HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-23, Page 8Wlson*,emrAto-woknovsin,-;
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If we used a thousand
words we couldn't mean
more than by just saying
"Merry Christmas".
Radio Service
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
11 a.m.—"They Returned An-
other Way".
7.30 p.m.—"Salvation is of the
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
All are invited.
ing secretary, Mrs. George Fell; cor-
responding secretary, IaIas. Edward
Johnston; treasure, Mrs. A. Shaw;
pianist, Mrs. E. -Johnston, assistant,
Mrs, Peacock; assiciate- helpers sec'y.,
Mrs. Geo. 0. Thornton; christian
stewardship, Mrs. C, Tavenera mis-
sionary monthly, Mrs. Mary Robert-
son; community friendship, Mrs. J.
Curtis; temperance, Mrs. Alex Mc-'
Crackin; press, Mrs. R. Shaw; mission
band, Mrs. Tavener. Mrs. W. J.
Johnston closed the meeting with
Y. P. Society Elect
The . Young People's Society of
Knox Presbyterian Church held the
final meeting for the year in the Sun-
day School room and elected the fol-
lowing officers for 1944: Presidgnt,
IV, W. Adams; vice-president, Charles
Shaw; secretary, Ruth McKercher;
treasurer, Glenn Snell; representatives
to the Youn People's Presbyterial,
Harold Elliott and Margaret Messer.
During the business period $25.00
was voted to Missions; $10.00 to the
board of managers; $1.00 to the 'S. S,
Santa Claus fund. A committee was
appointed to purchase cooking titen-
sirs for the kitchen. At the close of
the meeting the Christmas tree was
erected and decorated for the S. S.
entertainment. A social time was
then enjoyed and refreshments served.
Y. P. U. Meeting
At the meeting of the Young
People's Union in the United Church
this week the president, Fleming
Johnston presided. Priscilla Mann
conducted the Bible quiz, Mrs,
George Hetherington gave an interest-
ing story of the book "The Three
Sisters" which tells of the famous
Soong Family of China. Mary Darl-
ling gave a Christmas reading and
Christrnas Carols were sung,
We hope that Santa
Claus gives a star per-
formance for all of our
friends this Christmas.
The Management of the
Royal T.
Good Wishes
Good Wishes hasten by the score
To knock upon your friendly door,
To say—
"A Merry Christmas Day"
And Best of Luck
along your way.
This Christmas our thoughts are with our
men and women in the Armed Forces, to-gether
with our many friends, old and new.
Our best wishes go_ to all for a Merry
The Staff of
Hanna & Co. Limited
Men's Store Ladies' Store.
..fetrtgl0-4.sorr worn-POMO
MO 1. Ir . X0407'.•
3 di
Merry Christmas
- just saying "Merry Christmas"
In the good old fashioned way,
And Wishing you the happiness
That goes with Christmas Day!
Smith's' conomy Food Store
PAGE I1'" WINGHAM 4DVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Dec, 23r1d, 1943
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, SaturclaY,
Granclesemusicol of the year!
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. and two
Shows Saturday Night.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 27, 28, 29
— Special —
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. and two
Shows Saturday Night.
The Lyceum Theatre wishes to extend Season's
Greetings to its patrons and friends.
week furlough and his five day Christ-
mas leave with his wife and Betty
Ann, and with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Purdon.
Mr. Eddie Gaunt of W. Wawanosh
and Mr. Russel Gaunt made a flying
trip to Kingston one day last week.
Eddie took the aeroplane that had
been assembled at the Aircraft factory
at Lucknow to Kingston, making the
trip there and back in the one day.
Mrs. Hector Purdon and baby [une
of Meaford, have moved into the
rooms vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack
'McIntyre, with Mr. and Mrs'. A. E.
Purdon. We welcome her to our
Mr. Relisson Falconer, who has
spent the past weeks at Camp, Lon-
don, spent the week-end at home and
returned on Monday to London for
his discharge papers.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W,M.S„ of the Presbyterian Church
was. held on Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Murray with the president, Mrs
Albert Walters, in charge of the meet
lag, and taking the meditation period
and the scripture lesson. Miss Annit.
Laidlaw led in the Glad Tidings pray-
er, and Mrs. Mowbray gave P. read-
ing, gift should be given", and Mrs,
• Murray gave a reading, "A Diary of
the Bible", and Mrs. D, Kennedy led
in prayer for the missionaries. At the
annual business meeting that followed,
the following officers were elected for
next year: President, Mrs. Robt,
Ross; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Walters;
2nd vice-pres„ Mra. McInnis; sec'y,,
Mrs, Mowbray, assistant sec'y,, Mrs.
Albert McQuillan; areas„ Miss Annie
Laidlaw; glad tidings sec's„ Mrs, J,
S. Craig; welcome and welfare sec'y.,
Mrs, Ezra Welwood; supply sec'y,,
Mrs. A. E, Purdon; student sec'y„
Mrs. J. F. McLean; library and lit,
sec'y., Mrs. W. J. Coulter; finance
corm, Mrs. Murray, Mrs, Jas. Laidlaw
and Mrs. W. J. Coulter, This society
has had a successful year, sending
their hail at the June meeting and ex-
ceeding their allocation of $110. The
meeting was closed by all erpeating
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. M. S. of the United Church, was
held on Thursday last at the home of
the president, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie who
led in the call to worship with the
reading, "The Light of the Knowledge
of God," from the missionary month-
ly; During the candle lighting cere-
mony, Mrs, Garnet Farrier, Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz and Mrs. Lott took part
in the readings. Mrs. Scholtz sang,
"The Race that Long in Darkness
Pined," and the meeting was closed
with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The
nominating committee then brought in
the following slate of officers for next
year, and they were duly elected.
President, Mrs. J. .G. Gillespie; 1st
vice pres., Mrs. Jas. Falconer; 2nd
vice pres., Mrs,' Milian Moore; 3rd
vice pres., Mrs. Herb Laidlaw; sec'y,,
Mrs. Lott; .corr. sec'y„ Mrs, J. D.
Beecroft; pianists, Mrs. Beecroft, Mrs.
G. Farrier; special music coin,, Mrs.
Scholtz, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan;
study book sec'y., Mrs. Thos. Moore;
special prayer corn., Mrs. Mac Ross,
Mrs. W. R. Farrier; missionary
monthly sec'y., Mrs. Clarence Cox;
mission band supt., Mrs. Thos. Moore;
baby band supt., Mrs. Albert Coultes.
This society has had a successful
year, sending bails at June and at this
Christmas season and exceeding their
allocation" of $120. Their funds were
raised by monthly teas in the different
localities, by birthday funds, home
helpers boxes, and by regular monthly
givings. At the meeting for the W.A.
which followed, with the president,
Mrs. Scholtz in charge, she was again
elected president, with Mrs. Garnet
Farrier secretary, and Mrs.-J. D. Bee-
croft as treasurer. The ladies decided
this fall to gather a Fowl Supper Fund
instead of the usual fowl supper, and
$92 was subscribed. The meeting was
closed with prayer by Mrs. Scholtz.
A very successful Christmas concert
was held in the United Church on Fri-
day evening last, with a beautiful
Xmas tree, well loaded to gladden the
eye of the children. They presented
their program of songs, recitations and
plays. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan
was in charge of the Christmas slides,
with the story of the Nativity, and
Santa Claus arrived to lead in fun for
all. Lunch was served by the ladies
of ;both congregations in the basement
and Rev. Mr. Ward pronounced the
The School concert was held in the
hall on Tuesday night;
There. was no school in S. S, No, 9
last 'week on account of the .death of
the teacher's father, Mr. McMillan of
Mr. and Mrs. McInnis and family
and many others, have been laid up
during the past week with flu.
Impressive W. M. S. Meeting
A very impressive Christmas ,pro-
gram on the subject "Around the
Cradle of Jesus", arranged by Mrs.
Campbell Tavener, was presented by
members of the Women's Missionary
Society of the United Church at the
regular meeting this week. Show'ing
the part played by all classes when
they heard of the birth of a Saviour,
Mrs. R, Shaw told of the old and
devout man, Simeon. The part taken
by the children was told by Mrs.
Tavener. 'Mary, represented the type
of womanhood timid and retiring and
was taken by Mrs. Arthur Shaw. The
story of the coming of the wise men
was told by Mrs. George 1-Tethering-
ton. The humble toiler and the crafty
kind was' represented by Mrs. James
Peacock and Mrs. Edward Johnston.
Mrs, Laura Kirton read the homage of
the church and of the angels, Christ-
rims hymns were Sting during was
service and an appropriate solo
rendered by Rev, C. Tavener. The
election of officers, was Conducted by
Mr. Tavener resulting as follows --
rreSideilt, Mrs, W. .1. Johnston; vice
president, Mrs, Laura Itirton, record.
Christmas Sermons. Given
At the morning service in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Rev, F.', O. Few-
ler delivered a Christmas message,
based on the text Lake 21 10-11. He
spoke on the significance of Christ-
mas and pointed out how we can all
be messengers of good will and play
a part in 'I/Tinging about peace on
Earth, Good Will to Men.
The service in the United„Church
was conducted by the minister, Rev,
Campbell Tavener, who spoke on The
Birth of Christ" as being the most
important event in history,.
Christmas hymns were sung in both
churches and Christmas anthems rend-
ered by the choirs, '
The attendance at all the Sunday
services was smaller than usual largely
due to sickness,
Young People Had Charge of Service.
The Y. P. U. had charge of the
eevning service in the United Church,
conducted by George Hetherington.
After ainging "Sweet Hour of Prayer"
and the Call to Worship, all joined in
singing Christmas Carols, Prayer
was offered by Mr. Robert Shaw, The
Christmas topic was taken by W. J.
Peacock. He told the story "My
Neighbor" written by Pearl Buck.
Mrs. George Hetherington and Mrs,
Alex 11/IcCrackin contributed a duet.
Rev. C. Tavener offered the closing
Sold Farm Purchased Another
Stanley Gallaher has sold his 75-
acre farm on the B line of Turnberry
to Gordon Mundell of Gorrie, form-
erly of Bluevale, Mr, Gallaher has
purchased a 150-acre farm from Thos.
McMichael 13 miles north of Wrox-
eter on the Belmore road, Both pur-
chasers get possession in March.
Purchased Magee Property
At the meeting of the Turnberry
Council held this week, tenders were
opened for sale of property of 'the
late Everett Magee, in the village, J.
H. Smith was the purchaser, paying
$65.00. He will use the building for a
poultry house,
Mr. and Mrs, George Thomson
motored to London on Saturday and
were accompanied home by their two
children, George and Helen, who are
attending Western University. They
will spend this week with their par-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheeler are
patients in the Wingham General
Hospital, both suffering an, attack of
W. W. Mann and Mr. Wm. Bran-
ton are both under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnard have
received word that their son, Warrant
Officer, Russel Barnard, had arrived
safely overseas.
George Thornton and daughter,
Mrs. J. Wickstead, attended the fun-
eral of his cousin, the late Thomas.
Watson at Kincardine,, on Monday.
Mrs. Thornton spent last week at
Christmas Entertaininertt •
The children of the Public School:
combined with the United Church
Sunday School in a entertainment held
in the basement of the church Mon-
day evening. Supt. W J. Johnston
was chairman for a long and good
program presented by the children
trained by their teacher, Miss Mabel
Coultes. There .were dialogues, and
Scotch dancing, motion songs, chorus-
es,, recitations, pageant, instrumental
selection by grade 8, a' star drill, and
a piano solo by Verna Gallagher.
There was a tree and Santa Claus,
presents and treats for all the children.
The proceeds , of the evening was
divided between the Sunday School
and the Junior Red Cross,
Brick United Church held their
annual meeting on Thursday, Decem-
ber 16.. The minister, Rev. G. H.
Dunlop, presided, The following are
time additional officers for 1944: Board
of Stewards, John Mason, Lawrence
Taylor; treasurer, Gilbert Beecroft;
Organists, Mrs. Norman Coultes, Jean
Leaver, Gladys McEurney. The treas-
urers books close December 31st. The
minister received an unanimous invita-
tion for another year,
Brick Sunday School held their an-
nual meeting also on the above date.
This S. S. shows real life and interest
and has had a good years experience,
Alex Leaver being superintendent.
Por,1044 Gilbert Beecroft becomes
Superintendent, additional, teachers be-
ing, Mrs. Beecroft and Mrs. Dunlop,
A Happy Christmas to all.
The members of the War Group in
this community held quiltings for the
Red Cross this month at Mrs, Mason
McAllister and Mrs, Norman Thomp-
son hornet.,
A number of men ftom the Donny.
brook Congregation, gathered at Mr,
A. Z, 131.1911 Fin PridaY after•
noon to cut wood for the chord),
Merry Christmas to all.
Mrs. Thos. O'Malley and her little
daughter, Mary Kathleen, returned
home from Wingham Hospital on
Pte, Charlie Moore was sent to
Dundurn, Sask,, last week from Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and
Angus, visited with Mr; and Mrs.
Jack McIntyre at Dungannon on Sun-
Mr. Jack Gillespie joined the army
in Toronto last week.
Mrs. Jas. St. Marie returned home
from Toronto last Tuesday, after
spending a few weeks with her family
Pte. Athol Pardon of Barriefield
Camp, Kingston, is spending his two
Earl Leddy, advising them of his safe
arrival in Italy.
The Misses Irene Robirason and
Clara Leddy of Wingham High. School
were at, their homes over the week-
Messrs• Cameron Jefferson and Jas.
Leddy and Miss Margaret Jefferson.
and Louise were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. J9Ifn Jefferson and
family at Munroe/
Miss Jean Robinson has returned
home after spending the past year in.
Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Jones. and. family
have moved to their new home near
Wingham. At a recent meeting of,
the W.M.S. and WA., of which Mrs,.
Jones was a valued Member, she was,
presented with a wall mirror.
Mrs. W. P. Crozier of Crewe, visit-
ed last week at the home of her
brother, Mr. W. A. Campbell.
Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor of Lucknow,,
is spending the holiday season with
her son, Gordon and Mrs. Naylor.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Leidy have re-
ceived:, a cable fwirr their son, Pte.