HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1944-01-06, Page 1Tee,' '"• Y Mei With Which Is Amalgamated The G prrie Viclette owl Wroxeter News, Single 'Copies Five Cer4 oNTARICok TBUISDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1944 .1 'TURKIKERRYHOROOP ANNUAL MEETING The Red Cross Group of the 9th a Tortiberry Name officers „ The Red Cross group of the '9411 of Trurnberry held their annual meeting :last week in Gilmour's, School. One quilt was quilted. The officers for the coming year are: . President—Mrs'. G. N. Underwood. Secretary and Press Reporter—Jean Treasurer—Emma Hardie. During the term since March thirty- six quilts were quilted, three were Sent to the British Minesweepers Auxiliary, and two fancy quilts, as custom quilt- ing. There were also eight afghans The financial report since March -4943, is as follows; Receipts (including dances) $ 438.98 Expenditures 354.06 Balance 84.92 List of Expenditures Gift tor boys $ 14.37 Sept to Minesweepers Aux. Chinese relief Greecian relief Red Cross bags Navy League , Red Cross (local branch) Salvation Army Home Front Appeal , . .. . . ... . . . . .. Boxes for boys , Xmas Boxes (boys overseas) • 2010. Kinsmen (Milk to Britian Fund) . . ..... . ...... Xmas Boxes (boys overseas) Stamps and .. . Supplies (including print, broadcloth, flannelette yarn and thread, etc. 90.45 DE:11(111,LER WAS ON t CEYLON PROGRAM Made"A it 48 Thg ,Annoutwer Mrs. W. T. Miller has reeeived cepy of the "TrtiPie .TQPit5" which 'published by the R C AF in ceyloe. Its feature tem was the Squadron Redio l3roadcaet, Various members of . the squadren toole part , The paper says in part, "Our. ,411- ripuncer DeWitt Miller handled the programme with the deftness of'a pre- fosiOnar and .didn't entIff a single line, keeping the entertainment movirig at fast pace Nice going pe. So to our 1-L*917-Making reirsicians we say Good Luck and may you find fresh fields to conquer." . This was the first program, 1y the group who called themselves 'The Cornhusleers and Co." COUNCIL; TEED FINAL MEETINh FOR YEAR Mayor Crawford Presiding At His Last IVIeeting Expresses His ,•Ap- 37.00 preciation of Cooperation 5.00 25.00 At the final meeting of the 1943 5.00 council held on Wednesday evening 60,00 last week Mayor Crawford expressed 50.00 his appreciation of the good spirit which had exisited during the tne 10.00 ten years he had served on the cOun- 18.81 cil and especially during the past five years, , his term of office as Mayor. He said the councils during this time 2000.had worked harmoniously and in the 720 best interest a the town and he was 113 sure that the new council woeld carry on successfully and wished thens every success. , Mayor -elect Fred Davidson on be- half of the new council expressed re Total $ 354.06 NO GORRIE NEWS „. IN THIS ISSUE, There is no Gorrie news in this e issue of the paper as the news budget missed the mail. -We regret this happening but next' week will have eiewe' of this district as usual. Called to Elmvale Dr. A. 0. Thompson, who has been the minister at Blyth, Auburn and Carlow Presbyterian Churches since last 1Vlareh, has accepted a call to Elmvale Presbyterian church in the Barrie Presbytery. Dr. Thompson fame from Brookfield, P.E,I., to this district last March. Ministerial Association Met Monday The monthly meeting of the Wing- harn and , dittrict Ministerial Associa- eio.owas held at the home of Rev. ytiv; A. Beecroft, Monday. Rev. R. N. e Stewart of Teeswater, presided over ehe Conferente. Rev, E 0. Gallagher gay , an address on the "Real Refugee Pro,lem." General businees of ' the asSocietion was tonducted and fellow - Inge the adjoiernmeht .. Mrs, Beeetoft served lunch. The February meeting 418 to be at St. Paul's Rectorye ' , ME OF HURON liTY COUNCIL ,One Less On, Connell This Year *---..... 4"-Aslifie1d ”, .. .. ... .. ... . . , . ...............:-.....,.. G. Frayne , eteibortie ,,, e., ., e A. Watson "Gbderieli Township ..... Ben Ratheitell Grey (Reeve) Thomas Wilseee: Grey (Deputy) Alex Alexaliter• Hay w„.. ... . . ,,,.,“,„. .... , . . . ,,, George Artnetrotig lloWick (Reeve) eee, . . . .....,.. David Welt ' .40Wiek (Deputy) ....e........... . - .. j. Inds ,14uttett , „ „e„...„..... ,John Armstrong );4.606100 ... Dietrance Morrit ..e.e.;„e.,..,,,,,e.e..e. been Wheeler tettley ..4...4,:ee.,,,,,,e.e„,“„„... Vied Wateeu S,ieptlietn-gtoevto .;„ Alonzo McCann Stet hen '.(15t•Ptlf)',0: .' Thomas Love * MIA le4tif Nieliatori tie iftyd.,............*60A, J. Moffatt 'CAM lie .4.....,....eeeeeiefetugh Iltirry E. Wakirattoth m„.,,,,,„.:," „0:, Ileto4roit Woviattosi ':.,..,.‘,...: 'n Aft* 411Vtoti, 4....,.i- „... r;,(&. Faledir gret at losing- the services of ' Mayor Crawford and. Councillor VanWyok. He said ' that 'Mayor Crawford had provided good - leadetehip to ,, the sacrificed a great deal of his time foi the good of the town. Councillor Van- Wyck had been on the touncil When the new fire truck was purchased and for several years has been chairman of the fire committee and that the bei- gade. was now up to a high standard. He wished both' retiring members of the council happiness and prosperity in the years to 'corrie. Councillor VanWyck stated that he had enjoyed the work of the council and if was with regret that he was giving up this service. • The' clerk reported that the license to deal in wood had been received from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Councillor Davidson- reported for the Streets Committee that While the contract for gravelling streets. had been let last June the conttattor had only moved into the pit at .Deaember 1st Some of the 'streets Were gravel- led. The snow plow had beenin. use once so far, he said Councillor Johnson reported for the Property 'Committee that the- ice was noW,in use at the, arena, It was Stig- igegted that skating be held oh Tues- day, Thoesday and Saturday nights and that hockey players be allowed to practice Monday and Wednesday nights. It was agreed that the split forehockerte on a 50-50 basis, the teams to pay theirowe expenseg. . • Couticillor VanWyck reporting for the Rite Corntnittee Stated that the fire. sireii hat been frozen on two occasions arid a more efficient eerangernent was needed, tot housing ite Reeve Evans said that he had.ie delved a eomplairit regardifig the delay hi havitig a man at the weigh scales, 4A lettere Was read front Mr. j. Reavie, edetetary of the Horse Show, thanking couneil for the greet ahd for the use Of the arena, A: letter from the Imperial Oil Company Ltd., advised council that asphalt rokild, WSW deivered freely without any restrictions,' The General, Accident Assurance Co, adviSed by letter that the heatihg lt1tlei the towri hall had been hie speeted. end foetid in good condition, .A later wat read from C, Lloyd. . and COi., Ltd., adv'sing that they wish- ed to viva NO renting the Steftrt <NM Works as of /moiety kst,, IOU and anoidiing the rent ttp to that -date, Thy ,ativiied that the -buildings Weft - ft PitieldietlAtoti and IttggeSted thdt ftdike$ ,filke building tit tinny, Ire Vane ti Property COI. ed to inspect 110 building and fteg at the n PeoVi PAPER GUT 10 FOUR. e4hf$: 111$,WECI We: Are, Ahead of Our Newsprint _ Quota' So. Find It Necessary to .Reduce Step of Paper This Week This .isue of the AdvancesTinies is only IPtIr pages ie .place 'el 04 Ilsnel eight, The • reason for the redtiefien in size this week is that we are of the newsprint quota set for this office and therefore must conserve' in some Manner to corrie Within the For a year new we have been epee, ating tinder a newsprint quota, and during all this peeled we have never reduced the Size of Our paper but he contiritien to carry on in the usual manner. .Now we find ourselves" ie the position where we must at this time do something to come within our quota. To accomplish this we must have at leapt' four papers of four pages, or two four page papers and miss a week. We will make every effort tO service ` our `cornmunity weekly ° but may find it necessary to .miss an issue. . For the information of put readers we, even in this four page paper, have tried not to omit local 'news, If any further reduction is necessary, we will have to cut off some of our sebscrib- ers, and. of course those not paid in advance will in this case be stopped. JACK DUTTON, WAS KILLED_IN CRASH Attended Course At Port Albert And Was Well Known Here Word Was received last week by, Dr. F. A. Parker of death of Flight Sergeant Jack Dutton of London, England. On a retutn .flight from Germany hie planecrashed in York- shire and all the crew were killed. Whereat poet Albeit Jaeleenademariy fi:ierids here who will be "saddened by this news. He and Donald Richard spent their week -ends at the Mac - William and Parker homes, •Donald Richards is now a prisoner of war, Moved To The West LAC. Norman. Fry has been trans- ferred to Calgary and his brother, LAC. Douylas 'Fry, is noW stationed at Lavern, Man. Killed In Italy Mrs. M. J. Smith, 2nd Line Morris, received Word on Friday, that her nephew, Pte. Wilmot Ruttan, of the Edmonton Regt., had been killed in Italy ori Deceniber 10th. pte. Ruttan is the ion of Mrs. R, Sheppard and the late Dr. Charles W. Ruttan of Ed- monton, Alta. Transferred To Sarnia Mr. A. K. Newcombe of the Bell Telephone has been transferred t� Sarnia. Mr, Newcembe had been plant installation foreman here for the past two years coming here from Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Newcombe have made many friends here who will regret their leaving Mr. Newcombe was e Member of the Lions Club. Mr. Wm, Brooks of London will take ovei the position Mr. Isrevecombe held here. TEESWATER'S CLERK DIED ON THURSDAY Death Took Place Following a Stroke Marshall Jacklin, Week of Tees - Water for the past eight years, died Thtirsday morning at his home follow- ing n stroke suffered on Tuesday, and froth idle!)he had not regained don- sciousileas. He Iliad been itt poor health for the past two years. Jack/in, who was in his 63rd year, was horn Itrant Township, near Chesley, vvhete he farmed before coming to TeesWater 14 years ago. Eight years ago he was appointed clerk Of Teeswater, and 'also held the position of division court .clerk. He is survived by his wife and two daugh- ters, Natalie, of Ilatnilten, and Phyllis, at hotne)-a brother, Fred jacklin, of Chesley,.and two sisters, MM. Morley, of Mosley, and Florence laeklin, of Tororfto, ' The funeral was held from the tam., ily residence, Tqeswater, on Sunday ftno�n, eohdtteted Pty. S'tcrt, of TeetWater United Church, Oftelt Mr. /aeltlin was a stiernber. - fit Teevice WO under the 'autplues �t ter Lodge, A.F. & ,21L,Mb , Wok place in amity COUNCIL 11ELO fIRST NEMO OF YEAR OfficialS 'Were R4ppointed And ^, Committer* grated , Notice Of, Motino Dog. Ade To gaise On Monday evelyOrig the TOwn Council, held its firek meeting of the year. The- persone.4.ts as follow, Mayor,' Fred L. DaliciSon; Reeve, J. J. eEvans; Councille4, , R. H. Lloyd, Elmer Wilkinson, klurray Johnson, Duncan Kennedy, Fred Spry, Jack Reavie. The last terZie named are new members on the council. : The striking committee composed of • the Mayor, ReeveandCouncillor Lloyd, recommended .the following cointnittees which were approved on motion of Councillor Lloyd and Ken- nedy; • - Executive ' Committee — Mayor Davidson, Reeve Evans, Councillor LlOyd, Finance Committeee-Reeve Evans, Councillors Johnson and Spry. Street" Committee --- Councillors Johnson, Kennedy and Reavie. Property Committee —' Councillors , Wilkinson, Kennedy and Reeve Evans. Cemetery Committee Councillor Lloyd, Reeve Evans and Councillor Spry. Fire Committee=' -Councillors Ken- nedy, Wilkinson, ReeVie. Welfare Committee — Councillors Spry, Johnson and Reavie, Band Committee—Councillors Reav- ie, Lloyd and Wilkineon. 'First named in each caee is corn - Inking chairman; Officials Re -Appointed , Ali officials were re -appointed foi. another year.. They pre: Clerk and Treasurer—W. A. Gal- braith. Chief Constable --Geo. Allen. 'Medical Officer" of Health 4'4r. Solicitor—J. W. Bustifield. .Cemetery Caretaker=Rolet Night Watchman-Gorelen- Deyell. Assessor—W. H. liaaey; . Higli School Board—G. E. North- wood .(3 Years). ^ 'Library Board—Miss B. Reynolds. Board of .Health—Councillor Wilk- , - inson. Hospital Board—Walter VanWyck. .The byelaw appointing these officials was moved by Councillors Spry and Kennedy. ' At the opening of the meeting Maeor Davidson called on Rev. W. A. .Beecroft who offered' a prayer asking .fOr divine guidance on the deliber- ation of the council throughout the year., • ' Mayor's Inaugural 'Address In addressing the council Mayor Daivdson extended a hearty 'Welcome to the two members, Councillors Spry and Reavie. He also said that he was very pleased to have the four : mem bers of last .year's council back again as their experience will be of 'great • ' It is 13 or 14 years shied I was first a -ember of the council the Mayor Said;and at that time he„deciared, the town was very heavy in, debt.- These debentures are fest being paid off, the town hall, high School, public school are all paid for and rink will be in another two yeats. Last year, he re- ported $20,000 was paid off and next year All paventem debentures will be Met, During the past number of years we have had a 50 mill rate, he said.. We have an overdraft in the bank have to. be reduced totisiderably .this y,eAr, of about $13,000 and this will ‘ Would like to see each coetinittee have alaeger apProPriation order •that more and better improvements they be made he said; We can not expect toolchange in the rate this year, but next year there should he a consider- able reduction, g or 8 'Mils, The ,Mayor asked each :committee to look forward to the post war period 80 that plans could he made for Work when the 'boys tome back front the war. Ire said during the four years of the war the council had done MO the necessary work. Labour was very stereo at the present 'Otte, he sail, [-Te mentioned' the money held at le etidnt3v council for the town road w rk and said that this would be tat.. We need proper garbage ellet on, new shed for the town meant cry, (Continued on page five) tit Prettelted At Wroibitery Rev, E, 0. titi smiteitt ti4 Wrolceter gultdatl THREEIN1ACE.TORTHE 1fARON$llIP ::.. Reeve of Grey Is An Aspirant ' Who Will be the Warden oaf Huron Coanty .1944? That .quegtion will be answered at elie meeting of the Cpunty Couzu4 pn January' 1.8t1i. ACcording to reports ,th,ree Reeves are in the race, they are: Thomas Wilson of Grey; 'Fred Watson, of Stanley; and It, E. Shaddiele of 1,Hene Sell, Another name meietioned was that -.of Gilbert Frayne of Athfield, but it le said he is not in. the contest, This is the conservative year so that the conservative' cenous Will choose 'the Warden who will then be endorsed by a meeting of the whole eouncil, The County Connell is ecernierieed of 28 members this year in place of 29 Pas Ashfield has now only a Reeve in place Of a Reeve and a.Deputy Reeve. Liberals and Conservatives are equal in number 14 each ' RED CROSS ANNUAL *MONDAY, JANUARY 17 The aenual meeting ot the Wingharn Branch of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Council ,Chambers at 8 P•In..; on Monday, January 17th. All members are urged to attend to hear the reports of the various come mittees. The society has had a very suceessful year and the report of the work dote should prove most interest - leg, Officers for 1944 will be elected at this meeting. BRIDGE CLUB •Six and a half talbes took part in the play at the Wingham Bridge Club' on Thursday evening The results* were as follows'North and SoUth-- lsi., Miss Sara MacLeah and Mrs. J. . N H. Crawford; 2nd,, Miss Agnes Mac- Lean ,Andljeeli,,,Crawfoed; „Wee t." G. GaMina.ge and Mrs.' W. IL French; 4th., Mrs, Art Wilsen, and W. H. French. Ease .and West—let., Mrs. A. R. DhVal and Gprdon Mac- Kay; incle Mts. a C.. MacLean ,and Mrs, It Campbell, 3rd., Mrs. C, H, Magee and C. G. Gamrnage; 4th, Mrs. 0. Colborne and Mi88 Y. McPherson. Joined Wrens Miss Frances Robinson has been accepted by the 'Women's .Royal Can- adian Naval Serivce and expects to report in the near future. In North Africa Nir. and Mrs. Jack Deyell have re- ceived word from their son Elmer, that he is now in North Africa. The list of those from this district in Italy and North Africa keeps growing: Transferred To Mitchell Mr. *Leonard Elliott of Terrier's Corners has beee transferred by the C,N.R, to Mitchell. Mr. Elliott is Well icemen here as he is the son of Mr, And Mrs. Charles Elliott, Bluevale Road, and was section men at Blue - vale for some time. " • the h at FORMEt.MORRISIAN--. TOPS AT hRAIN FAIR • 'Won,. Tett Firsts • And. our Cups ,At • Moose Int . Mr. W. G. Knox, Tuxford, Sask., a former Morris boy wrote hiefory aeross the records of the Moo ie jaw Agricultural Society recently when he secured ten first ,plaees and all four cups 'with his entries at the annual seed grain fair. It was the fir.st time in three -score years of the Society's activities that ally One exhibitor had so completely dominated the first place eivards. Mr, Knox won, firet plate in the APex Wheat class, his high scoring giving, hint both .the Itoyal Itank and the Mutual Life Challenge Cup, First place in the oats, white, any veriety earned hint blte tatott Cup, while his high scoring sitt-rovied aild two tOWed barley seeured him, the Canadian tank of Conuner6e Cup. tIe also scored first place with his brome grass seed; his crested wheat grass seed) ;Mtatees, Pink; potables, white, And his registtrg seed entries common spring wheat and two. towed Utley classes, ci Mr. Knot is a graduate of the Ott. tario Agrieultural College, Guelph, He Is brother.in-laty of W. Glitiagotet at Gerrie. Mr. ;not keeps fit testi* with this &Old tis lieist vteekly Mailer of the, 24,441trtlis. , ITOMOTED; TO BE A SQUADRQ.N LEADER: pn be1if of , the , people of his , commenity we extend' gengratulatieris to.,CleeePee Magee on hie recent promotion to the rank of Sguadron Leeder, , Stmedron Leader Magee' prior to enlistment in August 1,941, was ae- eouetent in the Dominion Bank here. ,He enlipted as A. pilot effieer andwas first statiobed at Rockeliffe and then was appointed Adjt. a No.. 17 RelliP- ment Depot ,He wes promoted to Flying Officer in November .1941 In 1942 he attended a course hi adminis- tration at Trenton and io August that year was made a Flight Lieutenant, For some time now he has been at Air Force,Fleadquarters in the personal department .. • Mrs. Magee and the boys continued to reside on Francis St here, but have spent the slimmer mOnths in Ottawa. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Peg Puller was a eek end visitor with friends in. London. Pte. Stewart Ritchie, Long Branch, spent the week -end at his home hero. AC,2 Norman H. Mundy of Ivlon- treat spent a few days at his home in town. Mies Rae Dey left last week for 1-lemilton where she will spend the winter. Miss Grace Louise Parker spent the holiday week in Toronto with her sis- ter, Patricia. LAC Chester and IVIrs. Stewart were week -end visitors with Dr. and 'Mrs. R. L. Stewart. Miss Florence L. Barber returned to Torontoalterspending the holidays at her 1h:oleic in towif. " Paper Gi'Vea yiS. 444)' oor A, A On The Poetesa RPOsn The ,Peeetnher me•eft4 Men's Institote held du T Week, was a very 1040 which Opened with: the I Roll, Call was answered change pf gifts, Mrs. A, R. DuVA1 gave knownesting PetPc .fM:ir; n:.tillaiyeerolfili h:erarkisb hest t old:.:1°1°111.`" Christina Georgina Rossett xi an Eegifsh poet, 1839489 , well are distinctly religious in 011e. they're also noteworthy for their reve ation Of the beauty let the wortereveee En,4 CriticsiizsbetailgBarrettreethat sBrow lietannilot namong. exttO '1(v4 English welters of the nineteenth century, Mrs. W. B. McCool` sa.nge one of her compositions "In the Bleede Mid -Winter" with Harold Victor ryee as accompanist. lMrs, W. J. Hendereon, the district president, gave a very comprehensii*, report on, tire Area COriventioe whicn she had attended at London, Christmas Carols were SI.Mg under the leadership of Mrs. S. S. ,Campbell.. The ,hostesees, Mrs. S. Bateson, MrS, T. Bower and Mrs. W. I -I. Fraser' served a delightful lunch. *t}er LI- Li t.'11m,3 A THIS WEEKS DOINGS AT THE ROYAL T The regular Friday nite dance with .Tiffin's Orchestra, dancing 10 until a Admission 35 cents. , Saturday night --Elliott Carruthers and his band. Dancing 9 until la Signet C. Emerson Shera of St.) Admission 40 cents, Jahn; NB., spent the New Year hob- '- day at his home here. , Heard: Mother's Voice Cpl. John Currie of Camp Borden, Mrs. Murray has received word was a. visitor with his nesents,„ Mr.. from he; SOrt David, that he. had heard and Mrs. Robert Curtie.4. her on the Wingham Broadcast over - Miss Isobel Fowler of Alviriston, seas. was a holiday visitor with her brother i George And Mrs. Fowler. EnlistedIn The Navy Mr, Finlay Mellor and son lack of Mr.Wm.Henry of Blyth, -ft'rrnerlY - Acton, were visitors for a few days of EastWawa.riosh and a former with Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. student of WinghaM High School, has George Johnson signal Corps, Bar- enlisted in the ItC'N'Ir'R' He "'Port- , rifled, spent the week -end with his ed to London on Monday. sptaornerits, Mr. and Mrs. Murray John- New Rector For Gorrie Parish Rev. G. IC. Nobes, of Alymer, has Mr. Bob Meads of Toronto, also been appointed rector of the parish of Me. Rey Callaway of Elora, spent Gorrie, to take effect January 23. This New Years with Mrs. C. Jenkins and , parieh coMprises the Fordwich, Gorrie her father. and Wroxeter churches. Mr. A. M. Henderson of Bruce , Mines,spent the holiday with his Seriously Ill father, Mr. W. J. Henderson, Wing- . Friends of Mr. La.uchlin Kennedy ham Junction. 'will regret to know thathe is serious - Sgt. Norman, 'Ind Mrs. Davis, also ly ill at the home of his son-in-jawe Mrs. Peter VanWitic of Toronto, are Thos. H. Noble, R R. No. 1, Weston, visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ont Mr. Kennedy was a former Lawrence Taylor. • resident here but has resided in To - LAC. and Mrs. Marvin Smallman honto for some years, of Toronto also Mrs. C. Smallman of , London were holiday visitors with W. A. and Mrs. Millen Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Spence of Clit- ford and Miss Babe Eckenswiller of Toronto, were New Year'S'exeek-end guests with Mrs. A E VanStone. Miss Lois Bateson of Loodon, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Bateson. Lois has a position with the Income Tax Depart- ment 111 that city. Mr. and Mrs.. R. H. Lloyd, jack also Miss Li t Holmes, spent the Passed Fourth Year Exams Mr. Bill Burgrnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. B,urgman, was successful in his. fourth year 'examinations ,at the- Itoya.1 bental College, Toronto. Bdi was foUrther honored by being elected presidern of his class and a meinbere of the college council. DECEMBER DONATIONS, TO THE RED CROSS week -end in Toronto where they met their son George, who is with the Society Grateful For Assistance at Defoe, Sask. Mrs. Osbaldeston and Mr. and Mrs. Norman IVIcDowell and children, Gwendolyn , and Gerald, of WeStfickl, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans, IVIrs. Osbaldeston will remain fora Guests at the home of Mrs. 'Gee. Maseri Were, Mr. arid Mrs, G. T. Gregom Cookstown; Mrs. 0, B. Moffatt and children; Ingerso14 Ur. 'and Mrs, Geo. 13, Beattie and two children, Clinten And Mrs. W., H. Rellyat, Clinton, Miss Meta McLaughlin has return- ed to Toronto after spending the Chtistrea.g and New Year holidays at her home here. Miss Nellfe Htitoh- ison tbf Toronto and CV. ititir Mc- Laughlin, of kockcliffe, also spent their Christmas holidays, at the same home. tecent guests wit David H. Finley w Finley of Toronto; Mrs. Sthrottef 00,) Taraitttg Cpl, Of London; WardlOw, Dennis ,attl r. and Mrs, Miss Doris Lenard and 1(aterk„ o. FarroW,• Aic A. Russel ock, ' The Wingham Branch of the Cana- dian Red Cross Society wishes to acknowledge the following donations received during the month of Decem- ber, and to thank the tionOrs for theit gifts: Miss McGregor, 1 quilt top; Miss Clara Fortune, 1 pair bootees; Mts. Geotge Phippen, 1 quilt top; Mee, Te, Fells, 6 pairs babies' bootees, a pairs, , felt shoes. Bluevale Red Cross Unite: 1 nuilP 15 pantie dresses, size 6 years; 5 mit boys" pyjamas, size 8 years; 9 sal' tnereS pyjamas, Whitechurch [ed CrOsS ttnit: lame quilts; g crib quilts; gorwttO cent jaekets; 6 pairs pyanias 8 ef drete garments; 2 childteres swear 1 turtle -neck Sweater; 1 pair soik. No, 10, Whitechurch, i scarf; Mrs, McCienaghant ,Urs, Itussell Jolly Workers Club, 1 quilt; ,.14 Ilutchiton, 1 quilt; Mrs. Lean, 1 quilt; Mrs. T, guilq s M 1,0, • ,;) ,1 t ' mieo Cztr: _