HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-04-13, Page 4FOR SALE — General purpose horse, 5 years old, colour brown. Apply to Chester Casernore, 13 Line. FOR. SALE — Quantity of used bricks. Apply to Ted Elliott, Wing- ham. FOR SALF—Massey-Harris No. 19 spring-tooth cultivator, 13 tooth size, 4 horse pulley and chain hitch. Good as new. Apply Owen King, phone 606R12. GIRL WANTED — part time house- work. Apply Advance-Times. LOST — A hearteshaped silver lock- et with chain. Prized as• keepsake. Reward. Alice Laidlaw, phone SW. LOST — Airmen's wrist watch at at Chamney's sale. Leave at D. Chamney's or Advance-Times. Re- Ward. LAURENTIAN 'URNIPS — Fresh out of pit, James M. Sanderson, Wroxeter, TRADE — Tenor Banjo for a second- hand bicycle, Apply Advance- Times, WANTED — Housekeeper 'by elder- ly lady. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED — Girl for housework, good wages, Apply Advance-Times. WANTED TO BIN — A farm close to Wingham, preferably on High- way. Address correspondence to Box 83, Wingham or phone 300. SALEM Miss Eve Willits of Waterloo, and Miss Kathleen Willits of Brussels, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits. Mrs. Hatfield and Miss Laura Ben- nett of Toronto, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Edwin Bennett and other friends. Mrs. Charlie Chittick and little daughter and Miss Jean Sharpin of Wingham, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Sharpin, Wood-cutting with the circular saw has been the order of the day around here lately. Pickwoad is ill, LAC, Russel Webb of the R.C.A. F., who has been in the hospital at Whitehorse, Yukon, following an in- jury to his knee, has been home on leave. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Gardner and Caryle and Mr, Fred Anderson of Zion and Miss Kathleen Gardner of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mrs. Helm and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Woods. Report or annual meeting of the Women's Institute will be printed next week. COLLECTIONS Guelph medical client writ- ing us on March 20th says in part; "Thank you Very gulch indeed for your very effective services". That unsolicited comp- liment speaks volumes, doesn't it. This "effective service" is available to you. Take 'ad- vantage of it and send in your list Now. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, OMIT. Est, 1890—Busier to-day than ever before. Campbells Garage Phone 184 AssociateStore WINGHAM, Ontario CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION LIMITED ••.••••••••••••=rosoodawatamosalmaamme, Pure LARD . 2 lbs 29c Durham Corn Starch 2. for 19c SALT 216. Box . . s :9: Domino Motor Oil Gal, `110111ATED BEANS . 2 for 1 7c Organdie Tissue 3 for 14c Aylmer Tomato Juice . 2 Tins 17c Mincemeat 19 oz. Jar . 25c Clarks xtail SOUPS 0 a) 2 no 20c 8,0tcb Broth - O Celery Oranges Doz. 33c Grapefruit Size 96 4 for 29c LEMONS Size 300s 6 for 22c CELERY. 72's d 2 for 1.7c Head Lettuce V. 2 for 25c CABBAGE, lb. . • 6c CARROTS . . 2 Is 15c TURNIPS lb. 4c POTATOES, pk. 49c omino TEAS 35c40z.19c ROSES FLOUR 7 lb. 27c 24 lb. 79c Richmello COFFEE ; lb. 35c Simmers SEEDS . 6 pkgs. 25c MARMALADE . 24 oz. Jar 27c Stainton's Hardware And Farmers' Supply House "The Store Where You Get The Most. For The Money You Spend" GRASS SEEDS Red Clover, No. 1 . . ... . . per bushel $29,40 Alsike, No. 1 per bushel $17.40 Timothy 2 - 1 Purity . . . per bushel $5•75 Yellow Sweet Clover No. 1 per bushel $9.00 Alfalfa No, 2 only .. .... per bushel $21.60 Brome Grass (Parkland) lb. 19c Blue Grass (Canadian or Kentucky) lb. 45c LaWO Grass Seed ....... . , lb. 40c • 1, • Barb. Wire — „ . . roll $3.60 Garden Rakes . , ... .. . . . 65c to $1.25 Garden Forks 99c - $1.45 New Brunswick Potatoes No. 1 .. 75 lb. bag $2.55 Apples . bushel $2.00 ELECTRIC IRONS — . $5.75 I I Alarm Clocks . $1,65 plus tax Wallpaper Cleaner 15c Glass Cleaner 15c ti •••••40,0040/141,. rAGE VOLTR ADVANCE-VMS Thursday, April 13th, 1944 1111.11W BAKING FOR SALE — Homemade pastries, piesand cakes, etc. Order early. Apply Mrs. Ted Elliott. CALF FOR SALE — Apply to Geo. Glousher, Lower Wingham, COW FOR SALE — 8 years old, due May 2nd. Apply Phil Dawson, phone 613R4. FARM FOR SALE — 150 acres, being lot 9 in the 7th concession and rear half of lot 9 in the 8th con- cession, Township of Howick, prop- erty of Thomas. Walker. Good honae, large barn; drilled well at h9usa ?Water system in barn. One mile arid a-half from the village of Gerrie. Apply tg Alex. Robinson, Fordwich, Ont, OR SALE — 50 acres, well equipped, 2 miles from Wingham. Apply to J. H. Crawford, Wingham. FOR SALE — Alaska Oats from . Registered Seed, 85e per bushel at farm. Apply W. A. Currie, R.R. 3, Wingham FOR SALE — Eight pigs six Weeks old, Apply to Henry Wheeler, R. R. No. 1, Bluevale. FOR SALE -- Two storey cement house in Pleasant Valley, Charles and Alice Sts. Apply to Mrs. Wes- ley Walter. FOR SALE — Small Quebec Cook stove, good baker, also size brass bed with steel frame springs. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE--1-Used folding carriage, chest of drawers and dining room suite, Rryfogle's Furniture Store. BURPING IS A SOCIAL ERROR— Take Wilder's Stomach Powder to stop the pain of indigestion, heart- burn, or sour stomach. 50c and $1 at McAvoy's Drug Store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of Isaac Samuel Wade late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1944, are notified to send .to J. H, Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, an ca before the 15th day of April, 1944, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, Immediately after the said 15th of April, the assets of the said testa- tor will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, PAYED this twenty-eighth day at" March, .194. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL, persons having claims against the estate of Mary Owens late of the Village of Belgrave in the County of Huron, Widow, who' died on or about the 19th day of March, A.D., 1944, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 15th day of April, 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immedi- ately after the said 15th day of April the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall'then have notice. DATED this twenty-eighth' day Of March, L944. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate Of Mary Adeline Clegg, Widow, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun- ty of Huron who died at the City of London on the 17th day of December, 1948, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 4th day of May, 1944. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the esate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice, . DATED the 22nd day of March, 1944. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, " Osgoede Hall, Toronto, Administrator. TENDERS FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Sealed Tenders plainly marked on the outside "Tender for Garbage. Col- lection' will be received by the under signed up to April 15th. 1044 for the collection of garbage and ashes within the Town of Wingham, The success- ful tenderer will he required to furn- ish his own equipment, labor etc., and to carry out his duties in aecordance with the regulations and routes as set forth by the Street Committee of the ,OBITIJARY Mrs. Robert Stapleton. A. life-long resident of East Wawa, irosk Mrs. Robert Stapleton, passed on at the family .residence, Zetland, Fri- day evening, April 7th, in her 74h year. Mrs. Stapleton':. death was a great shock o her relatives and friends as she was in Wingham the I day previous to her death, She was 'the former Agnes Wilson, daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. James WO- son who were 'highly respected pion- eers of the township. Surviving be- sides her husband is a daughter Marg- aret at home and a brother George of Wingbam. Two sons Maurice and John opredeeeased her as did five brothers and a sister, Ilev. John Lucas, pastor of Wingham Baptist Church, conducted the funeral ,service at the home on Monday afternoon, The pall bearers were J, A. Wilson, James Wilson, James Currie; Roland Grain, Win. John Coulter, Samuel Coulter. l3urial took place in Wing- ham Cemetery. w Letitia Anderson Dowson On April 6th Mrs, Robert Dowson passed to the Great Beyond at the age of seventy-two. She had an illness of four months. She was well known in her girlhood days in Huron as Letitia Anderson, the youngest child of Alex- ander and Margaret, who were pion- eers and blazed their way into the solid bush of Huron in 1855, Their home was lot 25, COncession 9; West Wawanosh, and Letitia Anderson had her education at S. S. No. 7 and at the Walkerton. High School. The funeral took place Apra 8th to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mrs. Dowson had an interesting life. In 1894 she went to Johannesburg, South Africa, to meet her future hus- band, and was married on her arrival. In 1900 she returned with her three children, remaining in Wawanosh until the Boer War was over, when she re- turned, In 1913 the family all moved to Toronto where her husband was successful in business until his death in 1931. Since that time Mrs. Dow- son kept the business until a year ago, She leaves a son and two daughteis and four grandchildren including Pte. Eric Dowson with the 8th Army in Italy, also a sister, Mrs, R. Barbour of Toronto and two brothers, Alec of To- ronto and Charles of South Africa. ST. HELENS Easter visitors in the community in- cluded Miss W. D. Rutherford of. Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Ramage of Para- mount; Miss Norma Weatherhead of Stayner, at their homes here; ,Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Brown. of Waterloo with Mr, and Mrs. R. Woods; Miss Dor- othy Webb and Miss Jeanette Boyce of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie Webb; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuillin and Donald George of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon with Mr. Wm. and Miss Beat- rice McQuillin. Mr. John Cameron and Mrs. Doug- las of Mitchell, spent a few days in New York where their sister, Mrs, Town Council. All -tenders are to be submitted at a stated rate per month and to be undertaken on a contract for at least one year. The lowest or any, tender will not necessarily be accepted. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. Wingham, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS To all those who so generously gave blood during my sickness and to those offering, blood, for flowers and cards received while in hospital, also to the hospital staff and Dr. Crawford, we are most grateful. We also wish to thank our friends and neighbours for their kindness in helping with the chores and also getting us moved. We offer our sincere appreciation to all. Ward and Mrs. Sharpin. IN MEMORIAM FITZPATRICK— In remembrarice of the late Edward Fitzpatrick, who died two years ago, April 16th, 1942, His wife the .former Mary Jane Philon predeceased him July 5th, 1928. Remember me at least you my friend, On this wholesome thought Sometime will spend, Requiem aternum Deum then we soft- ly pray, In memory of our dear Father today, Our mother dear long sine has gone, Only memories left as we journey on, In Heaven's bright home with great zest We pray God grant thee Eternal Rest. Your children's' children has this to say, On Grandpa Pat's anniversary day; God bless you Grandpal and bow they love to tell, Of their Grandpa dear they loved so Yea! a gentle thought of Grandma too, A loving Grandma they never knew. 'Tis sweet to know the children say, We are Sure to Meet them on Judge- ment stay, With a fond embrace, we will hold them fast, our Heavenly home, please God, at last. Sadly missed by three daughters:. Mary Loretta Vitapatrick, Reg, Delphine Marie Fittpatrick, Reg, N,, Mrs. James Dell, Hanover, Ontario; Anna Mildred Fitzpatrick, Mrs. joint Skiim, W'ingliatn, Ont. By fiverand- Children: Margaret hose Joseph Edward Lachlan Pell, John •BerVie Helen Gertrude •mid Mary GetlevieVe, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr, John Hanna, spent the week-end at his lime here. Mr, and Mrs. S. Johnson of Toronto were Easter guests of Mr. Geo. T, Robertson. Mr. James Adam MeBUrney of Kingston, is visiting his brother John, at Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Stevens, of Thorndale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lloyd, Miss Marion Beasley of Sarnia, vis ited over the week-end with Mrs. Bert Kechnie of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs, Mitchell Fraser of Galt, spent the week-end with Mr. arid Mrs, Alf. MeCreight. Misses Ruth and Jean Mitchell of Toronto, were visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, 'Miss Anne Shiell of London, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Shiell, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saxton and Kenney ,spent the Easter week-end at the home of her parents in Stratford. Pte. Bill Burgman, Royal Dental College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and M'rs. W. F. Burgman, Miss Grace Hutcheson, nurse-in- training at the Stratford General Hos- pital, spent the Easter week-end at her home. -"Mrs. John McCool, Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. McCool, attended the Walter - Schaefer wedding in Goderich on Good Friday. Mr, and Mrs, H, L, Sherbondy have as their guest for the Easter vacation, their nephew, Mr. Arthur K, Erskine, of Winnipeg. Mr, Craig Armstrong of Albert Col- lege, Belleville, is •spending the holi- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Armstrong. Wren Mary Cruikshank of Galt and a Wren friend were visitors with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cruik- shank, over the week-end. Miss Marjorie French, Miss iMoria Haywood and Misi Ann Whittaker of Alma College, are spending the holi- days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French. Me n Wanted ONE TO THREE HOURS NIGHTLY FIVE EVENINGS A WEEK (Between four and nine P. M.) No permit needed for part time work. Good Pay. Steady employment, Help Us Help The War Effort. The Western Foundry Co. Limited Mr. John R. Clark accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. H, F. Kelloway, arrived, Thursday night to spend the holidays with his family returning to Toronto Monday where he has been employed. Miss Doris Finley of Toronto, visit- ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Finlay. Visitors over the week-end at the Finlay home were, Mrs. E. Shaw of Chatham, Mr, Melvin Ford, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchison, Margaret, Frances and Bernice, of De- troit, Miss Nellie Hutchison and Miss Meta McLaughlin, of Toronto, visited, nowiesiw n 4•••••••••• llor Power' Super Built Batteries EXTRA SERVICE — EXTRA VALUE 2 Years Guarantee 15 Plates 117 •Amps 9 inches long $7.45 17 Plates 132 Amps 101/4 ins, log. Std. type, PlateHig h — type - Amps., 10 9116 inches$9 long, 90 17 Plates-115 Amps, 101A inches long, low type .. . ... „ . $8,25 For Ford VS — 33-39 and Chev. 37.9 17 . $10,15 Fits Ford 1940, May be fitted in some earlier Ford • models, also can be used in Chrysler built cars. Has that extra punch over Easter at the home of- Mr. and. Mrs. N. T. MeLaug-hlin, PO. George Lloyd of Maitland, g. S., and Miss Betty Lloyd of Toronto,. were week-end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd. Jack Lloyd of Pickering College, is. spending the holidays at his home. Friends of Mrs. Chester Higgins will' be pleased 'to hear she is sufficiently recovered to be moved to her home, with Mrs. Hargrave in attendance. Miss Wallace R.N., and Miss Lenora:, Higgins, R.N., having returned to Lona' don after being with the latter's, mother during her major operation. fi