HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-08-31, Page 8Rev. John Lucas, Pastor - 'SUNDAY, SEPT: ird, axne—Sttriday School, 11 a.-nt.--"Tbe Invisible Army of 'God." The Lord's Supper will follow this service, 7.30 p.in,-,-"The Value and Fn., two of the smaller Church," !SPECIAL PRAYER MEET.t INCi$ FOR REVIVAL Wed. and Fri. at 8 P.M. All are invited to attend. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 5, 6 — Special ANN SHERIDAN DENNIS MORGAN — In ---- "Shine On Harvest Moon" A nice variety of entertainment from songs and comedy . . . both old and neW,. . . to a trained seal, lifts this latest story of vaudeville's nostalgic charms to a level of enjoyment. Also "Short Subjects" Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr, and Mrs. McClellan at Acton. Their daughter, Miss Lois Elliott, Reg. N., Toronto, was a week-end guest at the same home. Mrs. -McGowan Ind Clister Hill, Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Hockridge. , . • • Mr. and Mrs*. Stanley Elliott, St. Catherines, spent a few days recently with, Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Elliott. o6r's Sundries. Magazinee Haselgrove's SMOKZ,SHOP "'— .•-•••• • WINGITAU ADVANCg-TIMES BAPTIST CHURCH Mr,. end Mrs...Robert H. Coultes. ond children, Betty and Glen, .ancl Mr. and M.rs, Lewis ..Stonelionse, spent the wdeit-enti in Toranto. Robert ieft. for (IMO ntQA on Saturd0,' to , work at the harvest, and 4 grdup whieh left Monday included, 'Robert MacKenzie, Fred Logan, Clif- ford Logan, William Manning and 10:0Clenaghan, Mr, ..and Mrs. rilest Patterson of Auburn, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning.. 'Second Lieutenant Dorothy ,Cgdwell, Women's Division of Winnineg, •niece of . Mrs. Joseph Miller, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Miller and .relatives in Wirigharn prior to reporting to Kiteh- oiler on Tuesday where she will be stationed.. Joan Cole, daughter of Mr,. and Mrs, Charles Cole 'of London, •witb James and Mrs. Miehle, Jean and Jacqulane Taylor, returned to Toronto after spending, a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs„ lames Coultes. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 31, Sept, 1, 2 To Sew Now for.Fall 0014:00 9 .$01441°01 oloot Of 0001" .1P 003, PAP -of I,000, tho 'screen:A hig9esrrepic ._From $2.50 ya-c,1 Yards of wool plaid's and solid colours, reds, blues and browns . . , The most exciting woolens ever! So' start your sewing to-day . . . save sub- stantially! PRUNE PLUMS Kiot Leave your order at the NORTH END GROCERY or phone 193. Orders will be filled about Sept, 15th. rICiUitt ack to School • St,urdy Shoes pi* School Days Also "Short Subjects'.! Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Starting this Saturday afternoon there will be a serial "King of the Royal Mounted". There will be 12 episodes playing Saturday afternoon only for the next 12 weeks. Do not miss the first episode this Saturday. Brick Church W,M.S. The regular meeting of the Brick Church W.M.S. -was held at the home of ,Mrs. Robert Coultes, on Wednes- day, August 23rd, The meeting Open ed with the singing of hYmn 26, after which Mrs, Robert Coultes led in prayer. Hymn 519 was then sung. The scripture was,taken by Mrs. Geo. Coultes, Miss Deacon, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, Mrs. Roy -Pattison and Mrs. Robert Cnultes. Prayers were given Mis. Ronald Coultes, Mrs. Allen Pattison and Mrs. Robert Coultes. A duet given by Mrs, Norman Coultes and Mrs. Cyril Canning, was enjoyed by all. Hymn 402 was then sung. The topic, dealing with Christian Citizenship, was given by Miss Louise Coultes. The meeting closed with prayer. For Conifoit and Long Wear outfit your boys and girls at Dunlop's. The father of the family, had been OverSeas for more than two years and his two small sons spent most of their time praying for a baby sister because —"it would be such a big surprise for Daddy when he comes home", • BLYTH Mr. Russell Dougherty is having a large( addition to his turnip waxing plant these days. ' Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Rob- ert Johnston were, Mr. 011ie Johnston and daughter, Mrs. Alice Brown, 'all of Toronto, Mrs. Alex Fox of Isling- ton. Our citizens are busy these daYs having decided to put hydro in our school. Mr. Thuell our local Electric- ian, has the joli well in hand, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Mrs. J. H. R. Elliott and Mrs. Lloyd Wett- laufer, were Louden visitors on Tues- day. Mr. W. J. Hamm of Mitchell, is re- newing acquaintances in Blyth this week. • Mr. and Mrs. P:',13ainton and daugh- ter, iGlenice, are spending this week at the lake, , Miss Anne Phillips, who has been spending her vaeation with her par- ents, J. H. and MrsPhillips, will leave on Saturday 'for-l'Ottawa where she will resume her duties as ` school teacher. 0' • • These Shoes are built for growing feet. Call Now Our Stock Is CoMplete In All Sizes .Ditnicip's Shoe Store "The Home of Good Shoes" movamamie* BLUEVALE Named Principal of Ottawa School Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock and daughter Gail, left on Monday' for their home in Ottawa; after spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. James Peacock. While here, Mr. Peacock , received a communication asking him to accept the principalship of Elmdale Public School, Ottawa. Fourteen years ag6, Mr., Peacock be- gan his teaching career at Ottawa, be- ing recommended by the Stratfor,d Normal School as assistant principal. He held this position for six years, resigning to -join the staff of a 23- roomed school in the city. This ap- pointment came as a pleasant surprise as he had not applied for it. Many friends extend congratulations and wish Mr. Peacock continued success. jutant ,of the "1.st Battalion Royal Regiment has 'written saying that he was buried on a hill overlooking a- small French village. = He enlisted in May '1942, took basic training at Guelph, and an officers' training course,at Three Ri,vers, Que., and was stationed at, Brampton before being posted ,overseastin July 1943. To Exhibit At Stratford Fair Miss Durrtinyliuron County Coach for the Junior Homemaking Clubs( met with IVIiss Jean Elliott, Miss Hel- en Thomson and Miss 1 Marguerite Henning at the: home of Mrs. Geo. Thomson recently and made final.ar- rangements with the class:for the ex- -hibit and dernonstration on "glay, Safe with Milk" at the'Stratford Fair. Mrs. Merton GolleY and Darlene of Exeter, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Wilson -Thornton. Laverne Hamilton . of Hensall, is visiting his tousin; Phyllis Hamilton. Delores Hamilton is holidaying with relatives and friends in Toronto. Pordwich Minister To Preach Rev, J. W. Johnson occupied the pulpit in the Unit9d Church on Sun- day morning, preaching from (Matt. 20: 22 and Rev.11: 1 dealing with the standards of a Christian and how they can measure up to the life of Christ. Mrs. J. Wickstead sang a solo, "Face to Face", Next Sunday Rev. Hugh Moorehouse of Fordwich, will con- duct Anniversary Services. TO Resume Presbyterian Services There was no service in the Presby- terian Church, and next Sunday Rev. F. G. Fowler will resume his services at the usual hour, following his vaca tion. Miss Florence Fowler atcorripnied by her nephew, Birke Fowler of Lon- don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. McGuire at their summer home, Beach t) Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Field of BORN McKAY—In Belleville Hospital, on Sunday, August. 27th, to Flying Of- ficer Carl and Mrs. McKay, (nee Helen Bateson), of Trenton, a daughter. BELGRAVE Laymen Conducted Services Services in ,the Beigrave and Brick United Churches Sunday morning were conducted by Robert Coultes and Lawrence Taylor of Brick' Church. Mr. Coultes gave the address and spoke from Revelation: 3-11. "Hold thou fast what thou hast, that no Man take thy crown." PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERYi MP MINS Red Cross Sewers Wanted ' The Belgrave Red Cross Society have a large number of cut-out gar- ments ready for making up and sewers Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott of Wirigham, were Sunday guests-at the home of Miss Dtiff. Mr. and Nrrs. Robert Hutcheson, MiSs Sanderson and Miss Orr, have returned to their respective homes in Toronto, after spending two months at their suminer home here, Mr. and Mrs. Alridge, Lois Marie and David, of Vordvvith, spent Sunday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann. Ross Smith was a patient in the Clinton Hospital for a few days due- ing the past week, having his tonsils are urgently needed. Smith s Economy Food Store Boys' liSchool Togs — At— Hanna's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leaver of To- ronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Charles Leaver and visited with their ,son Bob in Wingham Hospital. Bob met with an accident last Wed- nesday morning 'When climbing a lad- der in Mr. Leask McGee's barn and the brace gave way. He fell heavily landing on the blower belt and was then thrown to the floor. He has been making a good recovery. Major and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver and her sister from the 'West, visited recently with' Mr. John Mowbray. Miss Myrtle Yuill of Morris, speni last week with Miss Mildred McClen- aghan and other Kinlos,s friends. Mrs. Fred -Newman and family of Wi'ngham, spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Aldin Purdon, • Miss Ruth Robinson of Windsor is spending this week at the home of her Sister, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and other East Wawanosh relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and children, and Peter Davis and Jimmie Stoops, who have been visiting there for the past week, left on Monday to visit with 1.elatives Hamiltoa and Toron- to. WHITECHURCH Miss Bertha MacKay of Toronto, spent the past week at the home of her father, Mr. Hector MacKay. Mrs. Fred Lott, of VVingham and Mrs. Walter Lott, spent Friday at London with the latters daughter, Mrs. Orval Newby. Mr. and Mrs. Will Redmond and baby son of St. Augustine, spent Sun- day at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius. Mr.. Arthur Moore and Mr. Eddie Moore and Mr. Walter James have been working at the cement work of Dishers Bridge on the 4th of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Charles Leaver and their daughter Peggy, who spent the summer months at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Mc- Gee and Billy Who spent his holidays with Charlie, returned home with them_ on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Leeson Graham, all of Conn, spent the week-end at the home of the former's brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr and baby Jacqueline, of BlueSale, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Laidlaw, and Ivan Laidlaw who had been visiting with Mrs, Kerr for the past week, returned home with them, Miss Faye McClenagbart also spent the week-end there, Mi'ss Christina Laidlaw and Mr, and Mrs. /.4ttliaw and Ivan spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vincent and bMurr.n.and Mrs, James Jackson of Au, Miss Florence I3eecroft of Toronto( ilszeresp ,ending this week at her home Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and little daughter Patricia, of Lucknow, spent the week-end with Mr. anti Mrs, Jas, Laidlaw. Mrs. Laidlavv and Patricia leave shortly to he with her husband at the Camp at Chilliwack, B-C,s where he will be taking the course in Engin- eering for the next six months. Mr. Adam Mc/lumpy leaves this week to respine his school duties at KiMngrs.toannd Mrs. Melville Beecroft and baby son David Jahn, who have spent the past few weeks with, his father, Mr. John Beecroft, left on Sunday to visit with her parents at Petrolia. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft and :baby Janet Catharine, returned home from Wingham Hospital on Wednesday last and are now visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Watson, of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and Ivan of Lueknow, spent Sunday with relatives here. Rev. Robt Barber of Toronto, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. Wzn. Barber, Miss Shirley Casemore spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ed, Marsh, of Wingham Junction. Mrs. Jean Braeford of Toronto and Mrs. Harold Sparling- of Wingham, spent a few days last week at the formers home here. Mrs. Braeford sold the former "MacGregor house" to Mr. and (Mrs. Thos. Moore, wl-etz will move there'll-1 the spring. Mr. Thos. Gaunt is holding a sale of his farm, farm stock and imple- ments and his house furnishings on Thursday, September 7th. Among those who are leaving for the West on the Harvester's excursion from this district are: Miles McMil- lan, George Webster, Ken Johnston, Roy Burchill, Russel Purdon and Ernest Beecroft. Mr. Robert Adams left last week and joined up with the Armed Forces ftorn London. Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and baby from Kapuskasing, sPent a few days last week with her uncle, Mr. Milton Ross of Teeswater. Mrs. John Richardson returned home from Wingham Hospital on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes of Mor- ris, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Little Miss Jean Froome is staying with Mrs. Johnston Conn while her mother is in the -hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Clayton, spent Friday at Stratford. Wren Jean Welwood arrived home from Halifax 'on Saturday to spend her two weeks holidays With her -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Rip- ley, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill. Pte. Jack Gillespie of Camp Ipper- wash, and Mrs. ,Gillespie of London, are spending his sixteen day leave with their relatives here. Miss Connie Simpson is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick and Billie of Cuirass, spent Sunday there. Mr. and Mrs. Redge Scholtz and sons 'of Westfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ezra Scholtz. The Mission Band ,and Baby Band of the United Church, are holding a 10 cent tea in the church on Thursday afternoon. All the ladieS are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. House arid Jtmisse, who have been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Hector Purdon for the past two weeks, ref.:timed home to Meaford MondaY. Mr, and Mrs.. Jack McIntyre and sons of Dunganeon, and Res Cecil Falconer and family, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Tiffin of Langside. _ Wren Velma Scott ot St. Hyacinthe, is spending her vacation with her father, Mr. Price Soctt. The congregation of the Presbyter- ian Church, is holding a social even- ing in the church on Friday evening. All are invited to attend, Mrs. Henry Goclkin Winghatri, is pending a few clays this week with her brother, Mr. Fred Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ‘Vhight, Thedford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Lester lvfcCreight and baby Earle of Atwood, visited on Sun- day with Mt and Mrs. Alfred Me- Creight, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Clarke and son Frank of Armstrong, and his father, Mr, joseph Clarke and Mrs, Alex Donaldson of artiston, visited there recently. 0.4•010.111•0111111 • GARDEN PATCH CAMPBELL'S CHOICE PEAS tin 15c VEG. SOUP 2 tins 25c AN ALL PORI< PRODUCT CANADIAN X A M — tin 35c NEW CHEESE lb. 32c XXX Spirit or Cider Vinegar gal. 49e Heavy Grade Zinc Rings . doz. 29c Whole Mixed Pickling Spice .. . lb. 35c War Grade Rubber Rings " 4 doz. 25c DOMESTIC E. D. S1VIIIIES GRAPE , SHORTENING .---- lb, 20c JUICE 16-oz. btle, 25c McCORMICIt'S NEILSON'S JERSEY "A° SODAS pkg. 12c BRAND COCOA - 1-1b, tin 20c removed. Mr. and Mrs. George Dalgleish and daughter Joyce, Of Stratford, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydges. Miss Marilyn Bridges of London, spent last week 'with her sister, Miss Joan trydges at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brydges. Mrs, Ullyott and Mrs. Simmons, of Elmira spent the week-end with Mrs. J. A. 13,randon. Mrs. Crow, who spent the past few weeks here and Mrs. Brandon', returned, ta Elmira with them. Maurice Leitch returned to Owen Sound after a twa weeks' vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leitch. Harold Johnston, Morris, is viaiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mzs. Ed- ward Barnard. Miss Mary Sirinamon of Kitchener, was a recent visitor With Mrs. Ken, Sinnamon at the home of Mrs. Wm. McMichael, Mr. and Mrs. bswald Heiningway and two boys, Detroit, were week-end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Tur- vey. Mr„ and Mrs.truce 'Underwood, of Toronto, spent a few days with their uncle, John 'Underwood. GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT REX COFFEE, lb. . 49c rine Boys' Broadcloth shirts, in attractive stripes and checks, $1.15 An attractive range of youths pure wool sweaters . $2.25 Utility Sweater - jackets in two-tone combin- ation SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY Makes Ironing Easier SOAP . , . 3 bars 20c SATINA pkg. 7c LASCO Hines In The Suds CLEANSER tint 15e LA PRANCE pkg. E SER CA J.40/Aidie Maple Littf Skin.,on Weiners .. . . . lb. 29c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf *4,104.0644*J &eh*. lb. 33c PATTISON Radio Service Phone ill Hanna&co. Limited FRESH.FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES . LEMONS . GRAPEPRUIT - TOMATOES CANTALOUPE . CABBAGE a CELERY — PEPPERS Z'RESH PEACHES ARRIVING DAILY RAT/ON COUPONS VALID TRURSDAYi..A.mtio 24 Tea -lot Coffee Nos, to 80. Butter, Noe. 70 to 75. StAgeto Nee, 1 to 41, PreterVes, Nos. 1 to 28. Carittlog Sugae, Nos, ill to P10 Did you hear about the Gertnan who had called Hitler an idiot? He was sentenced to ,dle—for betraying a tary seerdt. Westinghouse RADIO raRis 111111111iiiii111411 1.14yd Patergeti In ActiOn Word bai been received by William Paterson a Taranto (formerly bt thieved) that his sem, W, 1,loyd Paterson, ttaison officer for Ad Itoyal Itegitrient Was action nit Inly 18th in llorinandy, Ills Widow lives in Toronto, Lieut. Pattiotht trotber, MaJOr Hartley. Paterson, ad- " Itt; t drit 'ltrr-Zt „. ... 4,ov—rm.