HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-07-20, Page 3WORLD WIDE NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM InursdaY. July . 20th, 1944 WINGTIAM ADVANCE-TIMES ... /7104 /2 Xaa 4714P'4:40 144177--frofer,P 7'/LL rmr R?/DOLE Off roir leve- ghweaeas. niear TO ma' 4.1/4/R aAgs. ,sv0W Coln/ REszew HeRF YORI Ria19,- Pea "Jim/ r/&-gs's A 1/4-01‹ 0,4 ar 4WD CIP Roe AY, pavev Az,empy A,t4aSE 7714.4e PAYX c iffy foofriate, NOT .4//EZY./ UNESSENTIAL TRAVEL IS SELFISH People in Europe these days, believe it or not, are not taking vacations. The men and women, in the services, are in the ser- vices to save Canada from the fate of Europe. Won't you modify your vacation plans to the extent of keeping off trains when they M travel? Best of all don't travel at all now, Save the money for when travel will be fun .. after the war. er N. f. Rh7elL/Z49 14/1/47. LEAVE AlE4A/S 79 C/..V /Ai TN e" SE01/C.Eri, 77/E)",0 KEEP OFF oir JOHN LABATT LIMITED Lyndon Canada .......... aps././htp.e4' .A.ve 67.47 //e, otv..4).• .04.00f "'dos . . •11.11•1••••••,, Regulations allow you—if you will drop around to our Shop; Maybe you're one of the lucky few whose car-use entitles you to new or used tires; If not, we have the "know-how" to keep rubber on your rims to the very last thread of wean, 4 ability; Can we expect you--TODAY? Murray Johnson Phone 62, Wingham — And — Armstrong Vulcanizing & Service Station Wingham ping g a at Prussia of everYthiug except the means of immediate defeneep tnnv- hig entire war factories to the interior of Germany proper, Britain Buys 100,000,000 Pounds of Beef Ottawa, — Agriculture Minister Gardiner announced in the Commons that negotations have been completed for a •contract to supply the United Kingdom with a minimum of 100,000,000 pounds of beef during the two-year period 1044 and 1945. The minister said' that in addition to this minimum quantity all further surpluses of 'beef will be taken as they become available. Terrorists Active In Jerusalem Jerusalem, -- Unknown terrorists set district police headquarters afire, threw in bombs which slightly wound- ed several British constables, and fled in an exchange of shots which killed one. Palestinian constable and serious- ly wounded another, Burope Faces Darkest Hour • Washington, — A Nazi "reign of terror" throughout occupied Europe was reported officially to be increasing in, savagery as the enemy's despera- tion grows with the relentless ap- proach of his clay of defeat. Some authorities suggested that Hitler and his Gestapo leaders, in a final mad' frenzy of failure, now are moving into a period of blood lust and ruin that will make the hour* of Europe's libera- tion its darkest hour. Japs Abandon Indian Positions Kandy, -. Japanese forces abandon- ed more positions in Northeastern India after sharp fighting, with ad- vancing British troops, headquarters announced. Bert Armstrong Phone 181 and killed the commandant of the German garrison on the Island of l3rac after entering the closely guarded headquarters disguised as a shepherd with a Sten gun hidden in a bundle of sticks. Braces is south of the Dalmat- ion Port of1Split. MORRIS COUNCIL LET TENDERS FOR BRINE • To Continue Cabinet, Parts Ottawa, — Prime Minister King said in the Commons that the first ap- pointment to the office of minister of reconstruction will be a member of the present Cabinet who will continue to hold another portfolio. Mr. King said it was not proposed to have more mini- sters than necessary. At present there are 20 Cabinet members. JAMESTOWN Quite a• number from the community- attended the celebration in Listowel on the 12th. Mr, William Grainger of Weston,. spent the past week with friends here.. Messrs. Bert Wallace and George. Robinson of Detroit, have been visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Willis and renewing other old acquaintances. Mrs. Lloyd Workman of Weston, spent her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Grainger. Mrs,. David Breckenridge has gone to Whitby, where she will visit with her sisters for sometime and with oth- er relatives there. Misses Hazel McDonald and Jean Wallace of Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, Mrs. John Cutt of Goderich 'is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Holt. a good turnout of ladies, Mrs. Phillip from South, Kinloss church was the guest speaker, she had lived in Hong Kong, China, from 1913 to 1917. She brought with her some snaps from there, also linen table covers made by the men, they were hemstitched with patterns ,worked on them. She told us the men did all the dressmaking and sewing, Her address was very inter- esting. The St. Helens ladies served a very tasty lunch of sandwiches, cookies and tarts, On Sunday, July 16th,, in Hacketts' United Church, Rev. Mr.. Howse bap- tized five babies, they were Marilyn Clara Cameron, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron, Wanda Ma- vis Henry, little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Henry, Wayne Jackson, little son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Hack- ett, Jr., Dorothy Irine and Jo Anne, little daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Alton. DONNYBROOK • The W. M. S. and W. A., of Donny- brook United Church, met on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thos. Bamford with fourteen ladies present, The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Jas. Craig and those taking part included scriptures readings by Irene Jefferson and Mrs. Arnold Craig, piano solo by Irene Robinson, solos by Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs. R, Cham- ney, piano and auto harp selections by Elaise Bamford and Mrs, Jas, Craig and a splendid talk by the Pres., Mrs. W. A. Campbell on "Are Missions Worthwhile. Mrs. Campbell closed the meeting with prayer and during the lunch hour a bazaar 'was held, the proceeds of which amounted to $16.50 for Red Cross work. Assisting host- esses were Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Mrs. R. Chamney, Mrs. W, L. Craig of London, was a week-end guest at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig. Mrs, Elizabeth Naylor of White- church, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mr. Ted Thompson of .Wingham, spent the week-end at. his home here, Gen. Roosevelt Dies In 'Normandy With U. S. Troops In Normandy — Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., 56 year:old son of the late President Theodore Roosevelt and veteran of three invasions died of a heart attack while resting in a captured. German truck. SHOES AND SHIPS AND SEALING WAX to a tree on property to the rear of his home. Hitler Seeks Control Of Army With the U. S. Ariny in France — Hitler is making a strong effort to gain political 'as well as military con- trol of the German Army with ap- pointment of political commissars whose duties are to indoctrinate troops with his theories of national socialism and suppress any discontent with the Nazi regime or the course of the war, Huns Stripping East Prusiia . London, — The London Daily Mail said the Germans appeared to be strip- Madame Chiang In Brazil Washington, — Madame Chiang Kai-Shek has gone to Brazil for a rest cure and plans to spend three months there. The Chinese embassy here an: nounced the arrival of China's- first lady at Rio de Janeiro, and Chung- King dispatches said she left that cap- ital Sunday, seeking a cure for ner- vous exhaustion, insomnia and chronic urticaria, an inflammation of the skin. , — Boy Hanged In Tree Swing Stratford, — Gerald James 11 year- old son, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. James, 0 of 90 Mercer street, was accidentally hanged while swinging on a rope tied and that worse may come, are evacu- ating the capital in greater numbers than during the blitz period of 1940 and 1941, By, the week-end more than 169,000 evacuees will have left the Lonon area and evaeua'tion is expected to continue for another week. U. S. Losses Near Last War Washington,-:- United States an- nounced battle casualties in the cur- rent war' are approaching—if they have not already passed—the total casualties incurred by United. States forces during their 1917-18 period of fighting in the First World War. A total of 187,028 army casualties an- nounced by Acting War Secretary Patterson brought to 235,411 the over- all total of officially announced casual- ties on the ground, in the' air and at sea, The first Great War's U. S. over- all total was 278,828.. Another Canadian Is V. C. Winner Ottawa, — A former newspaperman who continued successful direction of the holding of an Italian bridgehead after being wounded three times, Maj- or John (Jack) Keefer IMahony, 33, of 'New Westminster, B. C., becomes 'Canada's fifth and the Empire's 90th. Victoria Cross winner of this war, De- fence Minster Ralston announced. Japs Use Gas Chungking, — Japanese troops have slashed forward 25 miles in the Kwangtung province drive,, seeking to close a vise on the Canton-Hankow railroadpbut the Chinese contained the Northern Jaw in Hunan Province in the face of gas attacks, the Chinese high command declared. Many Being 'Evacuated From London , ' London, — London's women and children warned, that there may be no speedy end to the flying bomb menace Grant of $500.00 Made To Wingham General Hospital Morris Council met On Monday, July 10th, in the Township Hall, with all the members present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting ,wer e read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and ,Harvey Johnston, Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded by Jas. Michie that the tenders of Looby & Looby to construct a new bridge at Plielans for $1660 and repair abutments of the 4th line bridge for $25.00 per cubic yard of concrete ac- cording to plans and specifications, be accepted subject to the approval of the District Mturicipal Engineer.—Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Jas. Michie that Morris Township give Wingham Hospital a grant of $1000. for the purpose of building a new wing and purchasing equipment, Amendment moved by Harvey John- ston and seconded by Wm. Speir that Morris Township give Wingham Hos- pital a grant of $500 for the purpose of building a new wing and purchas- ing equipment. Money to be paid be- fore the end of the year. Amendment carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston second- ed by William Speir that the road bills as presented by Road Superintendent be paid..-Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston second- ed by Chas, Coultes that a resolution allowing those portions of U. S. S. No., 3 and U. S. S. No. 17 which lie within Morris Township to become a part of the East Wawanosh School Area, be passed.7-Carried. Moved by Jas. Michie, seconded by Chas. Coultes that the meeting ad- journ to meet again on August 14th., 1944, at 1, p. m.--Carried. The following accounts were paid:— MuniciDal World (Supplies) 34 cents; Blyth Standard, (advertising), $6.25; Advance-Times (advertising) $3,90; Jas, Michie (1 lamb killed), $13.00; Wallace Agar (valuating lamb), $1,50; Mrs. Geo. Gross (relief), $15.00, Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. The vast collections of the. Royall Ontario Museum are so varied: that there is something of interest' for' everyone, We can even make an al- most perfect score with the list—shoes- and ships and sealing-wax, and cab-. bages and kings. There are shoes of all sizes and shapes, and from many . periods and countries, in the costtime collection, and there are model ships for those that have a nautical turn of mind. Sealing-wax is less obvious, but there is plenty of it on our old letters, and documents, We do have to cheat a hit when it comes to cabbages, for the best we can do are the cabbage. roses that are such a feature of the de- sign on many of the 19th century. chintzes. We could finish off the list triumphantly with lots of kings, but our choice is a pair made of the most exquisite, carved ivory and belonging to a set of Chinese chessmen recently put on exhibition in one of the furni- ture galleries. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIINZWIIEENIIIUINREIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIUIIEIEJ ri 1 IN a a al a - a , • a a a m a a • • ______ at a a • a • a a u a a • a • a •a • • t n MI • NI • MI 111 IN • II , • • la • * i • • • 1 opportunities •1 •• • .... •• • • • • • • • • ROYAL REWARD FOR A WINNER ASHFIELD Gandhi 'To Aid Allies New,Delhi, Mohandas K. Gandhi has pledged not to renew his campaign of civil -disobedience during the war and instead has promiSed to help the Allied war effort ,and,,,envisaged a Nationalist Government of India under a British a viceroy. n IN Claims 48 Canadians Shot • • Toronto, --A Toronto paper quotes NI 11 Lieut. Leo J. Heaps, who landed in • France, with a British airborne regi- ment as writing; "We discovered 48 • Canadians shot through the forehead n in an inn yard, One had his hands tied.n tis,, The GmStapo was responsible for h • 1111 • • Buz-Bomb Hits Hospital • 1111 London, — Coming from various a directions, Hitler's "Comet"' bombs III continued to blast bits of London and Southern England by daylight. Death came by ones and twos as houses and • a shops were demolished by the spray IN of explosives, but more serious recent n incidents were disclosed with the of- n ficial announcement that bombs had III hit such famous London landmarks as if the Royal Free Hospital hi Gray's II Inn road, Warner Brothers Movie • Studios at T-eddington, and Australia 1 House and AlcIwych House, at the a eastern end of the strand, gir Arrange Further Repatriation 0 111 Loudon,— Foreign Secretary Eden n announced in the Tio,use of Commons • an agreement between the British n Government and the Government of 111. • India mid the German Government whereby all British ' Commonwealth n civilians detained in Germany or Ger- man-ocetipied territories and all Get' a, marl civilians detained in the British 111 Commonwealth and mandated territot. n ieS or any territories occupied by Bri- tish troops will be repatriated. n Cotrunanclo kills Nazi'Leader • island of Vis, Yugoslavia, A unighniiiiiimintio...muninotigiiinimaimmoma Yon?* British Commando officer shot Miss Myrtle Johnston of Goderich, spent Sunday with her patents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Johnston, near Kit- tail, Jump right out at you from the classified want ads in The Advance-Times. In them you may find listed the very thing you have been looking for. Or some person may be wanting that arti- de that you are storing in your attic for lack of room. READ THEM REGULARLY Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whiteside and little daughter Jean, of Guelph, spent Thursday afternoon whit Mrs, John Mullin. Miss Jean McPherson of Wingham, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Cameron. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Lenard and Mrs. Dynes, Burlington, spent the week- end with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs., John Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Dynei Campbell, 105th. con,, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips, 0th. ton., Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Hunter, 12th. ton. Mr and Mrs. Percy Graham and sons, jack and Jim, near Sheppardton, spent Sunday evening with the lady's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Alton, 10th ton. A carload of, W. M. S. ladies from HackeWs United church attended the W, M. S. meeting at 8t. Helens on Wednesday afternoon, 13. There was i The Advanceolrimes • i Want Ads. • I Get Results Give Them a Trial. Princess Elizabeth, heir apparent to the throne •of England, rewards, bet bette, ''Hares" with ti drink from the liver cup he won in the driving east§ at tno recent Eoyal norse show, aravionwom1111101,, ,04 vou. ritke • 9 i Weill be glad' to fell you exactly what the