HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-06-15, Page 4GUARD AGAINST DEADLY CARBON MONOXIDE! Replace with PTO MASTER MUFFLERS . . TAIL PIPES EXHAUST PIPES • Bingo and Other Games for Young and Old BIG DRAW — for 2-year-old Holstein Heifer Bella Rag- apple Fayne and Four Other Handsome Prizes. PARADE—at 7.30 p.m. Led By Elora 40-piece Band Followed By Band Concert. Have, You Pains Callouses or Cramps there ----->- We are bringing you Positive, Reliable \ and Speedy Relief The Finger Points to the location of the Anterior Transverse Arch. When this Arch weakens, the tiny bones ere de- pressed; uneven pressure is pro-, duced,andtheunevendistribution of the person's weight causes a burning sensation,callousee, tender spots, contraced toes, and severercramp-like pain. The foot widens and spreads over the shoes. the small toe and great toe joints become inflamed and enlarged— bod fatigue and nervousness retail ,Trade Mark -` Registered Heed the first danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles before they impair your comfort and daily efficieniy An Exposition of the newest, most advanced scientific methods of relieving and correcting .Foot Troubles, will be held at our Store on Tuesday, June 20th 9 Min. to 6 p.m. A specially trained expert from the, staff of W. M. Scbot1, M.D., the world's most noted Orthledic authority will dearly explain how these methods give Instant foot comfort, You will also be given a pedograph print of 6,our stockinged feet. All this without cost or obligation. Don't miss seeing this Expert et our' store on abovedate.• #0' Because— Moto-Master is ENGI. NEERED and built SCIENTIFICALLY —a specific unit for each model and make of car or truck. AssociateStore WIF1GHAM, Ontario WINGHAM LIONS treet Dance and Carnival — Featuring Centralia IPE BAND First Parade at 7.30 p.m, ed.; June 28th SUPER BINGO 'GAME — SOMETHING DIFFERENT!. ALSO CHUCK-A-LUCK - OVER &UNDER HAM WHEEL - HIT HITLER COIN TOSS - GAMES OF SKILL DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF ARRUTHER'S • ,•Six Piece Band: A Full Evening of Entertainment. Don't Miss It! vAGE r OUR WINGRAM .ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 1504 1944 HUGH CARMICHAEL PHONE 193 FREE DELIVERY Stokely's Tomato Soup, Z 1 0-oz. tins 15c Hillcrest Pure Lard, 1 lb. carton , . . . 14c Clark's Condensed Cream of. Mushroom Soup 2 10-oz. tins . — . . . , 19c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, 2 pkgs, , 25c ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 24-oz. jar . ,„ 27c LUX, RINSO, CHIPSO, IVORY SNOW & OXYDOL, reg 25e SUN WAX, easy to apply—instant polish, 1 lb. tin ...... 45c HILLCREST SHORTENING, 1 lb. carton ..... ..... . .... ...... 19c PALM GARDEN PEKOE, hits the spot, lb. " 28c Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/24b. pkg. . . . 38c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1 lb. bag 43c AYLMER APPLE JUICE, 13 oz. bottle ....... ....... 15c PLAIN OR IODIZED SALT, 2 large 2-lb pkgs. 'pkgs. , ... . . 15c Arctic Pastry Flour, finest of them all, 7 lb. ... 29c CHARME' CASTILE SOAP, 5 bars 19c MANY FLOWERS TOILET SOAP, 3 bars 15c AYLMER INFANT'S FOODS—VEGETABLES, "3 tins 25c G. & M. CANNED PILCHARDS, 15 oz. tin .... .......... ....... 18c HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE, 3 large rolls 25c SCHNEIDERS, the all pork sausage, 1 lb , , 28c GOOD SELECTION FRESH, CURED and COOKED MEATS OUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES "ALWAYS FRESH" orthEndGrocery • For,Smoother Performance "APPLICATIONS" — are desired for the Stratford General Hospital School of Nursing. There is a future in nursing. Write for appli- cation forms, CAR LEAVING for Toronto, Wed- nesday, June 21st, room for two passengers, Phone 380: CHICK BARGAINS — Government approved, blood tested, Barred Rock, New Hampshire, White Rock, Light Sussex, White Leghorn, White Wyandotte,. hybrids, non-sexed as low as $8.95 per hundred. Heavy Breed Cockerels $8.95. Pullets $14.95. Shipped C.O.D. Immediate delivery, give second choice. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. FOR SALE — Used Lawn Mowers and bicycles, all reconditioned. Ap- ply Leslie McDougall. FOR SALE --air of 5 inch wooden lawn bowls. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Bed spfings 4 ft. wide for % bed, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Two Men's Bicycles, in good repair, Apply George D. Hislop, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE — Grey baby buggy in good condition: Apply Mrs. Morris Swanson, Shuter St., Wingham, FOUND — Ladies wrist watch at Al's Dance Hall. Owner may have same by proving property. Al Orvis, Victoria Street, FOR SALE — Pure bred Shorthorn Bulls of serviceable age. Sired by son of Ransom. Wingham Phone 623R2. Jno. S. Scott. FOR SALE — Farm wagon, also single harness. W. Stokes, Wing- ham. FOR SALE — Pure bred Shorthorn Bull, ready for service. Apply Ed- gar Wightman, Belgrave, Phone Brussels 15-8. FOR SALE — Electrolux in excellen,t condition, complete with attach- ments; and pair of wine shade tap- estry curtains suitable for arch; also pair green and rust silk window drapes. Apply Advance-Times. HOUSE FOR SALE — In White- church, garage, soft arid hard water, electric lights, Apply P,O. Box 2, Whitechurch. "KLEEREX" — FOR SKIN AIL- MENTS. Sold in two strengths - Medium and Strong. Heals Eczema, Boils, Psoriasis, Erythema, Impe- tigo, Itch, Chaps, etc. while you Work. 60e; $1,00. Sold by Me- Xibboil's Drug Store, ' LAWN MOWERS — Sharpened and repaired, Leslie McDougall, MAN WANTED — to assist with haying. Apply to Walter Jeffray, Phone 635R4, Wingham, PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3.00, repairs extra. By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. j. Wright, Must leave orders at Advance-Times, STABLE FOR SALE — 24 x 16 ft e, 12 it high, scantling frame, built hi two parts. 'Would sell ten ft, off end if desired. Apply to Advance.. Times. 'SLENDOR TABLETS — are effee- tive, 2 weeks supply $1., 12 weeks' $5, at McKibbon's ,Drug Store. TENDERS — for, the painting of the Interior of S. S. No. 7, Morris Town- ship, will be received by the under- signed up to June 20th,'1044. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ad,. tented. Milo CaSernore, Seey,treas,, A. H. NO. 4, Wingham, Vi/011.X WANTED housework in Wingham, Apply to Loretta Rich, Lower Winghatu. 11 a 0 TEACHER WANTED — for school section No. 4, Howick. State salary and qualifications. Personal appli- cation preferred. Apply to Nelson Gowdy, Sec'y-treas, ,Wroxeter, R. R. No. 1. TAKE NOTICE — All articles which have been left at Williams' Jewelery Store .for repairs must be claimed by the end of June, as the store will .be closed at that time and I will not be responsible for such goods after the above date. George Williams. TAKE NOTICE — that, my wife having deserted my home, I will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name without my written consent. Leslie Brydges, Preston, Ontario, WANTED TO RENT — House in Wingham. Apply to Advance-Times. WANTED—Room for light house- keeping or room with board. Apply Mrs. Sarah Hutchinson, c/o Percy Gibson, Wingham, WANTED — Cook - general, for three adults in Goderich. Must be good plain cook, Modern kitchen. Wages fifty dollars. References. Mrs. Wurtele, Goderich, Telephone 285. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the contract of building a small cement bridge on Concession 8, of Morris Township, known as the Phelan Bridge, also the reinforcing of abutments on the 4th line bridge, will be received up until June 20, 1944. For plans and specifications see the Road Superintendent, R. B. Currie, R, R. No, 5,' Brussels. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE C. MARTIN,. Clerk. CARD OF THANKS' Mr. Harry Elliott desires to express his sincere thanks to the neighbours and friends for the many acts of kind- ness shown to himself and Mrs. El- liott during his illness. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Richard Jackson wishes to thank all her kind friends and neigh- bours for their many kindnesses dur- ing her late husband's illness and at the time of her sad bereavement. "It was terrible," said Mrs. 'Murphy. "There were 50 Swedes and an Irish- man killed in the wreck." "Indeed," said Mrs, O'Reilly. "The poor man." WEDDINGS Hanniore Hodge St. Enoch's United Church, To- ronto, was prettily decorated on Sat- urday, May 27, with spring flowers on the occasion of the wedding of Itis Winifred, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hodge, Toronto, to Vivian F, Hantnore, only son of Mr. and. Mrs, P. Hanmore, Sarnia. Dr. A, Autinels, n,c).. officiated at the 8.86 o'clock ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, look- ed lovely in a floor-lefigth gown of white slipper :satin, with train and a finger-41p embroidered net- veil. Her bouquet was red roses and lily-of-the- valley. The bride's two attendants, Miss Gladys Hodge, her sister, of To- totttb as bridesmaid, and Miss Nan attison, Toronto, as maid-of-honour wore pale lane sheer over taffeta and matching hats. Their veils Were. Shoulder length, and they tarried bon- quets of pink roses and lily-of-the-val- ley. Miss Joan Clyrna as flower girl wore a pink taffeta floor-length gown and a baby blue headdress, Her nose- gay was sweet peas and lily-of-the- valley. Se'rgeant A, E. Clauson, To- ronto, attended the bridegroom and L. Hodge and R. Adams, of Toronto, were ushers, A,. Ridley played the wedding music and Miss Jean Innis was the soloist. A reception was held at Coles, Yonge street, Toronto. For their wedding trip to Haliburton and points north, the bride chose an ice blue dress with matching hat and mink furs. Her corsage was of pink roses and lily-of-the-valley. For the wed- ding the bride's mother wore dusty pink dress and navy accessories, Her corsage was of sweetpeas, The bride- groom's mother chose a dress ,of heavenly-blue with matching accessor- ies. Her corsage was of pink roses and lily-of-the-valley. Following the .wedding trip, the couple will reside in Toronto. Out of town guests: Mrs, Roy Mundy, Wingham, Lloyd Mundy, Wingham; Miss Edythe Mundy, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mow- bray; Lucknow; Mr: arid Mrs. D. H. Mundy, London; Mrs, C. Benson, Sarnia. Austin Armstrong. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church Parsonage, Luck-, now, at 11 o'clock Saturday, June 10th, when Rev, J. W. Stewart united in marriage Frances Mildred, eldest aught0 of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong of Lucknow, and Joseph Robert, Austin, son of Mr, Win. Austin and the `late Mrs, Austin of Wingham. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple left for points south, On their return Mr, and Mrs. Austin will reside on the groom's farm near Wing- ham, Pickell - Wheeler In Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock the marriage was solemnized by Rev. G. H. Dunlop of Annie Velma, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Wheeler to LAC. James Wil- fred Pickell, Royal Canadian Air Force, son of Mrs. T. W, Pickell, Wingham. Ferns, spirea and. peonies decOrated the church for the occasion, The bride was accompanied to the altar by her father who gave her in marriage.Her graceful gown was of white slipper satin and lace, fashioned on princess lines with sleeves tapering to points over her hands and a square neckline, the full skirt ending in a train. . Clusters of gardenias in her hair held her finger-tip veil of tulle and she carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart roses and sweet peas. Miss Evelyn Wynne, London, was maid of honor, wearing a gown of pink embroidered organza. The brides- maids, Mrs. Bernard Crellin and ,Miss Don't Fail to Attend the HARRISTON LIONS CLUB 5t Annual Frolic Wed., June 21st Ruth Wheeler, Reg. N., London, cous- ins of the bride, were gowned alike poudre blue net over taffeta. All three wore bandeaus of flowers and tulle in their hair and carried nosegays of roses and cornflowers. Mr. Benson Hamilton, Seaforth, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Nelson Pick- ell, Wingham, and Mr. Goldwin Wheeler of London. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Nelson Pickell, Wingham, sister-in-law of the' bridegroom. At a reception at the home of the biide's parents, Mrs. Wheeler received the guests, wearing a two-piece dress of heavenly blue sheer with white accessories and a cor- sage of roses' and sweet Peas. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, wearing a two-piece rose crepe dress with white accessories and cor- sage of roses and cornflower's. Buffet refreshments were served. The bride's table was attractive with a lace cloth, wedding cake and pink candles,/ in silver holders. The bridegroom's• gift to the bride was a sterling silver dres- ser set. The honeymoon will be' spent in Muskoka and Ottawa. For travel- ing the bride chose a turquoise en- semble with white accessories. Guests were present from Toronto, London, Seaforth, Brussels and Wingham. Tegler - Inglis Shielfield; the fine home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Inglis, Carrick, was the scene of a pretty June wedding on Saturday at high noon, when their second daughter, Grace Isabel, was united in marriage to Mr. Herman Harold Tegler, son of Mrs. Tegler, of. Walkerton, and 'the -late Christian Tegler. The ceremony took place on the spaCious lawn, with a background_ of stately evergreens and flowers, Rev, Donald Cranam.; ,of Teeswater of- The bride, given in marriage by her father, was beautifully attired in a floor-length dress of white satin with train. A fingertip veil of white illusion completed her costume. She carried A shower bouquet of roses and bon.- vardia. Miss Jean Inglis, of Toronto, assisted her sister through the cere- money, She was prettily gowned in a floor-length dress of pink organza and her flowers were pink Bettertime roses. Mr, Robert Tegler, Montreal, was groomsman. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Harold Wesley, of ,Walkerton, sister of the groom, Mr. Carl Tegler sang a solo "0 Lord, Most Holy", during the signing of the register. After the ceremony, the guests, the immediate families of the contracting parties, were shown to the dining- room, where a delicious dinner was served from a table decorated with sweet peas and forget-me-nots, and centred b? the wedding cake. Friends of the bride assisted with the serving, Later Mr. and Mrs, Tegler left' by for Ottawa and, Montreal,. the bride wearing a dressmaker suit of dawn blue wool, navy tailored hat, and navy shoes. On their return they will take up residence on the 15th con- cession of Carrick. McConkey - Hanna Sunshine favoured the happy bridal couple at four o'clock. Saturday, June 10th, when Louise Eleanor, daughter of Mrs. Hanna and the late George Campbell Hanna, and niece of John W. Hanna, M.P.P., was married to Major Oswald Murray McConkey, R. C.A., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert McConkey, Higfi River, Af- berta. In the absence of The Rev. Archdeacon Scovil, Winona; Ontario, formerly of Guelph,' the Rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Rev. E. 0. Gallagher, officiated. The Chancel of the Church was artistically decorated by the Altar with pink and white peonies, blue iris, and feathery white spirea, lending a colourful setting for the 'oc- casion. Due to unforseen circumstances, Mr. George R. Allen, Chicago, cousin of the bride, was unable to be present to give here away. In his absence, tier mother, Mrs. Caroline M. L. Hanna gave her daughter in marriage. She was charmingly gowned in Dove Grey Crepe suit, accented with white, black milan picture hat and wore a corsage of pink roses and forget-me- nots. The 'bride looked radiantly lovely, choosing a simple white floor-length dress having a jersey bodice with sweetheart neckline, and bouffant net skirt over ,taffeta. The net veil fell shoulder length from the heart-shaped ,Mary Stuart head-dress, For "something borrowed" she wore a single strand of pearls loaned to her by a life-long friend of the family, Mrs. John A. MacLean. Delicate white flowers, Bouvardia, Smonsonia and Saxifraga were used in the bridal bouquet, The matron of honour, Mrs, John M Bromley, Hamilton, looked stately in a gown of buttercup-yellow eyelet embroidery pique with matching halo hat: Her bouquet of California daisies blended beautifully with her gown. The groom was supported y by Cap- tain Charles W. Riley, O.A.C. ' The ushers were Mr. Stanley S. Smith, Guelph, and Mr. John M. Bromley, Hamilton, The wedding music was played by Mr, 'William L. Stuart, organist of the O.A.C. , Mrs. Wm. McCool, Wing- ham, gowned in a pansy crepe suit, with matching straw hat sang "Be- cause" very effectively during the signing of the register: Church bells shimmed merrily as the bridal party left for the reception held at the family residence. A corsage of gardenias 'harmonizing with white accessories, accented the bride's travelling costume of tiarquois blue. Major and Mrs. McConkey visited at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend, Ontario. Major 'McConkey is returning over- seas immediately.. The following guest list included many relatives and friends from dis- tant points, as well as those with whom they have been locally associ- ated: From Guelph—Prof, and Mrs, John Buchanan, Commander and 'Mrs, A. W. Baker, Miss Katherine Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baldwin; Miss Louisa E. Brill, Prof: and Mrs. V4.• wood, Dr. and Mrs. G. I, Christie, Lt. Cbl. and Mrs. C. B. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox, Major and Mrs. Angus Dunbar, Prof. and Mrs, Drummond, Major and Mrs, G. H. Edwaids, Mrs, 3, Norris Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. It, A. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Guthrie, Mr, and Mrs. Gunvaldsen, Mrs, Beatrice Gibson, Dr. and Mrs, H. O. lit:witt, Mrs. Al- fad Hales, Sr., Miss Louise Hertnga, Miss Ethel Hood, Mrs, Margaret Hearn and Miss Mary Hearn,' Prof. ttnd, Mrs, A H. Jones, Isift, and Mrs. IL iteegan, Prof.- and Mrs, 3. Laugh- land, Miss Jessie Lambden, Mr, and Mrs, V. F, lVforwick, Sgt, and Mrs. A. Morgan, Miss tlitabeth Master, Mr, and Mrs. A. W, Mason, Mr. Alex Murray, Dr. and Mrs, 11, N. Marcellus, Dr. and Mrs. G. I). McRottle, Mr. A. M. Potter, Mn and Mrs, N. M. Parks, Miss Vlorenee PArttidgd,. Mr. arid Mrs, • For Greater Safety • Nursing Sister Audrey Nelles, From., Hamilton—Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Brom- ley, Capt. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus„. Mrs, John McConkey. From London, —Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward and Miss, Gertrude Ward, Miss Jessie Martin,. Mrs. Gertrude Ross, Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum and Misses Belen and: Joan McCallum. Mr. George R. Al- len, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Allen, North Bay; Mrs. Thos. Ander- son; Goderich; Dr. and Mrs. Geo, Counter, Ingersoll; Gnr.' and Mrs. Cecil Caton, Red Deer, Alta.; Mr. and. Mrs, H. P. Hermance, New Hamp- shire; Miss Virginia Hatfield, Coving- ton, Ky.; Miss Jean I, Hart, DeKalb,.. Ill.; Dean and Mrs. L. H.* Kirk, Uni- versity of Sask.', Miss C. 1M. Large, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mun- roe, Willowdale; LAC, and Mrs. Ken- neth Marcellus, Saskatoon; Mr. and_ Mrs. Paul Martin, Windsor; Lt. 'Col. D. .N. MacCollum and officers., 25th Field Reg., Wainwright, 'Alta.; Mi. and Mrs. H. C. Pocock, Ottawa; Lt. Muriel Redmond, Ottawa; Lieut. Doris Fells, Ottawa; Section Officer Marg- aret Ferguson, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Turnbull, Trail, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaver, Tillsonburg, Geo. Raithby, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Riley, Miss Evelyn Renouf, Prof. and Mrs. G. N. Ruhnke, Dr, and Mrs. 0, J. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Stewart, Dr. Frank Schofield, Mi.. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starkey, Capt. and Mrs. D. B. Shutt, Mr. Wm. Stuart, Mr. D. R. Sands, Prof. and Mrs. Wilfred Tolton, Prof. and Mrs. A. H., Tomlinson, Mrs. G. H. Unwin, Mrs. Jessie 'Walker, Miss Anne Walker, Wing Commander and Mrs. James Wright, Mr. J. Robt. Weir. From Cayley, Alta—Miss Florence and Mr. John S. McConkey. From Calgary, Alta.—Mrs. J., H. Mc- Conkey, Miss Helen and Gordon Mc- Conkey, From St. Marys—Mrs. 3, H. McCully, Mr. and Mrs, John Turnbull, Miss Margaret McCully, Mr. and Mrs, Norrrian McCully, Mrs. Grant, Miss L. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Rich- ardson. From Toronto—Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher, Lieut, P. F. Fisher, 8th Army, Italy, Miss Agnes Mac- Lean, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dicken and Misses Helenond Louise Dicken, Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Evans, Sigmn. and Mrs. D. J. Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lord, Mr. and Mrs, C. Kingan, • For Easier Installation • For Miniinum. Back Pressure. 1101111.1, 0 U 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 0 poi=0 1121 r*I0===i0=01===01 Dunlop's Shoe Store qt4T. ........