HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-05-04, Page 4STAR" Tom CAR OFF, M6 11A) wpm' WITH morld's finest CRUDE YOU OAR $1.14 Ns 'Pm"; III CAL SOLD IN REFINER? SEALED CANS DON'T MIX Ora . 6 Carry along e few extra carts. a.w...m. qt. 30C 'MOTO-MASTER' Made from the Campbells Garage Phone 184 AssociateStore WINGHAM, Ontario ..•••••••1•1••••••MM.m.11.0•M•1011••••., O>o{9) 0 rill=0) (411=01===Ort0=01:20=01 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. Congiatulations to Pilot Officer Dar- rell Biggs who was recently promoted to the rank of Flying Officer, Darrell is a navigator overseas. Mrs. Bob Hickey has received a let- ter from her husband stating that the English weather _is very lovely at the present time. For the present at least the Advance Times will be unable to print items with regard to the arrival of Wingham and . district service men and women overseas. When this censorship is lif- ted we will again carry these items. In the meantime we would appreciate being notified of any overseas arrivals in forder that our list may be kept up to date. We had a letter from Ken Somers the other day and he had visited the 99th and saw Jim McKague, Ebner Bell, Bert Mitchell, Earl Gray, Frank Hopper, Fred Howson, George Tervit, Jim Lee, Bill Hogg and many others of this district, Lucknow and Teeswa- ter boys. Re also saw the Hammonds Al and Ralph, who are with another unit. He said lie missed seeing Bob Hetherington and Bob Spittal, also Harry Posliff, Jim Hamilton, Darrell Biggs, the last three had been posted the week previous, Ken says that the boys without exception are looking absolutely. Sit. He says that their spir- it seemed as good as their health and . they are all raring to go. Capt. (Dr.) T. L. Torrance spoke over CFRB on Tuesday evening on behalf of the 6th Victory Loan, Percy Deyell said in a message to his wife last week that oversease life was agreeing with him and that he hoped to get an opportunity of seeing some of the Wingham boys on his leave. Friends of Jack (Ace) Bateson will be pleased to know that he has been made a Flying Officer. Jack was a few months ago commissioned a Pilot Officer. For 'the past three years he has been flying a fighter plane overseas and the most of his duties has been in North Africa. Sapper C. J. Heughan is in Military Hospital at Debert, N. S., suffering from ptomaine poisoning. He has been quite ill for the past three weeks but is now improved and will leave the hospital!, in about :two weeks. NATIONAL SELECTIVE $ERV10E Mr. Farmer: Nitional Selective Service is anxious to help you to fill your labour requirements, and asks your co-op- eration. You can help by making your needs known as early as possible. For GENERAL FARM HELP apply to your Employment and Selective ,Service Office. The 'Office at QODERICH will assist you. Or for STUDENTS or. SHORT TIME SEASONAL HELP apply to Farm Service Force, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Those words express the farmer's feeling to- wards his nearest SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL. He appreciates the fact that, close to his farm, is a mill prepared to give him service in many ways. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE means fresh feeds—either complete feeds or concentrates, They are fresh because they are made up as the farmer needs them, This is important because ,fresh feeds are more palatable. Livestock prefer them. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE means bal- anced feeding.- Whether you need SHUR-GAIN complete feeds or SklUR-GAIN Concentrates to mix with your own grain you are sure of a feed that will supply your farm animals with the proportions of minerals, vitamins and high quality proteins they need for health and growth — which, in the end, means bigger profits. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE means low- er feed costs; When you buy SI-TUR-GAIN feeds you pay less. Transportation charges and useless handling charge& are eliminated — because they're made right next door to your farm. Middlemen's charges are also cut out. The substantial saving is passed on to you in the way of'lower prices. For All Your Livestock Feeding See Us— We Specialize in Reduced Costs. Sold by CANADA PACKERS • MckINNEY BROS. .. ALEX MANNING , JOHN 13UIVISTEAD CEO. A. VVEBB , ...- 1... WINGHAIVI BLUEVALE BELGRAVE BELMORE ST. HELENS . • , ir I • • ii . 4 • 4. 4 4 *, • 4 6 i • * "INN I CALLED FOR IT.. IT s MERE r WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE TOUR AUCTION SALE — of household furniture of. Mrs. George Mason will be held at the residence, Josephine street, at 1.30 p.m., on Saturday, May 6th. The following is for sale: 2 walnut bed room suites; 1. oak bedroom suite; leather couch; ex- tra beds; cloth couch; Mason and Reisch piano; music cabinet; chest- erfield and chair; oak secretary; book case; steel range; coal annex; 2 dining room tables and chairs; odd chairs; 2 toilet sets; dishes; kitchen utensils; Easy Washing machine; Rogers Electric Radio; Morris chair and other numerous articles. Terms: Cash. Donald Blue, Auctioneer; Mrs. Geo. Mason, Proprietress. AVAILABLE AT ONCE—Rawleigh Route of 1500 familes, .Only reliab- Ter busters need apply, 'Good profits to willing workers. No experience required. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-453-2-3, Montreal. DWELLINGS FOR SALE—Modern conveniences, centrally located, sttb- le or garage on premises, Apply H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency. FOR SALE — Two Ladie's Spring Coats, all wool, one navy blue with skirt to match, size 20, also one size 201/2 in black. Apply Advance- Times. . FOR RENT-- Apartments in, good location. Apply to W. J. Clark, tel- ephone 141. FOR SALE—A real good 6 tube Spar- ton Riclici with all good batteries, sell cheap. Apply Percy coupland, Wroxeter. FOR SALE—Two storey frame house all conveniences, corner Frances and Alfred streets. Mrs. J. A. Currie. FOR SALE-3 Heifers, also a quant- ity of Alaska Oats and Barley. Ap- ply Charles Showers, R. R. 2, Wing- ham. FOR SALE—One Folding Pram in good condition, colour blue, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-1 Scotch Shorthorn, 16 months old. Apply to Melvin Tay- lor, R. R. 1, Belgrave, phone 624r12. FOR SALE—Early Alaska Oats 1943 crop, also some Cartier Oats, 1942 crop both are free from barley and weigh over 40 lbs. to the bushel, also some Canada Packers Fertilizer for sale. Phone 620R3. Ed. McBurney, R. R, No. 3, Wingham, FOR SALE-25 year-old Leghorn liens, I cook stove, nearly new, wet- , erfront and reservoir, 1 wood heater, Apply to Arthur Field, FOR SALE—A seven room house on Victoria, St., with half an acre of land, fruit trees and good sized chicken coop. Apply at Advance- Times, FOR SALE—Baby Stroller in good condition. Apply Harry Angus Jr., Pleasant Valley. FOR SALE—Ladies Navy Blue Spring Coat, size 42, Only worn one year, freshly dry' cleaned. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—ii,felotte Cream Separ- ator, good as new, 650 capacity, Apply Orval Harrison, Monkton, R, R. 1. FOR SALE—to close estate. trick veneer cottage in Belgrave, good garden, berries, fruit trees, etc. Estate of Mrs. Robert Owens, Witt VatiCattip and Edgar Wightman, • executors, 'HOME nAX/14G-,-Ail kinds of Past- ries. Come in and try our baking.% Mrs, Ted Elliott, HOUSE WANTED TO 13TiV Wingliam„Apply Advatice.Tiines, WANTED TO BUY---A cheap work horse about $25,00, not blind or wind broken, or woOld 'WAY a three or fete year old, state color and MI prtieu- Wt. Apply Advanee.Thites. v*" LAWN MOWERS—all makes sharp- ened and repaired. Leslie Mc- Dougall, Lower Wingham. NOTICE—I regret to inform persons who have drawn logs to the sawn at the Bluevale Mill that the mill will not be in operation this spring, ow- ; ing to the .death of the proprietor, Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Bluevale, PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3.00, repairs extra, By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, 2 weeks' supply $1.; 12 weeks' $5. at McKibbon's Drug Store. WANTED — Male clerk for large chain grocery store in Western On- tario town, experience preferred, war workers ineligible. Apply to nearest Employment Selective Ser- vice Office, Refer to CR1003. WANTED TO RENT—House, C'ot- ,' tape or Apartment in Wingliam. Please write to Erland Echlin, Ra- dio Station CKNX. WANTED—Cattle to pasture, excell- • ent grass, abundance of water, cons venient shade. Apply W. A. Currie R. R. No, 3, Wingham. WANTED—Girl or middle aged lady for general housekeeping. Apply to Advance-Times. WAR NERVES, long hours, hurried meals, bring indigestion, acid stom- ach, digestive ailments.. Get relief with pleasant, tasteless Wilder's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store, YOUR SEWING MACHINE recon- ditioned to perfect sewing. Phone 227, CARD OF THANKS W. A, i111iller and Co. wish to thank most sincerely all those who so ably helped save their stock during the fire on Monday last. W. A, Miller. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the many friends for messag- es of sympathy that Terry and I have received. The kind thoughts of friends do help at such 'a time, and they have been greatly appreciated. Mrs, Laurine Wilson, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to my neighbors and friends for the purse of money I re- ceived recently. Tpr. Wilford Casliek, COURT OF REVISION Township of Morris Court of Revision for the Township of Morris will open on Monday, May 8, and close on Monday, June 12. All appeals on assessments must he in the, hands of the clerk not later than May 8, 1944, GEORGE C. MARTIN Clerk, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iii the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM KIEFFER, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County' of Huron, Farmer, deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the late William Kieffer, who died at Walker- ton on the 11th day of March, 1944 are notified to send their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned. before the 5th day of May, 1944, After said date, the estate will be distributed and the Executors will only be liable for elating of which they have notice. Dated at Walkerton this 11th day of April, A.1., 1944, CAtAPBELL GRANT, Barriater Etcp Walkerton, °inane., Solicitor tor the Executors, George- Kieffer and Mary Menet. WOMEN'S INSTITNTE ANNUAL. MEETING (continitedfrom page 1) The roll call was responded to by the payment of fees for the .ensuing year. It was• decided that owing to the . inconvenience to the property conven- ers, the ,dishes in future will not be rented. Heartiest congratulations and sin- cere good wishes were extended to a faithful member, Mrs. Bowers and Mr, Bowers, A. dainty lunch served by the hos- tesses completed the meeting. Financial ,4taternent Receipts Balance from previous year .$ Members fees . „ . .. , .... Government grant Euchres, banquet and concert Donations Collectidns Blind Tag Day Tickets on quilt for Chinese Relief ..... $ 400.46 Expenditures Officers, Honoraria and exp,...$ 12.50 Postage, exch,, prog., ads ..... — 7.60 Efficiency Prize to H. S. stud. 5.00 Overseas parcels . .......... .—......... ..... 144.90 Blind Tag Day 80.00 Chinese Relief 45.40 Red Cross, don, and supplies... 41.01 Expenses and supplies 14.51 Federation and District Fees and fees carried forward 10.40 Cash on hand ................. 20.73 $ 400.46 ST. HELENS Mrs. R. 3. Woods is home after spending the winter months with members of her family at Guelph, Fer- gus, Galt and Dundas. Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Presbyterial of the W, M. S. at Clin- ton on, Thursday. Rev. J. A. Ward was in attendance at the meeting of Huron Presbytery also held in Clinton. Mr. Lloyd Saunders who is employ- ed at Mr. Andrew Gaunt's is a patient in the Wingham Hospital, where he was seriously ill with peritonitis. MORRIS ,Mr. and Mrs. Sperling Johnston and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston and sons visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Emma. My. Spence McKinnon spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McKinnon. Miss Jean McLennan spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones and son at Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Robertson of Kitchener, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robert- son and Wildon, Miss Rhoda Robertson of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Alvin Smith of the R.C.A.F. at Guelph, spent the week-end with his wife and daughter at Bluevale. SALEM Mrs. D. L. Weir visited friends in Wroxeter one day recently. Donna Fitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fitch, is at present a pat- ient in the London hospital suffering badly with meningitis, We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. J. T. Wylie has been confined to his bed at the home of his son, Mr. Howard Wylie and Mrs. Wylie of Wroxeter, with an attack of quinsy and other ailments. We trust he will soon be all right again. S. S. will commence next Sunday, May 7th at 1,30 p.m., with Mr. Wm, Bolt as superintendent. The teachers and officers have been appointed. Mt. Edwin Palmer called on friends near Teeswater one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Jacques from near Lakelet, and Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Dane and Edgar of the 14th of How- ick, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir On Sunday evening, CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the kind neighbors and friends, who were so thoughtful during our recent sad bereavement, It was greatly appreciated, also the beautiful floral tributes. Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Mrs, Neil B, McEacherri, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Burnell Copland Stokes of the Town of 'Wingham in the County of Huron-, Retired Farmer, de, ceased, who died on or about the 24th day of March, 1944, are notified to send to 5, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario , on or before the sixth day of May, 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said sixth day of May, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. DATED this seventeenth day of April, A.D. 1944, it CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario,., Solicitor for the Executrices. Wool Growers' Organization SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No, 1 Weston ,Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PROMPT SETTLEMENT Obtain sacks and twine from Geo,lialdenby,Holyrood or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada 014•••••••="611.1•11.44 •1.41.1111,04•11441 Miss Minnie Linklater spent Sunday afternoon with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Linklater, Teeswater, WHITECHURCH •••*•••••••• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox moved this week to their new home en the corner of the division line at the West, field corner, and Mr. Cox wilt return to Whiteehurch to the chopper only on Wednesdays, for the summer season, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques arid his family of Preston, and Mr. Wilfred Jacques of Sudbury, were here Mon- day for the funeral of their father, the late Eli Jacques. Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft spent Tuesday with the former's niece, Mrs. Will Lyon of Londesboro. 'TAX RATE IS SET BY THE TOWN COUNCIL (continued front page 1) Estimated Expenditures 1944 Charity and Grants Grants ..... ....... 1215.00 Hospitalization „ 100,00 $ 1315.00 County of Huron Rates .. .. 5417.02 Debenture Debt 'Charges 12228.56 Education, Public School .. 11500.00 High School ..... 6800.00 $17800.00 General Administration-- Discounts on Taxes Elections " ..... ........... Interest on Loans Legal ExpenSes. .. . . Mainteance Mon lEildgs Printing, Postage, Salaries ,Allowances, Sundry 200.00 1000.00, 50.00 2000.00 150.00 2000.00 1200.00 5816.00 400.00 1281440 Health and Sanitation— Board of Health .... ,.„,,....$ 3.00,00 Garbage Collection ..... 3.200,00 Sanitary ... 7 .. ... 700,00 2050.00 Highways and Streets— Repairs and Maintenance 500,00 Miscellaneous-, Utilities. Commission .„.,„ 260,00 Exchange 10,00 Miscellaneous ..... .$00,00 $ 660,00 Fro'ct to persons and prop.— Fire ..... ........ ,.$... 928,00 Hydrant Rental ..... 1560,00 Street Lighting 3300,00 Mis. Water Services .... 410.00 $ 6198,00 Cemetery Expenses 2800.00 Public Library .. . . ..... 1200.00 Insurance Taxes Written Off ..... 100.00 $ 67484.58 Payment on Loan..._........._.....$ 3840.03 $ '71274.61 Court of Revision May 29th That the first meeting of the Court of Revision be held at 8 p. ma on Monday, May 29th., was decided on motion of Coun. Reavie and •Wilkin- on, Members of the court are the Mayor, Reeve and Couns.,Spry, Ken- nedy and Reavie. They were named on motion of Couns. Lloyd and John- son. Mr. W. H. Haney, assessor gave his report and banded in his roll. The as- sessments is made up as follows: Land,, $214570, Buildings, $774430; Business Tax $65500, Income $12308, Total $1,066,808, plus property exempt except for local improvements, $309350 making grand total of $1,376,158. The population is 2051 six over that of last year. There are 104 dogs, Children of school age number 326. The assess- ment is about $1000,00 less than last year. Council to Sell, Wood No tenders were received for the 94 cords of wood that the town has on hand. It was decided on motion of Coons. Johnson and Reavie to adver- tise wood in park for sale under sup- ervision of the executive committee. Two ,cords of mixed wood and a cord of hardwood must be used as the ratio for salts, for that amount or over. Coon. Wilkinson was named a dele- gate, on motion of Couns, Johnson and Reavie,, to the Aeronautical Institute of- Canada conference that is in Toron- to Tuesday and Wednesday his week. It was decided on motion of Couns. Johnson and Kennedy that assessor, W. H. Haney attend the Assessor's convention in June. Mr. Haney was granted a bonus of $25.00 for 1944 on motion of Couns. Spry and Wilkinson. Building Permits Granted On motion of Couns. Lloyd and Reeve Evans the following building permits were granted: Lloyd . Hutton for a stable on his property on Frances Street; James A. Carr for the erection of a house at the corner of John and Edward streets; Wilbur Tiffin for a boat house at the river bank. Letters of appreciation for pen and pencil sets were received from P, 0. George Lloyd and Marvin Brown. The Clerk reported that the Town- ship of Morris was the 'only reply he lied as yet to letters sent to municipal- ities in the district regarding the use of the Fire Truck, To Attend Planning Conference .Mayor Davidson informed council that -he and Reeve Evans had been in- vited by Premier Drew to attend a conference on Post War Planning in Toronto -on Monday next. The Mayor said that the highway from the Bluevale Road to the bridge on Victoria street requires repair and that when in Toronto, he would inter- view the department in regard to this matter. To Sponsor Intercession Rev. E. 0. Gallagher informed the council that the District Ministerial Association at their meeing that day at Brussels had decided to request the heads of municipaliies to give the lead in a service of intersession when the news of invasion is given. Moved •by Couns Kennedy and Lloyd that council direct the Mayor, when the invasion starts to call a com- munity Service of intersession. It was decided on motion of Cowls, Lloyd and Wilkinson that the town solicitor be instructed to draw up an agreement with Joe Clark stating that he is to keep his property clean, wreck cars on his own property and keep the lane and street clear. It was also decided on motion of Couns, Spry and Johnson that council request the Department of Highways to prohibit parking on the south side of Victoria street from' Leopold St. west to the bridge. The finance committee presented a number of accounts which were order- ed paid on motion of Reeve Evans and Coun, Johnson. • Count Johnson reporting for the Streets committee said the new garb- age contract started that morning, The new srect foreman Sohn NeDenald is carrying on. Teams would -be hired as requited he said. The provincial Thursday, May 4th, 1944 levellinethis year. Fire Committee chairman, Coun. Kennedy, said that a grass fire had been started by the Railway employ- ees and that it came very close to sev- • eraI properties. There was also a fire in the afternoon in Crawford's build— ing. It was moved by Couns. Kennedy and Spry that the clerk write the C. N. R. and request that more care be tak- en with burning grass, as there had been two fires last year and one this year, The minutes of the preceeding meet- ing were adopted on motion of Coatis- Spry and Kennedy. 111111111111111111111110111MMINIM grader will be used on street work lie said, There was some gravelling and grading to be done. Some work was to be done at the dump and the plow would be used for this purpose. Conn \ Wilkinson for the Proptery committee said that the town hall was badly in need of a paint job. Just who could do this work at this itme he was not prepared to suggest. The Cemetery report was given by Coun. Lloyd and they recommend a $10.00 a month increase for Mr. Stoak- ley and $100 a year increase for Rob- ert Deyell. This was confirmed on motion of Couns. Lloyd and-Spry. The committee are considering &Sing more .110.1••=1•11•1••••••=••• 21.03 11.'75 3,00 137.12 84.25 17.91 80.00 45.40 0 0 IL