HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-01-06, Page 4r
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By Prepaying
Town of ot ....Win.ghatit
1.944 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1944 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 191-3 taxes.
interest at the rate of 'nye. per Cent, per an-
wilt e allowed on such. repayments.
Prepayments of taxes 111118t be maile at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Ilan.
TWA of Wit*
WI QHAM ADVANCE-TIN MS Thursday, January 6th,j944
WHITECHIJRCH last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul of St. Helens.
Mr: Herb Laidlaw was chairman at
the annual school meeting in . S. S.
No, 14 on Wednesday last. Mr. Laid-
law was the retiring trustee, and Mr.
Gordon Elliott, Mr, Aldin Purdon and
Mr. Jas, Conley are the trustees for
1944, with Billie Purdon taking the
'fr, John !McGee returned home on job of caretaking at $67, while two of
nesday last, after spending a few the school children sweep at 25c a
with his sister, Mrs. D. Simp- week for each, Eleven pupils in, at-
London.• • tendance. In S. S. No. 10, Kinloss,
Purdon, spent a few days Mr. Ernest Casemore was chairman, re( and the retiring trustee was Orville
„ .Tiffin. The trustees for 1944 are J.
G. Gillespie, Ernest Casemore and the
newly appointed one, Wallace Conn.
16 pupils in attendance, At S. S. No.
3, Culross, Lester Falconer, was the
retiring trustee, The ladies of the
section made a start at this section,
and the new trustee is Mrs. Nelson
Pickell, with Albert. Walters and
Michael King, and 12 pupils in at-
tendance. Very little interest has
been shown at these annual meetings
in the different communities.
L.A. W, Doris McClenaghan of
Hagersville, spent the week-end with
her parents,,,Mr. and Mrs. 'Ben Mc-
Mr. Cecil Falconer and Mr. John
Falconer pf Wingham, made a busi-
ness trip to Bolton on Wednesday
Mr. John Gaunt left on Monday for
hi's work at London after spending the
past, week with his wife and family
Mr. and Mrs. David. Currie and
family attended the .family dinner on
New Years , eve at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Gaunt.
• Miss June Irwin. of Toronto, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herson Irwin.
Mr. Robt. Laidlaw of Preston,
spent the' week-end with ,his wife and
fandly in Kinloss,
, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and
Lois, and Mr.' and Mrs.- Cecil Fal-
coner and Angus, spent the week-end
at Caledon at the home of their sister,
Mrs. Elgin Welwood, arid with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer.
Tpr, Joseph St. Marie of Camp Bor-
den; is spending the week-end and his
furlough with his parents, Mt. and
Mrs. Jas. St. Marie, Miss Lucille St.
Marie left on Monday for Collingwood
'where she will be With her sister, Mrs.
Dean Brennan, while shejakes a four
month course•in hair-dressing.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis of Sarnia,
Come in and see our
"tire-savers" at work:
When you need repairs
: see us.
Vulcanizing &
Service Station
(Bert. Armstrong)
Winghan'i, Ont. 'Phone 181
Moeday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 10, 11, 12
"Flying Fortress"
The story of an American flying bombers to Britain
Also "Short Subjects"
Tire repairs promptly
made will help you keep
your car rolling longer.
We specialize in tire
repair work, use only
the most modern factory
methods and best quality
Goodyear repair
;Friday, Saturday, January 6, 7, 8
— In -- „
Queen Silver queen ) A melodrama of the period of 1870.
Also "Short Subjects".
'Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Ready-Cut Macaroni . 4 lbs. 25c
Long Whole Grain Rice 2 lbs. 25c
1Hemphill's Wheat Berries . .. .. 5 lb. bag 25c
Robin. Hood Quick Cooking Oats , 5 lb. bag 29c
Size 220's Sweet Navel Oranges doz. 47c
Size 288's Juicy Navel Oranges• . .. doz. 35c
California size 300's Lemons .. 4 for 15c
No. 1 Ontario Waxed Turnips . , 2 lbs. 7c
New Brunswick No. 1 Potatoes ........ bag $2.20
TOILET SOAP ...„. 3 cakes 15c I AMMONIA .. 3 pligs. 15c
LAUNDRY SOAP .,. 3 bars 20c LAUNDRY STARCH pkg. 12c
TOMATO SOUP ..... tin bee PURE LARD 1 lb. 20c
HABITANT PAT-A-PAN PASTRY VEGETABLE SOUP 10c. FLOUR ..—............., 24-1b. bag 79c
Sugary Nos. 1 to' 24. Preserves, Nos. 1 to IL Butter' Nos. 42 to 45.
Tea or Coffee, Nos. 1 to 27. Meat, Nos.. 30 to ,33.
SPent the week-end, with ;his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis.
Mrs. Thos, Wilson and baby son of
St, Helens, spent a, few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs, ias. Wilson,
Wren Jean Welwood;, is expected
home from Halifax nyit week-end.
Mrs. Albert 0:n4W and children re-
t4rned home frQpi, Paisley last
Thursday. Her Mother, Mrs, Thus.
Kerry, is ,9 s ,tyreor:h. yes low, after suffering f
Mrs. Eeecroft spent last
week With her parents, Mr. and Nips,
Watson of llrucefield. Mr. Melville
Beecroft of Otterville,, spent a few
(lays last week with his father, Mr,
John Beecroft and other relatives in
East Wawanosh. Mr. Beecroft is still
confined to his bed with his sore knee,
Mr. Thos. Robinson is under the
Doctor's care these. times, having suf-
fered a heart attack one day last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
children of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs.
Thos. Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Mil-
ian Moore, spent New Years with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Sparling of Wing-
ham, Mr, Sparling was laid up last
week with a bad attack of flu, and un-
able to report back at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron and
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Cameron of Ash-
field, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs, Mason Robinson.
Mr. John Kennedy passes
Mr. John Kennedy, a life-long resi-
dent of Kinloss, passed away on Sat-
urday evening at his- home on the 2nd
Con, of Kinloss, He took a, weak
spell and had not been well since. He
was married to Miss, Nancy McCorvie
of Kinloss. To them were born four
daughters, all of whom were at the
funeral, held on Tuesday afternoon to
the Sou,th, ](inloss Cemetery. Besides
his -wite,he leaves to mourn him, their
daughter, Mrs. Toyribee Lamb, of
Goderich, (Annie), Mrs. Roy McInnis,
Toronto, (Olive), Mrs. Will Cranston;
St. Helens, (Ruby), and Miss Daisy
Kennedy of Coderich. Of a ,family of
eleven children, his three sisters, also
survive, Mrs, Jas. Purvis of St. Helens,
Mrs. McCarrol of the Soo, and Mrs.
McCloskey of Guelph. The funeral
was in charge of Rev. G. H. Ward, of
the United Church. This community
extends sympathy to the -bereaved
Miss' Louise Martin, of Kincardine,
spent the week-end with her -parents,
Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Martin and all
attended the family dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie
on Saturday evening.
The congregation of the United
Church will hold their annual meeting
on Monday, January 10. The Y.P.U.
will hold a social evening with pro-
gressive crokinole in the church base-
ment this Friday evening. All the
young people of the community are,
cordially invited to attend.
The -regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held next
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ezra
Welwood with, the roll call "Salads
for Winter".
Mr. and Mrs„ Sprung and family of
Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs, Alec Man-
ning and sons of Belgrave, and the
Patterson families of Auburn, met at
a family dinner at the home of Mr.
and. Mrs. Clarence Cox on. New Years
Miss Winnifred Farrier returned to
Toronto on Saturday, Mrs. Jack Gil-
lespie accompanied her and will visit
friends there for a few weeks.
Miss Orr of Lucknow, Stratford
Normal School student, is with Miss
Marie MacCrostie, at S. No. 10,
Kinloss, this week, as a student-teach-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ‘Coultes and
children, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Coultes of Morris.
The Farm Forum meeting was held
on Monday evening at the home of
Mr, John Purdon, and the subject for
discussion was "Farm Debt", which
proved very interesting as a Dominion-
wide effort is being made'So that some
workable farm. credit system may be
LAC, Clifford Purdon of Centralia,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John. Purdon,
Misses Doris and Marilyn Shiell,
spent the week-end with their grand-
parients, Mr. and Mrs. Congram of
Ripley. Mrs, Shiell received word on:
Monday of the death of her uncle, Mr.
Abram Culbert of Dungannon. Mr.
Culbert went to the barn on Saturday
and slipped and broke his leg and
succumbed on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Purdon and
Archie, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul and family of St. Helens
spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs
Curran of St, Helens.
Red dross Vittancial Statement
The folloWing is the financial state
tent of the Belgrave Red Cros
Society for the year 1048,
gal. from 1042 account 465.1
March' 1048 ,gettaral canvass 944:6
Apr, 1948, uts, J Wheeler's
twilit draw . . . .. ... . 40,0
Apr, 104 S.S. No, S, East
Wawanosh Miss Parket) 10.0
.,._4 41)
.7.,''ci 10,
4 cox
. ..c.c),„...-- 3-- ,6-..,.. :411 .,e_
...,‘::::?.....11"- 0
0 I
,,,,AK, ,)!RFEci. ...R„,„
i 1
ado in
Airtight wrapper
protects strength
and purity
English Pipes,
Pouches, Billfolds
and Key Cases
— 'at" —
Miscellaneous donations ...: ........ 3.06
Mar. 11, 1943, Huron- Coun-
ty grant 600.00
July 5, 1943, net from
Garden Party 531.70
Oct. 27, 1943, Cecil Wheeler
(salvage) $36.47 less ex- '
change 15 cents .......... ...... , ..... 36.32
Nov. 10, 1943, produce sale ... 111.32
Nov, 10, 1943, baking sale
less taxi hire $2.00, adver-
tising $2.50 127.72
Sept. 14, 1943, sale of lunch
at school fair 24,46
Total $ 2786,00
Paid head'qt.4, for material ...$ 510.94
Pd. locally for material 72.56
Pd. 85% •of subscription, and
donations to head'qts. 1312.00
Pd. T. Eaton Co., for over-
seas boxes $112,98 'les re-
bate $24.36 88.62
Cost of 22 Christmas boxes
Baptist hutch
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
11 a.m.--"Supposition".
7.30 p.m.—"Fersuasion".
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
All are invited. •
... 1944 .4.
' disasamommav
Adults - $2.50
Students & Childs $1.50
•at the 'Town Clerk's
k`'\ Offio.
Tue day and Thursday
urday Afternoon
urtlay Evening
and postage ..... ..... 51,82
Total Expense .2585,44
Cash on hand to next acct. ....$.. 460,50
C. H. Wade, treasurer; Nelson Hig-
gins, Alex M.cliurney, auditors.
Died In Saginaw, Michigan
Mrs. James Michie received a tele-
gram from Saginaw, Michigan, telling
of the dealt of her aunt, Mrs. G. lG.
Hood, formerly, Miss Lizzie Little,-of
the 4th concession of Morris town-
ship, Mrs. Hood had been bedfast
since ,the death of her only daughter,
Mammie, in January of 1041, but had
been an invalid for many years. She
was in her 84th year and leaves to .
mourn her passing, her husband and
one grandson, George 0. Day, who is
serving in Australia.
presentatiOn to Alvin Higgins
AC2. Alvin 'Higgins of Trenton,
was Presented with a purse of money
by relatives and neighbors at a gather-
ing at the home of his parent's, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Higgins, concession
3, Morris. An address was read by
Miss Ferrol • Higgins and Gordon
Walker made the presentation, The
evening was spent in games, singing
and dancing. Lunch was served.
Held. Crokinole Party
The Young People's Union of the
United Church held a crokinole party
in the Sunday School rooms on Tues-
day evening with an attendance of
over 50. Prizes for high score were
won by Mrs. G. B. Dunlop and Stew-
art Procter. Lunch was served,
Aided Overseas Cigarette. Fund
A good crowd attended the bingo
and dance in the Forester's Hall,
sponsored by local young men to aid
the overseas •cigarette fund, A door
prize was won by Cecil Wheeler. The
victory orchestra of Ethel, supplied
musie• for dancing,
Named Belgrave School Trustees
The annual meeting of the trustees
and ratepayers of the Belgrave school,
was held in the school with an at-
tendance of fifteen. Herman Nethery
was appointed chairman and Mrs.
Norman Keating was appointed secre-
tary of the meeting. Minutes of the
last annual meeting were read and
adopted. .The •trustees' report was
given by William Brydges.
The financial statement showed
receipts of $2092.27; expenditures of
$1616.84; balance $475.43, with out-
standing levies amounting to $907,68.
Edgar Wightman was appointed rate-
payers auditor for 1944. William
Brydges was re-elected as trustee for
a three-year term. George Cook was
appointed as trustee for a one-year
S.S. No. 5, Morris Annual
The annual meeting of S.S. No. 5,
Morris, was held in the school on
Wednesday afternoon with James
Michie as chairman and Earl Ander-
son as secretary of the meeting.
The auditors report showed a bal-
ance of $312.25.
Joseph Holmes was re-elected as
trustee for a term of 3 years. George
Michie was appointed as auditor for
1944. Other, trustees are Richard
Procter and Gordon Walsh.
It was decided to have the school
insulated in •the spring. Earl Ander-
son was engaged as caretaker at a
salary of $90 per year. A contract
was made with James Michie to sup-
ply wood for the school at $4.50 per
sister, Mrs. Charles Johnston of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning, Bill
and Jack, 'with Mr. and Mr's. Clarence
Cox of Whitechurch.
Sergeant J. Perdue of. North Bay
and Mrs. Perdue of Toronto, with
Mrs. H. Perdue.
Aircraftsman Charles PrOcter of
Lachine, Quebec, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Procter.
Miss Helen McGill of Clinton, Mr.
and Mrs. Hermon Nethery and Alex,
with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade.
Red Cross Annual Jan. 11
The annual 'meeting of the Bel-
grave Red Cross Society will be held
in the work rooms on Tuesday after-
noon, January 11th, at 2.30 o'clock.
A good attendance is hoped for.
6th Line Farm Forum
- The Farm Forum Group of the 6th
line of East Wawanosh, met on Mon-
day night at the home of George
Wightman, 15 were present. They
discussed "farm debits". Albert Coul-
tes had charge of the recreation per-
iod. It was ,decided to appoint a con-
venor to conduct each meeting. Hugh
Blair was appointed for the next
meeting whidh will be held at Lewis-
Cook's home.
Sunday 'School Officers Elected f"-'-
The annual meeting of Knox' United
Church Sunday' School was held alt.the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keat-
ing on Monday evening, with an 4,7
tendance of 10.
The minister, Rev. G. H. Dunlop,
was chairman and, opened the meeting
with prayer. Minutes of the last an-
nual meeting and a review of the year
were read by George Michie, and
showed an increase in givings over
last year. 16 are to receive attend-
ance seals. Social activities included
a social and the annual Xmas tree.
The Cradle Roll report was read by'
Earl Anderson. The membership of
which is 28. .The financial statement
was read -by William MeClenaghan.
Total receipts $185.29' with a balance
on hand of $23.25. Officers and
teachers were elected as follows —
Superintendent, Norman Keating; as-
sistant,• Earl Anderson and George
Michie, secretary, George Michie; as-
sistant sec'y., William Manning; treas,,
William• McClenaghan;, auditors, Mrs.
Q. H. Dunlop and, Mrs.. N. Keating;
pianists, Mrs, George Johnston and
Mrs. N. Keating;. librarians, Russell
Kelly and Miss Patsy Anderson; seals
corn, Superintendent and his assist-
ants; Cradle Roll. Sup., Mrs. Earl
Anderson; library corn.,, Mr. Dunlop,
Mrs. Stewart Procter and Mrs. Earl
Anderson; teachers: Bible class, Mr.
Dunl4 and Earl. Anderson; intermed-
iate girls, Miss Edith Procter; Junior
girls, Miss Mable Coultes and Mrs.
Jas. Michie; Intermediate boys, Jas.
Michie and. Geo. Johnston; Jr. boys,
Mrs., Albert Coultes and Earl Ander-
son;Primary class,, Miss Lois Kelly,.
Mrs. Geo. Johnston.; Beginners class,•
Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. R. Chamney; the
Sr. girls Excelsior class and Young
Men's Triple V,, being organized class
es,, appoint their own teachers.
James• Leitch. was, engaged as care-
taker of the Belgrave School at a
salary of $9.6,00, per year, at a meeting
of the trustees. on Saturday evening,
lstM, MChas. Johnston, Mrs.
Wm. (Geddes, Mrs, F. Shoebottom and
Alex MeRurney,. with Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Johnston.
Miss Lauretta McBurney at Niagara
Falls; with friends.
itceIWGHT—In Listowel Hospital.
on December 27th, 1943, to Mr. and.
Mrs. Lester MoCreight,, a son,
William John Earl.
Phone .171 ...
and have your Radio re-
stored to its best
Radio Service
Pte. Athol Pardon left last Tuesday
for Barriefield Camp, near Kingston,
after spending over two weeks with
his wife and relatives here.
Mr. Charles Leaver spent the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Leaver
Charles W. and Mrs. Cole and
daughter, roan of London, R. D. Cole
of Toronto, and Mrp. Isabelle Cole of
Blyth, visited :with James and Mrs.
Mid:le and family.
LAC. Donald Watt of Grimsby,
with his uncle, Harry McClenaghan,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Cecil Armstrong of
Thorndale, with their parentS, Mr.
and Mrs. D, Armstrong and ,Martin
,Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Jenkins and stn
Murray, Miss Christine Isbister 'and
Miss Kathleen Pringle of Winghatn,
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller,
Miss Verna Johnston of London,
Mr. and Mrs. William VanCanap, Mr.
and Mrs. William VanCarnp and fam-
ily, Mrs. R. Owens, with Mrs. John
Mrs, J. Leaver of Wingharn, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Coultes, Billy and
wGittehris MM. and r,r andMrMs, rt J Norman
,M. Coultes,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Brydges and
granddaughter,Joan, Mr. and Mrs,
Therms Shobottorn, Mrs. William
Dunbar and sons Ross and getuteth,
with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dunbar,
Miss Ruth Wheeler and fri9nd, Miss.
Eileen Galbraith of London, Mr. and
Mrs.William Robinson of East Wa.
wattosh, with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, with hiS
cousin, Wellington and Mrs, McGill,
of Saskatoon, who are spending the
Winter fit 13lyth.
Mr. and M.'S. Joseph ttill and
funny, with Mr. and Mrs, R. 3`, Mae, iterdid,
Mrs, Lewis StOtieltOttte with her
C F. Meetin
A C.C.F. meeting will'be held in the Orange
Hall, Wingham on January 5th, at 8 o'clock.
The purpose of this meeting is to organize
North Huron Riding on a permanent basis at which
time Mr. J. Don Seat, -Rural' Organizer, will be
• c ,CS, supporters 'an workers will disco**
organization and C.C.P. activities.
A particular welcome is extended to mem.
bets of rano rotoms to attend this meeting.