HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-01-13, Page 4LAG].; TOUR I) Pe AC. Ross. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Anderson, has been trans- ferred to Newfoundland, In the annual financial report of the Belgrave Red Cross society in last week's issue, the item "Paid 85% of subscriptions and donations to head- quarters" should read $1812.00 instead of $1312.00. - Mrs, W. J. Cole has reeurned from spending the Christmas season with her daughters, Mrs. W, Smith of Kitchener, and Mrs. N. MontgoMery of London. Brick MiSsion Band Meeting Brick Mission Band "The Brave Adventurers", held their meeting in the church in th e Sunday School per- iod on January 2nd. It vas opened by quiet music. Miss Eileen Snell, president, presided and she read the call to worship, Lord's. Prayer was then repeated in unison after which Eleanor Wightman read the scripture, Luke, chapter 10:30-37. Miss Ada Dow told a story "The Man Who Wasn't .Afraid".' Eileen Snell read in prayer. The Mission Band Purpose was repeated and the, roll call answer- ed with the memory verse, Mrs. Gil- bert Beecroft told the study book st6ry "Tee' New Tisk of Senorita Florinda", and the. closing prayer re- peated by the members. Institute Meets January 18 The 'Home Economics" meeting of the Women's Institute 'will be held Tuesday, January 18, at 2.30 p.m, in the Orange Hail, Belgrave. Conveners of programme are, Mrs. H. Wheeler- and Mrs. J. IL Wheeler; roil call, A New Year's resolution; music, Mrs. N. Keating; questionnaire, Mrs. S. Proc- ter;-address,d Mrs. J. Wickstead; read- ing, Mrs. Jas. Michie; lunch Com., A NYONE watching this 3944 poultry business develop can, see that • 4-4there is going to be a real scramble for chicks, the same as last year, and for' the same reasons: Patriotism and Profit, .combined„ Good ,chicks, well 'raised, made money for their owners in 1943, The • same conditions that made them profitable then are carrying over into 1944, And the patriotic prge, the patriotic need, are carrying over into 1944, too, last year- we had to disappoint many would-be purchasers , hand back their money, and say, Sorry—no. Chicks—sold out", Tbat's why we urge you to write or call about Yoor 1944 requirements, not just • .soon, .but right away. Here's What Bray Boyers Say: , Mrs. Harrison Cross, Vankleek ed from you were the best I have Hill, Ont.—"I had excellent re- ever ,handled.- - sults last year, and in feet for the past 8 years. My last year's pul- lets are laying over 75% now (March) and have laid an average Of 60% all winter:" Edward Lowe, Park Road, Ont. —"I have raised chicks both for show and utility, and I can truth- fully say that the pullets I receiv- That's How — and Here's Why: Mrs, Walter Clyde, Plaster Rock,,, N.S.—"I want you to know that I am well. satisfie d w d ith the chicks I got frond .you lst spring...They- are the, largest pullets. I ever' raised, as well as the best looking ones, The cockerels weighed more than any I ever raised', at the' same age," NOTICE TO CREDITOR persons having claims agaiti the estate of Margaret W. Wilson is of the Town of Wingham in 11 Comity of Huron, Widow, decease who died on or about the twent fourth day of Decerribet, A. D. 194 are notified to send to J. H. Crawfor Winghem, 'Ontario, on or before tl twenty-ninth day of January, 1944, fu • particulars of their -claims, in writie Immediately after the Said tweet ninth day of January, the assets of t said testatrix will be disttihnt amongst the parties entitled theret having, regard only to claims of whir thdc executor shall then 'have notice DATED this tenth 'day of jantar A, D. 1944, CitAWVORD. Wirighatn, 'Ontario, Solicitor. for the, Execute) 0=0=t0=01=101:101====0=0) 0=0=0, command, 'Attention / The Wingham Advance Times Telephone 34 O O O 011 0 O O O O ' 0 O O O 0 O il 011:201:2=101130) 0ic • igoolommonsmej el m ;ea The sale actually commences after the order is closed and the product has left your premises. It is the function of good printed matter to enhance your sale and , stimulate interest so that your pro- spects will want more merchandise just like it. No piece of printed matter is too small to create a good impression, and this organiiation is prepared with facilities and knowledge to help you in creating printed mater- ial that commands attention I Let us help you with your next problem. -74 WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, January 13, j944 All who have completed their blocks may bring them to the meeting. People's Union, Miss Barbara Michie presided and Mrs. G. N. Dunlop was et the piano, Earl Andersen was the speaker and took as his subject "They who take up the sword shall perish by the sword," The scripture reading was taken by ROliert. Grasby, Rev, G. H. Dunlop led in prayer. A poem entitled "Whet we should pray for in war time" was given by George John- ston, Lois Kelly also read a poem, "Make this New Year Thine Own," Norman Keating sahg a solo, The regular meeting of the society will be held Friday evening, January 14. Appropriate hymns were sung and the 'meeting Closed with the Mizpah benediction, Mrs, A, Manning. Mrs. R, J. Mac- Coultes, Mrs. L. Hopper and Mrs. R. Kenzie, Mrs. N. Walsh. The ladies H. Coultes. The society decided to of the community are invited. All get up a play in the near future. The roll call was responded to with payment of fees. Hyacinth, Quebec, spent a day recent- ly with his mother. Mrs, Vern Mac- Donald. Mrs. Cathere of Gorrie, spent last week with her daiighter, Mrs. Alvin Moffat and Mr. Moffat. Community prayer services were conducted from Monday to Friday by Rey. j. L, Foster of United Churoh. Lance Corp Crawford Gibson of prince George, spent a two-day leave last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson. Mr. Vern Denny left for Toronto, Monday 'on a business trip. " Misses Marian and Jean MacDonald of Toronto, were recent visitors at their home here. IV/r- and iMrs. Gordon Gibson and daughters were recent visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Wm, liatutbet at rot& Y. P. tr, Sponsored Service win, A Sunday evening service was heldMrs, Archie McMichael spent a few in the Sunday School of the /hilted 'ilaYs recently -with friends near Church sponsored by the Young Winifilittt FARM FOR SALE —11:1 miles from Belgrave, hydro, 20 acres bush. Alex . Bryane, Belgrave, Ont. FOR SALE -- 2 shorthorn bells, ready for service, one red, one roan, Apply Stewart Procter, R. R, 5, Brussels, phone 32-12 Brussels, FOR SALE-19 pigs, ready to wean, also Durham cow, due to freshen latter part of January, Apply to Wm. G. VanCamp, Belgrave, phone Brussels 1545. FOR SALE — 10 pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to Ed. :Marsh, Wingham jot FOR SALE — Adult commode chair, good as new. Apply to Mrs. H. V. Pym, phone 333. FOR SALE-1929" Chev, sedan with good tires, engine in good condition, Apply Advance-Times, FOR SALE — Northern Spy Apples, $1.60 per laistiel. Apply to Gilbert Beecroft, phone 616R3. FOR SALE — 3 storey building known as the tannery in Wingham, suitable for hatchery and poultry business. Possession available Feb- ruary- 1, Apply Town Clerk's office. HATCHING EGGS WANTED We require additional breeding flocks all breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching season. Floeks culled and bloodtested free of charge. Guaranteed premium paid. Also turkey flocks needed. Cockerels wanted: Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, White Rocks and Black Australorps suitable for breed- ing: Write for full details immedi- ately. `Tweddle. Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. HIGHEST PRICES PAID— for all kinds of feathers and feather beds, hides and horse hair, phone 239. M. Brown. LOST — Black and tan hound has small scar on right side. Lost on New Years Day, $10.00 reward. Lloyd Stein, R.R. 3, Lucknow, Phone, Dungannon 68-2. PRIVATE SALE — Wooden bed• stead and springs; Iron bed an spring; small tables; man's fur coat adult commode. Apply to Advance Times. TENDER -- for 12 cords of hard wood, tops to 5 inches, will be re• ceived by the undersigned up tc January 20th, 1944, to be delivere S.S. No. 9, Turnberry by June 1st State price and length of wood. R. Taylor, secretary, R.R, No. 1 Wingham. WANTED — Gander, state weight breed, and price. W. Suter, Bo SO, 13luevale, • , WANTED — Used sewing machine must be in good repair. Apply tc Advance-Times, WANTED Music supervisor fo S, S. No. 10, Morris. State lengt of lesson taught, also salary. Robt J. Forrest, Sec'yetreas., Bleevale R. R. No. 2. WORK. WANTED — Part time em ployment by High School boy stu dent. Apply Advenee.nnes. IN MEMORIAM WALLACE — In loving _memory o David H. Wallace, who passed away January 14th, 1943. When the day of toil is done, When the race of life is run, Father .grant thy weary one, Rest for evermore. —Ever remembered by wife an family. NOTICE TO CREDITOR O O HURON COUNTY . ;COUNCIL PP.—..—...... The next meeting of the Huroh County', Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Jan- uary 18th, at 2 p.m. . All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the At- tention of Council should be in ,the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 15th. N. W, MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Johnston late of the Tewnship of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the twelfth day of December, A. D. 1943, are notified to send to j. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before, the twenty-ninth day of Janeary,1944, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said twenty- ninth day of. January, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of January, A. D. 1944. J .H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the.: Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Jane MdGregor late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of December, 1943, are notified to send to a H,,, Crawford, Wingham, 'I Ontario, on or before the twenty-' ninth day of January, 1944, full partic- ulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said twenty-ninth day of January, the assets of the said testratrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, 'having re- gard only to claims of which the ex- ecutor shall then have have notice. DATED this tenth day of January, A. D. 1944. J .H. CRAWFORD. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exectuor. i [ 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS • • All persons having claim against the estate of David Breckenridge, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased, , who died on or about the 1st day '' of December A. D. 1943.are notified to send to A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, on or before the thirty-first - day of January, A. D. 1944 full partic- ) ,ulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said thirty-first day of January, the assets of the said 7 Testator will be distributed amongst ' the parties entitled thereto, having only • regard to- claims of which the Execu- , tors shall then have notice. DATED this eighth day of January, A. D. 1944. A. H. McTAVISH, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS E , All persons having claim against the estate of Mary -Ann Casemore, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the tenth day of December A. D. 1943, are notified to send to A. H. 1 McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, on or before the thirty-first day of January A, D. 1944, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after ; the said thirty-first day of January, the assets of the said Testatrix will t be distributed among the parties en- f titled thereto, having regard only to ,T claims of which the Executors shall I then have notice. DATED this eighth day of January. ) A. 0, 1944. e A. H. McTAVISH, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors d 11 NOTICE TO CREDITOR5. it NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN tc '- all persons having any claim again& :"' the estate of Lorne Clifford Stone. house, late of the Township of Wa, 'T evenosh, farmer, who died on or abate the 8th, day of December, A.D. 1943 to send same to Marshall Stonehous( at Belgrave R.R. No. 1, one of tle r. Executors of the said estate, on or be, 29th fore the day of January 1944, a.! a on and after that date the executor: ' of the estate shall proceed to mak, 4 ,, distribution. of the assets thereof, hay lug regard onlyto tie claims then .e field. ALSO all persons owing th, : late Lorne Clifford Stonehoest et notified to make payment of sue) '1, debts to the said Executor, on or be ,% fore The date above mentioned, as the ,', estate has to be settled. without delay '1', DATED AT GODERICH TIII! " THIRD DAY OP JANUARY A. r 3044. (--, R. C. HAYS ESQ., It,C, ie. ,Goderieli, Ontario, :d 5 Solicitor for the EstaEstate, ii Hoer True vr, A little boy's school, essay read "'rite' gthilgtkd 'was eigeed on awen ben' litta D18, eta since then we have e, had two mintitee peace every year.," BELL AVE Start New Study Dook Itnox Presbyterian Church Wo- men's Missionary' oeiety held the first meeting of the year in the church. Time president, Mrs, R, J. Scott, open- ,ed, the meeting with a hymn and prayer, followed by husinese period. Minutes, and treasurer's report were. read and programmes for six months were distributed. Mrs, W. J. Geddes thanked the society for fruit sent her. during illness, Mrs. Schott and Mrs. I. Dunbar were appointed as a com- mittee to look after this activity for the year, Mrs, Seott introduced the new study book "Focus on British Guiana" describing the land of the tropics and its people: The worship service from the Glad Tidings followed, being led by the president, Mrs. 3, Dunbar led in a, :series' of prayers, Mrs. O. G. Anderson read the lscripture lesson. The meeting closed With a hymn .and the Lord's Prayer. • Held Euchre For Red Cross Mr. and Mrs. John F, McCallum, concession concession 9, East Wawanosh, enter- tained neighbours and friends at a progressive euchre at their home in. aid .of the Belgrave Red CroSs ,Soicety. Seven tables were played -and prizes for high score were won by Mrs. Jno. MeBurney and Percy McLean, The collection , amounted to over $6.00. Lunch was served, - W.21. S. Officers Installed The United Church Women's Mis- sionary Society and Women's Associ- ation met in the Sunday School room with an attendance of 19. The new Missionary president, Mrs. James Michie, conducted the first meeting. eAn impressive installation service for the new officers was conducted by the minister, Rev. G, H. Dunlop. Yeirly reports, were heard. Receipts 'for the year are"$162.72. A petition regarding refugees, was signed by the members and each mem- ber drew a name "adopting" a mem- ber of the Baby Band for the yeai-.. Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. C. Procter will conduct the worship service at the next meeting which will be held at the home of Rev. G. H. and Mrs. Dunlop. "Thank You". notes were read front members of the congregation who had received cards during illness and greetings were received from Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Townend, of Princeton, a former pastor. The worship service was based on the theme, "The Bible for all Canada's Children." Prayers were offered by Mrs. R. Chamney and Mrs. S. Procter. , Mrs. E. Anderson reviewed a chap- ter of the study book dealing with work and agriculture in China. Mem- bership "fees were paid. W. A. Had Good Year Mrs. Stewart Procter conducted the Women's Association meeting, which opened with a short devotional service from the Daily Readings. The fin- ancial report showed receipts for the year of $271.92 with a balance of $89.08. Holiday Bells brought in $89.50 and will be used again this year. The following committee was 'ap- pointed to make and distribute the bells; Mrs, Sr Procter, Mrs, J. M. Ladies' Guild Elect The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Angli- can Church held their annual meeting in the Orange Hall with an 'attendance of 17. OffiCers for the and at the close, was served. The president, Mrs. R. McCrea, opened the meeting with the National Anthem and the Lord's Prayer, Yearly reports were given, the fin- ancial statement showing receipts of $104.32, with a balance of $8.29. The rector, Rev, P. H. Streeter, took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon. Presi- dents, Mes. Jeremiah Brydges, Mrs. John VanCamp and Miss Eliza Proc- ter; Pres., Mrs. C. H. Wade; Vice- President, Mrs. P.11. Streeter; Secre- tary, Mrs. Richard Procter; Treasurer, Mrs, John McGill; Teasurer of Flower Committee, Mrs. Thomas Shoebottom; Auditors, Mrs, Frank Shoebottom, Mrs. Clark Johnston; Visiting Com., Mrs. David Armstrong and Mrs. H. Perdue; Organist, Mrs. Clark John- ston; Rectory Com., Mrs. C. H. Wade and Miss B, Procter; Program Com., Mrs. V. Shoebottom, Mrs, Wade and Mrs. R. Procter, The Birthday Copper Contest and Holiday Bells will be used again this year and the group will supply cloth- ing for an Indian child itt a Western Mission. January Meeting of C, 0. I. T. The .regular meeting of the C,G,I,T, girls was held on Thursday evening, January 6th, at the home of Miss Margaret Moffat, The meeting opened with the hymn "Will Your Anchor Hold" followed by the purpose and prayer. Alice Howes gave a talk on "Moses" and at the next meeting questions will be, asked on this 'subject. The scrip- ture found in Psalm 107, 'verses 1-15 was read by Gilberta Howes. In keeping with the 'health meeting, Agnes Wearying asked impOrtant questions regarding 'this subject and bandaging was demonstrated by mem- bers of the group. The next 'hymn was "Safe in ,the Arms of Jesus" followed by the, read- ing of the minutes and roll call, Plans were made to hold the ileaffili- etion meeting, en Thursday, January 17th, in the United 'Church school- room. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Miss Mary Meahen on January 28th, There were 12 members present. Taps and God Save the King brought the meeting to a close, Baptismal Service During morning service in United Church, Rev, J. L. Foster conducted baptismal service for Nancy. Elaine, daughter of LAC. Clifford and Mrs. Denny. 'Women's Missionary Society The first W. S. meeting of the New Year will be held in the church school-room on Thursday, January 13, at 3 p.m, This will be an all mem- bers programme. All members are urged to be present to make arrange- ments for 1944 and women of the con- gregation are cordially invited. Women's Institute 'rime January meeting of the W. I. was held on Thursday last at the 'home of Mrs. J. N. Allen, The president presided and opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Lard's Prayer in unison, Report of the Soldier's Christmas Boxes was given by Mrs. J. H. Wylie, 22 boys and 1 girl being remembered. Mrs. F. Hambly reporting for Christmas Cheer Boxes for shut-ins, said 22 box- es had been packed by the 'committee and delivered on Christmas Eve by members of the C, G. I. T. Appreci- ation of the members to these two committees for their efficient work and Better Order Your DRAY CHICKS NOW tested. If there is even a sus- picion of reaction, out she goes!' Breeders are specially fed, so that the embryo chick will get what it needs for full development • inside the shell. Eggs are special- ly selected and skilfully incubated in up-to-the-minute machines. Many Bray flocks have 16 'gener- ations of this kind of careful management behind them! Write FRED W. BR AY, LIMITED 120 John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. A. C. ADAMS, — WINGHAM, Ont. also to C. G. I. T. members, was ex- pressed. A donation of $13.00 will be sent to the Minesweepers Fund. Numerous letters from soldiers and shut-ins 'were read by the secretary, Mrs. W. A, Sawtell. The, standing committee for social service, brought the subject of Refugees for Canada before the meeting. An interesting discussion on the subject •followed. The roll call — A Health Hint, brought a helpful response. Current events prepared by Mrs. Thos. Burke and read ,.by Mrs. Allen Munroe, touched on many interesting items. Gth Line Farm Forum The 6th line farm forum group met on Monday night at Lewis Cook's. There was a good attendance with Hugh Blair in charge of the meeting. Farmers credit sy,stena were discussed, Harvey Black was recreation leader. The next meeting will be held at Stanley Cook's with Bruce Scott in charge. WROXETER LAC, C. Denny of Crumlin, spent the week-end with his parents, Mrs. Denny and baby Nancy Elaine. Robert MacDonald of R.C.N., St. Brick W. M. S, The Women's Missionary Society meeting of Brick United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Stanley ee The president, Mrs. Leslie Wight, man, conducted the business and the worship service was taken by Mrs, Snell's group with Mrs, W. Dow in the chair. The programme was taken from the Missionary Monthly on the theme, "The Bible for all Canada's Children". Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Gil- bert Beecroft• took the study book. •The treasurer reported having sent $83.00 to the Presbyterial treasurer which was $5.00 over the allocation, The February meeting will be field at the home of Mrs. L. Wightman with Mrs. Pattison's group ill charge of the worship service, All persons having claims ageing the estate of John Dennison late o the Town of Wingham in the Count of Huron, Retired Farmer, who die on or about the eleventh day of De ember A. D. 1943, are notified t send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham Ontario, on or before the twenty ninth day of January, 1944, full partic Mars of their claims in. writing. I inediately after the said twenty-nint day of January, the assets of the sai testator will be distributed among, the parties entitled thereto, having r gard only to claims of which the e ecutor shall then have notice: DATED this tenth day of Januar A. D. 1944. .H, CRAWFORD. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executo 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge Of 05e, 0 0 1011:110) 0=101 ( try ) .011:1C4,, year were elected a pot-luck supper That's how "the Bray Chick does the Trick", and here's why: Bray breeders aren't selected by the flock — they're selected by the bird. Every last one is handled sized up by experts for vigor, constitution, •meat conformation,' and indications of high egg pro- duction. Those that pass this rigid inspection are then blood The topic "Blood Plasma" was pre- sented by Mrs. F. H. .Sclerk who. spoke of its discovery, progress and inany uses both in army and civilian life, and spoke of the great need for blood donors. Master Jimmie Allen •was guest soloist and delighted those present with two numbers, "Smilin' Thur" and a sacred number, accompanied by his grandmother, Mrs. J. N. Allen. Tea was served 'at the close by the hostess, assisted by Miss Agnes and Miss Margaret Wearring and Master Jimmie Allen.