W. 5. John-
ston, Mrs, Wm. Peacock, Mrs, Carl
Johnston; parsonage committee, MA.
Jas, Kirton, Mrs. Jas. Peacock, Mrs.
Ed. Johnston; visiting committee, Mrs.
A, McCrackin, Mrs. -Geo, Thornton,
Mrs., Jas. 'Johnston, . Mrs. Milton
Smith, Mrs. R. H. McKinnon, MrS.
Frank Stamper.
Lig ht Up
The Wartime regula-
tions regarding use of
electric power for lights
has been rescinded.
You may now use dec-
orated lights.
Call 156, the Hydro
Shop, and have Christ-
mas lights' placed on
your verandah or on
lawn trees or other ob-
jects at your home.
Hydro Shop
ott •
4)110 5 144
Shop Early While Our
Stock Is Complete '
Sulette 84 Formula. Slips
. • .. • $2.00
Fancy Panties & bloom-
ers, all sizes . , 69c to 98c
White Snow Boots $3.49
. Satin Nightgowns and
Pyjamas $2.98
All Wool Botany Sweat-
ers, brown, wine, royal
and green ... . _ . $3.98
Chiffon 84 Crepe, $1.25
Silk & Lisle Mesh, $1.25
6 & 8 Thread Serviec
98c, $1.19
by ..
The. Ever
Welcome Gilt
What room cannot be enhanced by the addition
of a smart, well styled lamp? Very few we think
... and we marvel at the selection that we've gather-
ed together . . . lamps to grace any room in the
Lamps $6.50 to $12.50
Fancy Tables $3.50 up Mirrors . , . . , $2.00 to $12.50
Smokers .... , $8.50 to $12.50 Cedar Chests - $32.50 to $45.00
Kindergarten Sets . ... . $4.75 Children's Rockers . $2.25 to $3.75
Studio Couches . - „ . „ $65.00
See us for Livingroom, Bedroom or Diningroom Furniture
Funeral Service and Ambulance Pholiett Day 109W Night 109J
Thursday, December L4, 1944
Dress Shirts $1.29, $1.59, $1.98
Ties (Boxed) 49c, 79c
Scarfs (all colors) 98c
Fine Hose .
Overshoes (4 buckle)
35c to $1.25
All Wool Pullover Sweaters $2.98
Lined Kid Gloves' $1.69
W. M. S. Elected Officers
The president, Mrs. Raymond El;
liott, presided for the annual .meeting'
of the W. M. S. of„Knox Presbyterian
Church, on Thursday afternoon in the
Sunday School: The 'opening prayer
from. the Glad Tidings, was read by
Mrs. Burns Moffatt and Mrs. W. G.
Mundell read the Christmas message
from Matthew. The treasurer's report
London. Executives of the Great
Western Railway at London had made
a tour of inspection of the •London,
Huron and Bruce to Wingharn.
There was a successful three day
poUltry show at Guelph, There was
an installment of the serial "The Two
Destinies" by Wilkie Collins,
Morris, Grange elected officers as
follows: Master, John Salter; Over-
seer. Robert Warwick; Lecturer, John
Elston; Stewart, Archie MacLean; as-
sistant Stewart, James Brandon; Chap-
lin, John Roe; Treasurer, William Is-
bister; Secretary, W. B. Milts; Gate-
keeper, Henry Perdue; Ceres, Mrs.
Warwick; Pornonaf Mrs. Brandon;
Flora, Mrs. Mills; Lady assistant Ste-
wart, Mrs. McLean. The dictionary
sheds light on these quaint and pictur-
esque terms not in use today, Ceres
was the Roman Goddess of growing
vegetation; Pomona, Goddess of the
fruit of trees; Flora, Goddess of flow-
ers, and Grange meant "a Lodge of
the Patrons of Husbandry".
A news report was of a man im-
pri'soned for beating his wife, As he
was locked up he said he had one com-
fort anyhow, that he was not sent to
gaol for doing a mean thing,
Last item, a hint to mothers. In
getting up a suit for a boy, if you want
to make his trousers last, finish 'the
coat first,
Rev. Hazelwood of Walton, had the
service at Westfield on Sunday, and
gave a splendid Temperance address.
Mr. Wm. McDowell visited on Fri•
day with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Stack-
house, of Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, visit-
ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Smith, of Goderich,
The Mission Band Met on Sunday
afternoon with 16 Present. The meet-
ing was led by Mrs. Wm. Carter. The
election of Officers for the coming year
was held with Lloyd McDowell being
elected president; vice-president; Vio-
let Cook; secretary, Lorna Buchanan;
treasurer, Billy Rodger. Each mem-
ber of the Band are asked to bring one
new member to the January meeting.
The roll call for January is to. be a
New Years verse. Several of the
members led in sentence prayers, The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
Carter, The roll call'was answered by
each member with a Christmas verse,
Mrs. Harold Snell told a very interest-
ing Christmas story. Christmas read-
ings were given by several of the
Mrs. Edgar Howatt is recovering
nicely from a tonsil operation which
took place at Wingham hospital on
Mr. W. A. Campbell and Donald
were Stratford visitors on Monday.
The School Christmas concert of S.
S. No, 6, East Wawanosh, will be held
on Wednesday evening, December 20.
A good program is being prepared by
the school, children and young people
of the section. Everybody welcome.
The Y.P.U. held their meeting on
Wednesday evening with Phyllis Cook
Queens Hotel
Dining Room
Sunday Dinner-5 to 8 p.m.
Christmas Dinner-5 to 8 p.m.
New Year's Dinner-5 to 8 p.m.
- Phone 176 for reservations -
Weddings - Parties - Clubs
Phone Orders for Sandwiches, etc. to take out.
A number of the men met at the
church last week and haev a good bit
of the wiring done, ready for the in-
stallation of hydro.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell,
visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
IC, Dawson, of Dungannon.
showed that the allocation had been
exceeded by over $5.00. Quilts, valu-
ed at $8.00 and $8.50 in cash was re-
ported from the supply secretary. The
literature secretary has sent. S. S.
papers and books to, a Mission in New
Brunswick. The Home Helper's sec.,.
retary reported that one member had
become an active member and that the
givings this year were slightly less.
The Mission Band raised $18.64, One
life membership was presented. The
Old Newspaper Proved Interesting
Miss Bessie Moses, 2nd line of
Morris, sends one of her late father's
old newspapers from which to cull a
few interesting, items. It is' the
Weekly Globe, dated Friday, March
10th, 1816.
The first of, its 16 pages is taken
up with the details of the attainments
and- philanthropy of Senator William
McMaster, who endowed McMaster
University and of his wife, Susan
Moulton, who endowed Moulton Col-
lege for girls.
The next item Unties as a jolt from
the "wicked" States, Secretary • of
war Belknap, in President Grant's
cabinet, was accused of stealing for his
own aggrendizinent.
Henry Ward Beecher was having
trouble with scandal mongers in Ply-
mouth church.
' The editorials were: Teachers' sal-
DifficultieS of protection and
the banns mania.
Of 8 deaths recorded, eleven were
of children, Mark Twain wrote hum-
Oronsly of Om in Ids famil,
printed from the New York Sun was
Walt Whitman's eye witness account
a the assassination of Lincoln, in the
Ford, Theatre, April 14th, 1865. The
play on that night was °Our Aineri.
can Cousin'' Which Walt calls
singularly witless composition', Con,.
stable Reid, shot in the struggle at.
tending the arrest of. the Dounellys at
Ltteati (Riddulph Murders), died at
Rogers 1847
in charge. Scripture lesson was read
by Pearl Jamieson, Poem by Ron-
ald TaylOr. Prayer, Winnifred Camp-
bell. A splendid topic was given by
Mrs. Harold Snell on "From Christ to
man through art and pen." The meet-
ing closed with the benediction,
Fine English Bone China.
Full Cut Stem Crystalware
Cups and Saucers.
Mirrors - Whatnots.
Table Lamps . $4,75 up