HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-01-06, Page 2•
Thursday, januar Oh, 194C
More than, two .generations ago—in
Orandmother's day--,mothers first dis-
Aovexed Vicks VVPRui4. Today it is
wicleiYi40,0humeigrnedy for
uliseries of chilaten's'Olds . ,
And here ie,the reason
.3Vti VapoRub on
xlua&it, est and bnck at bedthne
starts to work two ways at.once—
and keeps on working for hours—to
ease,coughing, spasms, help clear con-
gestion An cold-clogged upper breacn-
mg passages, relieve muscular soreness
or tightness. It promotes repaid sleep.
Often most of the misery of the cold
is sone by morning! That's why
VapoRub is so, good to`use when colds
strike. Try it!
-.044eve xopksr; • ..."1/111/0ff',4?0,
AUCTION SALE — of farm stock,
and implements will be held at west
lot 12, concession 11, Turn-
berry, at 1.30 p.m, on, Thursday,'
January 60. Terms.---Cash,: No re-
, serve as farm i$SOO. Penald Blue,
"Anctioneer; Sam Marshall, Clark
'Renwick, executors R, Culliton
sale. Sk'ze 5, practically as good as
new, .Phone 258J,
'ALE — Ten good 'Portland
u ters. Jack Thyrine, Briissels,
R SALE—Girls skating outfit, size
white boots and skates. Apply
to Mrs, Percy Harris.
FOR SALE — 3 storey building
known as 'the tannery in Wingham,
suitable for hatchery and poultry
business. Possession available Feb-
ruary 1. Apply Town Clerk's office.
FOR, SALE — Two geese and one
gander, Mrs. Martin Garniss,
Lower Wingham, R.R. No. 3,
FOR THAT NEW foundation 'gar-
ment you will be needing, see your
Spirella representative, Mrs. Wm.
C. Murray, 'Minnie St., for a free
demonstration. You will enjoy its
wonderful freedom and support.
require additional breeding flocks all
breeds to supply us with hatching
eggs for 1944 hatching season.
Flocks culled and bloodtested free
of charge, Guaranteed premium
paid. Also turkey flecks needed.
Cockerels wanted: Barred Rocks,
White Leghorris, White Rocks 'and
Black Australorps suitable for breed-
ing. Write for full details immedi-
ately. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries,
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
FOUND — Binding chain. Apply to
'ROOMS WANTED—two high school
students desire rooms. Apply Ad-
SEWING—will do plain sewing. Mrs.
Carl Deans, Diagonal Road.
and effective. Two sizes, $1 & $5,
at ..MCKibbon's Drug Store.
TENDER -- for 12 .cords of hard-
wood, tops to 5 inches, will be re-
ceived by the undersigned up to
January 20th, 1944, to be delivered
,,,to -S.S. No. 9, Turnberry by June 1st.
• State price and length of wood. W.
R. Taylor, secretary, R.R. No. 1,
'WANTED housewdrk by experi-
.enced woman. Apply to Teresa
Glasgow, Windham, Ont.
WANTED — girl for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. A. E. Lloyd.
Phone 26.
WANTED—work on Saturdays by
high school girl. Apply to Merle
Abraham, Phone 6W, Wingham.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
•Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Jan-
uary 18th, at 2 p.m.
AB accounts, notices of deputations
and other busitiess requiring the at-
tention -of COuncil should be in, the
'hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, January 15th.
County Clerk,
Goclerich, Ont.
Mr, and Mrs. Abraham Procter wish
thank their relatives, friends and
neighbors for presents, cards and
words of congratulation on the occa-
Sion of their Golden Wedding Anni-
For Relieving Miseries of
Chddrens Colds
Mrti and Mrs. Wellington McGill of
Saskatoen, Mr. and liars. Jack McGill
of Delgrave, Mr. Walter McGill, Miss
Olive McGill of Myth, visited on Fri-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Roland Vitt,'
Miss Jean Carroibell of Sky Harbor,
Goderich, spent New Year's with her
terns, Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Camp-
r. and Mrs, Sid. McGlinehey and
ly visited With Mr. and Mrs. Win.
n ion New Year's Day.
rs. r. L. McDowell spent a few
in Goderich last week.
are sorry to report Mr. Sam
rtin is a patient in Wingham hos-
1, His merry friends hope to see
home again- in good health.
Miss Mae Wightmatt is visiting at
or Mr, and Mrs, George
' httnatl,
r. and• Mrs, Douglas CaroOell and
visited on Stlilday at Godefith
r. and Mts.. Wm. Miller,
Mr. Gordon McDowell returned
home on Sunday from Goderich hos
pita). where lie was a patient for near-
ly two weeks,
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Johnston and
Morley, visited on Thursday last with
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. jasper McBrian were
Westfield visitors on New Year's Day,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Eileen
and Ronald, 'visited on, New Year's
Day with. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stone-
house, Goderich.
The annual school meeting of school
section No. 6, was held on Wednes-
day p.m., with Mr. Will, McDowell
in the chair. Wm, Govier was the
newly, elected trustee. The trustee
board for 1:944 will be comprised of
Douglas Campbell, Walter Cook, Wm.
Govier, Mr. Wm. Carter being hired
as caretaker also taking the contract
to put in the wood,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family
of Belgrave, spent ,New Year's Day
with Mr. and Mrs, Fred J. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. WeSley Stackhouse,
Miss- Eva of Brucefield, visited recent-
ly at the home ,of Mr. and :Mrs. Wm.
Mrs, Osbalcleston is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Carl Deans of Wind-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans, Wingham.
The Young People met on Friday
night with 22 present. A social time
was spent and 'social activities were
enjoyed under the leadership of Rev.
H. Snell. After which lunch was serv-
ed. At midnight a short service was
held, Phyllis Cook Presiding at the
piano. Rev. Snell read a Psalm and
led in prayer, and gave a short talk
on "The Old and the New Year" and
reada , poem entitled "Ring out the
"old, ring in the new". The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Catheis enter-
tained a number of their friends on
New Years Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy of the B
Line, Howick, spent Sunday evening
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. W. A. Cathers 'spent a few
days last week with friends in To-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael,
spent an evening last week with Mr.
and. Mrs. D, L. Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin enter-
tained a number of their friends on
New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar from
near iGorrie, spent Sunday afternoon
With Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir.
Miss Kay Willits of Brussels, visit-
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Willits for a few days at New Years.
The Missionary meeting of the
United Church was held at the home
of Mrs. Hackney, Wednesday after-
noon. The attendance was below the
The home of Mrs. McGlynn at the
Brickyard, was saddened at the New
Year, Her daughter Ida Mae, passed
away in Detroit, a victim of pneu-
monia. One brother, J. P. is at home
with his mother, to whom our sym-
pathy goes out in a large measure.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas gave a
euchre party to their friends Tuesday
As is the custom among the Darl-
ing family who have a large connec-
tion to present silverware at the 25th
anniversary of their wedding this
year, it was at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, James Dickson (nee Annie
Mr. and Mrs, Sclah 13reekenridge -of
Jamestown, Mrs. Myrtle Weir and
Floteriee, visited at Harry Mulveys,
Thursday afternoon.
Those taking New Years dinner
with friends:, the Hunkin family at
a :fl and Miss BeaSie
Exeter; Char 6 Aitken and boys with.
Mrs. John Da ling, mid Mary, Charlie
Scott and
Scott, with the t inetheti Weide att.
fray with Mis Mary awl Hannah
Stokes; Mr. L 'Pitch with his par-
ents, also M argaret Abram of
London wit $,
Mr, A, tOtilleed to
Ma bed so Mr. Jet,
AO t a tia around
seen again,
A Red Cross 'quilting is sponsored
for this week at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Edwards, Institute meeting at
Mrs. Norm, Newans,
Mrs, John Mulvey is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Eadie of Glenannan,
Miss Jeffray was a Wroxeter visitor
with Mrs, James and Mrs. D, Rae.
Mr. Bill Abram of the Collegiate,
Guelph, was home for the holiday,
Mrs, Fred ,lohann and fai4ily have
recovered from the flu,
Many will be interested in the mar-
riage of Harry Vogart 'to Miss Marg-
aret Hamilton, Moncton, B.C.
Brick United Church 'Held their
annual community Christmas 'concert.
It was an ideal fine Canadian Christ-
mas night, but not very propitious for
travelling, nevertheless there was a
fair attendance' of all denominations.
The program was the contribution
of the pupils of S.S. No. 11. Miss
Claire Magowan, teacher, an one-act
play by the young people and a few
outside items,
The fdllowing took part: Chorus,
"Everybody smile on 'Christmas"; reci-
tation, "Really 'Christmas", Alice
Marks; chorus, "There's a song in the
air"; a play, "Christmas Eve"; chorus,
"The First Noel" and "Away in a
Manger"; exercise, "Christmas Bells",
Sidney Thompson •and Bill Irwin'ei
solo, "Christmas Candles", ' Barbara
Irwin; recitation, "Our Christina§
Tree", Joan Wightinan; chorus,
"While Shepherds Watched Their
Flocks by Night", "0 Come All Ye
Faithful"; story, "Gopal's Gift", a
true story by Davis' Shiell; solo,
"Gentle Jesus", Eleanor Wightman;
playet, "White Christmas"; Solo,
"Jesus Loves You and Me", Helen
Albrecht; acoustics, "Jesus", Alice
Marks, Jean and Eleanor Wightman,
Billy Irwin, Sidney Thompson; song,
"The Three Kings", Wilford Shiell
Jack Shiell, Jim Irwin; exercise, "The
Christmas Star"; recitation, Evelyn
Leaver; pantominie, "Silent Night",
Jean Leaver; carol singing by the con-
gregation; organist, Mrs. Norman
Coultes; violinists, Gilbert Beecroft
and Geo. Magee; one-act play, Jean
Leaver, Dorothy Patterson, Mrs. Gal-
braith, ,Geo, Magee, Elmer Shiell, Mr.
An interesting part of the program
was the presentation of "The Star
Memory Certificates'? to the pupils Of
S. S. No. 11. The memory work con-
sisted of The. Lord's Prayer, the Ten
Commandments, the Beatitudes, the
23rd Psalm, Books of the Bible,
A star was given for each and when
completed the certificate had five stars.
Fife stars: Helen. Albrecht, Jim
Irwin, Wilfred Shiell, Doris Shiell,
Barbara Irwin, Eleanor Wightman.
Three stars: Sidney Thompson,
Bill Irwin.
Two stars: Alice Marks.
One star: Joan Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie McDonald and
daughter, Ruth, of Silver Corners,
spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Holt. -
Those who spent New ,Year's at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Willis
were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoch, and
daughter of „Kurtzville, Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey McConnell of Minto and Miss-
es Vera and Betty Willis of Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bradshaw,
Mary •and Viola, spent Christmas with
Blyth friends. •
Miss Jessie McDonald spent a few
days the pist .week with Wroxeter
Mrs. W. L, Craig of London, spent
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Craig.
Miss Jean Campbell of Sky Harbor,
Goderieh, spent a few days at the
home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W.
A. Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson
have received word of the safe arrival
of their son, Pte, Sam Thompson, in
iMr. and Mrs. Will Johnston have
been sick with the flu and Mr. John-
ston took a heart attack on Saturday
tnornitig. Glad to hear both are gets
ting better.
Mr. and Mrs, `Stewart McLermati
arid son snot New Years with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Morrison Shar-
Mr.. C, Hetherington visited for a,
Mew days with Pr. Bert and Mrs.
Hetherington at Brampton,
Mr. •and Mrs. E. Sarnard and Allan
spent New Years with Mr, and Ivits,
Chas. Johnston and Sons.
MISS Jean Elliott spent Sunday
afternoon with the' Mathers 'family and.
Mr. and Mrs, :Melville ,Mathers and'
eltildren spent Sunday evening there
Miss Dorothy' Mtkin taloned to
her tntool at Weato •after, Wendt:1g
the holidays with her mother and
aunt At Bluevale,
We were sorry to hear Mrs, WM,
morning, We extend our sympathy to
Robertson repassed away on Monday
the family,
Mr, and. Mrs.,121ohard Johnston and
Emma, spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs. coopee.Nethery and daughter,
near Belgrave,
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hetherington
of Ilainilton, spent Nnw Years and,
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George
Miss Isabel and Spence MelCinrion,
spent New Years with thnir parents
on the boundary,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Johnston and;
fandly, sPent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs, Sperling Johnston and
family, 1st line.
Master Robert Finley spent the holi-
days in Ethel and Listoivel:
Pte. Russel Dennis has been trans.-
ferred from London to Victoria, B.q.
Miss Audrey Reid of London, iFiras,
farievnidssit.or over the week-end with
Mrs, Fenn of Parkhill is spending
the winter 'withher daughter, Mrs, W,
Mrs, N, A. Goudy of Kitchener is
spending a few days this week •witli
Mrs. E. A. VanStone. ' I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crarig of Tol
ronto ana Sgt. Ross Harrison 91'
Halifax, were recent visitors with' Mil
and Mrs, E. R. Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason of Pori
Arthur, spent the holidays with hid
sister, Mrs., Matt. Elliott. It is forty
years since• they have seen eaoh other.'
. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
I3urchilf were, Mr. and Mrs., Jas. Mcj
Gladery and two children, Margaret
I3urchill and Alice Hodgson of Cuelph
and Earl Weltd of Camp Borden.
!Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spry.
over the holiday week-end were, their'
son-in-law and.daughter, Mr. and Mrsi,
Headly Davidson and datighter Joan,'
also Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, Torontot
Mr. Carl Bennett has returned to St;
Thomas to his position on, the P. M.
railroad after attending his father's'
funeral at Blyth and spending a few
days -with his family. Mrs. Wm. Ben-
nett of Blyth is visiting 'the Bennett!
home here,
iVsitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Dark were, Miss Eileen Dark,
nurse-in-traming, Victoria hospital,
London, Mr. Lloyd Dark, Beacon
Herald, Stratford,, Mr. Jack Clark,
Mannieg Depot, Tdronto.
Dainty - Robinson
Knox United church rnanse,,Auburn,
was the scene of a quiet but , pretty
wedding at noon Tuesday, Decernber
28, when Rev. Harold Snell united in
'marriage Margaret •Jean Robirlsciri,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robin-
son, Donnybrook; and Private Her-
bert William Dainty, Royal Canadian
Ordnance Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Dainty, Didsbury, Alberta, The
bride looked lovely• in an alice blue
street-length frock, with corsage of
Talisman and Sweetheart roses, Miss.
Irene Robinson, Donnybrook, was her
sister's bridesmaid, wearing a dusty
rose frock with a corsage of Sweet7
heart roses and fern. Mr. EdWard
Robinson., brother of the bride:, was
best man. Immediately following the
ceremony the wedding party returned
to the bride's' home -where a wedding
dinner was served by Mrs. !George
Naylor, aunt of the 'bride, and Miss
Margaret Jefferson. The • table was
centred with the wedding cake and
snapdragons. The dining room Was
sS() G(io
Dar's BISCUITS, lb. . 23c
Suncrest MILK, 16 tin . . . 9c
„LIFEI30UY, SOAP . . 3 bairs 17c,
,Aylmer Dehydrated BEANS 2 fins 19c
Jordan's 'GRAPE JUICE 16''oz‘. . 27C
'Domino SOAP FLAKES Family size 39c
Fruits and Vegetables
Stotk A jus,
tatelli Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 is oz. pkg,17c,
Catelli Egg Wheat Noodles 2 u oz. pkg. 27c
'Catelli SOUP MIX Cello . . 2 12 oz., pkg. 17c
'Snowflake AMMONIA 'pkg. . .5c
oz. 'Tin ,19c
16 oz. Tin 29c
SINICO, kin . .
FLUSHO, tin . .
• • 21C mehmeno
NAVY TISSUE . . . 4 rcills 23c C°Fr EE
8 oz. pkg. ,18c
16 oz. Pkg.' 33c
LOVErs.1 5c
-CABBAGE, 'lb. . 4c
Celery STALKS . 2 for 29c,
'Waiheel:Carrots . 3 lbs 1-5e
POTATOES, No. 1 47c
-Cooking Onions . 4 lbs 25c
'Grapefruit, 96 . 4 for 25c
LEMONS, 250 . • 6 for 25c
Navel'Oranges 343's Doz. 25c -
'CoOlcing Apples . 7 lbs 25c
,APPLE§ s 3 ibs 25c EiNlosll
'SERVE • .00641NIONL. sTopEs• LIMIY .ED '
Mrs. McKenzie Webb and Mrs.
Allister Hughes, attended the funeral
of their aunt, Mrs. Clark, in Guelph,
on Monday.
Mr. -and Mrs. Campbell Thompson,
David and 'Patsy Jean, of Lucknow,
spent the holiday week-end with Mr.
and Mrs, E. J. Thom.
Born—in Windham 'General Hos-
pital- on Sunday, December 26th, to .
LAC. Clifford Purdon and Mrs: Fur-
don (formerly Miss Margaret Aitch-
ison) of Centralia, ,a daughter.
Mrs, Ramage of Parainount and
,Miss Ruth 'Ramage who has' been
teaching )1ear Bancroft, were home
for the 'Christmas vacation. Reth -will,
attend Normal at Toronto,
Gunner Hugh Rutherford of the
Regimental Police, and Miss
Rovvria Urry of Toronto, were visitors
:with Mr. and Mrs. Will Rtitherfotti
for the week-end, •
Holiday visitors in the Community'
included Mr. arid Mrs. 'f,tobert Mc-
Quillin and little son, George, of'
Hamilton, with Miss Beatrice and Mr.
Wm. McQuillin; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Roihwell•-rif Norwich and Miss Jean,
Thom of Picton, N.S., with Mr. and
Mrs, E. J. Thom; Miss Anna Stuart
of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo..
Stuart; Mr. and Mrs, Mel Brown of
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. R.
Woods; Miss EVelyn Webb of Ottaiiva,
with M:r. G. A. Webb; Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Rice, Mrs. D. J. McIntosh of
Se Catharines, Pete. Neely Todd of
Eondon, Mrs. Todd and little son
David, of Stratford, with Mrs. and,
Mrs. B. Todd; I3dr. Gordon and Mrs.
Miller of London and 'Murray Taylor
of Port Albert, with Mr. and , Mrs.
Co Taylor; LAC, Riissel Webic'tof
Brantford and Miss Dorothy Webb of
Toronto, Miss W., D. RutherfOrd
Kirkland Lake,-Miss Norma Weather-
head of Stayiter, Allan Miller of Port
Albert, at their homes here; WAC.
Catherine McDoriald of 13roekvilleo
with her uncle, Mr.' D., C. and 'Mrs,'
rlikr TR11741/ 4, 4/ Ti.tiosa No• 28
coo, Yoke 4,r,46G8R477# ;viz
. .
:eeteeMieeeeeiCee e:Mee,e'e-e*,
441 /p caws eme, efi yat?
vcialone 01,0 atere.10/44e
0/VIY imor mor
Pf/VP *we/
Chiseling a little, btx softie regd.
lation that Seetns irksome, may
dot appear vetl seridue to ba, But'
Just tha ammo it is' putting Our
eonvenienee ahead of thp SetetY
of Canitdiatis overseae, /00 them tupplitti with all they need
to win thie Wee; needs careful
large kale lanning oil out resourees, little 131t,,of Ott& thing extra one hied thteeli
*lied bytlitittetinde oftitherilitrtik
pattiota. &wawa all this
, planning out, Patriotism must be
an all Or nothing affair,
'SOHN .110Atir LOWED tendon- COOda
• '",•••••::::::yza);?;i::.?:Rwa:,..
prettily decorated with pink and white
streamers. For travelling the bride
donned a." black and gold dress, and
twded coat with black accessories.
Guests were present from Anburn,
13elgrave, Windham and Donnybrook.
The ;couple will reside at Allistono
Prior to the marriage the bride was
the. guest of honor at a -social gather-
ing held in the Donnybrook church
basement, when aa purse of money Was
presented. On the evening of the
wedding about 150 guests gathered at
the Parish hall in St. Augustine for a
social time in honor of the bride and.
bridegroom. Tiffin's orchestra sup-
plied the "muSic for dancing, and
Thomas Kerney wag the master of
cerernotiies. An -address expressing
the good veil and best 'wishes of all
present, was 'read by G6rdon Leddy,
and a, well-filled purse of money was
presented by James Leddy. The
bridegroom expressed appreciation of
the,gift, whith.Was also voiced by the
bride. Wedding take was served dur-,
ing the social hour.
/4/ MI/Oade
zosoa me ?