HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-09-28, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ThUr5dAY/ SOO. 3801, 1944 l'AGS EIGHT
ill7P1.17210/04/LI,...111111..7. ...tintieCTIMEGOIC6-47.C.C.
Mn and Mrs. Orville Jones and son
•PFAIitiorcl, Ppep the 'weels-end with
'Mrs. 14, °Ppith.
Mrs. W. N. McTaggart and infant
son are home from Wingham General
Hospital and are with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Torvey, 2nd Concession
of Morris.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'ranlc Tont of Kin-
cardine, Mr. and Mrs. William Ken-
nedy, Wingham, Mrs. James Cruick-
shank and Mrs, W. T. Cruickshank,
Wingham, were Sunday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. John Hockeridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hamilton, John
and Douglas of Drayton, Mr, and Mrs,
Gordon Hamilton, Jimmie airtd La-
yerne of Hensall, Mr, and Mrs, Earl
Hamilton and family, Mrs. Graham
Chamney and Bobby, visited on Sun-
day with Mrs, F. Churchill.
The value of a 'vitamin
product depends upon its
potency, In the manufac-
ture of Vigran Capsules,
164 tests must be passed
successfully before they
are allowed to reach the
consumer, Squibb skill in
manufacture is based on
more than 20 years' expe-
rience with the problems of
vitamin stability.
Reliable for all oc-
casions — a simply
tailored dresS of high
quality tnaterial.
You'll enjoy working
with Butterick pat-
terns and find, in addi-
tion that you've ef-
fected a real saving by
making your o w
35" Velveteen—
black, brown, red
$1.95 yd.
Brick W.M.S. Appointed Delegates
The regular meeting of the Brick
Church W.M.S. was held on ,Thurs-
day, September 21st at the home of
Mrs. Mason Robinson. A very large
attendance was present.
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of a hymn. Mrs. Dow led in pray-
er and another hymn was then sung.
Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft \gave a reading
on "The Life of Margaret Blake,"
which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Snell
gave a demonstration of the new study
book. Jean Leaver favored the -group
with a piano solo. The society then
joined in the singing of a hymn.' ,A
card from the McGee family was re-
ceived. It was decided to send Mrs.
Stewart McBurney, Mrs. Galbraith,
and Jead,Leaver to Ethel as/delegates
to the Sectional Meeting. The meet-
ing was closed with the Lord's Prayer,
Mr. Wilmot will be the guest speak-
er for the October meeting.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 28, 29, 30
rassage to Marseille" 46r.
The story of the lives of those on board a French
freighter bpund for Marseille at the time of the
fall of France.
Also "Short Subjects".
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 3, 4
In —•
4 4 What A Woman"
A comedy reminiscent of "My Sister Eileen".
Also' "Short Subjects".
Oct. 5, 6, 7 — "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs"
tell us that you had retired?"
"Ay, and I have," replied Sandy;
"but I must work out my season ticket,
ye ken."
54" •Bengaline-:—
turcitiOlse; peach,
gold . . $1.50 yd.
54" Binfily Cloth—
All wool beige
$2.95 yd.
54" FIne
ciige 44.50 yd.
Spun-36" to 54" wide $1.00 to$2.75 yd,
Fine Red Dress Flannel . , $3.25,yd.•
King's Dept Store '
The new study book entitled "Tom-
my Two Wheels" was introduced by
Mrs. Anderson, part of the- chapter
being acted in dialogue form by two
of the members. •
The offering was received and the
meeting closed with a prayer.
Mrs. J. A. Brandon returned home
Monday: after spending a few- days
with friends- in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nichol and two
children of California, Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Nichol and children of New-
market, visited with Mis. Jolin Mason
and family of East WaWanosh, and
"Mrs. •John VanCamp and Miss Nora
Mrs. John Coultes Sr., spent -a few
days with Mrs. J,, A. Leaver of Wing-
Mrs. Jickells of Niagara Falls, was
the guest of Rev. G. H. and Mrs. run-
lop bit week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade and
family, visited Sunday with relatives
S m oker's Sundries
Mrs. C. Tayener, now of Holmes-
ville, has received word from her
nephew, that the modern home he had
built for his family in a suburb of
London has been completely demolish-
ed by a robot bomb, But the family
is safe, Rev. C. Tavener and Mrs.
Tavener visited at this home on their
last trip to England in 1938, when it
was just finished.,
Donated To Ditty Bags
Mrs. Raymond Elliott opened her
home this week for the monthly meet-
ing of the Triple Group of the Ladies'
Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church. The president, Mts. Burns
;Moffatt, conducted a short devotional
and business meeting when it was de-
cided to' give $3.50 to the Ditty Bags
for the Navy. The ladies engaged in
sewing and quilting during the after-
noon, A dainty lunch was served by
the hostess assisted• by Miss Florence
Fowler and Mrs. Eldred Nichol,
Miss FlorenteroWlet and Miss
Olive Scott, Visited friends at Seaforth
and attended the fall
ors. Mciachertt Sr.; Mt. and Uri,
.Nett Aitn anhotrit and family of
Arthur; were.Sunday vi 'tors with •Mfa.,
Itr F, GarttiSi.
Arrange For Soldiers Boxes
A special 'meeting of the Belgrave
Red Cross Society, was held at the
home at/Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning,
to arrange for sending Christmas
boxes to the boys and 'girls in the
Mrs. Gordon Walsh was appointed
as convener of the overseas boxes and
Mrs. Harry, Campbell and Mrs. David
Armstrong for the Canadian boxes.
The directors on each line were
made responsible for some social
activities to raise money for the boxes.
The president, C, Coultes, con-
ducted the meeting.
offent 1
m PSYCHOLOGY 20 (Introchiction), 3 credits, beginning Sat, Sept. 1
30, at 1.30 p.m.
PHILOSOPHY' 30 a or b (Introduction), 11/2 credits, beginning
• Sat, Sept, 300 at 3.30 p.m, . i
li Classes will be held in the Publie School, Wingham. il -
ji All classes ,are open to the general public as well as to persons 11-7-1
1 seeking tunVersity degrees and PermanentFirst Class Certificates. -
Lois Anne, baby daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Rintoul, and John Alex-
ander, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Daw-
son Craig, were baptized on Sunday
morning at the service in the Presby-
terian Church, 4
Born—on Sunday, September 24, in
Wingham Hospital to Mr. and Mr4.
Clarence Chamney of East Wawanosit,
a daughter.
What Well Dressed
Men Will Be
Wearing . . .
Medalist Hats
The University of Western Ontario
Miss Eileen Snell was in charge of
the meeting of the Mission Band in
Brick Church on Sunday -morning,
with Eleanor Wightman reading the
scripture lesson and Billie Irwin read-
ing' the " missionary story. At the
Rally service that followed Miss
Louise Coultes read the story, "Are
You 'a' Christian?" and Barbara Irwin
read "The second Mile."
Mr. .and 'Mrs. John Mason and Mrs.
Libya. iMason,.spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Anderson of Kippen,
and Mrs. Clarke, who had been visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Mason, accomp-
anied 'then]. and will visit with Mrs.
Andel-Sort. 'They report that Pte. Ken-
neth 'Mason is now in Belgium, and
he' commented on the cleanliness of
everything in that country, and the
beauty of the young women.
Miss Faye McClenaghan had the
misfortune to fall down the outside
steps at S. S. No. 10, Kinloss on Wed-
nesday last and break her ankle.
LAC: Clifford Purdon and Mrs.
Purdon and baby Marlene of Centra-
lia, are spending this 'week with rela-
tives in. 'East and West Wawanosh,
and he Will be in St. Thomas next
week to take a special course in the
newer aeroplanes and propellers.
Mr. Robt. Purdon is spending a few
days %this week at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Gordon Rintoul of St.
The Red Cross Society held a quilt-
ing at'the 'home of Mrs. Garnet Far-
rier on Tuesday. Mr. Farrier has been
busy erecting a new double garage
and putting a cement foundation under
his hOuse.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross pur-
chased the house owned by Mrs. Ed.
Gaunt,' last week, and expect to move
there this fall.
Mrs, Andrew Kirk spent the week-
end with Seaforth friends and attended
the Seaforth fair on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and his
sister, Mrs. Albert Walters of Cul-
ross, and Mr. Jas. Elliott of Bluevale,
attended .the funeral of their untie,
John Elliott at, Agincourt last week,
and also visited friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jerrott and two
children of Kippen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Alfted . Clarke and daughter, Mrs.
Keith Buchanan of Hensall, visited
recently with Mr. and. Mrs, John
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church,
was . held on Wednesday last in the
'church,- with the vice-president, Mrs.
Albert Walters, in charge of the meet-
ing; the theme of which was, War
Service Through Prayer. The scrip-
,cure lesson was taken by J,
cnniter and the meditation, The- Quiet,
1?lace, Vva^s taken. by gio Annie Ken-!
nedy, Mrs. Walters gave the Glad;
Tidings prayer, and Mrs. Albert Mc-,
Quillin and Mrs. Cecil Falconer gave
readings on Prayer, which was follow-
ed by a season of prayer. with the
following taking part, Mrs. Jas. Laid-
law, Mrs, Murray, Mrs. Welwood,
Mrs, McInnis, Mrs. P. Kennedy, Mrs.
Ed. Gaunt and Mrs. Walters. Mrs.
Robt. Mowbray gave a talk on the
Bible in China, and the meeting 'vas
closed with prayer by the president,
Mr. Lorne Johnston of Ashfield, has
purchased the grocery store owned by
Mr. Rhys Pollock and will get pos-
session on NOvember 3.. Mr. Pollock
is moving to Wingham where he will
open a shoe store in the former Willis
Shoe Store, We wish them both suc-
cess in their new ventures.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira 'McLean and fam-
ily of St. Thomas, spent the week-end
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. McLean.
Rally service was held in the United.
Church here on Sunday, with the serv-
ice in charge of the S. S. Superinten-
dent, Mr. Jas. Falconer. Mr. Car-
man Farrier read the story, Are you a
Christian, the question asked by the
little Mexican girl, who had charge of
her little brother, and when the man
said he was, she promptly left the
baby and went away, coming back
after school for the baby. Clifford
Laidlaw read, The Second Mile, and
Rev. Mr. Ward had charge of the ad-
dress. World Communion Service will
be held in the United Church next
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of the United Church, was
held on Wednesday last with the presi-
dent, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, in the chair,
and leading in prayer. The ladies
were making arrangements to send a
delegate to the W.M.S. Presbyterial
at Ethel on Thursday. Mrs. Jas Fal-
coner led in prayer for Our Country
and Empire. Mrs. Kirk had charge of
the last chapter in the study book,
"For All of Life", showing how the
missionaries try to teach the people in
other lands, in their homes, their
fields. their industries, their communi-
ties, that Christian living is co-operat-
ing with others, making religion an
everyday necessity for all. Mrs. J. D.
Beecroft gave a piano solo and the
meeting was closed with prayer by
Mrs. Garnet Farrier, and the president
pronounced the benediction.
Mrs. Sam Hutchison of Wingham,
spent' a few days last week with her
sister, Mrs. Will Conn, who left on
Sunday to spend the week with her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Johnston of
Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Jackson, who
came to visit with their sister, the late
Mrs. Thos. Hill, not knowing that she
had passed away, returned to their
homes at Couris, Man., on Monday.
The Red Cross Society held a quilt-
ing at the home of Mrs. George Phil-
lips and at the home of Mrs. Miles
McMillan on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. _Th. St. Marie attended
Mildmay Fair on Wednesday last, and
Tpr. Jos. St. Marie of Camp Borden,
spent the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Jas. Falconer attended the Sec-
tional Presbyterial meeting with Rev.
G. H. Ward of St. Helens, on Tues-
day, at Brucefield.
Mrs. Roy McInnis and. children, who
had been visiting with her mother,
Mrs. John Kennedy, returned with her
husband to their home in Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. David Currie and Leah
and Kenneth and Mr: and Mrs. John
Miller of Lucknov,r, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Russel• Gaunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and
Elaine, spent Sunday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Ronald Coultes of E.
Wawanosh, and Pte, Wilfred Caslick
of Camp Borden and Mrs. Caslick,
spent Sunday with Kinloss and CulroSs
Preparatory Service will be held in
the United Church on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Henderson
and children, and Mr, Hugh David
Henderson and daughter, Shirley of
Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Dawson.
Pte, Orton 'Grain of Woodstock and
Mrs, Grain, spent 'the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Lance Grain.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lott of Wing-
ham, spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Lott,
Corp, Doris MeClenaghati of the W.
D. of the R.C.A,F, •at Hagersville, and
Miss Eileen McClenaghan of London,
Spent the week-end with their parents,
Mt and Mrs, Ben McClenaghari.
Mrs, Naismith, who had been visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs, Roht, Ross
for the past two Weeks, left on Monday
to visit with her son at Flint, Midi,
Mr. Edward McClenaghan .was in
London on MOticlay where he went
through the military, medical examin-
Mrs. Fowler Conducted Service
Rev. Mr. McConnell of Ripley, was
unable to be present to occupy the
pulpit at Knox Presbyterian Church
and Mrs. F. G, 'Fowler conducted the
service. She based her message on the
words "A Highway shall be there and
a way".' ,She 'compared the modern
highways with 'the highway of life
stressing,the fact that the building in
both cases isptA e.important factor.. Mr.
A: H. Ramsay and .Mrs. R. Elliott took
the duet part in the anthem.
There will be no service next Sun-
day on' account of the anniversary
services at Eadies Church.
Ebenezer Church geld Anniversary
Large congregations assembled in
the morning and evening at Ebenezer
United Church for the anniversary
services. Revr,,H,:Snell of Auburn,
was the guest Speaker and delivered
two inspiring helpful sermons, impres-
sing the fact that a Christian thinks,
acts and lives' Christ. The choir of
Bluevale United Church under the
direction of Mrs, W. J. Johnston, had
charge of 'the music at the morning
service. A duet was sung by Mrs. A.
D. Smith and Mrs. Alex McCrackin,
and in the evening Mrs. J. Wickstead
contributed a solo.
W. M. S. Thnitoffering. November 5
The September meeting of the W.
M. S. was held in the school room of
the United Church this week: The
president, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, con-
ducted the meeting. A devotional
period was followed by a discussion of
plans relating to the work of the
Mission Band, attendance. at the Sec-
tional meArg at Ethel on Sept. 28th,
also the Autumn Thankoffering service
on Sunday, November 5th, when the
pastor, Rev. 5.. W. Johnston, will be
the speaker. Readings were given by
Mrs. Robert Shaw on "Christ. on the
'Cross"; by Mrs. Alex McCrackin on
"Temperance"; by Mrs. 'I. W. John-
son on "Christian Stewardship" and
by Mrs. J. Curtis on "Friendship".
Mrs. W. J. Johnston gave an intro-
duction to the new study book "West
of the Date Line" by reading extracts
from the book and showing maps of
the areas to be studied.
Mrs. Walter Pocock Gave Health ,
A large crowd attended the Health
meeting of the Belgrave Women's In-
stitute which was held at the home of
Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Concession 4,
Morris. The program was arranged
by Mrs. H. Procter and Mrs. C.
Mrs. 'Alter Pocock, Reg. N., of
Wingham, a former member, was the
guest speaker and gave two demon-
strations, one on making and changing
a bed, and one on preparing a tray
for a sick person.
Mrs. C. Wheeler, a local tityse, con-
ducted a quiz on Health and First
Aid. The music included a piano solo
by Mrs. G. H. Dunlop.
The president, Mrs. Earl Anderson,
was in charge of the meeting which
opened with singing and prayer. Min-
utes and treasurers repott were read.
The president thanked the members
for expressions of sympathy following,
the „death of her mother.
Thanks was received from the Board
of the, Brandon Cemetery for a dona-
tion of money, also from Miss Clarke
of the Department for money for Jam,
who stated that 6,000 4-pound cans of
jam had been purchased by the Pro-
vincial Institute for shipment to Bri-
A letter was read from Miss Durnin,
County Coach, regarding Junior
Homemaking courses. It was decided
not to sponsor a project this year.
Plans were made to send Christmas
gifts' to boys and girls in the service
from the Belgrave Red Cross territory,
and a committee to take charge of this
activity was named comprising, Mrs.
S. Procter, Mrs. G. Higgins, Mrs. C.
Logan and Mrs. R. J, MacKenzie.
The roll call was well responded to
naming "suitable gifts for the sick
room". Bulbs will be re-planted in the
cemetery flower bed. Red Cross sew-
ing was given out.
The meeting closed with the Initi-
tute Ode, after which lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. G.
H, Dunlop, Mrs. C, Wheeler and Mrs.
H. Procter.
at Fordwich.
Berry Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
William McGuire ; and -son,- jack of
Lucknow, spent Snndaywith relatives.
Mr. Wilkinson remaining with his
brother, diaries Wilkinson. '
Mr. and Mrs. James McCrea of To-
ronto, with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. McCrea.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler,
Mrs. Wilfred Pickell, Miss Mabel
Coultes and LAC., Kenneth Wheeler,
with Mr. and Mrs. GOldie Wheeler of
London. ,
`Mr. and Mrs.'Harbld'CamPbell and:
daughter Helen, and Mrs. Hathilton
of LucknoW, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Shirley ,Ctinney, Stratford
Normal, home for week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
LAC. John Eade, Orpington, Kent;
of the R.A.F., Port Albert, spent the
week-end 'with his couSin, •MiS. George
Jones and Susan..
'FLOUR ...........-.... 24-lb. bag 83c
POWDER ... . . 1.1b. tin 25c
PURE LARD lb. 18c
NEILSON'S COCOA lb. 41*.mosowimis 29c 'New' Study Book Introduced
0, The Happy Hearts Mission Band of
the 'United Church met the school
room of the church Sunday morning,
with an attendance of twenty-six, The
leader, Mrs. Earl Anderson. Was in
charge, The president, Muriel Ander-
son, conducted the meeting, assisted
by the secretary, Nora Cook,
The tittle lesson was read by Doris
Marlett, and was followed by Prayer,
A Song was contributed by four girls,
Donna Anderson, Marjorie MacKenzie,
Doris Vfarlett, and Mildred Cook.
Catherine Xeating sang a Solo.
NO& 4.5 PEAS .....,.. 2 tins 27t TOMATO JUICE ...... 2 tins 210
OLD CHEESE ......,......-... lb. 82c IDEAL JAM ‘‘.-..... 44b,'tilt 59e
Choice Quality Cooked and Cured Meats
Having told all his friends that he
was going to retire, Sandy excited
some conitnent by continuing to eatch
the 8:45 'to the City. At last one of
them tacicled
"ere, Sandy," he said, "didn't you
Batter, NOS. '74 to 704 Sligar, MS, 1 to 1411. Prue,',ROL 1 to 30. Clituting Soot, IOC P1 to t`i4),
Radio Actin' Up? ... Phone 171 est
Gets reads,' for the long Winter evenings of thrilling
radio entertaintnent. Let its rostere it to its original
effitieney an perfortnande nowt
Minnie Street. . Whighem
MP owes
—AT —
Smith's Economy Food Store
VINEGAR galloti 49e
LEAP CHEESE Vi•illi:VP2W'214
SMITH'S FOUR crctheic
Top off your fall ward-
robe with a new hat. We
have just the one for you
in our new shipment.
Hanna & Co.,
TOMATO SOUP ,tin 10c
"C" SODAS ... . . 16-oz, pkg 21c
Ground Fresh While You Wait
49c lb.
MIRACLE WHIP (8-oz. jar)
SALAD DRESSING ..- -........ 21c
JUICE- ... 14-oz. bottle 25c
MACARONI ..... 4 lbs. 25C