HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-05-11, Page 4VIGORO (the square meal for all plants)— ..... " .100 lbs. — $4.00; 50 lbs. — $2.50 . „ , ... 25 lbs. -- $1.50; 10 lbs. — 80c • VAGg 14OUR WINGliAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May IIth, 1 44- concession of East Virawanosh, moved their household effects on Monday, Mr, Warren Bamford of Preston, was a week-end guest at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. limn- ford,. Mr, .and Mrs. Henry. Mathers, Miss Hattie Gallagher, Mr, end Mrs. Pharis Mathers and babe, of Lticktum. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wi e g re htrnan. Mr, and Mrs. H. Mathers armaining for some time. Miss Jean McDowell of Waterloo, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. McDowell, LAC, Fred. BarloW of Port Albert, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wightmart, Staintods the May meeting of the Women's fn- stitute On Thursday last, with a good Attendance, The president .presided and opened with the singing of the 040 and repeating the Lord's 1,).rayer, The roll call was answered by don- ation of a package of seeds which were exchanged and will be planted in the members Victory Gardens and offered for Sale in the Aotomn. Mrs. W. Maclean read a tribute to Mrs. Hood- less who organized the Women's In- stitute which was written by Miss Viola Fcevell, formerly of the Depart- ment. Mrs. V, Denny gave a very interesting current events, The topic "The Honey Bee" was dealt with in a very interesting manner by Mrs. 1:1, Durst, who stated there were 5000 different species of bees. She told of their habits and said the industry was a very old one dating back to Bible times. Miss June Waller and Miss Agnes Wearring sang a duet "Beauti- ful Ohio", During the business period it was decided to buy a health kit, which contains 4 books dealing with health problems .and which will be passed among the members. Tea was Served at the close the hostess being assisted by her daughter, Mrs, Neil Carr and Mrs. Thos, Burke.- , ..--,--,-.--, W. I, Executive Meeting The Executive meeting of the East Huron District Women's Institute was held on Friday last, .at the home of Mrs. D, S, MacNaughton, with 21 in attendance. The District President, Mrs, F. Demmerling, of Fordwich, pre,. sided. Plans for the District Annual to be held in Bluevale Presbyterian Church, June 8th, at 10 a.m., were made, and a nominating committee ap- pointed. Tea was served ,by the ex- ecutive of Wroxeter Institute, and a social hour enjoyed. Delegates were in attendance from Brussels, Ethel, Btu evale and. Fordwich. Home and Life Lost In Fire Mrs, Andrew Douglas of- the Ninth Line of Howick, received a message from the West on Monday, stating her brother had lost his life when his And Farmers' Supply Flcruse "The Store Where You Get The Most For The Money You Spend" Garden Rakes . .. 65c and $1,2$ ... Aq144WI 4$c . , .. . , „ 39c 89c Set of 3 Hand Garden Tools ..... Child's Set •of Garden Tools , „ . Garden Spades WROXETER Mr. Vern Hambly has gave to Forks of the Credit, to relieve the caretakers' agent there. Miss Dorothea Tuck of Brantfoid, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, Mrs. Dean Gibson of London, was a week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Gilson, Mr. and Mrs, John Newark and daughter Joyce, of Bracebridge, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. V. McKenney, Master John Magee of Milverton, is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. Mr, Finlater from Belgrave district, has leased the farm of Miss A, Hooper and has taken possession. We welcome Mr. Finlater to our community. LAC. Weldon Hambly is continuing his training at Paulson in Manitoba. Mr. Vern Denny left on Monday morning for Midhurst, where he will commence the demonstrating of mach- ines for C.P.R. through Northern On- tario. We have not learned who will take over his work on the section dur- ing his absence. Mrs. J. Lovell, who has spent the past year in the West, has arrived at Ridgetown and is expected home this week. Mr. Don Kaake is a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart and sons, also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hyslop, spent Sunday with Listowel friends, Many friends in this district enjoy- ed the Dedication Service at St. Paul's church, Wingham, when Rev. A. H. O'Neil of Huron College, a former rector of Fordwich, Gorrie and Wrox- eter parish, was guest speaker. Dr, F. H. and Mrs. Scherk, spent part of last week with Toronto friends. Mr. H. I. Durst was a Toronto visitor one day last week. Canadian Girls In Training Notes The regular meeting of the C.G,I,T. was held oh Thursday, April 27th, at the home of Agnes Wearring, with the president, Alice Howes presiding. The meeting opened with the hymn "The church's one foundation" with the prayer and purpose repeated in unison. Miss Irwin asked questions on the talk she had given the previous month' on "Alcohol", Margaret Mof- fat was appointed to give the next topic in June. "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" was the second hymn, followed by minutes and roll call, Miss MacDonald had charge of the Bible Character study and gave a very interesting talk on Job. Plans were made for the play to be given by the members of the C.G.I.T. on June 2nd. Play practice was held at Alice How- es home on May 1st and Helen Saw, tell's on May 4th, Our group has been invited to spend a social evening with the Gorrie group of the C.G.I.T, girls on May 5th. The Taps and God Save the King brought the meeting to a close. Women's Missionary Society ' The May meeting of the W.M.S. will be held in the church parlors on May 17th at 8 p.m. This will be an all weathers meeting and the subject is "China". Save Waste Fats The Women's Institute have again planned to take care of Waste Fats for this community with Mrs, H. V. McKenney and Mrs. a. I, Durst, the conveners. Donations niay be left at the Red Cross Work Rooms any Wednesday afternoon. Help the war effort by saving waste fats. No amount is too small. Red Cross Shipment The following list of articles Was forwarded to It C. ;headquarters on April ductal 24 pair service sett; 5 pair gloves; pale mitts; 0 turtle- neck sweaters; 2 high neck sweaters, long- sleeves; 1 pair seamen's stock- ings, 26"; 7 quilts; 10 stilts boy's py- jamas; 7 suits men's pyjamas; 7 pina- fore dresses. Mother's Day Service Family Day arid Mother's Day will he observed hi 'United Church on Sunday hod. Special ..nutsie will be give(' . by a Mother's choir and Rev. J. L. Potter' will be in charge, 'nited Ch trek. Service /UV, W., B. Smith of Toronto, re- presentative of Temperance Vedeta, Wm, was guest speaker at the Attited Chtirch Oh Sunday ittbrfiltig, gpeaking froth the text "Por with the heart Irian bellevetb unto righteousness anit with he mouh confession is made unto, sal- vation" Romans, chapter 10, verse 10. Rev, J. L. Foster was in charge and two fine anthems were contributed by the choir. Lions Hold Ladies Night Howick Lions are holding a supp meeting "Ladies Night" on Thursday of this week at Fordwich, featuring Cameron Geddes, entertainer, with. Rev. E. 0. Gallagher of Wingham, as guest speaker. Local Boy Safe and Well When Word came through of the sinking of the "Athabaskan" it brought great anxiety to this community and especially to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin of Hamilton, who were enjoying the week-end at their resi- dence here, as their son Bill, was known to be with the Athabaskan, as a telegraphist. However, a cable came to his parents on Monday to say he was safe and well. Bill, a very popular boy in our community, attend- ed public and continuation school and also enlisted from here. His many friends are grateful for his safety and wish him continued good luck, Women's Institute Mrs. H. Waller opened her home for home was destroyed by fire. • Mr, and Mrs. Douglas had spent several months last year at this home, Friends here sympathize with them in their tragic' loss: NOTICE • To those who have been supplied glasses by the Hocick Lions Club. The average cost of glasses supplied has been $6,50 per person, Of this amount the Lions Club proposes to pay $2,00 in all cases, The balance of ($4.50) may be paid to W. E. Patter- son, FOrdiVich; Allen Munro, Wrox- eter; M. D. Irwin, Gorrie. We are anxious to help as many children u possible and the amount of help avail- able will be in direct proportion to8- your response to this notice. Your co-operation is invited. W. R. Fraser, M. D., Chairman.Sight Committee Howick Lions Club' FOR SALE — Hard maple, also' WANTED—Girl or middle aged lady quantity of soft wood. Apply to Joe for general housekeeping. Apply to Holmes, R.R. No. 4, Brussels, ring Advance-Times, , Brussels 15X5. • FOR SALE'— A lot suitable location for erection of ideal home. Phone , ' 204. ' CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Oliver Gilchrist wish to express their appreci- ation to their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy extend- ed to them during their recent bereave- ment. FOR SALE — Gentlemen's black fur coat, size 40; ladies black cloth coat fitted style, size 38. Both in splendid condition, Apply to Ad- vance-Times. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent Sunday evening with their sob, Mr. Roy Gowdy and Mrs. Gowdy of the B Line, Howick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons and children from near Fordwich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simmons. Mr, and Mrs. George Day, Mrs. Sam Woods and Miss Aggie Hastings of the 9th Concession of Turnberry, spent Sunday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher at- tended the funeral last Saturday of th e former's aunt, Mrs. Goodfellow, of To- ronto, who was buried in the Gorrie Cemetery, The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of the community at WANTED — Young married women large, with above average intelligence, resident in Wingham and adjacent small towns for market research and public opinion surveys. Strictly part time. No selling, Write Canadian Facts, 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, AND YOU LOVE !IBM WESTFIELD MEE s FLOUR 24 lb. 79c - 98 lb. 2.79 A social evening which took the form of a crokinole party, was held in the basement of the Church on Mon- day evening, in honour of Ab. Elvin Wightman, who is home on leave and leaves on Wednesday to join his ship at Vancouver. Rev. H. Snell spoke a few appropriate words and Elvin thanked the Westfield friends for the pleasant evening, The gift of a War Saving Certificate had been given him a short time before and the letters he had received. A letter was also read from Pte. Clifford. Carter of Italy, for the gift he had received, Mr, Jack Buchanan spoke on the 6th Victory Loan. Lunch was served. Mrs. John Reid, Messrs Gordon and Stewart Reid of Ashfield, Mrs, Jennie. Fitzgerald of Dungannon, Were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Rev. H. C. and lVfrs. Wilson, Ruth and John of Brussels, were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wightmati, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Smith and Barbara of Goderich, visited Sunday with Mr. and Uts,, L. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cost of Whiteetturch who purchased the prop- erty of Mr, iVin, Anderson on tlie,4th MAJESTIC ' .HAND CLEANER 3 lb. 19c PAULA PIE FILLER, 6-oz. 15c, 16-oz, 23c CLARE'S MINCEMEAT . .... . : . 19-oz, 25c READS(` CUT ' MACARONI, 16‘oz. 2 for 19c EGG WHEAT , NOODLES, 12-oz... 2 for 29c CHEESE-A-RONI, 81/4-oz. , lie SOUP MIX, 12-oz— 2 for 19c CLARK'S. TOMATO SOUP . 3 for 20c CLARE'S TOMATO JUIdE, Oc MeLARENS STUFFED OLIVES, 9-oz, — , • . 43e Domino TEA 8 oz. . 35c 4 oz.. 19c Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES, size 176's ... 55c doz. GRAPEFRUIT, 96's .... 3 for 24C CELERY, 72's • 2 for 25c LEAF - LETTUCE, 24's .. . 2 for 23c TOMATOES, pound 27c CARROTS, 4 pounds 25c WASHED • TURNIPS WASHED PARSNIPS, 2 pound . CAMAGE, 2 pound . POTATOES ,pk. 4c pound .....„,„ 19c 15c b t 44 4k*k 400 .601401410N STORES LIMITED WANTED MALE and FEMALE Help ii door factory Refer to Order No, 568 Employment & Selective Service Listowel Irene Hughes and Jiinmy Devon, versatile dancing team of the Lifebnoy- Follies which comes to Belgrave, Monday, May 29th,' under the auspices of the Red Cross. 4.1•••••••••••••111.1=. Vegetable and Flower Seeds, pkg. .... 5c and 10c Lettuce, Radishes, Cucumber, Beet, Carrot seeds in bulk. Golden Wax Beans .. lb. 30c Garden Peas .. lb. 25c Corn—Golden Sunshine, Golden Bantam . lb. 30c Shur-Gain Fertilizer 488 .. 100 lbs. $3.00 PAINT UP TIME Sunset Enamel — Why Pay More?--. 1/4 pt. 30c; 1/4 pt, 45c; qt. $1.35 C. V. Paints—You can pay more but you can't buy better . . qt. $1.15; gal. $3.95 ESSEX TOCROP HYBRID SEED CORN Book your order now bus. $6.00 Toperop proven hybrids will yield twice as much feed per acre as the best variety of barley etc. We have a good stock of Farm Fence No. 842 IN MEMORIAM MacKAY—In loving memory of Mrs. Hector MacKay who passed away May 15th, 1943. They are not gone—these loved ones whom we mourn, We must not think of them as far away; Unto a fuller life have they been horn, Laying aside the vesture of this clay, Yet near us still they watch and love, and know; We are the blind ones who no longer see, Beloved form that softly come and go, Waiting reunion in Eternity. Ever remembered by, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coflin and family. Blaine Lake, Sask. SALEM FOR SALES-- Used radio, 60 cycle. ' Priced right. Apply Pattison Radio Shop. FOR' SALE — Girls green wool re- versible coat, size 7. Apply at Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Aladin Table model lamp and numerous oil lamps. Ap- ply Mrs. George Tervit, Phone 332R3, FOR SALE — A walnut upright piano, reconditioned, in Al shape. Apply Advance-Times. FOR RENT — Small apartment over Dunlop's Shoe Store. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Greer, phone 127. HOME BAKING — All kinds of pastries. Come in and try our, bak- ing. Mrs. Ted Elliott. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good money with a Rawleigh Route. We help you get started. No experience needed to start, Steady work. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-453,2-E, Montreal. LOST — Ladies black suit with blue trimming. Reward, Apply Advance- Times. "KLEEREr—CLEARS THE SKIN. HEALS BOILS, Impetigo, Eczema, Psoriasis, Chaps, etc. Gives quick relief while you work. 50c; 4,00. (Medium andStrong). Sold by Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store, l'REMIUMS Horticultural Society premiums-4 Spirea for $1,00, See Mrs. Ed, Nash, secretary, or Mrs, (Dr.) George Ross, president. WIN THE FIGHT for freedom from indigestion with Wilder's Stomach Powder. Pleasant and tasteless, igives iminediate relief. Also in tablet form. 50c and $1 at Mc-, Avoy's Drug Store. WANTED TO PURCHASE —Pullets eight weeks of age and older, tarred Rocks, New Hatimshires and White 1,04horns, Apply to the Ttveddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarioe' WAN'rED Pasture for ten cattle, 613 ApplyR82 to Waiter Pocock, phone , WANTED TO RENT—House, Cot- tage or Apartment in Wingliarn, 8 adults, Please write to Erland Echlin, Radio Station CKNX, NOTICE' OF COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Turnberry for the year 1944, will be held in Orange Hall Bluevale, on Monday, June 6th, 10 i4, at 8 o'clock in the afterrtoot, MI appeals must be in, the hands of the clerk, not later that( Saturday) June 8rd 1944, CRU/KSHANX, T Clerk of Turttherry wp. Wingharrt, Ontario,