HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-09-28, Page 2YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give yore Clear, Vomfortable Vision F. F. HOER Optometrist Phone 118 fleriston Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ? Does weak, rundown, exhausted condition make you feel lagged out old? Try ()stmt. Oontabla F tonies,stimibents. often needed n,tter so or 40. Supplies Iron, calcium, phosphorus. vitangin 111. Mips you get normal Pep, vitay. I. troductory 2 Ise oetres Tonle 'Tablets only Sec. yor sale at all good drug stores overywhere, THE r)outitTiom SANIC 0, thittastit, nozEwr go, Pretielool devout Mac,. 00 of Robert Donaldson resulted in eon- siderable .smoke damage'to the store and stock. The fire, of undetermined origin, was discovered in the ware- house behind the store.. , Mr. Donald- son had been in the warehouse only a few minutes before' the fire wasI dis, ecArered.. The Teeswater fire depart- ment soon. had the blaze under' eon,' trot, but not before considerable dam- age had been done to the walls and ceilings, Had Loose Gas Couporia Wilson Waddell, young Culross Township farmer, arrested in a Wing-. ham garage, was fined $25 and costs on a charge of having locse gasoline ration coupons in his possession. Two additional charges laid in connection, with the same offence were withdrawn with the 'consent of William 'St:titer- land,, Prices l3oard prosecutor. Fell Into Thresher, Boy Dies Clarence McKichan, nine-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Milton MeKiehan, of Parkhill, died in St. Joseph's Hos- pital of injuries suffered when he fell into a revolving cylinder of a thresh- ing machine at Isis father's farm. He suffered a compound fracture of the leg and died of loss of blood and shock, physicians said. Oats King„,Loses Barns Fire caused by lightning swept a large bank barn and adjoining shed on the farm of Alex M. Stewart, Ailsa Craig seed grower and former world oats king. The buildings were burned to the ground in a few minutes.. Large ouantitiei of wool and registered grain were lost in the blaze, They were still burning in the ruins the next ' night. The loss was estimated at $80,- 000, $65 of which was wool. The loss will be mostly covered by insurance. Lucknow Man Killed In Action Mrs. Bessie Shirley of Lucknow, has received word of the death of her son- in-law, Cpl. George Franklin Stuart. Frank MeXechnie, Goderich „., ,,,,, , , , 731 13il)Y'EYart, Goderich . ...... D, Glutton, 'Goderich ..... . 445 Ed, Clutton„ Goderich 345. The two Clinton boys did not show their calf, hecat'se of a recent bereave- ment in the .family, . ALPS DISTRICT Pte. Lloyd Johnston' of. Vancouver, and his wife, spent a couple of days with his sister, Mrs, Nelson Picleell and family, The last word Mrs, Pick- ell had from him, he expected to be sent to an island in the Pacific so his unexpected furlough was certainly a pleasant surprise, The district was subjected to a heavy frost last Friday and Saturday night. Usually we have a light frost first, but the heavy attack Friday night reminds usl that fall is upon us. There were two Wearever brush demonstrations conducted by Mrs, Clarkson Martin of Galt, in this com- munity last week. On Monday after- noon Mrs, Albert Walters had her party, and Mrs. Percy King of the boundary held hers Thursday evening, The brush demonstrations are interest- ing and the 'ladies enjoyed. the social time together, Many people listened with regret to the final splendid sermon of the Rev. James K. Holland in the Town Hall, Winghain on, Friday evening. Mr, Lucas preached his farewell sermon to his congregation Sunday morning, and the Town Hall was well filled Sunday afternoon and crowds were unable to attend the meeting Sunday evening. The Cleveland Coloured Quartet has certainly won the hearts of Wingham and district during their stay here. Miss Jean Burchill of the Bell Tele- phone, London, spent the week-end at her home. Tpr. Wilfred Caslick and Mrs. Cas- lick, Camp Borden, spent the week end at their respective homes. Mr. Dave King had his tonsils re- moved in Wingham General Hospital, JAMES 1101tVFON. and GUEST STARS with AL GOODMAN'S ORCHESTRA Every Sunday Starting October 1st Over Station CKNX 9.30 • 10 P.M. ,Presented by Your RED INDIAN DEALER It's A Sunday Night "Must"! McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL CO. LIMITED Monday of last week. ' Webster, of Lucknow, is a sister of Mrs. 'Stuart. Cpl. Stuart was 22 years of age and bad been in the service for four years, He served two years in Jamaica, POTATO STORAGE A. cellar 14 feet wide and 30 feet long, Provided with bins, will store 1,000 bushels of potatoes, Potatoes should be as dry as possible when going into storage. The best temper- ature for seed stock is 33 to 38 de- grees F,, but for table stoek -88 to 42 degrees will give best results. 'Lower temperatures tend to cause a sweet flavour, Potatoes will keep much bet- ter if placed in slatted bins. A false floOr and walls made of boards six inches wide with half-inch cracks be- tween them, will allow for ventilation. The false floor and walls should be six inches from the walls and floor of the cellar. Cpl, Stuart, .a member of the Argyll. and Sutherland Highlanders, was kill-, ed in action in France August 15, His ! wife, formerly Miss Winnie Shirley, resides in Hamilton. Mrs! Harvey HOLSTEIN CALF CLUB RESULTS . Londesboro Youth Won Top Honors The following are the results of the Huron Holstein Calf Club achievement day held in conjunction with the Sea- forth Fall Fair. Bruce Roy, Londesboro 916 Murray Roy, Londesboro 908 Norma Leeming, Walton 875 John F. Van, Egmond, Clinton 863 George Turton, Goderich 801 John Campbell, Bayfield 849 Carol Campbell, Bayfield 840 Evelyn Turton, Goderich 824 Ross Leeming, Walton 815 p 00, aim "mum ami Elm We are Saving . . for War In wartime!, the people of Canada, out of their savings, are providing the means of destruction..' Destruction of a ruthless enemy aiming to enslave us . this has been the purpose of the planes, the ships, the tanks, the ammunition we have furnished to our fighting men and those of our allies . . out of savings. Let us Continue to Save . . . for Peace In peacetime, the people of Canada, out of their savings, can provide the means of construction. Construction of a great and pros- perous nation . factories and machines• to make useful goods abundantly; capital to develop our natural resources; comfort- able homes; health services, edu- cation, provision against the hazards of life . . . these can become the purpose for 'which we save. PAG TWO wiNowavi ADVANCTM$ Thursday, Sept. 28th, 1044 leiwwwwwwpe , eggwemagagglelglaerwecawasleemalesepwwwwwwwwwwl elerege of which has been stressed during National Immunization Week, In .104.2 as. compared to 081 cases of in- fantile paralysis (poliomyelitis) there were in Canada, 2,0.05 eases of (HO- theria, 18, 3S4 eases of whooping cough and 20, 048 eases of scarlet fever, a total, of 41,087 cases and 048 deaths. What the end results in the children infected and surviving will be we do not know, The point in which parents should be interested is that scarlet fever, whooping cough and diphtheria are preventable and in the, absence of immunization more to be . feared than the dreaded polio, Par- ents are urged to see to it that their children are protected. It is no credit to our intelligence or our patriotism that the lives of more than 40,000 little children should be endangered by dis- eases which could be prevented. Par- ents of Canada, see your family doctor or your medical officer of health now, Wingham Advance*Timea Published at WINGlimtv ONTARIQ liall*eriptiOn Rate One. Year $2.00 0144 months, $1,00 in advance . -To U, A., $2,50 per year Foreign rate. $3.00 per year Advertising rates On aPPlication. ALLIES NOW HAVE COOD PORTS There were many who were very sure that an invasion of France could not be carried out successfully without the, facilities of fine dockage. The Germans had this idea also and Went to great trouble to fortify Brest, ' Cherbourg, LeHarve, Boulogne, ports that would be very valuable to the Allies in an invasion thrust. The lies however were aware that these :ports would be difficult to crack so their plans were made otherwise. To the Navy and the Engineers should go much of the praise for the success of the invasion and the great advances that followed. We do not wish to take away any of the glory that rightly be- longs to the other branches of the service, but do wish to give some credit to the Navy and Engineers for their great work. Instead of the Allies using fine port facilities they had to use the beaches and the engineers made this possible and the Navy car- ried on under difficulties that were thought unsurmountable by our en- emies, Time changes ail things and now the Allies have four good. ports, they may need much repair, through which to send supplies to our armies. Brest, LeHavre, Boulogne have recent- ly fallen and Cherbourg was taken some time ago. These were tough places to capture and our men did a great job in clearing out these places after they were by-passed by the main forces. The battle of France was well planned and thoroughly executed. * * NAVY PREPARES FOR THE FUTURE While this war is still raging the Navy is looking forward to_ the day when wars are no more and this serv- ice will be on a peace footing. At Toronto on Friday, the sod was turned for a permanent peace time barracks which will be used for the training of personnel.„after the war. This is a large project as it will house 50 of- ficers and 600 other ratings. Other barracks will be erected in various cities eross Canada for a similar pur- pose, The navy are making their post-war plans now and this is very wise. We never again want to be found unprepared, Similar action by the army and navy are in the making. Let us hope they do not trim their complements of men too finely. * * * * PROTECTING THE LIVES OF CHILDREN In the last year of record there were 687 cases of infantile paralysis in Can- ada and 64 deaths from this cause. This is a disease *which is regarded with veritable terror by the average parent, who is apparently comparative- ly indifferent to the ravages of diph- theria, scarlet fever and whooping cough, three diseases, the seriousness So far this year, Long Distance calling Is almost 10 per cont. heavier than in 1943, when toll calls sot an all.-time high. So it is obvious why we must 4111 001262flo to alraid needless twig bistance calls. Otherwise, pressbig War business way be seriously delayed. And such delays can, cost lives, Please make only Accessory calls. REMEMaEg. MGM' RATES NOW REGIN At 6 F.M. iPie .O tries' *04,4/0 son of Mr. and' Mrs. Dune. Keith, has been awarded a scholarship by the De- partment of Education. The scholar- ship, valued at one hundred dollars was given for Grade VIII, and is call- ed a "Dominion-Provincial Student Aid Scholarship" for 1944. Work for the award was based on June examin- ations in which Evan received first class honors in every one of the six subjects that he wrote. He is now attending Wingham High School. — Teeswater News. Wild Geese Flock Raided On Tuesday a number of neighbor- ing dogs raided a flock of 40 Wild geese owned 'by Tony Phillips, and kept at his bird sanctuary on the old waterworks property, killing three and badly mauling a number of otheis. These birds only mate from three to five ye6s, and are valued at over $20 per pair, A short time ago a number of pheasantr, weee also killed by dogs on the same premises, and Mr. Phillips is now going to take legal action to stop these raids, — Seaforth Huron Expositor, Paid Supreme Sacrifice Word was received this week that two more Seaforth and district boys had paid the supreme sacrifice in this 'war. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Broadfoot, of Tuckersmith, were of- ficially notified that their son, P/O. James Graham Broadfoot, navigator in the R.C.A.F., was presumed dead. Word came to Mrs. Miller that her husband, Pte. William John Miller, had been killed in action in Italy on September 1st. Pte. Miller enlisted in the Perth Regiment in 1940, and after training in Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Camp Borden, went overseas in 1941.—Seaforth Huron Expositor. Mildmay Home Burglarized During Saturday evening while all members of, the household were absent for a brief period, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schwalm. in Mildmay was forcibly entered and a number of articles of value removed, Among the stolen articles were a 'mantel radio, some silverware4 cigarette cases and other things, — Walkerton Herald Missing Goderich Airman Safe Fit. Lt. Donald MacDonald, son of Capt. Angus (Spike) MacDonald and Mrs. MacDonald of Goderich, missing since last 'April in an operatiopal flight over Europe, now is safe in the United Kingdom, his parents have been notified. Grand Bend Hotelman Fined William Bossenbury, proprietor of the Imperial Hotel at Grand Bend, fined $100 and costs June 22 on a charge of having beer illegally, was convicted as a second offender on the same charge and fined $250 and costa by Magistrate A. R. Cook. Teeswater Airman Welcomed Home Teeswater citizens gave a rousing -welcome to Fit. Lt. "Mae" Elliott, who returned from overseas after more than three years service in England and over the continent with the R.C.A.F., during which time he made more than thirty operational flights over Ger- many. He was the second pilot of a bomber which was so badly damaged over Berlin that the senior pilot re- ceived a E.F.C.i for bringing it home with its crew, lIe was also among the crew of the first bomber to drop two-ton blockbusters on Berlin, He is the son of Mr, and ,Mrs. Leroy Elliott, of Culross Township. Says Overholt Received $141 County JUdge T. M. Costello at Godetith gave out his reserved find ing in the charge ot Lorne Eamon, a night watehtnan, against Sgt, ttner. son Overholt, of the municipal police. Judgg Costello says in tart: "Talc,- lug all the evidence into consideration, I can come to tto other dOneillSion than that Overholt received $10 front Eamon, 'which was not accounted for by hint to the Nike 'Oita* and I think ii should topott accordingly.' Vire At .Teetweter A fire which .10'66 out in the .store Through taxes, Victory Bonds, War Savings Stamps and Certificates, the savings of a people have been devoted to a single purpose—Victory. We Canadians have proved what we can do in war- tithe by saving. Think what we can do in peacetime . if we continue to save with the same purposeful, determination. Out of our savings we, as individuals, can build a future for ourselves and our children worthy of the sacrifices made for victory, INTERESTING CLIPS F DISTRICT NEWS First Visit In 66 Years Mr. Joseph Alton of Lamont, Al- berta, spent the week-end at the home of his cousin, Mr. Albert Alton at Bel- fast and visited with relatives in the community. It is the first time he has visited in the district since leavihg here with his, parents 66 years ago.—Luck- now Sentinel. Polio Case At Fordwich One ease ,of poliomyelitis has devel- oped in. Fordwich, the victim being Miss Betty Matthews, 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matt- hews Jr. Betty had not ties feeling well for several days, but was around as usual, and on Sunday assisted in the United Church choir at both serv- ices. Her condition later that night, however, was such that Dr. Fraser was called. The symptoms indicated either polio or meningitis. Report on a spinal fluid test arrived Tuesday, verifying the case as polio. So far, however, there is no paralysis and it is devoutly hoped the disease has been checked. — Fordwich Record. Two Sons Receive D.F.C. For two members of one family to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross is unusual but that is what has happen- ed to two Kincardine airmen, sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Henry. In its latest list of citations, the Royal Can- adian Air Force has announced that Flight. Lieutenant Ernest Henry has been awarded the D.F.C. His older brother, Flight Lieutenant Douglas W. Henry, now at Jarvis, was the first Kincardine airman to be honored by King George VI. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross for opera- tions over enemy territory and was later awarded the Bar to the Cross.— Kincardine News. Culross Student Won Scholarship It comes as great news to the people of this district to learn of the good fortune of a pupil of Teeswater Con- tinuatin School, Evan Keith, second 621