HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-10-26, Page 8a nnouncement .To provide better and wider service, 'the Pat-, tison Rad•io Service has moved to new quarters in the Meyer'Block just south of the CKNX Studios, Now as in the past a full line of radio tubes, parts, and accessories are carried which insures you of prompt service.. Up-to-date instruments and methods insure efficient service. • Replacement parts and repairs for all electri- cal appliuktes. Radio RStorage Batteries re-charged. Public Address Systems for rent. 4 RADIO SERVICE Phoge 111, WINGHANI. • 4' 't sit at* home We sit at home where it's nice and safe while our young men face death hourly. They fight with their -blood, their lives, for every inch they gain in occupied countries. • Not very fair, is it? • So how about squaring up the score a bit? How about doing without and making do with what we have to back them With every last dollar. Let's turn our savings into Victory Bonds today; then buy an extra bond and pay for it by instalments every pay day. . It's little enough to do— as we'sit at home! Invest Victory McKibbons TH _DRUG STORE_! BELGRAVE Institute Held Meeting Mrs. C. H. Wade was hostess to the Belgrave Women's Institute for their Peace Meeting which is always held in October, the month preceding Remembrance Day. The programme was arranged by Miss Edith Procter, who also conducted the meeting. Following the opening exercises of singing and prayer, the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. C. Procter and approved, Mrs, J, M. Coultes, in giving the financial state- ment, reported a substantial balance which included a profit of $28.95 on a blanket on which tickets were sold. Mrs. C. Procter reported that bulbs had been replanted in the cemetery flower bed, the remaining surplus were divided among the members and those at the meeting. Mrs, S. Procter reported that gifts had been sent to 35 local men now overseas and parcels for those in Can- ada were in readiness, Mrs. J. M. Coultes was named as delegate to attend the London Con- vention on November 1, 2 and 3. Mrs. H. Wheeler to be the alternate, The roll call was responded to with a verse on "Peace",. Mrs. G. H. Dunlop conducted com- munity singing, Red Cross work completed since the last meeting was reported to the con- vener, Mts. C. R. Coultes, Several poems relating to the theme were read by Mrs, N, Keating, An interesting feature was a geo- graphical ottestionaire conducted • by Miss E. Procter, Following a request to the branch from the Salvation Army at Wing- ham to organise a canvass Of the dis- trict for the Red Shield, collectors' have been appointed, The meeting closed with the sing', ing of the Institute. Ode after which lunch of hot dogs and coffee was serv- ed by the hostess and committee, MISS t•,. ?Meter, Mrs, C. R. Coultes and Mrs. • Albert Otniltes. The publicity !meeting''will be he d . in N'ovettiber at the home of Mrs. Procter. Mrs. W. J.Henderson of Winghani, PHONE 161 , • FREE DELIVERY ,4091410ES 4. — AT — Smith's Economy Food Store HONEY ,......., ... . ... — 2 lb. tin 42c NEW CHEESE lb. 31c NUTRIM BABY MAPLE LEAF PURE 1 MILD CANADIAN WHITE CLOVER CEREAL 18-oz. pkg. 49c TENDERPLAKE LARD lb .18 LYNN VALLEY Nos. 4 = 5 PEAS 2 20 oz. Tins 27c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP ... ................. tin 10c LIBBY'S or AYL1VIER TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 21c JIFFY WHIP Makes Create Whip, bottle 18c McCORMICK'S "G". SODAS 16-oz. pkg. 21c York Good Quality Bologna lb. 25c " Maple Leaf Smoked Back Bacon .. .. 6, lbo 63c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf • . lb. 33c Maple Leaf Boneless Picnics .. lb. 38c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES GREEN CELERY lieh. 10c. I 96's ORAPEPRUIT 3 for 25c HEAD LETTUCE, head 180 I WAXED TURNIPS 2 lbs. 7o 10 Lbe gal Cooking Onions u,ekNot • i*O'd6it'611. 39c 220's GRANttg, dot, ,.„:....„ '41c Pepper SQUASH', 3 for .„,... 25c . 1 Spanish, ONIONS, 3 Iba, .,.4. 23c White Cauliflower, ea, ..„,_ 10c 288'a ORANGES, iloZ, .',...,,.. . i . 35C Large Hubbard Squaili ea. I7c RATION COUPONS VALHI TritYltBDAY, CCItillgit.. 20 Sgo a. 1400 1 to 4$, ,,1:1 000ye,4 Roo, "4 :to 32, tutter* Roc. 18 to 83, • . • ols 4, - Th4M1134'4090ker 340 Thursday, FridaY, Saturdays October 26, 27, 28 LIONEL BARRYMORE DONNA REED VAN JOHNSON — In — "Dr. Gillespie's criminal Case" The best yet in the popular "Dr. Gillespie Serieis". Also "Short Subjects". Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Watch Repairing George Williams, form- erly proprietor of Wil- liams Jewellery Store, is now able to do watch repairing at his home, John St., next to Mason- ic Hall For the present, watches only, 1119111111111111111•111111=11111111111111111111111110111111i ;other relatives iri Dungannon and Ashfieid. Mr. Russel Gaunt had the mis- fortune to have the ends of two of his fingers of his right hand seriously injured when working with a thresh- ing machine one• day last week. Charlie. Falconer also had two fingers of his hand hurt badly when working in, the bush last week. Mr. Aldin Purdon is holding a sale of farm,, farm stock and implements on Wednesday, November 1. Services in the United Church here were withdrawn on Sunday on account of the anniversary services at St, "Helens. Mr. Thos. O'Malley spent the week- end in. London, where he is hoping hoping to move in the near future. Louise Martin of Kincardine, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Martin, The people of this community ex- tend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hallahan, Whose barn was burned to the ground one evening last week. Mr., and Mrs. Robt. Purdon and Archie, visited on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Rintoul of St. Helens. It was on the Purvis farm, directly back of the Rintoul farm, that the training plane came down in flames on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Robert Carrick has been under the Doctor's care during the past week. Mrs. Brooke and little daughter of Toronto, spent last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. 'Jas. Mcllrath. Mrs. Robt. Mitchell of Wingham, spent last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, and Mrs. Elliott visited with' Mrs. Cline Higgins of Bluevale on. Wednesday. Members of a car-load of Jehova \Witnesses, who were in this district on Sunday afternoon asserted that they had been over all 'the Township of E. Wawanosh four times this summer. Mrs, Jas, Purdon of W. Wawanosh, has, been seriously ill in Wingham Hospital during the past week suffer- ing from a form of strep germ, which required the new Peniocilin treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James and little son Roy, moved last week to the village and will reside in the McGregor house. A good crowd was present in the Presbyterian Church here on. Thurs- day night last, when the ladies of the W.U.S. invited W.M.S. members from Langside, Calvin and the United Church to come to their thankoffering meeting. The president, Mrs. Robt. Ross, was in the chair, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Innis read the scripture lesson, and o rs, John Craig led 'Ur piaypr. Via., '01.11M --'retitthed ,'Missionary from Jndia fOrnrer "Bruce Cpupty (rest., 'dent, then Shbwed moving pictures of people, industries, disease and hospital. ization of India, These were all very interesting as he showed sonic with Miss Willianison, formerly of Wing- harp, working with the children there. Dr, Quinn gave a short talk, express- ing his desire for more interest and more prayers from the Christian People of this land, for the millions. of illiterate, sick and ignorant folk of In. dia. All were invited to the. Sunday School room where lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all, Ur, and Mrs, Alfred Troupe and son of Teeswater, spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr, Ed. Waddell. Mrs, Walter Lott and Mrs. Fred Lott of Wingham, spent Saturday at Brussels with the former's mother, Mrs, Chas, Mackay, The ladies of the 4th Concession of Kinloss held a Red Cross quilting last Tuesday at the horde of Mrs. Ed. Wadel, and on this Tuesday at the home of Mrs. -Orville Tiffin. The ship on which A. B. Raphael St. Marie has been sailing in the R,C. N. during' the past year, docked at St. John, N.B. last week, and the men have been given a furlough. Some of the men on board had not been home for over three years, All were over-. joyed •at the promised hOliday at home. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Currie, return- ed to their home in East Wawanosh last week, after spending 4 months with their daughter, Mrs, Bibb at Colchester on Lake Erie, and Mr. Cur- rie left on Sunday With .his son, Mr. Elgin Currie, to spend the next few weeks with relatives in Toronto. MORRIS Miss Isabel Douglas of Kitchener, spent this week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Bosman and family. Mr. Spence McKinnon of the R,C. A.F., Ottawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Kinnon, at Bluevale. Mr. Alvin Smith of the R.C.A.F., is spending a while with his wife and daughter at the post office at Blue- vale. • Miss Isabel McKinnon, Kitchener, and Miss Bernice Whitton of Water- loo, with her parents, Mr. and grs. Robt. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Turnbull and family of Byron, visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Ed- ward Johnston and other friends at Bluevale and the 1st line, Miss Helen Thomson Of London University, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Snarling Johnston and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl John- ston and Marie, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Harold Harris and sons at Molesworth. prosi,dent, il,.be the ,,...,g,nest ' -" • „ - Ration Books Issued The New Ration Books, No. 0, to the number of 018, were given out at the local distributing centre in the Red Cross rooms, Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoon of last week, Rev; G. 1-1,„Dnnlop was in charge of the work and was assisted by Mrs. Dunlop, 'Misses Edith Procter and Jean MeCalluin and George Johnstein, Gave Talk On China A special meeting was held in the United Church Thursday evening. of last week,, when L. E, Wilmot, a teacher from- West China, was the guest speaker. The minister, Rev. G. H. Dunlop, conducted a short 'devo- tional service 'and introduced Mr, Wilmot whd gave an interesting talk on conditions relating to Government, rich land Owners; militarist leaders and banks, under which the peasant population lives. Fractured Ankle Mrs. 'Carl Procter, concession 4, Morris, had the misfortune to fracture a small bone in ber ankle while pick- ing apples. She was standing on a step ladder and in reaching too far caused the ladder to tip, and she fell to' the ground. She was taken to Wingham Hospital where an X-ray was taken and the injured foot placed in a cast. -* Suffered Stroke Mrs. William Procter of Brussels, formerly of Concession 4, Morris, and sister-in,law- of Mrs. H. Wheeler, suffered a severe paralytic stroke at her hoine inBruSsels and is in a very critical" condition. Organiie Commtinicants Class A communicants clasS was organizL eta during 'the class period at• the United Church Sunday School, Sunday morning by the minister, Rev. G. H. Dunlop, with an attendance of 12, These classea,,will.:be,held at the same thee' each Sunday for the next feW' weeks. • Mrs. C. Birny, formerly of Exeter. and daughter,' Mrs.. Frank Ferguson, both Of Winnipeg, are 'spending a few Weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse and other 'relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Procter and H. Dunlop, also Mrs: Procters father, Mr, Henderson of Wingham, spent a few days with relatives at Ot- 111.1•11111111111111.111•111111111111111111111111111111111.0 ilommasmomum.... Smoker's Sundries Magazines aselgrove's ,SMOKE SHOP • Mission Band Plan Thankoffering The Brave Adventurers Mission Band of prick Church met October 15, during the Sunday School hour with the president, Eileen Snell in the chair. Quiet music was played by Jean 'Leaver while Joan Wightman placed the worship screen. The call to worship was followed by the re- sponse, Hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" was sung and the Lord's Prayer was repeated by all, Jack Shiell ,>read the scripture and the story "Sorrow and 1-lappiness". was read by Doris Shiell. Donald Dow led iti prayer, Syndney Thompson read a Peace 'Verse and Rilly Irwin read a Temperance verse, The members re- peated the Purpose and minutes were read qnd approved, The, offering was received and dedi- cated. The roll call was answered by all and the Birthday song sung for Jean Leaver, Evelyn Leaver, Jim Irwin, Sydney Thompson, Miss Louise Cattites read the story, "lion OttribWorfe ititls a Way,'" The new study book was intrOuced by Mee. McGowan. The meeting was closed tw prayer, The Mission Band will hold their, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1 MARGARET O'BRIEN • JAMES CRAIG —In —. "LOST ANGEL" A comedy drama about the reactions of a child that has, been educated by six ',scientists, when she meets a charming reporter. !. Also "Short Subjects". WHITECHURCH • • — *Mrs. Lorne Johnston of Ashfield;:, came last Monday to commence work: In Pollock's Store which they hav47' ;purchased. On Tuesday evening Mrsi. W. R. Farrier entertained the ladies. 4of the village in honour, of Mrs. Tohn.' ston. Mrs, Albert Coultes and Mrs. J. D. $eecroft gave out 360 ration books in Mr. McLean's Store on Wednesday , last. The congregation of the Presbyter- ian Church had the woodwork on the .outside of the church painted during the "last two weeks, and Mr. Ezra -Welwood has completed the work 'of, painting his City Service garage:. This is a distinctive improvement to both Arhurch and garage. Many will be interested to know that LAC. Elroy Laidlaw, who has been stationed at the Base Post Office at Bombay, India, for some months, has 'been spending his holidays with his -.friend, Mr. Ang,usrMackay of Jhansi, -India. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin' and 'Coleen of Langside, spent Sunday' at -the home of her sister, Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mrs. 'Hunt, who has been visiting -with her sister, Mrs. Robert Ross, left on Wednesday to visit with rela- -tives in London. , • • Wren Frances Robinson of Ottawa, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Foster and Pamlia Ann of Leamington, Spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and —Mrs. Amos Cornelius, spent Sunday -with Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Rivett and "ts, '' • • 1 1114.4 (7, • '4L4 ta,wa. Miss Shirley Chamney of. Statford Normal School, spent the week-end with, her• parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Chamney. • Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Armstrong of Pyner,, Sask., and Alex. Gibson of Lis- towel, with Mr. and Mis. David Arni- strong. Brick Church W. M. S. • The regular meeting of the Brick Church W. M. S. was held on Thurs- day, October 19th at the home of Mrs. John T. Currie. The meeting was' opened with the singing of hymn 578. The scripture reading, given by Mrs. Lawrence Tay- lor, was taken from Luke 10; 25-37. ,The theme of the meeting which was led .by Mrs, Pattison was, "Love Thy Neighbour: Mrs, Geo. Walker acted as assistant leader, Mrs. Pattison led in prayer, The group joined in the singing of hymn 751, The offering was then received. The guest speaker for the day was Mr. Wilmont who has spent several years in West China carrying on the educational work of the Church. Mr. Wit/milt spoke to the group on the conditions which now exist in China. Hymn 369 was then sung. A tencent tea was served after which Mr. Dunlop closed the meeting with the benediction. . and don't forget—he has a right to exPect that you'll stand behind him ... • th'atcyou'll do all you can here at home to help him finish this war. •h e; has a right to expect that you'll be Willing to work, and save and lend 'for Victory—invest every dollar you can Elpa-re iii Victory Bonds. Thies your stand in this war—one liana on his shoulder, the other in your 't, pocket diggingdeep to buy one more • :Victox7 Bond than ever before! , • , OUR hand... on HIS shoulder ••• •••• %.• INVEST IN VICTORY This Space Donated By t I King Dept. Store Thankoffering' meeting Friday even- ing; October 20, In the school (S. S. No. 11). SlidesOn colour on the study book "Far,'round the' World", will be ,shown. Everyone interested will be welcome. - Celebrated Silver Wedding The .home' Of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultes in. Belgrave, was the scene of a happy occasion on Saturday night, when they observed the silver anni- versary of their marriage. The wed- ding which took place 25 years ago on October 22, was held at the home of the bride, who was formerly Mary M. McGowan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan, 3rd line ...of East Wawanosh, Mrs. H. E, Buffett of Carsonville, Mich., who was unable to be present Saturday, was her sis- ter's attendant and Albert Coultes, of Belgrave, was groomsman for his brother. The family, Jas. R. and Mrs. Coultes and Miss Mabel in honor of the event, served a hot, fowl dinner to over 20 guests. Mr. J. D. Murdock, Saskatoon, uncle of Mrs. Coultes, in a humorous speech proposed-the toast to the guests' of honor. In replying Mr. Coultes thanked all for their best wishes and the gifts which had been. received. The everying was spent in games and conversation. Guests were present from Blyth, Varna, Vancouver, Saskatoon and Belgrave.