HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-03-02, Page 2I, mjp 44 kf4 ommoill!!!4., W WI 40,001gf filAR 01. Al II !! . !I P.;
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Teeswater Nurse Enlists
Miss Dorothy Bell, Reg, N., younger
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Cam Bell,
Teeswater, left on Wednesday for To,
ronto, where she will be stationed with
the R.C.A.M,C. Dorothy enlisted in
this branch of the Service a couple of
weeks ago. -.L. Teeswater News.
To Be Invalided Home
iNfrs, R. Stevenson formerly of Har-
riston, received word last week from
her son Harvey, who was wounded in
Italy and later had his leg anapotated
in a North African hospital, that he
has landed safely back in England.
He expects to be home before very
long. Miss Agnes Martin, Reg, N.,
daughter of Mr. Charles Martin of
Minto, is his nurse in Canadian Gen-
eral Hospital No. 10. He also men-
tions in his letter that as they were re-
moving him from the ambulance in
England someone said "hello Harvey"
and here it was none other than Jack
Munson of Harriston. Harriston
Large Price For Boar
Edgar Ash of Sullivan set a new
record in price received for breeding
stock when he sold a young York-
shire boar to John Hall & Son, of
Dmulas at a price that reached three
figures. It is to head one of the larg-
est Yorshire herds in Ontario. Edgar
has developed an eXcellent herd, and
government officials have intimated to
him that he has as fine a bunch of
young swine there is in Ontario. —
Chesley Enterprise.
Snow Balls Dot Fields
A real phenomenon occurred in this
district with the heavy fall of snow
the previous night. Those who know
say it might not occur again for hun-
dreds of years. It is stated that the
temperature and the direction of the
So make this
Pledge Today
afli I R RION
Honourablo C. la. -HOW(, Minister
Apply NOW for your
New Gasoline Licenses
and Ration coupon Books
On March 31, the present gasoline licenses and ration coupon books
will expire. After that date no gasoline will be sold except on the
presentation of a 1944-45 ration book.
In his own interests, every vehicle owner is asked to apply at once
for a new license and ration coupon book for each of his vehicles.
Application forms must be completed in detail.
Conn fencing April 1, under the 1944-45 rationing plan, the opera-
tion of which will. be basically the same as that now in effect, all
non-commercial vehicle owners will again be allowed a basic "AA"
gasoline license and ration coupon book, containing 40 units for a
passenger car, or 16 for a motorcycle.
Similarly, owners of vehicles eligible for a "Special" category, who
Carr prove their need, will be granted an extra vocational allowance,
fixed in advance for the year ending March 31, 1945. In determining
the extra allowance — which will be measured to individual needs
— the previous category and mileage of the car will not necessarily
be an important consideration.
The extra vocational coupons will again be issued in books labelled
"Special", and-each book will contain not more than 60 units. To
permit constant review of the needs of each category applicant, only
one "Special" book, or portion thereof, will be issued at a time.
The Oil Controller also has the right to refuse any application for
a "Special" category, or to suspend any ration coupon book for
an infraction of the regulations.
The shortage of gasoline is still acute. Do not apply for a "Special"
Category unless your need is urgent.
Gasoline for commercial vehicles will again be rationed. To assure
themselves sufficient gasoline to carry on normal business activi
ties after March 31, operators of commercial vehicles are urged to
complete at once and in detail the required application for each of
their vehicles.
On and after April 1, service station. attendants will no?' accept
gasoline ration coupons unless the license plate number of the motor
vehicle for which they were issued is written in ink on each coupon.
.every motor vehicle must also display on its windshield a 1944-45
sticker indicating the category of the coupon book sabinitted at
the timetif the purchase.
If the owner of a motor vehicle sells, transfers or disposes of it in
any way, it is his obligation to see that the gasoline license and
Cation coupon book for that vehicle is returned immediately to the
nearest Regional Oil Control Office.
To obtain a. gasoline license and ration coupon book, secure
application form at your nearest Post Office. Study the
form and follow carefully the instructions contained therein.
When you receive your 194445 gtisOlino ration beak, guard it carefully.
Da hot leave it in your car. lf, because of your negligence, it is lost or
Stolen,. it may not be replaced.
°N AltIO
Sometimes Solace..
We are still making this
luscious bar, but naturally in lesser
quantities. That's why it seems so .
scarce. Soon, we hope, war-time
restrictions will be over.
Elma street, where she and her daugh-
ter, Miss Emma Dougherty, have re-
sided since coming to Listowel a little
over two years ago. A native of Eng-
land she came when in her 'teens to
Canada and with her parents made her
home in Carleton Plate, near Ottawa.
On December 26, 1871 she was united
in marriage to James Dougherty and
they took up residence there. In'1902
Mr. Dougherty died and about five
years late Mrs, Dougherty moved to
Toronto, where she resided until com-
ing to Listowel in 1941.
Burns Proved Fatal
Burns suffered three months ago
when a coal oil lamp exploded resulted
in the death of Mrs, Alexander Bowes,
of Kincardine Township, in hospital at
Kincardine. The funeral was held
from the family residence to Tiverton
Cemetery, with Rev. C. K. Dolby, of
Tiverton Baptist Church, conducting
the service.
Blyth Plans to Welcome. Soldiers
A well-attended meeting of citizens
in Memorial Hall formed a committee
for welcoming returning personnel.
Miss Mary Milne was appointed secre-
tary of the committee. The following
.officers were appointed: President,
Harold Vodden; first' vice-president,
J. B. Watson; second vice-president,
Harold Philps; third vice-president,
Mrs. John Cowan; treasurer, Miss
Alice Rogerson; publicity, Kenneth
Clifford Man Hurt
Benjamin E.,Wrightman ,owner and
manager of the Wrightman Telephone
Co„ Clifford, suffered a fall while re-
pairing a line, causing injuries to his
spine and hip.
.Brucefiold Nurse Enlists.
Miss Audrey Murdock, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdock, of
Brucefield, has enlisted as' a nursing
sister with the RC.A.IVI.C. and has
been posted to London Military Hos-
pital. Miss Murdock is a graduate of
St, Marys Hospital at Kitchener.
Southampton Flier Crash Victim
PO. William Kennedy, 22, son of
Rev. T, E Kennedy, pastor of the
Presbyterian Church at ,Southampton,
and Mrs. Kennedy, was one of five
airmen killed when an R.C.A.F. bomb-
er crashed in dense bush hi Prince
Edward County, 20 miles south of
Body of Flier Found
Mr.•and Mrs. D. A. McDonald, of
Huron Township, have been notified
that the body of their son, Flt. Sgt.
Colin M. McDonald, was found near
Rotterdam, Holland. The finding
was reported by enemy sources to the
International Red Cross.
Committed For Trial
Carl Brooks. and Elmer G. Haines
were committed for trial .at the next
court after a preliminark hearing be-
fore Magistrate J. A, Malcins at Gode-
rich, on the charge of breaking, enter-
ing. and theft at the Winchelsea
creamery on the night of January 22.
The prelifitinary hearing on another
charge of breaking, entering, and theft
at the creamery on February 5, and- of
being in possession of stolen goods,
was adjourned to Thursday, March 2.
'That's not true, girlie; I haven't
been in every port,"
What Does Inflation Mean to
You and Me
Thursday, March 2nd, 194
%Ingham Advance4Times
rubrished at
Stabactiption Rate ,One Year '$2,00
Sid MOntItS, ;1.09. in -advance
T. U. S. A., $2.0 per Yea!"
FOreiga rate, $8.09, per year.
.440vgrtx.Sihg raates on APP4tcatiOn.
veryone who contributes to the
• current National Campaign for funds
of the Canadian Red Cross can rest
assured that it is more titan worth-
:while.. The stories being told by
repatriated men of the Vorees return-
ing from the "twilight existence" in
enemy held territory testify to that.
Who rations doled out by the detain-
:fag power are meagre, and without
the weekly inflow of supplies through
the Red Cross, men behind barbed
wire would soon weaken and sicken
and become unbelievably miserable,
Again and again, the repatriated tell
of Russian prisoners denied the life-
saving stream. of food parcels who died
like flies, from malnutrition and lack
of proper attention. Sports equipment
.nd books, forwarded by the Red
Cross, have made the difference be-
tween monotony • and a livable exist-
ence for prisoners of war, British
and Allied prisoners who also come
under the benefit of Canadian Red
Cross parcels have warm praise for
their worth. The "proof of the pod-
ding" is found in this unvarying mass
of praise, voiced by all repatriates,
The activities of the Canadian Red
Cross Society . , . the generous contri-
butions of loyal Canadians throughout
the Dominion, and the energy and care
that has gone into the packing and
sending of shipments of supplies, has
proven its worth. Many lives have
been saved. Many more lives will be
saved. From the beginning of war-
time campaigns for funds, Canadians
have made plain the fact that they feel
that the Canadian Red Cross. does take
good care of our men Overseas, our • m risen i n prison camps — our "Brothers"
who have been bombed and made des-
titute through enemy action. This
is. greater. Canadian Re
Pendent on YOU!
* 45 *0
As we review the events of the war
it seems that we as Canadians have
not taken a very great part in oper-
ations. This is a mistaken idea and is
caused by the .easualties being publish-
ed as they happen, a few at a time.
But when we survey the total figures
for the period of the war one is sur-
prised at the total as it is about . 25,-
1062, The Army has a casualty list
of 11,707, killed 2765, missing 1114;
prisoners 6338; wounded Navy
1257; killed 10$4, missing 5, prisoners
9, wounded 159; Airforce 10,99$,
killed 786, missing 2005, prisoners
1117; Merchant navy, killed and mis-
sing 1200, As the tempo of the war
increases we have to expect greater
sacrifices on the part of those who are
holding the line for us at home. We
on the home front must do our part
for them, by our production of materi-
als, implements of war, and last but
.not by any means the least important,
food. We must also support the vari-
ous loans and other appeals to the
limit. At present the Red Cross an-
nual campaign is on and no doubt
this district will as they always have
—oversubscribe their quota.
* *
It is a difficult thing in the middle
of winter to be thinking of the mos-
quito bites that will be ours this sum-
mer. These pesky little buzzing pests
that make life miserable for so many
had better get their work in this sum-
mer as it is said that the day is not
far distant when they will be attacked
by a new gas that will put them out
of business. This new lethal gas is
said to kill all mosquitoes within a
radius of three miles. At present it
is not available for civilian use. as it
is being used by the armed forces.
It is said to be equally effective
against flies. Those who would enjoy
a vacation in the wide opep spaces
except for mosquitoes can look for-
ward to very pleasant times.
Wind must be just so to cause the ap-
pearance of thousands Of snow balls
that cover the fields bordering the .
highway towards Palmerston, Some
of .the balls would be around two feet
in diameter and there are Many smal-
ler ones, ,each leaving a track where
they were rolled by the wind, Lis.'
towel Banner,
Culross. Man 1Vlissing
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moran of Cul-
Voss, received word on Tuesday morn-
ing of this .week that their. son T,
James Moran, more popularly known
as "Ted" by his many friends here, is
missing offer air ,operations overseas,'
Ted enlisted in the R.C,A.F, in March
of 1942, and ',graduated as a Sergeant
Bomber. In June of.1948 he was .sent
overseas, and has Since been on duty
tNheew. res with the Air Force. Teeswater
The Crows Are Back!
The crows, those raven-feathered
scavengers have made their appear-
ance once more in these precincts, Al-
though not considered a real harbinger
of spring the crow's appearance early
in the season is said to be an immedi-
ate forerunner of the robin. whose ar-
rival front the sunny south usually
coincides with the transition from
winter weather to balmy atmosphere
of spring, — Walkerton Herald Times,
May Build 'Second Dam
The Grand . River Conservation
Commission has authorized its execu-
tive to negotiate with the Ontario
Government - for conservation plans
and surveys within the Conestoga
watershed, with a view to erecting an-
other dam supplemental to the Gara-
fraxa dam. It is aimed to make the
plan national and not municipal. Be-
cause of engineering conditions it is
thought a Conestoga dani would not
cost as much as the clam near Fergus,
even if built on the same plan and
same order,—Arthur Enterprise News.
Died At Skating Party
A skating party which had a tragic
ending was ;held at Kirkton under the
auspices of WoOdham United Church
when Mervin Stanley Copeland, prom-
inent Blanshard farmer, collapsed and
died within.a few minutes. Mr. Cope-
land who was in his. 47th year and
appeared to be in excellent health, had
complained of a pain in his chest when
skating. He rested for a few minutes
before resuming the exercise and sud-
denly dropped on. the ice and expired.
-4Exeter Times Advocate.
Blyth Soldier Injured Overseas
Mr. and Mrs. William Thuell re-
ceived a letter from their son, Litut.
Ross 'Thuell, Overseas, in which• he
informed them that he was suffering
from injuries recently received. In
an accident upon which he failed to
elaborate, he had the misfortune to
have his foot smashed, and two toes
broken. He also mentioned the fact
that hesbad yet to receive mail since
his arrival Overseas. — Blyth Stand-
Married Sixty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Allen, Mait-
land 'Concession, Colborne townshiR,
observed the 60th anniversary of their
marriage on Sunday when the clay
was spent quietly with the immediate
family present. It was on Feb. 27,
1880, the tate Rev. Sab'bine of lien-
miller Methodist church united in
marriage Elizabeth Ann Walters,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A,
Walters ,and Joshua Allen. Attend-
ants at the marriage were Mrs. Rich-
ard Moore, now of Goderich, and the
late Mrs. Jacob Fisher, the late Wil-
liam Walters and the late George
The couple have spent their entire
lifetime in Colborne township where
they have made a large circle of
friends. Mr. Allen is in his 88th year
and is remarkably smart and active.
Mrs. Allen is in her 77th year and
just two weeks ago she experienced a
sad accident when she tripped and felt
down stairs injuring her arm. She has
made rapid recovery.
Calf Has No Tail
A calf which was born recently on
the farm of Nelson Raynard was
normal in every respect, with the ex-
ception that it lacked a tail. The calf
may not as yet be aware of its de-
formity but when fly-time rolls around
the lack of .a swatter will be only too
evident, — Lucknow Sentinel.
Attains Captaincy
W. R, Tomlinson, 1(.C., M.P.. for
Bruce, who has been in Britain the
past eight months. with •the rank ' of
Lieutenant, has been promoted to a
captaincy and will serve at liaison
officer between the auxiliary services
and the army. A report received ih
Itintardine states Capt. Toittlitison
was stationed in Newfoundland for
some time before going overseas.
IA-towel lArottah 92
Mrs. James Dougherty, one of Lis,-
towel's oldest residents, quietly observ-
ed her 92nd birthday at her home on
Why, we couldn t buy enough food
to keep our families healthy under
infl'Ution. For wages and salaries
catch up • to prices when they start
to soar!
I PROMISE to give my support
to keeping the cost of living
down, I will buy only what I
need—I will observe the cell+
ing whether buying or selling
goods*ot services. pay off
old debts, save' for the future,
invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates--and
will support tastes which help
lower the cost of living.
ss is de-
year . . . with thes4s7,.var reaching its Nothing is denied to well directed
decisive phase . . . Canadians are being labor; nothing is to be obtained with-
asked to give a little more. The need , out it. , —Sir Joshua Reynolds,
How would we like to pay $1.10 a
dozen for eggs? ,You say it can't
happen? Don't forget it's already
happened right here in this Domin-
ion, during the last4var. And it will happen
again . .. unless we're on our toes to keep
the cost of living down. Every Canadian must
face this challenge! It's our respcinsibility.
But be of gbod heart. Living costs
have then LESS in Canada than
anywhere else. Cr.nada leads' the
Itt rid in the 'fight against inflation.
In 1941, Canada determined to
control the cost of living. Price
ceilings were established on wages,
rentals and commodities; subsidies
were paid on essential foods; goods in short
supply were rationed so that everyone
could get their fair share at a price they could
afford to pay!
But control of prices is a two-way
responsibility. It needs year support
if it is to continue working effectively.
tar faiot $•4,44 Pate A4/
Published by
Tat inumold IstDuStitY (014TABIO)
to reveal the thingskd whirl' Inflation our MOM io all tbo poopt° oftsfutatt.