HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-04-27, Page 4AUCTION SALE - of household furniture of Mrs. George Mason will be held at the residence, Josephine street, at 1.20 p.m., on Saturday, May 6th, The following is for sale: 2 walnut bed room suites; 1 oak bedroom suite; leather couch; ex- tra beds; cloth couch; Mason and Reisch piano; music cabinet; chest- erfield and chair; oak secretary; book case; steel range; coal annex; 2 dining room tables and chairs; odd chairs; 2 toilet sets; dishes; kitchen utensils; Easy 'Washing machine; Rogers Electric Radio; Morris chair and other numerous articles. Terms: Cash. Donald Blue, Auctioneer; Mrs. Geo. Mason, Proprietress. ANYONE - wishing a good garden plot should contact Miss N, Barber, Leopold Street. APARTMENT FOR RENT-Apply W. J. Clark. FOR SALE - Limited quantity of pure oats and barley, 1942 crop. Apply to Wm. Robinson, Belgrave, phone 616R11, FOR SALE - Early Alaska Oats 1943 crop, also some Cartier Oats 1942 crop, both are free from barley and weigh over 40 lbs. to the bus. Phone No. 620R3, Ed. McBurney, R. R. 3, Wingham. FOR SALE - 17 laying Rock pullets, one year old in June, Apply Mrs. Jack Kerr, Diangonal Road. FOR SALE-Melotte Cream Separ- ator, good as new, 650 capacity. Apply Orval Harrison, Monkton, R. R. 1. FOR SALE A quantity- of 2 by $ used lumber. Apply to George Baird, Town Plot. FOR SALE - Approximately 200 .bas. Alaska Oats and 100 bus, of Cartier Oats, grown from registered seed. $1.00 per bushel. Kennth Bennett, phone Wroxeter 14-8, FOR SALE Bedroom suite, china cabinet, 2 congolettm rugs 7 x 9 ft. Call Wednesday, Thursday and Sat- urday. Art Field, Bluevaie Road. reoR SALE - Ladies' spring coat with white fox lapel, size 16, Arneri-, can blue, Apply to Mrs. Lewis, phone 397. FOR SALE - Green Mountain pota- toes, $2.00 a bag, Jas. H. Currie, phone 619R3. FOR SALE - Massey-Harris Cream Separator in good repair. Apply to George Yoe, R. R, No. 1, Bluevale, Wroxeter phone. FOR SALE - Purebred 5-month-old York hog, Apply to Albert Bacon, Belgrave. FOR SALE-Shoe repairing business, good trade. Reason for selling, ill health. Apply to James A. Haugh, FOR SALE-to close estate. Brick veneer cottage in Belgrave, good garden, berries, fruit trees, etc, Estate,of Mrs, Robert Owens. Win, G. VanCamp and Edgar Wightman, executors. FOR SALE-Twin Wilton rugs 7 x 4, one electrolux, one 40 piece Haviland Limoge tea set, one window rocker, window shades and other small arti- cles - Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and evening this week. Mrs. Wesley Walter, Pleasant Val- ley. LAWN MOWERS-all makes sharp- ened and repaired. Leslie Mc- Dougall, Lower Wingham. LAWN MOWERS - Sharpened and repaired. Apply to Borden Jenkins, Minnie Street, Wirigha.m, TRUNK WANTED-large size, also small electric radio. Apply Advance- Times. WANTED-Child's play pen. Phone 97, WANTED TO PASTURE - grass cattle, excellent grass, plenty of ..water and shade. Apply to Joe Greenaway, phone 610R14. TENDERS FOR WOOD Town of Wingham Sealed Tenders will be received by the tthdersigned up to April 29th for the purchase of 94 cords of mixed four foot wood now located at the Town Park. Terms cash. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 'Full pasticulars at Town Clerk's office. 'W. A. Galbraith, Town Clenk, AssociateStore WINGHAM, Ontario ryrs Walf3' la FE TORE Get hecrithful bodybuilding Vitamins A & C by serving Tomato Juice every day TOMATO 20 Oz. 111 JUICE Aim Tins As Magic BAKING POWDER, 16-oz. tin ... 28c Solex LAMPS, 25-40-50-watt ..... . 15c Simmers SEEDS, 6 pkgs. 25c Maple Leaf LARD, 1 lb. 15c Aylmer Dehydrted BEANS, 2 5-oz. tins 17c Chase and Sanborn's COFFEE ,,1 lb. ... . '43c Five Roses FLOUR, 24-lb. 79c Kellogg's Corn Flakes-21a 15c Bensons CORNSTARCH, pkg. 10c Silver Gloss STARCH; pkg. 11c Bakers COCOA; 1 pound 27c Aylmer INFANTS FOOD, tin . 7c Libby's Prepared MUSTARD, 6-oz...9c C and B MARMALADE, 12-oz-. 19c Aylmer TOMATOES, 2 28-oz. tins 27c Fruits & Vegetables ORANGES, size 288 - 35c size 200 - 49c cloz. GRAPEFRUIT, size 96 . . 4 for 29c CELERY, size 72's 2 for 19c Head LETTUCE, size 60's ea, 15c New CARROTS, 2 pounds 15c New CABBAGE, - 2 lbs. 15c POTATOES, . pk. 40c Di:AMMON stoneg IMMO W NO1-1A14 ADVANCE-FRIES PAGE FOUR ardware And Farmers' Supply House "Tim Store Where You: 4Ot The Most For The Money You Spend" FOR YOUR GARDEN Gardenite Plant Food .. . ,, . , , 5 lbs. 45c; 10 lbs. 80c; 50 lbs. $2.50 Sheep Manure .... ; , 25 lbs. $1.00 Bone Meal, for Rose. Bushes . ••... 25 lbs. $1.00 Garden Hand Forks , ,... 15c Garden Trowls . ... , • , 20c Garden Hand Cultivators.,,7, , 20c Garden Cultivators - 3 prong-1 , • . 85c Garden Cultivators - 5 prong $1.19 Garden Rakes 65c, 75c; $1.25 Round Mouth Shovel, solid shank . . .. $1.35 GRASS SEEDS per bushel $20.40 , per bushel $17.40 ... per bushel $ 5.75 NO. 1 , per bushel $ .9.00 lb., 40c Combination Doors . ▪ . .. . ..... ea, $7.50 Glass Extra ..... $1.20 Roll Roofing roll $2.00 Heavy Roll Roofing , , . .. ; . roll $2.95 White Heavy Duty Cups 6 for $1.00 White Cup and Saucers, Gold Band ... 33c Sweat Pads ...... . • ..... 65c and 90c Wash Tubs, square ea. $1.35 Ceresan lb. $1.10 24 inch Chick Feeders 50c Chicken Waterers - 1 gal. 60c 3 gals. $3.00 The National Cash Register Co.. Of Canada Ltd. is pleased to announce that the County of Huron will be handled from THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, CO. LTD. 350 Dundas •St., London Don B. McLean, Manager A few new cash registers and a large stock of reconditioned machines are at your disposal. For those who are entitled to a permit We have adding machines and bookkeeping machines. Complete repair service and t full stock of paper supplies:' DIED FELLS In East Wawanosb, On Monday, April 24th, 1044, John E. Fells. The 'funeral service will 'he held at 114 late residence, Diagonal Road, Wingham, at 2,30 p.m.., On Thursday, April 27th, Interment in Brandon ..cemetery, Belgrave. WROXETER Mr, Thomas Sanderson of Detroit, is spending a few days with his moth- er, Mrs, D, D, Sanderson, also Mr. and Mrs, Jim Sanderson. iMr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe and Winnifred, were recent visitors with Woodstock friends. Rev, J. L. and Mrs. Foster spent a few days with members of their fam- ily at Leamington, Merchants of our village commenc- ing in May will observe a half holiday on Thursday of each week. Mrs. Wilford Mellis of Kippen, spent the past week with Mrs. John Gibson and other members of the Gibson family. Miss Alice .Gowdy of Wingham, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Jean Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Carson, Toronto, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards. Mrs. Carson is remaining with her parents for the week. Mrs. Martin of connecticut, U,S,A., formerly Miss Mary Pope, of this place, is spending a few days visiting NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Burnell Copland Stokes of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 24th day of March, 1944, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, O tario, on or before the sixth day of ay, 1944, full particulars of their claims in, writing.. Immediately after the said sixth day of May, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice, DATED this seventeenth day of April, A,D., 1944.- J. H, CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrices: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM KIEFFER, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons having claims against the late William Kieffer, who died at Walker- ton on the 11th day of March, 1944,‘ are notified to send their claims, duly verified, to the undersigned before the 5th day of May, 1944. After said date, the estate will be distributed and the Executors will only be liable for claims of which they have notice, Dated at Walkerton this 11th day of April, A.D., 1944, CAMPBELL GRANT, Barrister Etc., Walkerton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, George Kieffer and Nary Kieffer, COURT OF REVISION • Township of Morris Court of Revision for the Township of Morris will open on Monday, May 8, and close on Monday, June 12. All appeals on assessments must he in the hands of the clerk not later than May 8, 1944, GEORGE C, MARTIN Clerk. WAR NERVES, long hours, hurried meals, bring indigestion, acid stom- ach, digestive ailments. Get relief with pleasant, tasteless Wilder's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. IN MEMORIAM LEWIS -In loving memory of my dear son, W. Raymond Emerald Lewis,. who passed away, April 24th, 1943, in his 21st year. One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away, A bitter grief, a shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. We had not time to bid farewell, He said good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were opened wide,' A silent voice said "Come." Today recalls the memory Of a loved one gone to rest, And those who think of him to-day Are those who loved him best. Ever remembered by his mother, Mrs. F. J. Lewis, brothers Arthur and Fred ,Sister Mary and little nephew, Freddie Lewis, IN MEMORIAM McI3URNEY-In loving memory of our dear father, Joseph McBurney, who passed away April 29th, 1937. You're not forgotten, father dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory, last We shall remember thee. Always remembered by Adam, May and Jack, IN MEMORIAM LEWIS-In loving memory of my dear brothbr, W. Raymond Emerald Lewis, who passed away, April 24th, 1943, in his 21st year. One year has passed and gone Since one we ,loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and. decay, „'? „ 13stt the ItysOor hitt *MS 'sleeps' be, heath Sliall,riever afade MVOS; -Sadly missed by sisfer'llettleli and Tarry Brown. ThOe .Tables. Changes' Effective Sunday, April 30, 194.4 Full infOrmation from agents Canadian National Railways friends here. Deep the evening of May *,4th open for the Life Buoy Follies, which 'will be given in Town Hall and sponsored by local Red Cross. Miss Frances Wylie spent a •week With friends in Toronto. Miss Alice Howes of Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, spent her vacation in Toronto and returned to her position this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDonald of Molesworth, were Sunday guests, of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sangster, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lowe, of Brace- bridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Munroe and other friends part of last week, Mrs, Lowe is the former Irene Wright. Mr. Vern Hambly left last week for Forks of the Credit, where he will as- sist his father during the summer months. Women's Institute The May meeting of the W. I. will b e held on Thursday, May 4th, 3 p.m, at the home of Mrs. H. Waller. Roll call to be answered by a ,donation of a packet of seeds. Current Events will be given by Mrs. Vern Denny. Topic, "The Honey Bee" by Mrs. Harold Durst. Redd Cross Work The Work 'Committee's of the local Red Cross are asking those who have knitting or sewing out to have it in their rooms early, May 3rd, in order that it may be packed that day, Women's Association The Women's Association, United Church, met on Thursday afternoon in the church .parlors• for their regu- lar April meeting. Mrs. MacDonald Sr., and Mrs. W. T. Maclean, were hi pharge. A welcome guest and former residents was ..Mrs. Martin of Con- necticutei the former Mary Pope.;" The. afternoon was spent in quilting with the usual pot ittOk VP' per served at the 094.. BELGRAVE Institute Elects Officers Mrs. T. B. Johnston was hostess to the Belgrave Women's Institute for its annual meeting on Tuesday after- noon last week, with the president, Mrs. Earl Anderson, presiding. Mrs. C, Printer read the minutes and reported on the year's activities, Mrs. J. M, Coultes gave the financial reports showing receipts of $152.48 and a balance of $9,73. ' The roll call was responded to by the payment ,of fees and suggestions for .demonstrations to be included in next years' programs. The branch has a membership of 28. 11 regular meetings and two' special meetings were held during the year, with an average attendance of 29. A donation of $25.00 was made to the Belgrave Red Cross Society; $20.00 to the Brandon Cemetery Board; $8,00 to the Belgrave School Fair for special prizes; $10.00 to the Jam for Britain Fund; $5.00 to the National Women's Institute Emergency fund, Two blan- kets were donated to the Belgrave Red Cross for use in Emergency units, and three quilts were made for mine- sweepers. First aid kits are kept in three local schools. Mrs. H. Procter gave the auditors' report and Mrs, N. Keating read the report of the nominating committee. The officers were elected as follows: president; Mrs. Earl Anderson; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; 2nd vice-president, Miss Edith Proc- ter; secretary, Mrs, Carl Procter; as- sistant secretary, Mrs. Clifford Logan; treasurer, Mrs, j. M. Coultes; pianists, Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Mrs, G. H. Dunlop; district director, Mrs. C. R. Coultes; branch directors, Mrs. Gordon Higgins, Mrs. Ray Crawford' and Mrs. James Michie; Outlook committee, Mrs. Willard Armstrong, Mrs. T. B. Johnston, Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie, and Red Clover, No. 1 „ Alsike, No. 1 Timothy 2 - 1 Purity Yellow Sweet Clover Lawn Seed NIIIIM111111111111181111111/111WS Thursday" April 271h,. Mot Mrs. H, Wheeler; representatives to the Belgrave Red Cross, Mrs. J. And- erson and Mrs, H. McGuire; auditors, Mrs. H. Procter and Mrs, N. Higgins; press program, Mrs. R. W. Procter; .press reporter, Mrs. N. Keating; con- veners of standing committees: agri- culture and Canadian industries, Mrs. G. Higgins;:citizenShip, Mrs. J. Wheel- er; social welfare, Mrs, H. Procter; historical research, Mrs. N, Walsh; home economics, Mrs. R, J. McKenzie; publicity, Mrs. N. Keating; conveners for additional meetings, .Mrs, C. Log- an, Mrs. T: B. Johnston, Mrs. S. Proc- ter, Miss E. Procter. Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong and Campbells Garage Phone- 3184 'Mir Power' Super Built Batteries ExTgA. SERVICE - EXTRA VALUE 2 Years Guarantee 15•Plates 117 Amps 9 ,inches long $7.45 17 Plates . 13Z Amps 10% ins. long. Std. type, $9.90 17 •Plates-415 Amps'. 101% inches long, low type • , , $8.25 For Ford 1/8 33,39 and .Chev.-37-39' 17 Plate 151 Amps., 10 9116 inches long, High type . . . $10.15 Fits Forpl 1949. May be -fitted in some earlier Ford models, also can be used in Chrysler built cars. Has that extra punch daughter Jane, Also their son, Air- craftsmad. Jackl'Arinstrong of Ceara - ha, spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. • Cecil Armstrong of Thorndale. Mrs. Armstrong remained for a few' weeks. Jack left on Sunday for Lachine, Quebec. Mrs. W. Laidla* and Mrs. A. Port- erfield, left Sunday to visit with their- nephew ,R. W, Powell and Mrs. Powell of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Alex Leaver, spent Sunday with lkfr.. and Mrs. George Pocock of Lambeth. Mrs. A. McDougal of Sarnia, sister of Mrs. Coultes and Mr. Leaver, who• is recovering from illness, returned. with them.