HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-06-29, Page 5OBITUARY
Milton Samuel McBurney
Milton. S, McBurney, son of Mrs,
Samuel McBurney and the late Mr,
Mcl3nrney of East Wawanosh, Passed
away in Hotel Dieu Montreal, June
20th, following an operation, The late
Mr, Malurney, who was in his 48th
Year, had beep in ill health for the
Past nine years.
Twenty years ago he was married
to Janet May Shiell, daughter of the
late John Shiell of East Wawanosh.
For fifteen years they lived in Wind-
sor were Mr, McBurney was in the
wholesale produce business, moving
from there to a farm near Belle River
were they lived for five years, going
to London in March of this year,
He is survived by his wife,, three
daughters, Dorothy, Gwendolyn and
Jean; his mother, Mrs. S. McBurney;
two brothers and three sisters, Ed-
ward, Gordon and Mrs. R. M, (Ella)
Shiell of East Wamariosh; Mrs. James
(Hazel) Hardie, of Turnberry, and
Mrs, Alex (Violet) Shiell, of St.
The funeral was conducted from the
A. Millard George Funeral Home on
Thursday, June 22nd, by Rev. Duncan
McTavish of London.
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful. The pallbearers were three
brothers-in-law, Alex and Charles
Shiell and James Hardie, Mr. Tuckey
of London (a neighbour); George
Medler, Windsor, and Verge Mc-
Gugan, Cedar Springs,
Quite a large number of relatives
and friends from Wingham and dis-
trict attended the funeral,
Richard Wilson
The burial of Richard Wilion, a
native of Turnberry, took place in
Wingham Cemetery on Friday after-
noon, June 23rd. The service was
conducted by Rev. Kenneth MacLean,
minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, at R. A. Currie's Funeral
Parlours. The pallbearers were: Rob-,
ert Johnston, Charles James, Roy
Porter, Oscar Holmes, John Kelly,
Wm. Chandler. '
Mr. Wilson, who was in his 92nd
year, passed on at the home of Mr.
Bert Elliott, Goderich, on Wednesday,
June 21st. He was born in Turn-
berry and farmed here for a number
of years prior to going West to Ryer-
son, Saskatchewan, where he resided
for about 40 years. For the past two
years he has been at the Elliott home
in Goderich. He is survived by a
brother, Charles, of Vancouver. He
was a life-long member of the Pres-
byterian Church.
Thursday, June 29th, 1944
.0113. - In Wingham General Hos-
pital on Tuesday, June'George
Moir, of Wingham„ in his 67th year.
Mr. Moir has been a life resident of
this ,community, He is survived by
one son Gordon of Ida, Ont. As
we go to press the funeral arrange-
ments have not been made.
es! iludson Has
Sheet Metal Parts
1933' - 1942
Want Hudson Owners to be Assured of Complete
Satisfaction Through the Use of Genuine
Hudson Repair Parts.
,Ask Your Repairman To Obtain
These Parts For You From
Distributor. Wingham, Ont.
Mrs. Gordon Godkin received word
on Wednesday last week, that her
nephew, Lieut. Robert Bruce Murchi-
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Murchison of Ottawa, had been killed
in action. He was with the troops
that invaded France, The young
soldier's father is well-known here as
he is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Murchison of Turnberry, and
was born and raised in this com-
* * *
Mrs. John R, Clark has received a
field army service card from her son,
Cpl. John E. Clark. It was from.
France and it is believed that he was
with the invasion forces. Jack went
overseas in July last year with the
• *
We regret to report that Major
(Dr.) W, A, McKibbon is a patient
in a hospital in England. His wife
received word last week to this effect.
We understand that it is expected that
he will be O.K. again soon which will
be good news to the folks here.
• * * *
Mr. Ezra Welwood of Whitechurch
has received word that his son Nor-
man, who is a prisoner of war, has
been made a member of the Cater-
pillar Club, an international organiza-
tion composed solely of those who have
saved their lives by means of para-
chutes. Mr. Welwood will shortly re-
ceive the 'official insignia of the club,
which is a small gold lapel pin in the
form of a caterpillar, With his name
and the date of the emergency jump
engraved thereon.
• * * *
Grade X
The following students have passed
to •Grade XI.
Ruth Bradburn 83,6%; Norma
Brydges 79.1%; Mildred Stokes
78.6%; Dawna Walker 78.0%; Lorna
Dunbar 74.0%; Mary Lu Connell
72,6%; Barbara Ross 71.4%; Hazel
Cameron 68.0%; Ruth Higgins 67.9%;
Eva Dow '67.1%; Tommie Lockridge
64.0%; James Hobden (Lat.) 633%;
Russel Pennington 62.9%; Donald
Porter 60.2%; Thelma Renwick 60.2%;
Harold Pocock 60.0%; Gwen Irwin
59.6%; Shirley Agar 58,7%; John
Metcalfe 58.6%; jean Town (Math.)
58.5%; Ferne Nethery 57.5%; Norman
Dickinson (Hist. Lat.) 56.4%; Joan
Edgar (Geog. Hist.) 56.5%; Betty
Lewis 54.5%.
Dustow 63.2%; Colin Campbell 60.6%;
Helen Arthur 60.4%; Madaline Deyell
60,0%; Theresa Fitzpatrick 58.7%;
James Johnston 57,5%; Robert Finlay
57,0%; Pauline Cleghorn (Math.)
54.1%; Mary Armstrong 53.1%.
Leslie Mae Wall 90.7%; Helen
Sturdy 80,9%; Peter McKague 76,2%;
Vera Montgomery 75.8%; Gloria
Swanson 70.2%; Alister Simmons
69.8%; Hilda Pletch 68.1%; Barbara
Newman 67.1%; John Shiell 65.5%;
Audrey MdGuire 64.1%; George
Underwood 63.4%; Florence Mc-
Pherson 63,0%; Donna VanCamp
62,0%; Alma Thompson 61.7%; Mary.
Procter 60.1%; Edna Templeman
57.3%; Donna Lockridge 56.0%; Don-
ald Newman (Sc.) 52.7%.
Miss Margaret Bradford, London, is
visiting with Mrs. W. Clare Adams.
L/Cpl. John Cruickshank of Lon-
don, spent the week-end at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Brown and fam-
ily, were Fergus visitors over the
L/Cpl. Wm. Johnston of London,
has been spending a furlough at his
home here.
Rev.. John and Mrs. Lucas and
daughter Ruth, will spend July at
Grimsby, Ont.
L/Cpl. Andy Scott of Debert, N,S.,
is at present spending a turlough at
his home here.
Mr. George Carter and three chil-
dren of Toledo, Ohio, spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Carter.
Misses Mary Lu Connell, Barbara
Ross, Lois Holmes, Donna Walker
and Joan Edgar, spent last week at
Amberly Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brent returned
to town on Tuesday from their honey-
moon. They were married on June
17th, at Kitchener.
Mrs. Leo Dawson and daughter
Frances, also Mrs. Harry Spry and
son Donald, are guests of Mr. and
Congratulations to Capt. T. L. Tor-
rance who last week was promoted
to 'the rank of Major. Major Torrance
is at present stationed at Camp Bor-
den. He spent three years overseas
and was with the troops that invaded
Sicily and Italy.
* *
Sgt. Norman F. Boyle, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Boyle of St. Augustine,
recently graduated as an air bomber
at Charlottetown, P.E.I. Norman is
well known here being a graduate of
Wingham High School. He is at
present visiting his parents.
* * * *
AIM. Mg. Phys.; Lat, Pr.
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leander
Gies, Waterloo,
The bride was given in marriage by
her brother, Pte. Eric Donau of Kitch-
ener. Mrs. Eric Donau was matron
of honor and a sister of the groom,
Miss Mae Gies, was bridesmaid. Mr.
Louis Gies, Waterloo, performed the
duties of best man and ushering were
Mr, Tom Rafferty, North Bay, and
Mr; Leo Gies, Waterloo.
A wedding dinner was served to
some 60 .guests at the Maple Dining
Rooms. In the evening some 100
guests were entertained at a reception.
The young couple left on a wedding
trip to Muskoka. They will reside in
Mrs. Fred W. Spry.
Miss Alma Anderson and Mr. Oscar
Anderson of Bay City, Mich., visited
the past week with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell,
Tpr. Ken Baker of Westminster
Hospital, spent the week-end at his
home here. This is the first time
Ken has been home since he came
back from overseas.
Squadron Leader James Thompson,
who is stationed on the West. Coast,
is spending a furlough with his wife
and mother in Listo-ivel. Jim was in
town for awhile Sunday evening.
Tennis News
All those using the tennis courts
are requested to pay their fees, $1.50;
at McKibbon's or to Mary Crawford,
Brent - Donau
St. Louis R. C, Church, Waterloo,
was , the setting for the wedding on
June 17th, of Miss Molly Martha
Elnora Donau, to Mr. John Francis
Brent of CKNX,- Wingham. Rev.
Francis Freiburgei performed the
ceremony at ten o'clock that morning.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. John
Donau of Detroit, and Mrs. Mary
Donau, Kitchener. The bridegroom's
Grade XI Eng.
Abraham, M. E.
Brown, M. 1
Cunningham, K. ..... .....- ..... . .......... .....
Curie, A. I. . 4
Currie, J A 2
Darling, E. 3. ..... ......- ....... - .......... ...... ..... 3
Dunkin, M D 2
Edgar, M E 4
Elston, E. A.
Golley, G E
Hamilton, D. E
Zulauf Fetter William James Clelland
(Milverton Sun) The death occurred in Sarnia Gen-
Baskets of orange blossoms, poenies, eral Hospital, on Tuesday, June 20th,
iris and pink roses formed an effective of William James Clelland, retired
background in St. John's Evangelical engineer of the Canadian National
Lutheran Church, Poole, for the wed- Railway. He was considered one of
ding on Saturday, June 17th, at 2:00 the best drivers and had only recently
o'clock of Irene Lillian, daughter of been pensioned. Death resulted from
Mr. John Fetter, Branner, arid the late a stroke which the deceased suffered
Mrs. Fetter, to LAC. Lorne Henry a few days prior to his death, Mr.
Zulauf, R.C.A.F., Vancouver, formerly Clelland had resided at 354V2 Welling-
on Hydro staff, Wingham, son of Mrs, ton Street, Sarnia, for the past twelve
Henry Zulauf, Milverton, and the late years. In his railroad activities he ha's
Mr. Zulauf, Rev. C. A. Kramer, who lived alSo at Palmerston and Owen
had the honor of baptizing and con- Sound. He was on the run from Palm-
firming the bride in the same church, erston to Kincardine for a long time
officiated at the ceremony. Given in and was well known here. He was
marriage by her brother, Mr. Harry born at Salem, north of Teeswater.
Fetter, of Toronto, the bride wore a In his long railroad experience he
floor-length gown of white sheer over made many friends who will miss him
taffeta made with shirred waistline greatly.
and full skirt trimmed with lace yoke He leaves to mourn his passing, his
arid collar and long sleeves. Her wife; a daughter Pearl, Mrs. Hub; and
finger-tip veil was caught with orange a son, Allan; also two sisters, Lizzie,
blossoms and she carried a bouquet of Harriston, and Mrs. Allen Fralick,
of Better Times roses and fern. Her of Turnberry; a brother Frank, of
only adornment was a brooch set with Dinsmore, Sask.
diamonds and pearls, the gift of the The funeral was held in Palmerston
bridegroom's mother. Miss Jean Fet- Friday afternoon, with Rev. Palmer
ter, Stratford, sister of the bride, was Hunter conducting the service. The
bridesmaid, wearing a floor-length funeral was under the auspices of the
gown of orchid organdie with white Railway Brotherhood.
flowers through it over taffeta, made
in bouffant style with sweetheart neck- James T. Wilson
line and lilac velvet bows for trim- Mr. Jas, T. Wilson, passed away at
ming. Her finger-tip veil to match his home in East Wawanosh on June
was held with orange blossoms. She 16th. He had been in failing .health
wore a black onyx diamond set ring for sometime and death came sudden-
and necklace to match and carried a ly at last, He was born July 26th,
sheaf of deep pink carnations and fern. 1868, on the same farm as he died.
Little Miss Jackie Fetter, youngest He lived there all his life except six
sister of the bride, was junior brides- years. He was of a quiet industrious
maid in a floor-length dress of baby nature and very fond of home. His
pink sheer made on full lines , with passing will be a great loss to his
ruffles at neck and waist, Her finger- family. On. March 26th, 1894, he
tip veil was held with clusters of pink married Priscilla, So-vvIer of 6th line,
flowerS and ribbon, She carried a East Wawanosh, and they spent their
nosegay of pink and blue sweet peas entire life hi this township where they
with a rose iti the centre with fern, made many friends. They celebrated
Mr. Jack Roe, of Atwood, was best their Golden Wedding last March,
man, During the signing of the reg- He is survived by his widow, two
inter Mrs, James Serimgeour, cousin sons, Russel and George of l3lyth;
of the bridegroom, sang "0 Promise two daughters (Mae), Mrs. Fred Mae
Me" accompanied by Mrs. W. D. Arthur of Markdate; Luella, (Mrs.
Binkley at the organ, Who also played Wm, a Gow) of )31yth; one sister,
the wedding music. The ushers Were Mrs. Jas. Crerar, Shakespeare, and
Mr, James Scrimgeour, cousin of the seven grandchildren,
bridegroom, and Mr. Fred Gernhael- ,The funeral was held Sunday June
der, brother-in-law of the bride. 18th. Rev. Mr. Sinclair spoke corn
A buffet luncheon was served forting words at the home and grave-
in Wing's Cafe, Stratford, to 55 guests, side. The • pallbearers were, Wm.
The couple left for the home of the Dalrymple, Edward Quinn, Geo. Mc- James Hall 86.9%; Doreen Currie
bride where a , reception was held, Gowan, Thomas Taylor, Albert Mc: 80.5%; Grant Ernest 78,4%; Barbara
leaving later on a honeymoon trip to Cullough, Walter McGill, The flower Poxton 75,5%; Ruth turgman 11.2%;
Buffalo and Rochester, nit" bearers Were: Colin MacArthur, John Armitage 71,2* James Ben-
travelling the bride donned a, two.plece Duthie Wilson, Billie Naltigang, Rob- finger 60.6%; Edith Glousher 68.6%;
dress of gold crept beige coat with ! ert Charters, 13Obby ,teggett, Robert Gwen :Cook 6700 Mildred Higgins
66.1%; Plorente kartri 0,5%; t thel brown aceessoilei. 'IMatshalh '
4 4 4
3 2 4 4
4 4 3
2 1 4 4
McKinney, E. I. ..... .......
McLennan, J. I. .............. .........-..._ .....
Montgomery, W. E.
Procter, R. S. ........ - ..... ,
Robinson, I. C.
Walker, S. J.
4 4
Grade XII
bb 0
Sgt. Air Gunner James Ivan Magof-
fin, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas James Magoffin, R.R., No. 1,
Lucknow, has been reported missing
following air operations, Sgt. Magof-
fin received his wings at MacDonald,
Manitoba, in October last year and
proceeded• overseas the following
month. It is hoped that his parents
will "receive better news shortly.
1 2 1 1 1
4 4 4 4
2 1 1 1 1
4 1 2 2 2
2 4 2 2 2
2 4 3 1 2
4 3 3 4 3
1 4 4 2 2
4 4 4 2 4
2 4 2 3 4
4 3 2 4
4 2 4 4 4
Abraham, M E
13allagh, M. E. . ,
Boyle, R. M................. 4
Brophy, M. A. .-
Brophy, W. E. ..... - ....... ....
Bryce, M, .
Carr, H, 3.
Copeland, G. W.
Coulter, G. M.
Darling, D. A.
4 1 1
2 3 3
4 4 4
4 2 2
4 4 3 4 4 4
4 4 4 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 2 1 1 3
4 4 3 3
3 3 2 2 2 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
2 2 2 2 2 2
4 4
4 4
3 3
4 4
A new telephone directory has just
made its appearance in Wingham
homes and offices, and W. G. Hamil-
ton, Bell Telephone manager for this
region, expressed the hope that sub-
scribers would make full use of their
"Consulting the new directory care-
fully before placing calls will help to
eliminate unnecessary calls, and will
reduce the wrong number nuisance
considerably," he pointed out "Avoid-
ing unnecessary calls will help us to
serve you better, despite wartime dif-
"In view of the large number of
new and changed listings in the latest
issue, it is important to discard the
old book promptly on receiving the
new one, to avoid confusion," Mr.
"Subscribers are being asked to
contribute their old directories to the
regular salvage collection, for paper is
high on the list of badly-needed, sal-
vage articles,"
4 4
4 4 4
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 4 4
Edgar, S. E
Hare, E. A
Hoffman, D. K. .....
Jones, M. C,
McGuire, R. L,
McLaughlin, J. H, ..... . . ...
Nethery, S. E.
Strong, E. J. ..,..,...,_. ,.•:.,...,..,,...,.
Walker, J. 0, 4 4 4 4
1-75% and over; 2 66-74%; 3-60-65%;
3 3
2 2 1 1 2 2 2
4 4 3 4 4
3 3 3 4 4 4
4 4
The following students have passed
from Grade IX to Grade X.
'Murray 'Johnson - Phone 62, Wingham
Armstrong Vulcanizing & Service Station
Bert Artabtrartg ' Phatie 181 , Winghant
A New
Dramatic Radio
Serial . . Exciting
Dramatic . . . Romantic
Every evening Monday thru Friday
8.30 P.M. CKNX
Jeweler)! Sale
Definitely Closes
Friday, June 30
,at 1112.111.
To Buy at Sale Prices
Good Selection of Diamonds, Rings,
Watches, Silverware and China
is still available.
1 1
4 4
We have the "kna*-how" and Goodyear's top`
standard methods and materials at our fingertips to
put your tires in the pink of condition and bring them
through to happier time
days ; ; ; safely. Let us
Inspect them today.