HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-09-28, Page 3I
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The Goodyear Dealer is
• If every motorist knew all there was to
know about a tire, he wouldn't need the
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He'd just buy a tire ... that's all! But,
it's well to remember that even the best
tires and tubes ... Goodyears . give
still greater mileage and finer perform-
ance when properly fitted to the rims and
regularly maintained and serviced.
If you are eligible to buy the new
Goodyear synthetic rubber tires and
tubes, here's a fact worth knowing.
Every Goodyear Dealer KNOWS HOW
to apply them, and how to maintain and
service them right from the minute your
car starts to roll on them.
In the past few years Goodyear Dealers
have given yeoman service to Canadian
motorists. During the rubber , famine,
tires have been kept in service by the
application of new methods, new skills
and sheer hard work. The Goodyear
Dealer always has been the right man to
know . the guardian of tire miles.
The amazing tire performance enjoyed
by Goodyear owners during this period
has but proved what Goodyear has long
maintained. That, with proper care, a new
tire can be confidently expected to yield
outstanding mileages.
As a tire expert, your neighbourhood
Goodyear Dealer can pass on to you
benefits accrued through the nation-wide
experience of Goodyear . . . benefits
that mean longer life and better
performance from your tires.
This is a Goodyear
Synthetic Rubber Tire!
Goodyear dealers have it .
for eligible drivers only: It is
the result of Goodyear's forty
years' experience in tire-build-
ing plus Goodyear's special-
ized knowledge of synthetic
rubber... gained through un-
ceasing research and testing.
PAO TIMSE I/M(0MM ADVANCg4TIMS Tht1irs'da)►, Sept, 28th, ' 1044
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A cheerful home environment
helps you relax and •enjoy your
home more, That's why eye-appeal is so
important; that's why C.LL. paint plus
the friendly help of your CIL paint
dealer° can contribute to your peace of
mind and to your health.
ci.L. paints' high stand-
ards• of quality have
been maintained despite
wartime difficulties.
They provide lasting 4
protection, and beauty indoors or out.
,0°- ""'
Has your home
There'sa ell...paint dealer
near you who will be glad
to give you helpful ideas and
suggestions for extra eye.
appeal in your borne. Look
for his, C. LL. Paint sign.
L'roVinees To Lend Aid
On IriPlemerits
Winnipeg, Rel3reSentatievs of k Prairie governments promised finan-
vial iupport totaling $750,009 to Cana-
dian,;Co-Operative Implements Limit-
ed, a spokesman ,announced at the
closei of a conference of Government
And }agricultural organizations• which
seeks to provide cheaper prices for
farm machinery. The Government'
suppOrt 'will be in loans to the co-
oper4tive, which aims to have $2,250,-
000 available for its oost,:war program,
it was stated.
o. Britain Strikes Oil
London, Britain has struck ,oil,
it w+ diselbsed officially, confirming
a previous report carried by the B l3 C.
More than.200 wells now are pumping
out 26,000,009 gallons of high-grade
.0i1 each year. Since the .war began
the held has yielded about 300,000
tons of about '78,000,000 gallons of oil.
R.C.A.F. To Release
Essential Persons
Ottawa, — The Commonwealth Air
• Training Plan curtailment program,
announced Thursday last, will mean a
step-up in the R.C.A.F, 'policy of de-
mobilizing personnel whose essential-
ity ,td; civilian work is more important
than their essentiality to the service, an
official said,
Siegfried Forts
Stubbornly Held
Inside Germany, — The Germans
are fighting in their Siegfried Line
with all the stubborness of the Nor-
mandY hedgerow battles and they
seem determined to make this the
major stand in defence of the father-
land. There is no indication, that they
intend td pull out for the Rhine even
though the Morale of some of the
prisoners taken by the United States
1st Army is low.
Prince Charles Sworn As Regent
London, — Prince Charles was
sworn' in as Otregent of Belgium in a
ceremony before Parliament, press
dispatches from Brussels said, After
expressing gratitude of Belgium "to
our powerful allies," the prince said
he would serve until "the king returns
and resumes his rightful place." His
brother, King Leopold, is a prisoner of
the Germans. • • •
Estonian Capital Captured
London, — The Red army captured
the Estonian capital and important
naval base of Tallinn after an-advance
of nearly 50 miles in 24 hours,, and
Berlin announced that the Germans
were evacuating the north part of the
Baltic state.
Battle Of Italy In Final Phase
Rome, — German hopes of holding • Northern Italy through the coming
winter were blasted as decimated rem-
nants of 12 Nazi divisions fell back
into the Po Valley before the victori-
ous anslaught of Canadian and Greek
troops of the British 8th Army forced'
a crossing of the Marecchia RiVer west
of the captured Adriatic Stronghold of
Tough On Tbase Who Aid Nazii
Shaef, — Gen, Eisenhower bared his
policy for dealing with occupied Ger-
many — a policy of two-fisted firm-
ness stamping out the infamous-reign
of Hitler and the Nazis ane already
in effect in conquered German towns.
The Allied supreme commander minc-
ed no words in proclaiming the death
penalty for Germans "who. *d the
Nazis in any, way."
Nati Offiee4 To SaVe Themelves
With American Troops In Holland,
—Because of a shortage of officers in'
the German Army,' they ht.vg been in-
structed to pull back and save them-
selves' in innergencies, 'Waling their
then to get out as best they can. The
GermatiS apparently are so short of
officer material that they are unable
!! l 00.000400A0 00000 0 0 0 ,11 l ! l 0! l I111I!I ll lll llll l
to replace those being killed or cap,
tined *on the wide-flung fronts.
Heads NeW Air Command
Ottawa, — Air Vice-Marshal X, M.
Guthrie, 44, of Ottawa and Winnipeg,
will be OK of the newly-constitined
No. 2 Training Command with head-
quarters at Moose jaw, Sask., Air Min-
ister Power announced here.
To Announce Pacific Policy
Ottawa, — It was understood here
that Canada may announce within 10
days what she intends to do for her
servicemen in the way of enlisting
them for Pacific service, providing
Asiatic campaign pay and partial de-
mobilization }Meantime 'official cir-
cles were sirent. .
Expect 65 Ontario seats
A prediction that the' Progressive
Conservative party would emerge froth
a Federal or provincial election with
65 Ontario seats was voiced by Hon:
George Dunbar, Ontario minister of
municipal affairs, in an address before
the Western Ontario Progressive Con-
servative Association here. The one-
daY rally, attended by Dominion, pro-
vincjal and Western Ontario party
leaders, saw organization plans laid in
preparation for a possible Federal
election this autumn.
Smash Huns Bid To Flee Boulogne
London, — German attempts to
stage a Dunkirk-like evacuation from
Boulogne on the night of September
1 were smashed_ by British coastal
guns which sank 11:German ships try-
ing to run the gauntlet to Cap Gris
Nez it was disclosed.
Saskatchewan TO Close
Government House
• Regina, — Premibr Douglas, of
Saskatchewan, announced that the
Provincial Government House will be
closed when Lieutenant-Governor A.
P. McNab resigns and that the prov-
ince will save $17,000' annually. Sas-
katchewan is the fourth Canadian prov-
ince to close its Government House,
,Chiang Accepts S. Proposals
Chungking, — President Chiang
Kai-Shek has accepted a set of recom-
niendations submitted by Donald M.
Nelson and Maj-Gen. Patrick J, Hur-
ley designed to bring more of China's
available industrial power to bear upon
the war effort, it was announced.
Batter And Blockade Crete
Rome, — Allied air and naval forces
have loosed a mounting attack against
strained Nazi transport• and airfields
on Crete and have blockaded the island
to prevent escape of the German gar-
rison, Allied communiques announced.
Philippines Base Blasted
Pearl Harbor, — Carrier planes of
the United States -3rd Fleet made the
United States' first aerial counter-
attack of the war on Manila Bay area.
sinking 11 ships and destroying 205
planes, e They probably sent 26 other
ships to the bottom. A floating dry--
dock and two barges also probably
were wiped out.
Mrs. W. W. Weir, also Mr, Lloyd
Weir, both of Toronto, sperq part of
last week with Mr, and Mrse Allister
Green. 2nd line Tuiiberry.
Miss G. Bush is spending a few
days with Toronto friends,
.Mrs, M, Sellers received a message
on Thursday telling her Mr, Sellers,
who has spent several weeks in North
ern 'Ontario, was a patient in Graven-
burst hospital having suffered a weak
spell and fall which caused some ribs
to be broken. At latest word he .s
resting comfortably but will be in
hospital some days yet,
Rey, .J'. L. and Mrs. Foster, spent
part of last week in TOronto,
,Mrs, George Allen,,spent a, few days
in, Toronto, guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Maxwell MacFarlane.,
,Mrs. Dean Gibson of London, was
a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, W.
G„ Gibson,
Received 20 Franc Note
Mrs. Ward Sharpin, 4th line, Turn-
berry, recently received a cherished
souvenir, a 20 franc note, from their
son, Clarke, who is now with the Cana-
dian Army in France,
Miss Jean Gowdy, left on Tuesday
of last week for Toronto, where she
will be on the staff of one of the Bank
of Commerce Branches.
School children of the district have
been busy during the past week gath-
ering milkweed pods for the war ef-
An enjoyable dance was held in the
school house of Turnberry, S.S. No. 2,
on,Friday evening.
The W .M, S. of Gorrie Presbyter-
ian Church held their September meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. J. L, Moe-
Ewen, 2nd line Turnberry, on Thurs-
day evening last.
Miss Edythe MacDonald spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank King, ,Gorrie.
Md. Mitchell of Toronto, also Mrs.
Stedelbauer of Tilsonburg, are visiting
at the home of their sister, Mrs. Jas.
Sangster and Mr. Sangster.,
Mr. George Maker, Holland Centre,
and Mr. Jim Smith, Bala, visited at
the home •of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Mc-
Kenney part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Durst visited
with the latter's sister, Mrs, Glossop
of ListenVel one day last week.
Mr. Fred Hambly, who has been
section foreman of the C.P.R, at Forks
of Credit, has been appointed section
foreman at Fordwich, Mr. Rutledge
of Fordwich is being moved to Flesh-
A family re-union took place at the
home of Mrs. H. Wailer over the
week-end. From Toronto, Mrs. H.
Waller, Mr. and Mrs. Len Hayes and
Lennie Jr., and Miss Marjorie Waller.
Fit. Sgt. Neil Carr; son-in-law, spent
part of last week at the Waller home
with Mrs. Carr and baby son.
Agnes Durst Passes
It was with deep regret this com-
munity learned on Monday morning
of the death of a former resident in
the person of Agnes Durst, daughter
of Mrs. Durst and the late Irwin
Durst of Stratford. Agnes was born
and lived in Wroxeter until a few
years ago when her family moved to
Stratford. Deceased was in her 24th
year and for the past five years Was
a Patient at Queen Alexandria Sani-
torium at London. Deepest sympathy
is extended to her brothers Harold
and Philip of town, also her mother
and other members of the family.
Jean Gowdy Presented
A large crowd of friends and neigh-
bors gathered in the Town Hall on
Monday night in honour of Miss Jean
Gowdy, a popular member of the staff
eof the Bank of Commerce here, who
was' leaving on Tuesday for a' similar
position in Toronto. Sangsters orch-
estra, provided excellent music for
dancing,, Following refreshments Jean
was called forward, Ken Edgar read
an address and Jean was presented
with a set of three travelling bags in
grained leather, a bedroom chair and
electric table lamp.
The following is the address:
Dear Jean:
We your friends of the community
:have gathered in your honour to spend
a social evening before you leave on
a new adventure in the business
During the years you have spent in
'our village we have learned to admire
your fine persecialitY, ybur efficiency
and pleasant ways in serving the pub-
lic. It was 'Charles Linsley who wrote
"The men and women I have seen
succeed best in life have always been
cheerful and hopeful, who went about
their business with a smile 6n their
faces". It is because orthese qualities
that we regret you are leaving Wrox-
eter. We shall miss your but, we
realized that your going means new
opportunities and greater achievement,
So that you may have a memento
of the years spent amongst us, we 'ask
you to accept these gifts, Wherever
you travel may it convey to you our
best wishes for good health, happiness
and success in the coining' years.
Prom your friends in the thtit99,
4iss Gowdy expressed her , deep
appreciation for the gifts and thanked
those who had planned the everting in
her honour.
Bale For Needy Community
In response to last -week's appeal,
donations are already being received
for the annual bale being sponsored
by the Women's Institute. This bale
will be sent to Fort Stewart, Ontario,
where meinber of a church }group will
distribute it. If you have any good us-
ed clothing you no longer need, your
donation will be greatly appreciated
by this less fortunate Ontario . com-
munity. Articles may be left at Mr,
Rann's Store during the next two
Annual Open Meeting
October 6th is the date for the open
meeting of the Women's Institute
• or
• • • • F44,3
very clear and bringing great com-
fort to those who believe. Mr. Jones
expressed his great pleasure in again
being in St. James Church.
The choir were assisted by mem-
bers of Trinity Church choir of Ford-
wich. The words of the anthem —
Rejoice in the Lord, with }Mrs. G. K.
Nobes taking the solo, and Miss Elva.
Fester as, organist.
Women's Association
Members of the Women's Associa;
tion, United Church, held their
September meeting' in the church parl-
ors on Tuesday last. •Mrs. Leslie
Douglas and Mrs. Percy Copeland
were in charge. The afternoon was
spent in quilting with pot luck supper
served at the close.
which will this year again take the
form of a community concert and
Glance, In, addition a community sale
will be held at Red Cross rooms in
the' afternoon. Every family in the
district is being asked to contribitte
something saleable. Supper will also
be served. Your co-operation will
make possible the sending of comforts
to the men and women in the district
who are serving their country at home
and abroad.
Harvest Thansgiving Service
St James, Anglican Church, very
attractively decorated with late sum-
mer flowers and fruit of the Tree. and
Garden, was a suitable setting for the
annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service.
Guest 'preacher for the day was a
former Rector, Rev. R. S. Jones of
Durham, who spoke from the text,
"But when the fruit is brought forth
immediately he putteth in the sickle
because the harvest is come" St.
Marks Gospel, chapter 4. verse 29.
The theme was "Lessons from the
Harvest," Tribute was paid the early
pioneers of th e church, who withstood
many hardships that we might enjoy
the blessings of our harvesrtime. At
harvest time we must think of God
who 'sends the rain and sunshine which
giveth the harvest. We should re-
member our redemption through
Christ who would have us be very
certain we are redeemed, and finally
a lesson of the harvestris the promise
of Eternal Life, Christ's own words,
"In My Fath'er's House" making it