HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-04-27, Page 1. With Which It, Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,
lidngle Copies Five Cents •.Subscriptions $2.00 Per Yew WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1944
Officers and Committee Chairman
Were Re-elected '
Officers Elected For The Coming
' A meeting of the Ladies Bowling
Club was 'held at the home of Mrs.
'Herbert Campbell on Monday even-
ink. Bridge was enjoyed the fore part
of the evening with Miss Mary John-
ston and Mrs. E. Webster as winners.
Following the play at cards the fol-
lowing were elected:
Pres.—Mrs. A. M. Crawford.
1st Vice—Mrs. A, R. DuVal.
2nd Vice—Mrs. II, Campbell.
Treas,—.-Mrs. Ed, Harrison.
Sec'y,—Mrs. Joe Kerr.
Jitney Corn.—Mrs. Joe Kerr, Mrs.
C. B. Armitage, Mrs, A, Taylor, Mrs.
D. Rae,
Tournament Com.—Mrs. Art Wil-
son, Mrs. Bert Porter, Mrs. A. R. Du-
-Val, Mrs. H. Campbell, Mrs. F.
Social Com. — Mrs. H. Greene,
Mrs. W. B.,McCool, Mrs. C, B. Armi-
tage, Mrs, H. C: MacLean, Miss Mary
Johnston, Miss Yvonne McPherson,
Mrs. C. Lloyd, Mrs, Sam Campbell,
Mrs. Dave Murray, Miss Phyllis
Johns, ,
Fry & Blackball Also Oversubscribed
Their Victory Loan Quota By
Monday Evening, Both Firms
Win V Flags
Flying from the front of W.
Gurney & Son Factory is a beautiful
silk flag, a V flag, It was presented
to the employees of that firm Monday
noon for their quiek Victory Loan
achievement. The factory employees
not only went over the top but they
did it with dispatch, they being the
first in the county to so.
They have subscribed 160 per cent
of their quota and have,-100 per cent
of the employees participating in the
The V flag is awarded to factory
employees who oversubscribe their
quota and have at least 90 per cent
Another local firm will• fly the V
Flag as soon as it is received from
Toronto. By Monday night the em-
ployees of Fry & Blackhall had sub-
scribed 100 per cent and had gone 38
per cent, over their Victory Loan
The employees of these firms de-
serve much praise for their quick and
splendid response to the Victory Loan
Five tables took part in a Howell
game at the Wingham Bridge Club
, on Thursday evening. The results
were: 1st,, Mrs. \ H. C. MacLean and
Mrs. D. 13. Porter; 2nd., Mrs. H.
Campbell and Dave Kennedy; 3rd.,
Miss Margaret MacLean and W. H.
French; 4th., Mrs.-G. Godkin and Art
Wilson; 5th.; Miss M. 1VIeCallum -and
C H. MeAvoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd have
received word that P.O. Herbert T.
Davies, missing since October 9th
following air operations, was killed at
that time. The letter was from his
parents in England. P.O. Davies was
one of that class of navigators that
attended the course at Port Albert and
who - made their headquarters here.
Herb made many friends here who
will regret most sincerely his passing.
Pilot Officer James Bell of Drew
Dance S. S. No. 2, Culross
Thursday, April 27th. Tiffin's orch-
estra. Lunch served. Draw for quilt.
Admission 25 cents.
Moving South Of London
Mr. Arthur Field has purchased a
chicken ranch 'and market garden
-which is located about ten miles south
vilest of London. Mr. and Mrs. Field
expect to leave hi about two weeks.
Jeans Commerce Staff
Miss Althea Brown of Amberley has
joined the staff of the Canadian Bank
Of Con -tierce here. She commenced
her duties on Monday.
Minister of Finance Made This State-
ment In Recent Speech „
At a recent meeting in Kitchener,
the Minister of Finance, the Hon, J,
Ilsley made the following statement,
"quote"-- .
"At this point I should like to say a
word about the post-war market for
Victory Bonds themselves, because in-
vestors are naturally interested in the
liquidity of their securities and the
price they can expect to get for them.
In the normal course of events there
Will be some who will wish to sell
their bonds after the war, and indeed
one of the reasons we give for buying
bonds now is that they will provide
funds for purchase or investments
after the war. It will be of the great-
est importance that we maintain, in-
deed assure, a ready and stable market
for all those millions of bonds that
we have sold. We have now the mone-
tary and financial machinery and we
have developed the methods for ac-
complishing this and we will there-
fore be able to deal with any situation
which may develop in a way which
will keep faith with the millions of
small investors who are (supporting the
savings program in this national em-
.Held Preparatory Meeting
In preparation for. the great Sixth
Victory Loan Drive that started on
Monday, a meeting of Huron County's
Sixth Victory Loan organization staff
and salesmen was, held in the Roxy
Theatre at Clinton, on Thursday ,at
Which Rev. W. A. Beecroft, County
chairman, presided.
Inspiring addresses and realistic
sound Moving pictures of air oper-
ations, bombing, army fighting and
war factory operations were shown.
The first speaker was Mr. Erland
Echlin of the CKNX staff who gave a
vivid word description of the bombing
of London which he personally ex-
Duncan .Sinclair, Harriston, chair-
man of the Wellington County Loan
Campaign; -urged the salesthen to put
their best selling efforts into the drive.
He said he was sure Huron County
would again reach its objective.
Other speakers included organizers
H. 'J. Vandewater, J. A. Lumsden and
B. K. Marshall. "
The Royal T was the scene of a
very pleasant occasion on Monday
evening when the Huron Curling Club
held their second annual banquet.
55 were present and Mr. T. H. Craw-
ford, the president, was master of
ceremonies. Community singing was
led by Jack McKibbon with H, V.
Pyrn at the piano. Other numbers
that contributed to the success of the
evening were solos by Jack Reavie
and piano accordian selection by
Gordon Davidson.
Officers were re-elected as follows:
Hon. Pres.—J. j,,Evans.
President—J. Crawford,
1st Vice-Pres.-4C, E, Richey,
2nd Vice-Pres.—Rev. W. A. Bee:.
Chaplain—Rev. E. 0. Gallagher.
Sec'y-Treas.=-J. A. Wilson.
Membership—C. E. Richey,
Wednesday Games—Donald Rae,
Games—Omar Raselgrove.
Rink Manager—James Murray.
Prizes for the winners of Round
Robin were awarded as follows:
1st.—presented by Art Wilson: Ed.
Small, skip, -C. Blatchford, Bill Hend-
erson, J. J. Fryfogle.
2nd.—presented by Hon. Pres, J. J.
Evans: T. H. Gibson, skip, R. Rae,
P. Stainton, M. Davis.
3rd.—presented by- John Hanna, M.
P.P.: Donald 'Rae, skip, Frank Mc-
Cormick, Jack Reavie, Jim Gurney.
It was decided to organize a colt
section and Ronald Rae was named
chairman of this section.
Short addresses were given by Alex
Crawford, who has been a member of
the club the longest and by Dave
Fortune who has also been a member
for many years. Remarks were also
given by a representative of the Luck-
now rink and by the skips of the win-
ning rinks of the round robin.
Regret was expressed that due to
illness Harry Diamond could not be
present and best Wishes ,of the club
go out to him.
A lucky draw was made and the
winners were: Harry Diarhond, Dr.
W. A. Crawford, Russell Henderson,
Jack Mason.
The club had one of the most suc-
cessful seasons in its history. The
membership according to the secre-
tary-treasurer's report was 73 and the
club made good headway financially.
A !notion of appreciation of the ef-
forts .of the executive and the com-
mittees was extended prior to their re-
Mr. C, E. Richie explained that curl-
ing was introduced into Canada by
soldiers who were stationed at Quebec.
High School. Exam Results.
The High School Easter examin-
ation results will be found on page 7.
Attending Course At Ipperwash
Lieut: T. B. Stewart, trebling officer
of the 21st Regt, R.C.A., and B.S.M.
Wilford Seddon 'of the 'same regiment,
are attending a two weeks Course at
Camp Inperwash. ' .
Word was received hereon Friday
that Pilot Officer James Bell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Bell of Drew, is
missing following air operations over-
seas. P.O. Bell is a brother of Mrs.
HarrytGerrie of town and Capt. Elmer
'D. Bell of the 99th Battery, R.C.A.,
Overseas. His wife resides in Edmon-
ton. Friends hope that more favour-
able word will be received very soon.
Twice before Pilot Officer Bell had
very narrow escapes on both occasions
having to bale out. Once he landed
in water and he was of the opinion
that this was the means of saving his
life. The pilot was killed on that trip.
P.O. Bell was a navigator.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Smith Presented
With Studio Couch
Gilmour's School on the 9th of
Turnberry was the scene of a large
party on Monday evening when the
friends and neighbours of Mr. and
Mrs. Hartley Smith, who were recent-
ly married, gathered in their honour.
Dancing was enjoyed the early part
of the evening to Conn's orchestra and
after the supper hour Tiffin's orches-
tra furnished the music.
At the supper hour Mr. and Mrs.
Smith were presented with a studio
couch. The address was read by Wil-
fred Gilkinson and was signed on be-
half of those assembled by Harold
Gilkinson, Grant Wilton, Jack Willits
and Roy Hastings,'
Horticultural Society Donated Prizes
For Bird House. Competition
The Wingham Horticultural Society
sponsored a bird house competition for
the students of the Public School. The
prizes were awarded as follows by the
judges, Fred Massey and E. L.
Grand Prize, $3,00,- Murray Stainton,
1st., Grade 7, $2.00, Wally Hasel-
1st., Grade 8, $2.00, Halph Seddon.
Awarded $1.00 prizes—Jack Hender-
son, Bud Wild, Jack Brophy, Ken
Hingston, Bill Johnston, d3ob Mundy,
Ernest Buckman, Jack Harcourt.
HonoUrable mention, 50c prizes-
130 Colborne, Allen Wild, Lionel
The best three bird houses will be
placed in the park by the Horticultural
Society with proper name plates. PRESBYTERIAL TO
Dance At High School
On Thursday night the students of
High School held a dance in the audi-
torium of the school. It was a very
pleasant occasion. This dance was
liCld as the usual Easter dance at the
close of the term was postponed.
Attended Nutrition Conference
Mrs. S. Bateson, Mrs, P. D. King,
Mrs. A. R. DuVal, Mrs. D. Hutcheson
and Mrs. W. J. Henderson attended a
West Huron District Nutrition con-
ference of the Women's Institute
which was held at Auburn on Thurs-
day last week. The meeting was con-
ducted by Miss Gray of the Women's
Institute Branch of the Department of
Sold House in• Florida
On Thursday evening Alex and Mrs.
Crawford arrived home' from Florida.
Alex says that there was a very large
number Mlle South this winter. The
Lawn Bowling Club had over 400
members. For the past twenty years
Alex has had his Own home in Florida
but sold this property prior 'to return-
ing home.
Won Quilt
Mrs. E. Jacobs was the lucky win-
ner of the beautiful quilt on which the
Legion Auxiliary sold tickets'. The
.draw was Made at the Auxiliary Bingo
last week by Jean Sue Lee. The bingo
was well attended. The quilt was
donated by Mrs. Wm. Nicholson of
Bluevale, whose son Joe was killed in.
Italy two weeks ago.
Children Presented Splendid Program.,
A free toxoid clinic for children
under ten years of age will be held in
the Council Chambers, Wingham, at
2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, May
Will parents please have their chil-
dren present on time. This is a
splendid opportunity to have your
child receive treatment for the pre-
vention of diphtheria.
The 18th • Annual Meeting of the
Huron Presbyterial will be held in
Ontario Street, United - Church, Clin-
ton, on Thursday this week, April 27.
The morning session will convene at
9.30 a.m. and the afternoon session at
1.30 &Crock. .
Addresses will be given by two re-
turned missionaries, Miss Caroline
Wellwood, formerly of West China,
and Miss Sybil Courtice-,. who laboured
in Japan and was recently repatriated.
To Preach At Pine River
Rev. John C. Hutton has been in-
vited by the congregations of Pine
River and Bethel to become their
pastor. Mr. Hutton, a former' Wing-
ham man, is at present pastor at
Underwood United Church,
Cubs Invested
Three. new Cubs were invested at
the regular meeting this week:. Neil
Stainton, Ronald Holman and Gerald
Baker. Rev, E. 0. Gallaher conduct-
ed the investiture and. also- presented
the new Cubs with their badges and
Cub' text hooks. The Pack then gave
the new Cubs the Grand Howl.
District Airmen Graduate
Two district airmen graduated as
piVots at Centralia on Friday, they
were: R. Mantosh of Lucknow, and
E. F. Anderson of Kineatcline.
Underwent Operation' OA Monday
Mrs.. (Rev.) W. A, Beecroft under-
went an operation in Victoria Hos-
pital, , London, Monday, We are
happy to report that she came through
the operation very well and that she
IS progressing as favogrably as pos-
sible tinder the circumstances. •
Fast Mail From Italy'
Rev. E 0. and Mrs. Gallagher re-
ceived a letter from Italy last week
that took just five days from the day
it was mailed until it was received in
Attending Conference In London
Mrs. E. 0, Gallagher left on Tues-
day for London to attend the Annual
Conference of Diocesan Woman's
Auxiliary which is being held in Lon-
don, She will represent Huron Dean-
ery of which she is president. INSTITUTE TO' HOLD
The Annual Meeting of the Women's
Institute will 6e held Friday, April 28,
The ,convenors of the standing ,com-
mittees are asked to have their reports
written and handed in. At this meet-
ing the election of officers will take
place and the reports read, Members
please respond to the roll call by pay-
ment of fees.
Mrs. F, Parker will continue With
the review on pit book "The Life of
Madam Curie",
The hostesses will be Mrs, George
Carr, Mrs, A, R, DuVal, Mrs, J. H,
M'eeting Was Well. Attended
The April meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary of Wingham United Church
was held Tuesday of last week, at the
home of Mrs, AT, A. Galbraith, with a
good attendance.
This was the Easter Thank-offering
meeting and was conducted by Mrs.
Charles Lloyd, The scripture readings
were given by Mrs, T. L, Torrance
and prayer by Miss Phyllis Johns and
articles were read by Mrs, Salter and
Miss Yvonne MacPherson,
Miss Grace Parker sang very Soft-
ly, train-Ws Lullaby, The study book
was well presented by Mrs. W. S.
Miss K, McGregor, the president,
conducted the ,business, after which a
social bout was enjoyed.
,Called To Grass Fire
The fire brigade had' a call Thurs-
day morning to extinguigh a grass fire
on the Kehoe property on the north-
east corner of town. There have been
many grass : fires in the .dsitrict this
past two weeks but this is the 'first
one here this spring that, has required
the attention of the firemen,
Elect Officers
At a Meeting of the held
on Thursday the following officers,
were elected: President, Panzie
Champion; Vice-Pres., Irene King;
secretary, Marie Snarling; treasurer,
Marjorie Copeland; pianist, Marjorie
Hobden; press reporter, Gwen Blatch-
ford; games mistresses, Joan Hiseler,
Judy Deyell.
Marathon Bridge Players' Note
Arrangements are being made to
award the prizes for the Marathon
Bridge parties which have beetle held
during the winter and sponsored by
the Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary. It is•
urged that all games be played ,this
week and all outstanding scores and
money be handed to Mrs. W. A. Me-
Kibbon by Saturday, April 29th.
Took Part IreRadio troadCast
Mrs, 0. G. Anderson of Belgrave,
president of the United rearm Women
of Ontario and M. R. Y. Scott, Bel-
grave, of the United Farmers" Co-
operative, Toronto, participated hi the
broadcast over the GBC Trans-Catada
network on the grogram "Of Things
To Conte on Tuesday evening fast
week, The program dealt with the
People of the Land.
Miss C. Well(vood Gave Interesting
Address /
The Easter. Thank-offering meeting
of the Goforth Auxiliary of St. And-
rew's Presbyterian Church, was held
at the home of Miss Kathleen Pringle,
Friday evening, April 21st, The in-
vocation by the president, opened the
meeting, which was excellently attend-
ed. After the scripture reading byt„
Mrs W. W. Gurney, Mrs. W. A. Me-
Kibbon led in prayer, Miss Gwendolyn
al McLean favoured the gathering with
a very sweet solo, which was enjoyed
by all. The dedicatory prayer Was
given by Mrs. W. A. lAcItibbon.
The guest, speaker, introduced by
Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, was Miss C. Well-
Wood. The address of this returned
and retired missionary, was most in-
teresting, and inspiring. She describ-
ed her journey home, which took three
months, after a delay of five months
in India, and was fraught with dangers
and hardships. 88 years of Miss
Wellwcmcl's life, have been devoted to
the mission fields of West China. She
Spoke of her work there, especially
among the refugees, and in the hos-
pitals, and expressed regret that she
Will not be returning to China, where
there is still so much to be adeomp-
The meeting closed with the bend.
diction by the president, and a dainty
lunch was served,
Miss Elsie Gordon of London; was
a week-end guest of Mrs, Tb C. King
and Miss Mary. On Thursday Mrs,
A. X Newcombe of Stratford was a
visitor at the King home.
The Easter Thank-offering of the
Mission Band of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church was held on Thurs-
day evening and was well attended.
The president, Kenneth McLean,
presided for the devotional part of the
Program when Donald Henderson
read the scripture lesson and Rev. K.
MacLean led in prayer,
Mr. MacLean acted as chairman for
the entertainment that followed after,
giving his opening remarks,
Recitation by Judy Apps, "The Wel-
come"; duet, Kenneth MacLean and
Donald Henderson; recitation, by
Mary Francis Currie, "The Easter
Rabbit"; chorus, by Junior girls of the
band, "His Jewels"; recitation, by
Jimmie Henderson, "What He had in
Mind"; Easter Kisses, by iMaralyn
Miller, Mary Catherine Rae, Donelda
MacDonald, Margaret Sanderson;
"Spreading the Easter Siory" by the
Junior boys of the band; duet, by Alice
Buckman and Lois Cruickshank, "The
Easter Message"; "Easter Tea Party",
by Betty Gorbutt, Jean Sue Let, Mary
Buckman and Phyllis McLeod; 'chorus
by senior members, "Happy Easter
Time"; dialogue, "As children see it";
offering followed -by the dedicattory
prayer by Donna MacDonald; recita.
tion by Mary Somers, "Closing
After the closing hymn, "Tell rite
the Stories of JeStts", was sung. Mr,
MacLean pronounced the benediction,
Hospital Auxiliary Meets May 1
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Auxiliary to Wingham General Hos-
pital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday afternoon, May
1st, at 3.45.
Change In Property Ownership
Mr. Bert Armstrong has sold his
house on Francis Street to Mr. John
Falconer and has purchased the resi-
dence of Mrs. George Mason, which
is located next to his place of business.
Fire Destroyed Roof
The roof on the home of Mr. R.
Hopper of Exeter, was so badly dam-
aged by fire it will have to be replaced.
The roof caught fire from a bon fire
of leaves and greater damager would
have resulted if soldiers had not help-
ed battle the flames. Mr. and Mrs.
Hopper are both former Wingitain
folk, Mrs. Hopper was the former Miss
Vi, Robertson.
Played In Toronto Tournament
Messrs J. H. Crawford and W, H.
French played in the Canadian Pairs
Championship Tournament held in
Torontto on Saturday under the aus-
pices of the Tomtit° Bridge Club.
There was the large entry of 84 pairs
and the contestants were divided into
four sections for the qualifying round.
The local players came fifth in their
Purchased Farm On Bluevale Road
Mr. George Tervit has purchased the
130 acre farm on the Bluevale Road
from Mr. F, Black, This is the form-
er Tipling farm and has been in pos-
session of the Field family for the
past thirty years and was just recent-
ly sold to Mr. Black by Art yield,
He will -get possession in a couple of
weeks Mr. Black retains the -80
acres between the farni he sold and
Gerden NaStiel$ property.
The Deanery Chapter of Huron met
at St, John's Rectory, Brussels, on
Friday last. The spring deanery con-
ference was arranged to be held in
Wingham. early in June, a committee
was appointed to consider the Revisor
ion of the Prayer Book, Dr, Hurford
of Seafotth, presented a, paper on the
subject of the Holy Trinity, Rev. E.
0, Gallagher whop resided over the
meeting, was re-nominated as the
Rural Dean of &futon, and' Rev. 0, IC.
N'obes was appointed secretary.,