HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-05-04, Page 2... P 1 TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TI Thursday, May 4th, 1944 ave YOU though e71, Bert Appointed...t.9 Ottawa li Miss Mary C. TZ:::.,napson, B.A., 4att- 1, glnrer lof Ur, and Mrs, Robert 0.1 Thczupsioa of Goderich Township, has ' . been app:?ntted Co-ordinator of the ac., - ' tivilies of the Legal Department', still • ; working under .tite income Tax' Divis- ' iii.-)n. iMiss Thompson was selected for, 1 this position at her graduation from Western V. and has been gaining ex- perience for the past year in the Lon- , ! don Division of income Tax. She is ; ! the first person in Canada to !mold this positicm, as it is an entirely new post,, has been, created.—Clinton News-1, ord. rug, Vern,m npfer, Harvey Simrnuoits, Dalton ickirts=, John Abraham. rie-.Mrs. Olive rntierwood. liteelturch-Annie Kennedy. Fourth Donors Vingbant - Vern e Walker, Fraser Forgie, Fred Deacon, Jas. MeGee, Mrs A. W. Anderton, C L, Dunlop, Mrs. S. Campbell, Mt-4. O. Welsh, H. V. Fyne Norman Coultes, Mrs. M. Cam- on, Mrs. Chas. Hopper, Clark Mac-. Lea; Mrs. Helen Irwin, Leslie Cun- ningham, Dorothy Phippen, Riney-ale-Mrs, Alvin Smith, Mrs. Harry Elliott, Allan. Breckenridge, Lee Breckenridge, Mrs. S. McNaught. on. Belgrave-George Johnston, Harold Walsh. Blyth-Mrs. Janet Browne. Gorrie-John Abram, Whitechurch-Clarence Cox, Fifth Drors Wingham-Chester Gininson, Mrs. Jas. Sell, George McGee, Norman Ja- mieson, Alex. Robertson, C. G. Gain age, Dr. Geo. W. Howson, Geo. Day, Mrs. Lena Bowman. 13/ire-vale - Fred •Selling, Fleming Johnston. Belgrave-Harvey Cook, Mrs, John IfcBurney, Leslie Vincent, H. Blair. Blyth-Miss Josie Woodcock. Gorrie-Frank Chapman. Wroxeter-Joe Kenneth. -Sixth Donors 1Vingham-A. M, Peebles, Donald MacLean, Fred Massey, Horace Ait- theson, Chris. Touting, Blyth—Edwin Ca.rtwright, Seventh Donor Wingliam!---Harold Hutton. Tenth Donor Winghain-Frank Johnson. nibalisin in Your Baby Chicks Or Laying Flock Use 'Fines Poultry Toliic and Vitamin Builder, Positively stops the worst caSe$. Stainton 1 ardware, Wingitam, Ont. Hunians 'Gen. Store, Belmore. Rae's Hardware, Wingitarre Ont. Pollocks, Whiteebttreb, Ont. Jos. Clailvers, Bluevale, Co rites, Belgrave, Oat. IONTREAL PLANE CRASH Last week a four-engined Liberator caliber crashed in the City of Mont-, real, nineteen lost their lives including: Wingham Advance-Time$ Puhlished at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Kintail Airman Prisoner Mr, and Mrs. John MacKay of Kin-. tail Were advised that their son, Fit. nye of the ;C:TOW, ft an,e4rs that the .„,Lieut., Donald Kenzie MacKay D.F. pilot knowing something-, was wrong C.4 is a prisoner-of-war in C-erntany.4 and that the Plane could not carry on This information was received alter trade for the river but crashed into a two tttOta ths of anxious waiting, since. aiaea2t, The reports say that the Donald was reported, missing on a ngs were blown to bits and it is bombing mission ever enemy territory , of no little wonder that the death toll' oen February 20t1L--Lucknow Sentinel.' was not greater, In peace or in W4T 1.1W.icill will play a great part and we Ma jor F.. B. James Passes 333st be Prepared for such accidents. Major Frederick B. James, a Prom-.Stance that trey ;have '4•311.e over the Howevec, we believe that every effort inent Walkerton thurchman, soldier top to attack the enemy with their rif- ', should be made to have the routes Mason and a well-lmown and higthly', les, tanks -z;:- other weapons. We mean ' planes follow avoid cities and ti'vwxls, esteemed local resident, died on Mes- as nteeit aspossible- By "z° 23111g 7t' day night last week at his home, High- may he that accidenti; such as the a- view, here after a long illness. He was 'bove will be avoided 10 SOT= extent at C in his 72w1 year. 1,1,aln:. James served with the 16011: Battalion during the First- Great War and was active in .k0 military circles, ;until recently being INTEREsTINfi cups president of the local branch of the Legion at the time of his Subscription Rate — One Year $2.0 Six months, '$1.00 in advance To U. S. A., $2,50 per year Foreign rate, $3.00 per year Advertising rates on annileatiou- What it means to wear this emblem!, ARMY OVER THE TOP When we say that the Army is over the top we do not mean in this ha- Compared with that, no amount of self-denial is too great. Are you prepared to put F,VERY SINGLE DOLLAR YOU CAN SAVE into Victory bonds? ,Into bonds that will assure a steady flow of vital eunPlies to bring Victory cloier? That's what YOU can do to help shorten the war, to save precious lives. And that's what the wearing of! this eint"rm means- that you tob are doing Yagr sbere . . . that you are buying all the Victory Bonds you can. least. When you listen to news of what our boys are going through overseas ... and read the casualty lists in your newspaper every day :and measure the sorrow and anxiety that have come to thou- sands of Canadian homes - and may come to many more Are your satisfied that you are doing ALL YOU CAN? Our-men and women in uniform are ready, if need he,., to die for Canada, for Freedom, for YOU. .... ... " t.t.zat. they have have gone over the top in the 'nth Victory Loan. The other services, and Royal Canati-, ian Navy at tl:e time this is being writ- ten were very close t4 their objective and. )will have by now oversubscribe their quota, Here is a lesson for us 'on the Horne Front Not only are the -men of the services carrying the fii.tia ing toad but they are also backing. their country still further by the pur- chase of Victory Bonds, We at home death—Walkerton Herald-Times. Merchants Use Days Receipts P UT 111ACTORY FIRST EMPIRE BRASS M FG. CO., LIMITED Duro Pumps and Ernco Plumbing Fixtures Head, Office and Factory: LONDON, Ontario Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver /..Mag. 49 014144.sOnsplintroma41.1.110011iltirmlylallnspj For Drive ; OD 1 rtg ...a U. en we ass st y ri i d h buying Victory Bonds we receive in Hydro Rebate at Kincardine Akralkertort will hold a victerY corn- '' return fair interest The least we can All users of hydro,. in t Kincardin% pa:1'p) on Saturday, May t3, -when store- do is back the boys that are risking • will receive a rebate of H) ner cent of keepers will act as Victory Bond sales-, „Mrs, men and also devote the entire receipts, W. G. Hamilton, Mrs. Harry, 'their lives far us at, home. Pat Viet,' the atri:ount paid for :hydro used dm-- zGerrie, John McBurney, J. A. Wilson,. from ;all ',tale- to the pa u ;• e, • _cry First-Buy mom victory Bonds. sang 3,942_ Instructions te -make t his .,,m., 4 p,„4 • • tic'hase of 'Vic-; Winnie MeNevin, Mrs. Chas. So ch * * * * bate were received lv Kincardine'Parb-: '''''TY -s' ! 'Bertha ;Casemore, Myrtle Deans, and TEA-COFFEE RATION lic Utilities Commission from the On-' " Louise 'Thomason. INCREASE') THE ALPS DISTRICT A dance was held in S. S. No. 2 Cul-' TOSS, last Thursday evening, sponsored Say a ladies quilting group 'on -the born-' dart'. ifu-Sic was supplied by Tiffin's ' orchestra. In the draws for the three. prizes, Peter NICKagne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McKagtte, drew the ticket for the quilt, Alex, Campbell for, the double boiler, and Mrs. W. 3.1 Campbell for the nicture. Seeding operations have been in 'N1 S; Hydrz Eleztrk power conunis.1 0214, g Wheel—Conca4sion Bine-rale — Mrs. E. Darling, Jam The best part of the increased ration God-elicit also has a 10 per cent' his bicycle on Elng Breckenridge. street, Ronald Horning, 10-year-old of tea and coffee is not the extra tea rebate for 1943. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Horning, Pal- Bel rave -Siva©n Haliahan, Bruce; or coffee that we 'may purchase, It is ,e ell. Scott, Russel Kelly, Norman McDow- Wa - the fact that shipping must he in that, To Distribute Pheasant Eggs merston, s thrown over the handle bars when the front wheel struck a rut. .731116.12 better shape. It -was not, ve:ylong- The Fish and Game club meeting 'in' BI-* Leonard Cook Mrs. St ago that submarines were playing lay- the council chamber, Jerry Heffron. M s IN; T Wednesday nigivt It was thought the lad ]nod a fractured; ch...iijew slmil but examination by Dr. Riddelf ' es oe with shipping along *e American was well attended, despite other attract but The'men that sailed the boats, tions on the same evening Vice- have started farming on .his father's farm, the former Goy farm. They have lived there since June of 1941, but now that they are starting farming, the best wishes of the community. are with them. zwh.g since the latter part o£ last week The heavy frost at nights retards the growth of fail -wheat, hay and pasture, and we need some warm spring wea- ther. Mr. and Airs. Harald McCormick in this area were in constant 'danger- it in fine news 'that this condition dues not exist now. The fact that our tea, and coffee ration has been increased is no reason for :us to assume an attitude ;of, complacency. By the action 'of the area in the services this has been made passible and we roust determine to th..1 all the assistance we can here at home. tl 111 at War with the Axis and at Peace with Myself President W. J. Duncan occupied the chair and reports were received from the chairman of the Fish Committee, Scott Hawthorne, and chairman of the Game Committee., T. Phillips. The latter reported that the pheasant egg production was coming along fine and, possibly, clisribution might be made earlier than expected—Seaforth Hur- on-Expositor. t. showed he was suffering from concus-ir sion. Exeter "flan 95 One of Exeter's most prominent res-! idents„ Henry Squire, celebrated his, 95th birthday at his home in Exeter ; with members of his family celebrating with him. His 'birthday cake, made; • specially by one of his daughters, was; topped with ;95 candles. Born in RAH lerton township, three Miles from chen, Mr- Squire moved to Grey town-: ship when two year of age, farming in Usbortie Township near Wooditane ; for !.50 years, retiring 27 years ago; whe.rt he took residence it Exeter. Donate Victory Loan Bond Commission With the 'Victory Loan cam-' paiten in full swing, the bond salesmen in the town of Palmerston :are again showing their sPirit of patriotism by refusing to accept a cent for their ser-'. ces. There are only about 20 sales-, n in 'Canada who sell bonds on this' basis, and the record of the energetic oup at Palmerston is reported to be', 'lie best of all. Not only do they -work nothing, but they pool their cam-. missions and !turn the :SUM. So realized r to worthy patriotic ,enterprises. Since the First Victory Loan, they e disposed of $3,121,59 in this way_ Now I feel BIGHT I bought a Bond A bigger Bond -than I intended to buy And stretched myself a bit To buy it. Instead of 6-double-trouble" dollars Burning a hole in .any pocket Or /axing in st bank account Just asking 'to be spent I bought a "triple-action" Bond My contribution —to the fight overseas, for freedom —to the fight at homer against Inflation —to my own post-war security* It seems to me That if a fellow can't put on a midterm IIetdiourdn'tute.,.....off buying a Vietury Boa/ NOT If he wants to 'be at 'War 'with the- And at Peace with Ukase-If. Pahl. t Fights on Ate Home Front r. OBER .SUCCESSFUL BLOOD DONOR CLINIC <Car:limed from page 1) derson, Win. W. Adams, Mrs. F. Stamper, Marguerite N,icholson, Wal- lace Small, Mrs. Ward _Sharpin, Beigrave---drene Twarnley, C. R. Lo- can, Garner Nicholsor.. B-I.Yth--Mrs. Jerry Heffron, Marvin i...m.;ver. Wrtmetrz—josep'h S.1.-mmons, Edgar Data, Hareld Kaake. Garr-le-an:Aver Partial, Hart-,,v Zint- merman. . l',.`..2:;iforeCiarlte Renwick. V);111ilechttrzit-Russ0 Ross, MTS. las Falconer, Mrs. Earnest Casernore. " 'Zrtassels-laorgan Barnes, Gordon, i Villiriason. 1 Teesuattr---fektren King, Wm. Cas-, Ili& Second Donors Wineham - jean Austin, I-lorarA ;Fuller, Margery Herd, Sadie &ana- 1 man, Lawrence Taylor, Walt er Sellers, 'Et -1 ItZ•;,,nnedy Alf L.-del:ridge dlluevale-Gvnge Nicholson. Eelgrave-Mrs, C, R. Logan, Shirley Cl.arnrey, John VanCarnp. ', ,lyth-Mrs. Doreas Campbell, W. 'an. r. A. IGtzs. Wroxeler-Mrs. 3-lat-Aoly, Mrs. AC- die Abtiham, Etlward Newton, Allan Ittlfatt. P.russels----Harola Procter. Wiatton-H. E. Wittneyer., 'WM Donors Witehlutx-Whilney art, AL AN BROS. 1=2 Raymond Griffith, Douglas on Deye_11, Mrs. john„Knox, Omar Ha- selgrove, Ross Hastings, Mrs. Roy Hastings, Robt. ,J., 'McMurray, It. R., Hobden, Airs, H. L. Sheri:randy, Mrs. Broome, Miller Davis, Jack Willits, Ada Brophy, Leslie Fortune, Mrs. G. H. Ross, Ronald •Coalte.s, Ross Smith, • OIr 16 0' is 11J9 1 WEEP SAwitqt vioop 4M latiya VICTORY SON DS YOUR home is under co tent attack. Protect and preserve it with paint. Paint resists *ear and weather that lead to decay . 1.. adds beauty,as a bonus. h is ,sound wartime economy to do the small fobs or home repair and maintenance before they grow big. For advice ma with your GI L Paint Dealer. He is a. Brome maintenance expert -who is pleased Ito help you. Ile has many sources of rtechnical information in addition to his own experience and that of his other costar:tem Remember also that your C-I-L Paint Dealer sells tomnaliity Faints, t-larrels and Varnishes for every home require- ment. Constarat research has maintaineatheir high standards despite saa- aerial and the eraz.a.N of war.