HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-09-28, Page 6Quality Guaranteed
or saw Amax
eledre Some liseeeelee
Hello Homemakers! Your heart
yvould like to send a Christmas box
-of carols and peace and hearthfire, if
possible. However, a parcel of home
favourites will kindle courage and hap-
piness in, the armed forces.
The overseas gifts for Christmas
should be sent before October 15 this
year to ensure delivery before Christ-
mas.' Eleven pounds (including pack-
ing material) may be sent to any mem-
ters of the allied forces in the United.
Kingdom, Iceland, or on His Majesty's
ships and - His Majesty's Canadian
, ships abroad, The rate for mailing is
twelve cents per pound. The com-
plete address is necessary. If the
actual address of unit is known, give
the full, postal address: If the unit
is out of England, add to the rest of
the address B.E.F., c/o Army Post Of-
fice, England, Remember, that the
authorities hate the right to confiscate
A parcel if the contents are not care-
fully described and a parcel is return-
ed to you at your expense when ad-
Aressee is not located unless you give
an alternative address.
The 100% popularity prize goes to
pictures from home. pictures of grand-
ma, the baby, Scrammer the dog —
everyday pictures of you and the
Sixty-five per cent. of the navy ire
a Bible as a'grand gift, especially Ones.
with both Old and New Testaments,
Small, inexpensive editions of exciting
stories are almost "eaten" up by the
boys and girls in uniform,
Windproof cigarette lighters are in-/-
portant items if they smoke, but don't
snail the lighting fluid or matches —
you may send flints and pipe cleaners,
sewing kits, leather wallets with in-
signia (not just any wallet), shoe
brushes, razor blades, soap, tooth
powder, hair tonic .and writing pads
and envelopes all come in handy.
Accessory aids for new suits and
separate skirt's include novel blouses
and gilets. The overblouse is being
promoted by every shop. Black satin
is used for this overblouse, which is
draped basque fashion, slightly lifted
in back. The sleeves reach to just
below the elbow. It is right with a
suit or with a black crepe skirt to
make a 'handsome two-piece type dress.
Here is the new peplum dickey design-
ed to double as a dress topper or as
a suit 'front, It is of shocking pink
feillq and closes surplice fashion. Over
the loops, through which a separate
belt can be pulled if desired, are three
black jet cabachons.
T) Yiez,
or cellar, as illustrated in the accomp-
anying Garden-Graph. The fruits will
continue to ripen.
Some gardeners prefer to remove
or three weeks of good growing I tomatoes from the vines and lay them
weather, following the first frost. on a layer of straw in the cold frame,
akti 5lizAvv,it4 cpi.D ;ROA
Many of the vegetables growing in
the Victory garden can be kept pro-
ducing long after the first frost, if
protected. Frequently there are two
Sufferers of Painful
SINUS—Get Quick Relief.
Just a Few Drops Relieve Stuffiness
Make, Breathing . Give You cone ors
It's gra'hd how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal
Passages—gives sinuses a- chance to drain. Result.s are so
good because Va-tro-nol is specialized medication that works triegire
right where troulie is.—to relieve painful congestion androak0 11.11111111110
breathing easier..Try it—put a few drops up IIA 110 • !Jill- each nostril—follow'directions in folder.
77 expire September 30th.
Sugar coupons 14 to 41 now valid;
coupons Nos. 42, 43 become due on
Thursday this week. (arming cou-
pons Fl to F10 are valid.
Preserve coupons 3, to 28 are valid'
and' Nos, 29,, 30 become due Thurs-
daythis week, •
One preserves coupon is good for
12fluid ounces, jam, jelly, marmlade,
maple butter, honey butter, cranberry
sauce or fountain fruits; or -2 pounds
maple sugar; or 20 fluid ounces can-
ned fruit; or 24 fluid ounces (2 'lb. net)
extracted honey; or 2 standard se6-
tions or 2 pounds (net)) of cut comb
honey; or 15 fluid ounces corn syrup,
cane syrup or blended table syrup; or
40 fluid ounces (1 quart) maple syrup
Members of Canada's armed forces
overseas are now getting their apples
in "the form of apple juice fortified
with Vitanfin C, according to the agri-
cultural department of the Canadian
National Railways.' So fax 'this year,
200,000 barrels of Nova Scotia apple
luicerhave been shipped overseas and.,
reports indicate the juice is well liked
None of it is for' civilian use; the en-
tire shipment was earmarked for ,,the
fighting forces. During World War`'
1, soldiers got their apples by way of
"plum 'n apple".. jam.
Sufferers of.
PALE b lee d i n g arid:.
should know
Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause
at its source. ),honey back if the
first bottle does not satisfy. At
1VIcKibbon's or McAvoy's.
"I think it
'can be safely
said that the
se sup. ply position is the mo
to laC st for
situation v have -
e today in a
You can't get all
If tab' want in wartime. one
twopound will do, dolt? buy ,,,
Thia Map shoWs wbere C&nada,Great Britain and. the
United States got thfiir sugar in thefood` old days of
peace. Our three Countries take practically all the'ek.:
portable sugar ;prom theseitnajor sugaf-eXporting areas.
But supplies have either been cut off by enemy (teen.
patron of the country—as in the cage of Java' and the
Philippines,' or their .productions radically reduced by
Ishortage of worker‘, as 'irr the case of HaWaii, Porto
Treat Australia, Trinidad,:
itAgairt4 '
Dien the production of beet 'sugar Granada andk
the United States has been drastically eut by labOtir.
Shortage. In both countries the '43 sugar' beet crop.
Was forty per cent less than in, '41. The only country-
to show an- important increase 'is Cuba, where outpitt
had for years been. deliberately , restricted. But
increase has not been snificient to offset the Iciases.
elsewherc—let aloite meet the ,increased demand.
is produced on an acre of the finest
wager, 'land. This, year Cuban sugar
alone used for malthig industrial alcohol
will equal Canada's" •normal 'sugar
nnportslor snore than. two years.
The war has brought some' unusual 'demands on tte United
Nationestigiii pool. Wit quantities have been taken for making
' industrial alcohol used, in the? manufaetute of Synthetic rabbet' -
(tires, etc.) as well as T.N.T. did smokelessoowder4For instance,
the explosive to rill five 16-inch shells reciufres as 'much Sugar as
All sugar supplies 'are pooled and under the control of the
Combined rood; Board of the 'United .Nations, which allots .
supPliote, to Canada, United 'States and Cleat 'Britain on a'
uniform basis,
Liel ill
A century ago the whole world didn't consume Ats much, sugar 4as Canada does today. tope Sweet tooth has been acquired in• quite recent tunes. Sugar 'rates high fer itS energy value.. but starchy food is a good substitute.
i• tovi 10160"' Welt LIVING -0t1 --0001i SOGAlt
At the time of "Pearl Harbour" the , 0 0 ;Liberated , will. . ., „ Extra into reseme. na tions Win have to dip In too.
baited Nations had a reserve stock- pile good crops could improve the, situation, but greatly increased
of ahont,,a million tong, but for the last 8 supplies are not ifl tight. If tut tent eensturt_ptian keeps up,
years toom been using more than has , we could be very short of sugar., year, We must do, the
been produced--and dipping heavily utmost to conserve our supplies.
RATJ NINO .WAS SYARItti,:BECAOSE OF SHORtAGE OF SNIPS, ft MUST At tONTINOED littAOSE 'WORLD SMOCKS DiFirtitHtt pss it ONE pp A SERIES 610:ANNOtifsitititthrk tki metiiiitotit tot/ SfrUAIIdN OP VARIOUS.- toilbOiitiiitt•• dotAlttelobttlit
Ar(VANCE:TIES Thorgla Sol* 28th, 1944 .
Hints On
Li •
Tomato rarebit is -a good substitute
for meat or fish on meatless days.
SerVe it over toast or crackers. A
nideIlmixed fresh vegetable salad is ,a
good accompaniment' for this and; if
you like, creamed potatoes,
Today's4 Menu
Tomato 'Rarebit
Toast or Crackers
Creamed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetable Salad
Fresh Lima Beans
Crumb Pudding
Tomato Rarebit
• c, finely chopped celery
• c, chopped green'pepper
1 C, chopped onions
2 tbsp. fat
A tbsps. flour
21/4 c. fresh or Canned tomatoes
1 tsp. salt
1 ,o, grated cheese
2 eggs, beaten
Cook together celery, green pepper
and onion in the fat, 8 to 10 minutes,
stirring' frequently; blend ht flour; add
tomatoes, cheese and salt. Cover over
low heat; Stir constantly until mixture
thickens and cheese melts, Gradually
add some of the tomato Mixture to
beaten eggs, mix well, then pour all
back into tomato mixture, Continue
to took over low beat; stir constantly
until thickened and creamy, 2 to
minutes, If desired. a few dashes of
tabaseo sauce may be added, 'Serves
Mixed Veeetable Salad
1 e, chopped or shredded cabbage
or celery
Wash and dry raisins and currants,
Chop dates, cherries, and peel finely,
Combine fruits and nuts,
Measure flour, sift three times with
salt and spices, Combine with fruits
and nuts. Cream butter and blend in
sugar, Beat eggs, add to sugar mix-
tore, and then add , jelly and flavor-
ins, Add to dry mixture and com-
bine very thoroughly, se the batter
to 31-fill pans which have been lined
with 8 layers of gr,eased paper. Bake
in a slow e,,en, 275 deg. to '300 deg,
for 3 to 4 hours, depending on the
size of the tin.
* *
Mrs. J. W. says: I fasten a small
towel rack on which to hang a wash
cloth, towel and bib, It saxes many
Mrs. M, T. says: If one of your
favourite kettles, which must last for
the duration, has sprung a leak, insert
the dome half of a small' snap fastener
into the hole and hammer it flat. It
works like a rivet.
* *
Ann Allan invites you to write to
her c/o The Advance-Times, Send
in your suggestions on homemaking
problems and watch this column for
Therefore, the Victory gardener de-
termined to outwit Jack Frost will
have available a supply of hay or
straw to throw over lettuce and other
Tomatoes and peppers can be saved
front frost by pulling up the vines and
hanging them, top down, in the garage
Canned goods, especially soups and
concentrated foods, canned fish, waxed
cheese and packaged crackers are suit-
able to send great distances,
Of course, the Christmas parcel is
really complete when you are able to
send a fruit cake — well packed —
cakes and cookies that mash up or
gchifotsconlates that melt are "not so good
Hard-cook the eggs in the top of a
double boiler and over boiling water
for 25 minutes. (Do not pile the eggs
two deep in the top of double boiler),
Dry the eggs; roll in hot parpwax; let
cool. Roll a second time in hot paro-
wax; let cool. Wrap in waxed paper
Cakes and cookies that travel well:
Part I
1 cup pastry flour, % teaspoon
salt, % cup shortening, 1 table-
spoon cold water.
Sift flour and salt together; cut in
shortening, Add cold water and mix
to stiff dough. Press stiff dough into
a pan 8x12 inches which has been oil-
ed. Bake in hot oven (400 deg. F.) for
12 to 15 minutes, .,,
Part IT
2 eggs (well beaten), 1 cup
brown sugar, 1/4 cup corn syrup,
cup chopped nuts (any kind),
34 cup chopped candied cherries,
2 tbsps. pastry, 1/2 salt, 1/4 tsp..
baking powder, 1 tsp,
Combine with the well-beaten eggs
the brown sugar, corn syrup, nuts and
cherries. Add the sifted dry ingredi-
ents and the vanilla. Spread this mix-
ture over the frist partly baked mix-
ture. Bake in a moderate oven (350
deg. F.) for 35 minutes. Cut in
squares while still warm. This
amount will make about 30 squares.
Wrap individually and put in tin box.
% lb. seeded raisins, 1 lb seed-
less raisins, 1/2 lb. currants, % lb.
candied cherries, % lb candied
peels, 14 to 1/2 lb. nutmeats, 2 cups
pastry flour, % tsp. salt, 1 tsp.
(each) ground cinnamon and grat- '
ed nutineg, 1/2 tsp. (each) ground
cloves, ginger, mace and allspice,
1/2 lb. soft butter, 1/2 lb. brown
sugar, 6 eggs, 1,11 cup cranberry or
currant jelly, tsp. pure vanilla,
% tsp. rosewater.
as illustrated. Cover the frame with
glass but allow ample ventilation and
the tomatoes will ripen nicely.
When hanging up either tomato or
pepper plants in garage or cellar in
order to protect the fruits from early
frost, it is advisable to trim off the
surplus foliage of the plants.
1 small onion
1/4, c, •grated or finely cut carrot or
1 Been onion
c, sliced radishes
30 c, chopped green pepper
1, tomato, diced
14 tsp, salt
Cauliflower pieces
French dressing
Have vegetables thoroughly chilled
before mixing Salad. Chop, shred or
dice vegetables, blend thoroughly with
'French dressing, and salt, put into
bowl and chill thoroughly in refriger-
ator until ready to, serve, Serves six.
Crumb' Pudding
c sugar
3. tbsps. melted butter
2 c, toasted bread crumbs
14 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. orange Or lemon rind
1 c, raisins' or dates
1 c, buttermilk -
1' tsp. soda
Mix in order given, turn into.butter-
ed mould and steam 11/4 ' to 2 hours,
Serve with any desired sauce.
Listen To
on every FRIDAY morning at 10.15
37 Orizes awarded each itroacleast
From CKNX Wingham
020 On Your Dial
PM' Sale At an Grocery and Hardware Stores.
Here are the dates on which ration
coupons are due:
Tea - Coffee—No tea and coffee
coupons are required now for the pur-
chase of tea and coffee. Restaurants
may now serve tea, and coffee as they
please, as many cups as they wish
according to their own policy.
Butter coupons Nos. 74 to 79 now
valid.' Coupons Nos, 80, 81, which
would ordinarily come 'due October
5th will not 'Come due until' October
12th. Butter coupons Nos, 74, 75, 76,