HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-10-26, Page 74,
A Thotatigh ititoieledge of Parr,
Phone 231, Whighatia
Men, Women OveT 40
Feel Wealr,Worn, Old?
Want &mat Pep, Vim, Vitality?
DOW Wok, runaoro. outuutoted coualtioa ouoko
You Joel souk 047 Try owes. COntaioel
general S.O.oUlmUmris, Caen torodeq 'nor 30 or 4u, Supplies era% isakiwoo
, phospborue. vitamin
Si. Helps you isituroosoll ,
trodueLory etas CUM* TontoTabletsVlro• Only ass. For
We at all rood drug Mom evoryorturo,
Health Kit being used by the W. I,
Reports of the sale and concert also
of the bale will be given. The host-
ess will be assisted by Mrs. W. T.
Maclean at the tea, hour.
Celebrates 93rd Birthday
Congratulations to one of our highly
esteemed citizens, Mrs. James Rae,
who, on Saturday celebrated her 93rd
birthday. Many friends called during
the afternoon and evening to bring
greetings, and a relative from a dis-
tance, Mrs, Showell of Omaha, Ne-
braska, was a guest, Mrs. Rae is en-
joying splendid health and able to be
about her home each day, Everyone
in the community joins in wishing
this grand lady many happy returns.
Autumn Thankoffering Meeting
The Women's Missionary Society
of the United Church will hold their
annual Thankoffering meeting at the
morning service, November 5th, at 11
a.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs.
McKerrol of Molesworth. All are
cordially invited to attend this special
annual meeting of the W. M. 'S.
Celebrated 80th Birthday
Mr. Charles Simmons of Wroxeter,
celebrated his 80th birthday on Sun-
day. We extend congratulations' on
behalf of the people of the community.
During the day he visited with his
brother who was the victim of a car
The Y. P. U. met on Wednesday
evening with 26 present. The meeting
was led by Winnifred Campbell with
Phyllis Cook at the piano. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Ronald Tay-
lor. Prayer by Illa Taylor. A Bible
quiz was conducted by Winnifred
Campbell. It was decided to procure
two young people's manuals for the
coming year. After the benedictiOn a
social time was spent, games were en-
joyed under the direction of Rev. H.
Snell. Lunch was served.
Gnr. James Walsh of Prince Rupert,
is enjoying a furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh.
•Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse of
Brucefield, visited on Thursday with
Mr. Wm, McDowell.
ilVfiss Eileen Walsh of Wingham,
spent last week under the parental
Mr. arid Mrs. W. A. Campbell and
Mr. W. H. Campbell visited On Thurs-
day with Mrs, Wni, Crozier Of Crewe,
it being 'Mr. W. H. Campbell's 88th
birthday,. He is enjoying very good
health and is able to be about the
farm helping with farm work, We
extend congratulations,
Mr, and Mrs, foil' Gear returned
finite front their wedding trip on Fri..
day and are spending a few days in
this vicinity before going to their now
home at Kitchener.
Mt. and Mrs. W. V. Cstopbell, Miss
Winnitred, are visiting this week With
ON TAR I' 01-
• V.•-•-••
• t .
Duro Softened. Water — free from lime and mag-
nesium saves 75% on soap, as it is more easily dis-
solved, making richer, long-lasting, thicker suds. Makes
dish washing a pleasure, prevents greasy filth on china,
glass, silverware, and'on the sink — the working surfaces
in your kitchen always clean and bright. A Duro Water
Softener will save you time and trouble — more pleasure
in your home.
The Duro factory is busy on war production today —
but will be manufacturing DURO WATER SOFTENERS
-for the country's peacetime needs — Buy Victory Bonds
Coda . y.
See your Plumbing and Heating Contractor
for full information.
Save Your Victory Bonds
Every housewife appreciates clean, soft, soapy Water
in the kitchen. Enjoy longer-lasting 'thick suds with soft
water the year 'round — save your VICTORY BONDS to
buy a
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc
Money To Loan
Office — Meyer Block, Wingham
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Bonds, Inveitments & Mortgages
Wingham Ontario
Women's Institute
The November meeting of Wroxeter
Women's Institute will be held on
Thursday, November 2nd, 3 p.m., at
the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
Motto for the diy "They can conquer
who believe they can". Roll call —
Name the talent of the lady next to
you. Demonstration of First Aid
Cupboard will be given by Mrs. Frank
Sanderson. Do's and Don'ts from the
Blue Book will be the subject discus-
sed by Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Mrs.
Sanderson and Mrs. Walker will give
brief Health notes as taken from the
' •
Experienced Auctioneer
Licensed for Counties of
All Sales Capably Handled
R. R. 1, Kincardine
Phone: Ripley 30-24.
Teeswater, Ontario
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
and Conveyancer
Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter
every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to
4.30 and by appointment.
Phone — Teeswater 120J.
Business and Professional Directory
Insurance Company
Est. 1840
An all Canadian Company which
has_ faithfully served its policy
holders for over a century.
Head Office Toronto
IL C. McLean Insurance Agency
Licensed Embalmer and
Funeral Director
Furniture and
Funeral Service
Ambulance Service
Phones: Day 109W. Night 109J.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office Victoria St, Welt;
Nemeth? the Raydeti Residence
Whighara, Ontario
Offices: Centre St., Wingham
Osteopathic and Electric Treat-
ments, Foot Technique,
Phone 272. Wingham..
Chiropractor and Drugless
Phone 191..
On Wednesday evening last we*
a euchre was held in Holmes' school,
Mrs. Ross King and. Andy Mc.,
Cormick won the prize for highest
scores, Eighteen tables were played
and over twenty dollars was realized„
to be used for patriotic purposes,
The same evening a dance was held
jn S. S. 2, Cuiross, where over twenty:
dollars was taken at the door. This
money is to be used to aid in filling
ditty bags.
Miss Jean Burchill of Bell Tele-
phone, London, spent the week-end at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCallister
and Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr;
and Mrs. Lorne Edwards and Mr, amf
Mrs. Tom Nickel.
Everyone appreciates the beautiful
weather in October this year. The
threshing machine is finishing opera-
tions on the 2nd of Culross this week
and a number of farmers have com-
pleted their fall ploughing.
Mrs. Andy McCormick and daugh-
ter Kate, also Mr, and Mrs. Nelson
Pickell attended the Wearever Brush
demonstration at Jim Falconer's on
Monday evening.
The attendance was up a little again
at Holmes' Sunday School last Sun-
day, Next week is to be the final
meeting of the season, and it is hoped
that it may be carried on again next
spring. Rev. John Norton, the newly
appointed minister of the Baptist
Church in Wingham, is to conduct an
open session next Sunday, and it is
hoped that all the members and visit• -
ors will be present.
7hee' AsttlibrOpselwit4s
This is the Fourth in a series of advertisements to inform
the people of Canada of plans to re-establish men and
women of the armed forces. To get full details, save and
read every advertisement. For complete inform-
tion, write for the
booklet, "Back to Civil
Life." •
*me am, Kos Oates* ----
7400111110 Notts glsOwn 8ashiess
There are two
ways in which Canada's service people can have homes of
own. One measure, the Veterans' Land Act, provides assistance
homes on small acreages of land outside the high taxation area,
re-establishment credit may be used for purchase or building of a
while the re-establish home in town or city. Low cost financing is available under the
Housing Act. Under the Veterans'
Land Act, assistance is given in financing
up to a maximum of $4800
for land and buildings. The veteran must be prepared
pay down 10 per cent of the cost of land lust
buildings and the property
is then sold to him for this down payment p
wo-thirds the cost.'This of
balance may be financed, if necessary, over 25 years, with interest at 3
urchase of equipment.
per cent. A further grant may be made for p
The veteran is given title to the property,
including the grant of 23
cent of the cost of land and buildings and the money for equipment, after
he has lived up to his agreement for
ten years.
If the
re-establishment credit is used for a home, the veteran must
e b
prepared to put up
one dollar for every two dollars used from it. This type
of assistance may
be applied for at any time within 10
years of disch
Veterans* qualified for
full time farming and for commercial fishing may
receive assistance
in purchasing a farm or home under the Veterans' Land
Act in the same way as the veteran wanting a home on a small acreage, outside
the high taxation area. In the case of
full time farming, an additional grant
of $1200 is
available for purchase of stock and equipment, and in commercial
fishing the commercial fisherman may receive up to
$1200 to buy needed
fishing equipment. To benefit under any of the three provisions of the Veterans'
Land Act, the evservice man
or woman must have overseas service or at
least 12 months' service in Canada.
purpose for which the re-establishment credit may be used is to
buy a business or to provide working capital for a business. Here again applica-
tion may be made at any time in the 10 years after
people who
In addition
to using the re-establishment credit in this way,
d start their own businesses, or farmers, may
raw maintenance grants, during
the period they ate awaiting returns from the business or the farm. These
grants may be paid in the first 18 months after discharge, for the period of
service, and up to a maximum of one year.
Issued trader the
tastitority of Hon. lint A. ivfeekentie, Minister of
* tam 'Otis AbVita.tiSailtain TO soma MAU Olt WolitAtI OVEistiA6..
**"" '4440 Ni..okloO+
Mr.. and Mrs. Wilford Mellis of
Mippen, spent the week-end with Mrs.
John Gibson and family.
Mrs. John Barlow is spending a
--few days with friends in Toronto.
Miss Mae Davidson left on Friday
-for' Wingham where she will visit
friends going from their to Ayr.
Mr. George Harris, who spent sev-
' -oral weeks with his sisters, Misses
Mary; and Cassie Harris, returned to
nations to 'be
winter season
will be very
those in need
Bale Sent To Fort Stewart
On Tuesday of last week a valuable
bale of new ,and second-hand clothing
was sent by the local Institute to Fort
Stewart, Ontario. 'Mrs. H. V. Mc-
Kenney and Mrs. B. I. Durst were
in charge of the packing and shipping.
The officers and-members of the local
W. I. are grateful to all those who
donated articles also to Mr. R. J.
Rann who loaned, his store for do-
left there. With the
approaching this bale
much appreciated by
in that isolated corn-
school staff had an unfortunate acci-
dent one day recently while conduct-
ing manual training class, when the
end of his thumb was cut off,
Mr, and Mrs, George. Allen spent a
few days last week in Toronto,
Rev, J. L. and Mrs. Foster were in
Leamington last week visiting mem-
bers of their family, especially a son
in R,C,A.F. who is on leave from the
Mrs, Ida Petts of l3lyth, was a guest4
of Mrs. L, W. Rae part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E, Wightman and chil-
dren were also Sunday guests of Mrs.
Mrs. Gordon Gibson returned home
from Vancouver after spending three
weeks with relatives also attending
her son's wedding in Vancouver.
Sneak Thief Steals. Bicycle
A mean sneak thief was 'at work in
our village last week when Jimmy
Wylie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Wylie, had his bicycle stolen from his
home. Jimmy who uses it for his
paper business as well as for going to
school is feeling the loss of his bike,
It is to be hoped it can be found and
the guilty person punished,
Waste Fats Still Wanted
The Women's Institute of Wrox-
eter are still carrying on the Waste
Fats project .to help the war effort.
Please leave your donation at the Red
Cross rooms.
Alvin Moffat Fractures Leg
While picking apples on Thursday
of last week, a local businessman, Mr'
Alvin Moffat, had the misfortune to
fracture his leg, both bones, above the
ankle. Mr. Moffat was standing on a
limb which gave way and he fell
about ten feet. He was taken to Lis-
towel Hospital where a cast was put
on and returned to his home on Sun-
day. Mr. Moffat's many friends re-
gret his serious accident. and wish him
a good recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Brown of St,
Thomas, And Mr. and Mrs. M. Hooper
of .St.. Marys.
Mrs. Robt. Snell and son Keith of
Goderich, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs, j, L, McDowell.
Mr, and Mrs..J, D, Elsley of Palm-
erston, visited on Saturday with Mr..
and Mrs. Walter Mason.
Misses Bdna..and Audrey Walsh, of
Hensall, spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs, A. E. Walsh.
Mr.,. and Mrs. Wm. Walden visited
on $tinclay with Mr. and Mrs. K.
Cameron of Lucknow.
Mrs,o J. E, Ellis returned to, her
home at Palmerston C)11, Wednesday,.
after spending several weeks in this
(Too late for last week)
Mr. Bob Mackintosh of Hamilton,
was a ,week-end guest at the home of
his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs.
Marvin McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. 5, H. Shobbrook of
Londesboro and, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook of Londesboro, visited re-
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Several' from this vicinity attended
the Federation banquet at' White-
church on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aitkens and
children of Toronto, visited recently
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Elwin
Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Radford at-
tended the Morris Federation banquet
held recently at Brussels.
Mrs. Douglas Campbell and John
visited Friday with her sister, Mrs.
Francis Miller of Goderich.
The Y.P.U. meeting was held on
Wednesday evenhfg and was well at-
tended. The meeting was led by
Arnold Cook with Graeme McDowell
at "the piano. The scripture lesson
was read by Jean McDowell. Topic
on "Prayer" was given by Janetta
Snell. The meeting closed with the
MiapahTh ememBenediction.bers.of
the Red
'Cross 1104
a quilting in the basement of the
Westfield churel- on Wednesday moru-'
ing. At noon the 13 present sat down
to a pot-luck dinner to which every-
one 'did justice, In the afternoon the
Autumn Thankoffering of the W.M.S.
was 'held with Mrs, Mred 5, Cook in
charge of the devotional programme,
which opened by singing "Count Your
Many Blessings," with prayer by Mrs.
Frank Campbell, followed by the .
Lord's Prayer in unison, The scrip-
ture lesson was read by. Mrs, Stanley
GookN from St, Mark 4; 1-20. Duet
was rendered by Mrs. Marshal Stone-
house and Mrs. Stanley Cook. Read-
ings were givep by Mrs, Wm. Govier
on "Thanksgiving for the harvest";
Mrs. Jack Buchanan on "Not Afraid";
Mrs, Albert Walsh "One who sings as
they work." Piano solo, Winnifred
Campbell. Mrs, (Rev.) Currie of Ben-
miller gave a splendid address on,
"The Harvest is past, the summer is
gone, and we are not saved:" The
singing of "Take my life and let it
be consecrated Lord to Thee" closed
this part 'of the meeting, The presi-
dent led the business session which
was opened with hymn "He lives" and
prayer by Mrs. McVittie. Responsive
scripture lesson was read from Psalm
19. Roll call was responded to by 21
present.. The Thankoffering was re-
ceived and Mrs. (Rev.) Snell offered
the dedicatiolprayer. The study, book
was donated to the society by the
president. $103.00 was reported rais-
ed to date. Boxes were sent to each
of the boys overseas from the section:
It was decided to send a shower of
cards to Mrs, Lloyd Miller of Queen
Alexandra Sanitorium, London. It
was decided to have a crokinole party
on Friday evening, October 17th, in
aid of the boys boxes. The meeting
closed with the singing "Have Thine
Own Way Lord". The benediction
was given by the president, Msr, Wm.
Telephone 29
Phone 1150 iMinghank
his 'home in Saskatchewan last week.
Gladys Musgrove of R.C.A.F., W.
D., of Jarvis, is spending a short leave
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards, Mrs.
Robert MacDonald Sr., and Mrs. Vern
MacDonald, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Gedche, near Fordwich, on
Cut End Off Thumb
Mr. Harold Hamilton of the public
Women's Association
The Women's Association of United
Church held their October meeting at
the church parlors on Tuesday of last
week. ' Mrs, Charles McCutcheon and
Mrs. Allister Green were in charge
and the afternoon was spent quilting.
Pot luck supper was enjoyed at the
close, 4
St. James Women's Guild
A special meeting of the Women's
Guild of St. James Anglican Church,
met on Tuesday last in the church
basement. The main business •item
was completing the details of arrange-
ment for the bazaar to be held on
Saturday of this week, October 28th
from 2:30 to 5:30. Mrs. F. H. Scherk
is in charge of the afternoon tea and
conveners for the sale are Mrs. Ed-
wards, Mrs. R. McMichael, Mrs. Wal-
ler and Mrs. Kaakes.
October Meeting W. M. S.
The October meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held in the church school room
on Wednesday evening of this week,
October 23rd, 8:30 p.m. Reports of
the recent Presbyterial meeting will
be given by the delegates. •
Hambly Property Sold
Mr. Alex Wright has purchased the
property of Mr. Fred Hambly and
will move there very soon. Mr.
Hambly is now in charge of C.P.R.
section at Fordwich and Mrs. Hambly
and family will soon move there to
;p )14sii1p4 ni44
s hould know' Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the ,e44$1c. At its , source, Money back • 4f .tbil first bottle does not aaktOfY*-. McKibbon's or MoAvore,
7burodaYg 'October 26, 1944 .WINO HAM ADTANC-TIME$ """