HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-07-20, Page 4And Farmers' Supply House "The Store Where You .et' The: Most Fpr, The Money You Spend" Breakfast Sets, Jeannette Glitis,;32 pieces .... $3.95 Berry Sets, 7 pieces . . .. 75c Water Sets, 7 pieces, 6 goblcx:S and pitcher • . $1.25 Table Sets, Windsor na,tte0;i34 pieces—sugar cream and butter ,dish 60c Milk Jugs 25c Glass Dinner Plates ...... , ..... . 25c HARVEST NEEDS Sling Chains $4.25 ' Set of 4 Sling Ropes (3 ralie).. . $8.50 Maple Leaf Pitch Forks ........... ........ $1.25 Machine Oil (bulk) qt. 15c; gal. 50c Endless Belt, 4 ply, 75 feet $32.00 Pressure Grease, 5 lb: pail 75c Odd Lengths Belting, to' 6 ins. wide. Bug Finish, 20 lb. bag , . , 65c Screen Doors $2.75 Combination Doors (glass and fittings extra) $7.50 Co2per-A-Compound (for potato blight) 1/2 lb. 45c Bordeaux Mixture 1 lb. 27c; 5 lbs. $1.00 Airways Motor Oil (with can) 5 gals. $4.95 Viveroy Motor Oil (with can) 5 gals. $3.00 only ..9911RPP • " • • • • 44 J. • . IF 9c Newport CEREAL,. 8 qt. . 25c McLaren's Stuffed OLIVES 6-oz. „ .... . . . . 25c McLaren's Stuffed OLIVES, Richmellow COFFEE, lb. . 35c Jordan's Grapefruit Juice . 16-oz. — „ — 25c Jordan's Grapefruit Juice 32.oz, — 47c Araimmummoromi• C & B LIMECUP, 13-oz... 29c Domino TEA, 16-oz. 67c Domino Baking POWDER 16-oz. . . 17c ,Dominion BREAD 2 24-oz. loaves 15c XXXX Quaker Flour, 24-lb. 69c XXXX Quaker Flour 98-113. 2.49 Bensons Corn Starch 1-lb. 2 19c Silver Gloss Starch-,. 1-lb. 11c Crown Brand SYRUP, 2-lb. 25c Navy Tissue, 4 rolls , „ 25c White Swan Tissue, 3 rolls 25c bares Biscuits, pound,. „ . 25c Zinc RINGS, doz. 25c Jar RUBBERS, doz. , 6c PAROWAX, box • , „ • 14c MOW Af4fit Oe • st3e VU* Tomato JUICE, 2 20-oz tins. 17c Vinegar, cider or white '39c gal. Cheddar House Cheese, 1/2's 19c Cheddar House Cheese, 2-16. 69c Presto Pack WAX PAPER, 9c ‘French Prepared Mustard 6-oz. DOlvi I ktil IONCtw Ati..1.7.0E.:24:1ttrtior FRUIT & VEGETABLES Head LETTUCE 2 for 25c • ORANGES, size 288 doz. 33c ORANGES, size 220 doz. 45c LEMONS, size 300, 6 for 24c CABBAGE . 10c to 15c hd. IFIELD NO. 1 Special Tomatoes all week Mitchell of Toronto, three sister rig1(1, one brother, Mrs. (Capt.) H. C. Wil- spn (Grace), Xtrangorci; Andrew B. Wingham;:,Mrs'.(Rev,) L, Bur- gess (Mary), Orangeville, and Miss Marion of Toronto, .,The funeral was held 4641 the home of his brother, Mr. Andrew Mitchell, Frances street, on Monday afternoon, The service was. conducted by Rev, Kenneth MacLean, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Bur- ial took place 'in Wingham cemetery, The pallbearers were W. D, McKague, Clayton Fryfogle, Alton B, Adams, John F. McKibbon, Joseph Fitzpat- rick, Norman Elliott. Thomas DeWitt Holmes The death took place in Toronto General Hospital after a lingering ill- ness, on Sunday, July 9th., of Thomas DeWitt Holmes, a former resident of Wingham, and son of the late Rev. John Holmes. He was in his 62nd. year and resided at 2340 Bloor Street, West, Toronto, He is survived by a brother, Wendell and a sister, Luella Holmes of Lordon. Burial took place on TueSday afternoon last week in London. SALEM • SLENDOR TABLETS — are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at McKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Pul- Iets, eight weeks of age and older. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires and White Leghorns. Good prices paid. Write Twedcile Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WANT TO RENT—Small house in town or house and small amount of land on outskirts. Give full partici ulars and rent wanted. Write Box B.; Wingham Advance, LARGE OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE Of Chattels and Real Estate By direction of the Public Trustee of Ontario, the following furniture and Real Estate will be offered for sale by public auction at the Wingham Arena, in the town of Wingham, Ont., on Fri- day and Saturday, July 21st. and 22nd., afternoons and evenings, 2 till 5, 7.30 till lb.30, the property of Mary Adeline Clegg, deceased, as follows: Entire contents of an eleven roomed home, dining• room, living room, kitchen and 3 complete bedroom suites, antique and modern, abundance of fancy china, colored glass, vases, Crown Derby china, dinner set, silverware, beautiful clocks, piano and bench, library books, bedding and linens, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, cook stove, quantity of coal and wood, extension ladder and so forth, literally hundreds of unlisted articles, ALSO THE REAL ES- TATE— 21/2 storey brick house, slate roof with garage, Large lot 74x148 on the corner of Josephine and Patrick Sts.,in good state of repair. Terms of hattels,—cash. Real Estate 10% of the purchase price at the time of sale, the balance within 30 days. Real Estate sold subject to reserve bid and approval of the court. SPECIAL NOTICE Commencing at 1,30 sharp, Friday, July 21st,, all cooking utensils, garden tools, ladder, quantity of wood and coal,, dishes and so forth, Friday evening, dinner set, fancy colored ed glass, China and bedding. Saturday, both sessions, entire furniture contents of dwelling. For further particulars apply to: GLENN W. CLARK, Auctioneer, 564 Yonge St., Toronto, .Ontario. A, RACINE, K. C., PublicTrustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, plainly marked "Tenders for Seale" will be received by the undersigned up to July 22nd., 1944, for the purchase of a Stock Scale of about 4 ton capacity, at pros-• etit situated at the CP..12. Stock yards. This scale is hi good .working condition and has been regularly in- spected, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A, Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham, Thursdayt 194.. ppp.P.P949;79-7,— 10=40 0=101===0=01=10=0- 1011=Jr 0 r- THESE 1 BRING WANT AD'S Affr RESULTS A O PASCH= =01=Or.g0==(01:101=101=011 FOR SALE—Antique Bedroom Suite, including Bed, Marble topped Dres- ser and washstand, in good condi- tion. Reasonable price. Apply to Advance-Times. 11/2 tainton's Hardware cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS O A WEDDINGS lieriderSon • Soltys St, John's Anglican Church, Port Arthur, was tha setting for the wed- ding of Anne M. Soltys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Natty Soltys, Port Ar- thur and Arthur M, lienclerson, Bruce Mines, son of M. Wm. James Hen- derson, Wingham Junction. Rev. J. Cann, pastor of the church, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, entered the church to music played by her cousin, Miss Helen Sphys, A.T,C.M. She wore a long sleeved dress of white faconne over taffetta, with sweetheart neckline and shirred puffing on bodice. She wore a chapel veil of French embroidered net held in place by a crown pf white shasta daisies. Her flowers, a shower bouquet of Briarcliffe and Sweetheart roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Dora Soltys, sister of the bride, and Miss Stella Zuryck. Mrs. D, Yuriek was matron of honour. The brides- maids and matron of honour wore en- sembles similar to that of the bride's, made of triple sheer over taffetta. Mrs. Yurick's dress was of heaven blue shade and her flowers were pink gladiola, Miss Soltys dress was shell pink and that of Miss Zurick, apricot. The bridesmaid's flowers were colon- ial bouquets of shasta, daisies and sweetheart roses. The best man was Mr. Michael Soltys brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the Prince Arthur hotel and wedding breakfast served. The toast to the bride was given by Mr. Donald LeNeveal. The young couple left by S. S. Harmonic to Sault Ste. Marie and from there on a cruise through the Georgian Bay to Owen Sound, For travelling the bride wore a twilight blue dressmaker suit, white hat with blue veiling, white gloves, shoes and bag. At present they are visiting here after which they will re- side at Bruce Mines, where the groom is principal of the school. Miss Edythe Weir and . Patsy Bri- dgeman visited over the week-end With friends in Toronto. Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Arthur's of Sudbury and Mr. Will Palmer of Wal- ton, spent a day last week with Mr. Edwin Palmer. Miss Kay Willits of Brussels, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits. • Mrs. Win. Weir quietly celebrated her 89th. birthday eat her home here last Saturday, July 15th„ although ad- vanced in years she is able to go about and also attend church, Mr. Walter Bush from near Wing- ham spent the 'week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir and other friends, Mr. Gibson. Vogan from near Mol- Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon, esworth, spent last Sunday afternoon who is County Co;ch, was the guest with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. speaker at thC nursing class on Thurs- John Gowdy. ,His ,father Mr. David Vogan, who has-been4ith Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy these past few weeks re- tunred home with him. The S. S; -Will hold its annual picnic next Saturday ,afternpon, July 22nd., on the church lawn and in Mr. 'John Gowdy's orchard. .come and enjoy an afternoon df fun and gpbrt. Mr. and ;Mrs. Thomas McMichael' of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.' Gathers. There will be 'no church service here next Sunday but S. S. will be held as usual. Mrs. Ken Jackson of Weston, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cathers. • Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Dane of the 14th. con. of Howick, spent Sunday evening with Mr. Edwin Palmer. ST. HELENS FOR SALE—C. C. M. Bicycle, Ap- ply at Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Engine Drive Washer. Good as new. W. J. Clark, phone 141. FOR SALE-7 foot Massey-Harris binder, 25 pigs, small pigs and chunks, 4 sows and 4 calves. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-16 pigs ready to wean. Apply to Wm, R. Jenkins, Sr., Phone 600 r 41. FOR SALE—Two rolls of used lawn fence, 1 roll used heavy 'chicken fence. Apply at Advance-Times. PRICES SLASHED—At' the Mild- may Furniture Store during July. 2 large stores full of Chesterfields, Studios, Dinettes, used Pianos. J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay and Mt, Forest. WANTED—Used Ladies Bicycle in. good condition, Apply at Advance CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Michael king and family wish to extend their sincere appreciation for the kindness shown them by their neighbours and friends in their recent bereavement and 'also for the spiritual and floral tributes re- ceived, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Showers, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the thirteenth day of Ap. til, A. D., 1944, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fifth day of August, A, D., 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately After the said fifth day of August, the assets of the said testator will be distributed jtavitig regard only claims of which. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Hislop, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 10th day of June, A. D., 1944 are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 29th day of July A. D., 1944, full par- ticulars of their claims, in writing. Immediately after the said 29th day of July, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. Dated this 10th day of July, A. D., 1944. J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Farm Lands in the Township of Turnberry, and Farm Stock, Imple- ments and Household Goods and Furniture, etc, To close the estate of the late Robert Hislop,. the undersigned has received instructions to sell, by Public Auction at the south half of Lot 6 in the "A" Concession of the Township of Turn- berry, on Friday, July 21st, 1944, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, namely: The south halves of Lots numbers 5, 6 and 7 in the "A" concession of the Township of Turn- 'berry in the. County of Huron, contain- ing 150 "acrea of land more or less. On this property is said to be a frame barn on stone foundation with straw shed, cement stabling, water in stable, and a brick house. The land is said to be clay loam and there are a number of acres of hard- wood and cedar bush on the property. The farm is watered by wells and a spring in the front and rear of the farm. The property is located about 2 mil- es from Jamestown and four miles from the Village of Wroxeter. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter, The property will be of- fered subject to a reserved bid, Purthd particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the nay of sale or may be had on applica- tiOn to the undersigned, At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following chattels, namely: 2 horses; the follow- ing Poll Angus cattle, 7 cows, 6 calves and 1 bull; about 56 hens; Implements, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 manure spreader, 1 hayloader, 1 seed drill, 1 riding plough, 1 sleigh, ..1 wag- on, harness, 1 cultivator, 1 disc, I rol- ler, Mtldel "A" Ford Coupe, a quan- tity of household furniture and effects, and other anklet., too numerous to mention. Dated this 11th day of July A.D. 1944, Lowey - Munnings A wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Mun- nings, R. R. 4, Goderich, when their daughter, Anna Mary, who has resided in London for the past two years, was united in marriage to Neal Kenneth Lowey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lowey, Wingham. The wedding took place on the lawn. before a bank of fern and madonna lilies. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a floor-length dress of white satin with insets of lace. Her finger tip veil was caught in a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses. The bride was attend- ed by her sister, Miss Lucy Mun- nings, in heaven blue sheer with a bouquet of tea roses. The best man was the bride's brother, Fred Mun- nings. The father of the bridegroom Performed the ceremony, assisted by Arthur Drennan, of London, The wedding march was played by Miss Marion 'Garrett, Goderich, who also played softly during the service. At ,the, reception which followed, the 'bride's mother received in a dress of blue figured crepe and the bride- groom's mother wore brown figured crepe, They each wore a corsage of American Beauty roses, A buffet luncheon was .served to about forty guests. Mr, and Mrs, Lowey left for a short trip, the bride wearing-an aqua blue crepe ensemble with white acces- sories. On their return they will re- side in Wingham. BORN VANSTONE—In Wingham, on Wed- nesday, July 12th., to Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Vanstone, Pleasant Valley, a son. VINCENT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, July 16th., to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent, R. R. No. 1, Belgrave, a daughter. OBITUARY James Scott Mitchell Following an illness of two years and three months in a London Hospit- al, James Scott Mitchell,/son•Of Mrs. Mitchell and the late William S. Mit- chell, passed on Friday, 'July 14th. He was born at Glenannan and after at- tending the schools here. was engaged in the butcher.business with his broth- er Andrew, for a few years prior to accepting a position on the Conniston Police Force, Northern Ontario, which position' he held for three years. For a year he was with the Anaconda- Brass Company, Toronto, and spent a year here prior to going to hospital. Scott was a highly respected popular young man and his passing will be re- gretted by a host of friends. He.was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church and of Nicicel Lodge, A. F.&A.M., of Sudbury. His father pre- deceased him in January, 1932. Surviving is his mother, Mrs. W. 5, THE OVEN TO YOU Gibson's Bakery "ALWAYS THE BEST" W Ate' Proud Tty In Wingham And to be able to sell you THE VERY BEST in Nutritious itreatt and Baked Goods. We apPreciateyour continued patronage because we believe t1-4 maintenance of our mutual esteem assures the continued success of our Town and its people, • It will be our aim to serge you, with products that are the best and a service that is pleasing to you. MADE HERE BAKED HERE 7 FRESH' FROM • day night, She gave an interesting and informative address on "The Food Needs of Adults." Miss Jean Boyce of Toronto, was a guest' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb, last week. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the United Church on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. W. I. Miller, the • prpsident,••In • the chair. Guests were pt,esent from White; church and from the Ashfield circuit. Mrs. Philip of Smith' Kinloss, the guest speaker, delighted her listeners with her talk on Hong Kong, where she had lived several years. Readings. were given by Mrs. Beecroft of White- church and by Mrs. Howse, Ashfield. At the conclusion a pleasant hour was. enjoyed when lunch was served, Mr. Neely Todd of R.C.A.F., Mrs. Todd and little son, Stratford, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd. Bdr. Gordon Miller of Petawawa, is home on leave. All the ladies are invited to the Red Cross quilting on Friday afternoon. the Eexecutors shall then have notice. Artiongst the parties entitled thereto, CARD OP THANKS TERMS OF SALE; Cash„ Mrs, W. S. Mitchell and family take riatdd the 14th day of jut', A. )1,, this bppottittilw of .exptessing their 1944. , ., sincere appreciation' to 'their neigh.' ,;'!•-: :11 trawfoid, i ,, bouts .and kf4encts •To4tlie bind ijless and Wmghart, Oat, sympathy extended to them in their, Solicitor for then Ed:twitters, ' • AtlettOtieet, recent bereavement, le' :,..1*.z,v,,•,:, .-z4.40,0tot,Wolift?.7.:IN.010111104,10010401,01(000/01,1**;;: ;Al .:.,- • l''--,n7i.?.: 111v t., Ileri. T1, 11.6100, vvroxeter, vnt,, A dininistrator. Harold jackson, Seaforth,