HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-02, Page 3YOUR EYES NEED
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F. F. ii0MUTH
Phone 118 Harristoo
A. C. Adams, Wingham
s the Red Cross paroe s
gave us courage
'1iltinft know what We Would .have
done without • Red.OrOss parcels' .
• • • •• '
HERE is evidence that cannot be
denied . . unsolicited praise for
Red Cross straight from the
hearts of repatriated war prison-
ers, men who have been through
it and know from first hand ex-
perience just what it is all about.
Thousands of their comrades are
still in enemy hands. Help Red
Cross 'bring each one of them
back with the same wonderful
story to tell, a story of Red Cross
light in the very shadow of death.
Over 59% of the money you give
is earmarked for prisoners of
war. Give generously that this
amount will swell to meet the
growing need. What we've done
is small to what we've yet to dot
Wingharn Headquarters
Western Foundry Phone 85
Sure/ it goes tuotheo
000 lasts longer
In -era amatanfoOnaliaarna n aanehmanfaa'a • — an warm a....- ana,..4:a ...14/011MarnalaNnaltaa arta
Ihurstiay, March Zoct. 1944 PA WINGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Neutrality, Foreign Secretary Brien
disclosed in the House of Commons,
One of the topics is antive German
espionage in Tangier, across the
straight from Gibraltar. BRAY CHICKS
anaara aon
Detroiter Guilty on Spy Count
Detroit, — Dr. Fred W, Thomas,
Detroit physician, was convicted of
espionage conspiracy by a jury that.
deliberated 211/4 hours over a period
of •five days, Dr. Thomas was accus-
ed with seven other persons in an in-
dictment returned by .a grand jury
here last fall of conspiring to Obtain
information to be transmitted to Ger-
keep up the good work all you people
over there. We are sure a lot of your
boys will be home this summer, so
hope for the best, It is really wonder.
hi what these people have had to do
without over here but they have great
faith, Another this war has done, it
has taught a lot of the boys to say
their prayers which they never did be-
fore at least a lot of them say so,
Well if I get ba4k it will be my 6th
trip across the water, so have had my
share. , I feel good, often .wish for a
fishing trip with Charlie Wilkinson
and Shane, or a goose shoot, I see
Sandy Crawford has been bowling,
again also Donald Rae and the boys
curling. Did Art Wilson get any
prizes this winter or did Jimmie .Mur-
ray take them all, Omar and all the
younger boys will be stepping in. now.
What has happened to Frank Mooney,-
I miss his ad in the paper, has he
sold all 'his houses, Good old Frank
still busy. Before closing I wish to
send my deepest sympathy to all those
people who have had the misfortune
to loose their boys over here. I feel.
very proud of them all as I know the
most of them especially George King,
he was a lovely boy. When in 'Wing-
ham I worked in Mr. MacWilliam's
garage next door and we had some
real serious talks.
Best of regards to all,
Editors Note: Scotty gave a list of
people to whom he wants us to say
hello. We will do that for, him.
YESz-the Bray Hatcheries have chicks for prompt shipment, in
Spite of a deluge of orders. Not, perhaps, in the .breed that's your
first choice. Not, perhaps, in the Xtra-Profit grade. But. Bray
Chicks of the usual high Bray quality .
Mind you, that's not saying that the breed and grade you want
aren't available. Very probably they are. But demand in uneven.
In some breeds it is so heavy that the Bray Hatcheries are booked
ahead—in those breeds—for weeks. In others even last)-minute
orders •can be filled, for both day-old and started chicks. For in-
stance, right now we can supply both day-old and started Standard
White Leghorns.
So when you order your Bray Chicks, please name your second
choice even •your third choice, if possible . on breed, grade,
and date of s1hipment. It may prevent delay and disappointment,
All Bray breeds have the same backing of skill and care behind
them, so you will probably be pleased with the results you get, even
if the breed isn't the one you, ordinarily order. And we'll do our
best to see that you get your first) choice, if it is at all possible.
strength of Ids promotion and made
hint stand on A chair for careful ex-
amination by the Lions. Lion
once Armitage was called upon to ex.;
amine the suit And declared that it bad;
never been dry cleaned, He was fined.
for wearing a brand new suit, Lion .
George claimed he had bought it to
attend the Good Roads Convention in
Toronto this week,
Lions Clarence Armitage and bd.'
Gibson were called to the front 'anti
Presented with gold keys and c.ortifi-
cates making them key members in
recognition of services rendered the
Club, Capt, Tom Torrance was wel-
comed by President Harley and asked
to say a few words. Capt. Torrance
thanked the Lions for his reception-
and stated that lie bad 'been in Eng-
land, Sicily .and Italy and on moving
to Bicily, he was glad to get down to
business and p'rettd to be a Canadian,
The Canadians' went right after the
enemy. The Germans denounced the
Canadians and were amazed that noth-
ing seemed to stop them. As he
watched the wounded coming back,
there was never a whimper and the
boys certainly showed that they could
take it, lie promised to say more at
a later meeting,
Lion Bill Galbraith drew attention
to the death of Dr, D. E, Robertson
in Toronto this week. He told of
some of the fine work he had done
gratis for the Lions Club in perform-
ing delicate operations Which had re-
stored crippled children. He introduc-
ed a motion that Secretary Wilbur Tif-
fin be requested to send a letter to
Mrs. Robertson expressing the symp-
athy of the Club in the loss of her
husband and also. expressing the ap-
preciation of the fine services render-
ed freely to children of this district.
This motion was seconded by Lion
Wilf. Crawford and unanimously car-
Lion Wilbur Tiffin read a letter
from Lion Bruce Malcolm of Windsor
expressing appreciation of the letter
of sympathy sent him in reference to
his son missing in the Air Force, A
letter was also read from the Y.M.E.
A, Secretary in Toronto advising that
he would be glad to come to meet the
Lions and try to plan activities Which
would provide suitable leadership for
Bomb Missed Queen Wilhelmina •
London, — Two bodyguards of
Queen Wilhelniina, of the Netherlands,
were killed but the Queen herself es-
caped injury when a bomb hit the
house where she was staying near
Compensation for O,A.C, Students?
Toronto, — Increased costs to stu-
dents at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, Guelph, which have resulted from
the loaning of dormintories and certain
other buildings to the Dominion Gov-
ernment soon after the start of the
war, are causing some concern to the
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
and there is some chance that a form
of compensation may be proposed to
the Dominion Government, it is' be-
lieved here,
World Wide News in Brief Form
May Enlarge Agricultural Services
Toronto, — The scope and person-
nel of the offices of agricultural repre-
sentatives in Ontario instead of being
curtailed as rumored recently in some
quarters, will be enlarged .according
to a report. There is to be an exten-
sion in the field of junior farmers'
activities under the program now
being laid out by Hon. Thomas L.
Kennedy, Minister of agriculture. It
is entirely probable, also that there
will be a veterinarian attached to each
county agricultural office, or at least
to many..of them as the result of a
desire on the part of the department
to- lay greater stress on health-of-
animals works,
(Continued from page one)
George Northwood as he claimed he
always thought there must- he a com-
bin e working between the two banks.
President Harley Crawford expressed
the appreciation of the Club to Lion
George for his good job as Lion Tam-
er and in promoting the good singing
which featured the meetings. He had
performed his duties well and the
Club wished him every success in his
new field.
The Tailtwister claimed that Lion
George, had bought a new suit on the the young people of the town. Cards
of thanks were presented from. Lions
Bob Spittal and Walton IVIeXibbon in
England for parcels received-from the
Lion Bill McCool thought that the.
Tailtwister must be a very poor car
driver as he heard him singing recent-
ly about keeping his hand on the.
throttle and at the Same time keeping
his eye on the throttle. Tailtwister
Gord Buchanan produced a 093' .0f
the Advance-Times and thought that
no mistakes could be found last week
but he claimed that there were some
items missing, Someone had' placed
an ad. in the lost and found columo
about a missing dog and offered a re-
ward of p0.00 to the finder. • He
claimed the ad, was never inserted
and when, the party Went to the office
to enquire about the missing ad. they
were advised that both Bill McCool
and Wally Armstrong were out hunt-
ing the clog themselves, Gold plated
pencils were found- at all the plates
bearing the name of A, J. Walker,
Lion Al. was promptly fined for ad,
At the request of President Harley,
Lion Ron Rae introduced Mr, Wm,
Suter of Bluevale who addressed the-
Club. He gave a very fine address
on the subject "The New World
Order". He reviewed the various.
creeds and doctrines of the world
from early times down to the present
and closed With an outline of sugges-
ted methods by which economic secur-
ity would be provided for all. On
motion of Lions Clayton Gann-nage
and Ron Rae he was tendered a hearty
vote of thanks. The meeting closed
with the Lions' Roar,.
Murray, Henry Jensen and lots of
others all send their best home, They
all look well and feel pretty good. I
have not met any of the last boys from
home yet but hope to soon if we don't
get smashed up with the next 90 days,
There will be some great stories to
tell after it is all over. Four close
calls is all T have 'had, a miss is as
good as a mile as I have often said,
The Lord looks after 'his own, I al-
ways remember a preacher asking us
to attend church the last Sunday night
befere we left N.B., Canada, and was
glad we went. His sermon was the
three (D's.)—Duty, Discipline Devo-
tion, He was wonderful. I have often
had talks with the boys and told them
how lucky' they were to get this trip
as I know lots of them would of never,
left home only for this war. They
could read about it, but to really be
in touch with all these different kinds
of people should broaden their minds,
Seeing the world and how other people
live is an experience. The Polish and
Swedish people are well brought up
and well mannered.,
I was in an English home and was
Passing a remark, Canada for mine
even if I was born in Scotland. She
told me never to pass- a remark until
I had visited'Europe which I believe is
quite true even if they are our enemies.
They have some lovely places there,
bttt as I say, "give me the wide open
I think this would be a good time to
thank all the churches, legions. R.C.
and all others for their kindness
through this struggle, also for all the
nice Smiles & Chuckles, Cigs., etc, at
Xmas. I don't think anyone was mis-
sed. I have found out the younger
boys like lots of letters from home, so SCOTTY ROSS WRITES
111•••••••••••••••••IMMVP •MINNONI
Canada Loosing Experts
Toronto, — Canada is in imminent
danger of raids on the country's best
technical and management brains and
pressure from within and without the
country has already started the trend,
Hugh A. Mackenzie, London, indus-
trialist, said here
Senate Strike Back at F.D.R.
Washington, — Congress struck
back at President Roosevelt twice in
swift succession when Senate Demo-
crats re-elected Alben Barkley as
majority leader in that chat fiber and the
House of Representatives 3)verrode the
president's ,:yeto of the tax bill by 299
to 95.
Drew Answers Jolliffe Quickly
Toronto,—Premier George A. Drew
was not long in answering in the
Legislature a .C.C.F. suggestion that
he clarify the circumstances under
which he would call a "snap election."
The premier laid down this challenge
to the C.C.F.: 'If, as has been stated,
they consider 'this a minority govern-
ment they have it in their power to
prove this by moving a motion of want
of confidence. We will be glad to
accept it as an issue," •
Editor's Note:—
The following letter we received
Saturday from Sgt. Henry (Scotty
Ross). • The letter is a very interest-
ing one and We feel that it will enlight-:
en our readers on the trend of thought
which is passing through the minds of
those over there. Scotty makes an
appeal for letters from home folk, es-
pecially for the younger soldiers. We
could go on and talk more of his
letter but we will let Scotty speak for
Sgt, Henry Ross A31117
No. 1 C,A,R.U.
Canadian Army Overseas.
W. W. Armstrong and staff:—
I received your welcome letter also
papers most of the time and am very
pleased to hear most of the_ news.
As it is getting on .to two and a half
years since a lot of its have seen our
Wingham friends, I thought I would
ell.op a line, perhaps I have a little
more time than some of the other boys
owing to my position.
In the first place I can't tell you
much about what is going on here as
it would be doing wrong. As each
third month comes along as you all
know we get our 9-day leave, Myself,
personally I go to Scotland to see my
mother and dad. On one of my leaves
I had three of our boys with me. J. R.
Johnson, Cliff Jenkins and a fellow
front Clifford whole I knew well, We
were 75 miles beyond Aberdeen and
climbed some of the steep hills and
had a real good time. Ask Jack John-
son when lie gets back home again
how h e liked Scotland.
Another good leave I had, Septem-
ber 10, 1943, when my youngest boy
Harold, arrived over here, father and
two song all had leave together, We
were in Glasgow, Edinburg, Aberdeen
and saw most of the old castles, also
where I was born, also their mother.
and their sister, Mrs. Stewart Plunkett
(nee Beth).
We were very fortunate to see the
Xing and Queen in church on Sunday
of that month. They, 'were visiting
their Scotch Castle (Balmoral Cra-
thie). We had a lovely view of them
as we were right beside them in
church, She gave us all a lovely smile
and bow. They are so ;friendly up
here, The Queen spoke to quite a few,
They just had" a station wagon to ride
in, Before 'they got in she said, "Well,
good morning all, cholla".
/ had to stop writing' as -my Ur. is
off for the day, it being Sunday, to
make Sure supper was being attended
to, I have 84 of a staff under me.
can't give the number of officers (as
usual 'against rules), When. I ton at
this part of my letter I may as well
say I am Sgt. of 'the Mess. 'Captain
Platt is one real fellow, everyone likes
him here cone real man) in every way.
Hugh Cummings, Cliff Taman, Babb,
R.C.A.F. Cuts Office Staffs
Ottawa, — The R.C,A.F, announced
that staffs of recruiting offices
throughout Canada have been reduced
and will be still further cut and that
intake of aircrew has been temporarily
slowed down but will shortly be re-
established at a new level,
Le Droit Predicts Election.
Ottawa, — The French-language
newspaper Le Droit said in a news-
page story that, according to "rumors"
in political circles, Prime Minister
King is preparing to call a general
election after his return from the
Empire conference which is expected
to be held in London next June
Yanks Down 1,043 Nazi Planes
London, — With the destruction of
36 Nazi interceptors in Thursday's
attacks on Schfeinfurt and Gotha,
American fighters in the European
theatre had downed 1,043 enemy
planes against a loss of 305 in all their
operations, the United States 8th Air
Force announced. The tempo of the
current series of assaults is shown by
the fact, that nearly half of these
planes-510 of them—were shot down
from Sunday through Thursday. The
American lost 165 heavy bombers dur-
ing these five days.
Marianas Attacked
Pearl Harbor, ,TH„—United States
carrier planes which attacked islands
in the Southern Marianas, less than
1.400 miles south of 4Tekyo, pushed
home their assault despite early detec-a
tion by the enemy and fierce aerial and
anti-:aircraft opposition, Admiral Ches-
ter W. Nimitz, Central Pacific com-
mander, disclosed, 135 Japanese planes
were destroyed and 2' boats weye sunk.
Eight Were Burn Victims
Eight persons — an entire family of
four and a mother and three of her
six children — were burned fatally in
house fires at Acton and Delhi, and
at St. Marys a woman was injured
seriously when sprayed by flaming
gasoline she had poured on a fire,
Committee Study CBC
Ottawa, — After an all-day debate,
the Commons appointeda special corn-
mittee on radio broadcasting to review
the policies and aims of the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation and all re-
lated matters,
Wants Break With Spain Now -
Washington, — Representative John
M. Coffee (Dein.; 'Wash.) demanded
the U, S. immediately break all diplo-
matic relations-with Spain, "We must
ina.kea- this break now "on our own
terms," he said in a speech prepared
for delivery in the House of Repre-
sentatives, "before: the Axis forces us
to break with Fascist Spain on terms
such as Japan 'handed us at Pearl
- •
U. K. Will. Take All Cheese
Ottawa, — Agriculture ,Minister
Gardiner announced in the commons
that a contract is being negotiated
under which Britain will take all the
cheese Canada can provide during the
next two years. Mr, Gardiner outlined
Government policies for dairy products
during the year starting next May
and .announced subsidies to be paid for
fluid milk, cheese, butter and concen-
trated whole milk.
Neutrality Talks At Madrid
Lmidon, — Talks are under way in
Madrid on British and United States
requests to Spain to hew closer to
d G